Error with NPC random movement [duplicate] - python

This question already has answers here:
How do I make my monster move randomly in my game
(1 answer)
Pygame Pacman - Enemy Random Movement
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
I made part of a game. In the game there is a player and enemies. I decided to add NPC characters to the game which move randomly. The problem is that they do not draw as expected.
NPCs do not run as smoothly as the rest of the code. When an NPC moves around it leaves big patches of white where it has been. I think it's the speed of the update but I'm not quite sure. The framerate is roughly 40 fps. I have tried to find a problem in the update function of NPCs but it looks perfectly fine. However, NPCs only stop creating the weird white patches when I exclude the def update(self). I'm running Window Vista, Python 2.6 and Pygame. Any help is appreciated.
class NPC(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
change_x = 0
def __init__(self, color, width, height):
self.image = pygame.Surface([width, height])
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
def update(self):
self.rect.x += self.change_x
speed = 2
Movementlist = ['moveRight', 'moveLeft']
randomMove = random.choice(Movementlist)
if randomMove == 'moveRight':
self.change_x = -6 * speed
elif randomMove == 'moveLeft':
self.change_x = 6 * speed
Here is the where an NPC is created:
if level == 1:
npc = NPC(white, 20, 15)
npc.rect.x = 400
npc.rect.y = 485
And here's the update:
The draw commands are here:
# --- Draw Frame
# Set the screen background
if level < 5 or level == 5:
if level == 10:
# Go ahead and update the screen with what we've drawn.
# Limit to 40 frames per second


How to make it so that all elements of an array are drawn

I'm making a simple parody of the game Chippy. In general, the monster(alien) must shoot and we must dodge and shoot back. I made it so that the picture of the ball is added to the array with all the other balls and removed when leaving the screen, but for some reason only one ball is drawn, and the rest are added to the array but do not appear on the screen. I am using module tkinter to get screen dimensions:
P.S. the ball is the bullets that the monster(alien) shoots, it's just that the bullets are already taken
# === ball ===
import pygame
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
class Ball():
def __init__(self, screen, alien):
self.screen = screen
self.ball_image = pygame.image.load('images/pixil-frame-0 (1).png')
self.rect = self.ball_image.get_rect()
self.rect.centerx = alien.x
self.rect.centery = alien.y
self.all_ball = []
self.test = True
self.timer = 0
def draw_ball(self, alien):
self.screen.blit(self.ball_image, (self.rect.centerx, self.rect.centery))
def move(self):
self.rect.centery += 15
def create_ball(self, screen, alien):
for ball in self.all_ball.copy():
if <= 0 or ball.rect.left <= 0 or ball.rect.right >= root.winfo_screenwidth() or ball.rect.bottom >= root.winfo_screenheight():
if self.test == True:
self.all_ball.append(Ball(screen, alien))
For now, I want to get the monster(alien) to shoot these balls in different directions.
all_ball should not be an attribute of Ball, because Ball is a class for one single Ball object. all_ball should be a variable in global namespace.
balls = []
def update_balls(screen, alien, create_new):
screen_rect = screen.get_rect()
for ball in balls[:]:
if not screen_rect.colliderect(ball.rect):
if create_new:
balls.append(Ball(screen, alien))
Draw the balls in a loop:
for ball in balls:
However the Pygame solution would be to use pygame.sprite.Sprite and pygame.sprite.Group. See How can I add objects to a "pygame.sprite.Group()"? and What does pygame.sprite.Group() do.

PyGame rendering issue -- edges are fuzzy as they move [duplicate]

I am struggling to move the sprite correctly. Instead of smooth move I can see blur move and I do not know how to solve it.
Is there any chance you can point what I do incorrectly ?
My target with it to drop the pizza so it hits the bottom and bounce back and bounc back if it hits the top and again the bottom -> bounce -> top -> bounce etc. etc.
import pygame
gravity = 0.5
class PizzaSprite:
def __init__(self, image, spritepos):
self.image = image
self.spos = spritepos
(x, y) = spritepos
self.posx = x
self.posy = y
self.xvel = 1
self.yvel = 1
print "x ", x
print "y ", y
def draw(self, target_surface):
target_surface.blit(self.image, self.spos)
def update(self):
self.posy -= self.yvel
self.spos = (self.posx, self.posy)
def main():
screen_width = 800
screen_height = 600
x = screen_width
y = screen_height
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screen_width, screen_height))
wall_image = pygame.image.load("wall.png")
sky_image = pygame.image.load("sky.png")
pizza_image = pygame.image.load("pizza.png")
all_sprites = []
pizza1 = PizzaSprite(pizza_image, (x/2, y/2))
while True:
ev = pygame.event.poll()
if ev.type == pygame.QUIT:
for sprite in all_sprites:
for sprite in all_sprites:
in the beginning of your main game while loop add
white = (255,255,255)
let me give you a small analogy of what is happening now,
you have paper and a lot of pizza stickers with the intent to make a flip book. To make the illusion of movement on each piece of paper you place a sticker a little bit lower. The screen.fill command essentially clears the screen with the rgb color value you give it. When you dont fill the screen essentially what you are doing is trying to make that flipbook on one piece of paper. You just keep placing more and more stickers a little bit lower making a blur when what you want is one on each page.
and place
screen_width = 800
screen_height = 600
x = screen_width
y = screen_height
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screen_width, screen_height))
wall_image = pygame.image.load("wall.png")
sky_image = pygame.image.load("sky.png")
all outside of your main game loop assuming you wont be making changes to these variables ever in your program it is tedious and inefficient to redefine screen,,x,y,and your two images over and over again if they dont change.
so to sum it all up:
use the screen.fill(white) command to reset the color of your screen
You only need to import pngs and define variables once if they are never going to change and don't need them in your main loop
hope this helps clear things up.

Having problems creating an animation from a sprite sheet in pygame

I am relatively new to Python and started messing around with pygame a few days ago. I made a sprite sheet in photoshop and I am trying to use it to animate the player in the game. The sprite sheet has 8 images, 4 for walking left and 4 for walking right. I want to show these animations at the correct time. I have tried many different methods I've found online but I haven't managed to get any working and I am still quite confused about it.
This is the Char class that controls the character's movement and sprite. I tried indexing the sprite and changing the index in the update method but I understand this isn't possible but I've left it in to show what I was trying to do. Any help would be appreciated!
import pygame, sys
from pygame.sprite import Sprite
class Char(Sprite):
def __init__(self, pf_game):
"""initialise char and set its starting location"""
self.screen = pf_game.screen
self.settings = pf_game.settings
self.screen_rect = pf_game.screen.get_rect()
self.dog_sprite = pygame.image.load('images/dog_sprite_sheet.bmp').convert()
self.current_sprite = 0
self.dog_image = self.dog_sprite[self.current_sprite]
self.rect = self.dog_image.get_rect()
# start new char at the bottom of centre of the screen
self.rect.midbottom = self.screen_rect.midbottom
#store a decimal value for the ships horizontal position
self.x = float(self.rect.x)
self.y = float(self.rect.y)
#movement flags
self.moving_right = False
self.moving_left = False
self.is_jump = False
def update(self):
"""Update the chars position based on movement flags"""
#update the chars x value and create animation for moving right
if self.moving_right and self.rect.right<self.screen_rect.right:
if self.current_sprite == 7:
self.current_sprite = 4
self.dog_image = self.dog_sprite[self.current_sprite]
self.x+= self.settings.char_speed
#update the chars x value and create animation for moving left
if self.moving_left and self.rect.left>0:
if self.current_sprite == 3:
self.current_sprite = 0
self.dog_image = self.dog_sprite[self.current_sprite]
self.x-= self.settings.char_speed
#update rect object from self.x
self.rect.x = self.x
self.rect.y = self.y
def blitme(self):
"""Draw the char at its curretn loaction"""
self.screen.blit(self.dog_image, self.rect)
I found a spritesheet class that seems to do what I want on I am running into an error though when I try and input the coordinates. I get the error images_at() got multiple values for argument 'colorkey'. When i remove the colorkey I get the error images_at() takes from 2 to 3 positional arguments but 5 were given.
This is the code I am using.
self.left_images=self.dog_sprite.images_at((0,0,19,19),(20,0,19,19),(39,0,19,19),(58,0,19,19), colorkey=(255, 255, 255))
self.right_images=self.dog_sprite.images_at((77,0,19,19),(96,0,19,19),(115,0,19,19),(134,0,19,19), colorkey=(255, 255, 255))
this may help:
def anim(anim_count):
if anim_count < 6:
screen.blit('anim1.png', player_position)
if anim_count > 6 and anim_count < 12:
screen.blit('anim2.png', player_position)
you should call anim at every frame, and then apply 1 to anim_count

Scaling a sprite in main loop [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How do I scale a PyGame image (Surface) with respect to its center?
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
I want to create a game where circles are generated randomly over the surface and start to grow. When 2 circles touch each other the game ends. So, everything is working except the resizing of the sprite during a loop. When I use transform.scale I get something like this:
Then I found transform.smoothscale in the doc. I used changed my code to use this and then it looked like this:
I also tried to use Rect.inflate but this did nothing to my sprite. And I tried Rect.infalte_ip and if I use this, the sprite won't grow it is more likely to move out of the frame. Any ideas on how I can make these Sprite grow in place and that they resize how they should?
class Bubbles(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self):
self.image_scale = 100
self.image_scale_factor = 1
self.image = resources.BUBBLE_SKIN[0].convert_alpha()
self.image = pygame.transform.scale(self.image, (self.image_scale, self.image_scale))
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.rect.centerx = (random.randrange(Settings.object_range_limit + (self.image_scale//2), (Settings.width - Settings.object_range_limit - self.image_scale)))
self.rect.centery = (random.randrange(Settings.object_range_limit + (self.image_scale//2), (Settings.height - Settings.object_range_limit - self.image_scale)))
self.growth_rate = random.randint(1, 4)
def update(self):
self.image_scale += self.growth_rate
self.image = pygame.transform.scale(self.image, (self.image_scale, self.image_scale))
You must scale the original sprite, instead of gradually scaling the sprite. Every time you scale the sprint, the quality degrades. If you scale the sprite gradually, the quality gets worse and worse. Store the sprite to an attribute orignal_image and scale the orignal_image.
If you want to scale the image by the center of the image, you must update the rect attribute after scaling the image with the new image size.
See How do I scale a PyGame image (Surface) with respect to its center?
class Bubbles(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self):
# [...]
self.image = resources.BUBBLE_SKIN[0].convert_alpha()
self.image = pygame.transform.scale(
self.image, (self.image_scale, self.image_scale))
self.original_image = self.image
def update(self):
self.image_scale += self.growth_rate
self.image = pygame.transform.scale(
self.original_image, (self.image_scale, self.image_scale))
self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center =

Software Design and Development Major: Pygame Smudge Trails

First off, i have searched online and this website for solutions and the ones i have tried are not working so i decided to post my individual question and code. This program was created using Python 3.2.2 and the corresponding compatible version of pygame. I also realize a more efficient method would be to use sprites, sprite groups and 'dirty rect' updating but i unable to convert the program and so i will continue without the added benefits of such functions.
Problem: Smudge trails where the 'asteroids' are moving are left behind.
Hypothesis: Background is blitted onto the screen however the asteroids are blitted onto the Background.
Please Reply - btw i'm a highschooler from AUS :D
import pygame
import random
import math
height = 550
width = 750
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))
background = pygame.image.load("Planet.jpg")
Clock = pygame.time.Clock()
class asteroid(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, x, y, size):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.size = 15
self.speed = 0.0
self.angle = 0
self.colour = (171, 130, 255)
self.thickness = 0
def display(self):, self.colour, (int(self.x),int(self.y)), self.size, self.thickness), (255, 255, 255), (int(self.x),int(self.y)), self.size, 1)
def move(self):
self.x += math.sin(self.angle) * self.speed
self.y -= math.cos(self.angle) * self.speed
def boundaries(self):
if self.x > width - self.size:
self.x = 0 + self.size
elif self.x < self.size:
self.x = width - self.size
if self.y > height - self.size:
self.y = 0 + self.size
elif self.y <self.size:
self.y = height - self.size
num_target = 5
my_particles = []
num_particles = len(my_particles)
while num_particles < 5:
for n in range(num_target):
size = 20
x = random.randint(size, height - size)
y = random.randint(size, width - size)
target = asteroid(x, y, size)
target.speed = random.uniform(1.0, 1.0)
target.angle = random.uniform(0, math.pi*2)
num_particles = num_particles + 1
def main():
pygame.display.set_caption("Anyu's Game")
screen.blit(background, (0,0))
score = (pygame.time.get_ticks()/1000)
print (score)
while True:
screen.blit(background, (0,0))
MouseP = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
frames = Clock.get_fps
score = (pygame.time.get_ticks()/1000)
print (score)
print (MouseP)
for target in my_particles:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if __name__=='__main__':
Basically, you are right! The circles are drawn directly onto the background, and everytime new circles are drawn, the old circles remain. Resulting in the smudges/trails.
You can just change background to screen in your draw method. This will fix it.
But it is really worth using the Sprite classes as intended. I've made a few changes to your code to switch it over for you. With these changes it runs without trails :)
Here are the changes and explainations:
Add this near the top:
#Create a new `pygame.Surface`, and draw a circle on it, then set transparency:
circle = pygame.Surface((30,30))
circle = circle.convert(), (171, 130, 255), (int(15),int(15)), 15, 0)
circle.set_colorkey(circle.get_at((0, 0)), pygame.RLEACCEL)
Add this to the asteroid, __init__ method:
#Sets the asteroid image, and then the asteroids co-ords (these are in `rect`)
self.image = circle
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
Add this to the end of def move(self):
self.rect[0] = self.x
self.rect[1] = self.y
my_particles = []
#This is a special pygame container class, it has a draw() method that tracks changed areas of the screen.
my_particles = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates()
while True:
screen.blit(background, (0,0))
MouseP = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
frames = Clock.get_fps
score = (pygame.time.get_ticks()/1000)
print (score)
print (MouseP)
for target in my_particles:
#initial screen draw:
screen.blit(background, (0,0))
while True:
#remove previous drawn sprites and replaces with background:
my_particles.clear(screen, background)
MouseP = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
frames = Clock.get_fps
score = (pygame.time.get_ticks()/1000)
print (score)
print (MouseP)
for target in my_particles:
#draws changed sprites to the screen:
Remove the display method as it is no longer needed.
This will also run a lot faster than the your earlier code, as the time taken to draw something is proportional to the size of the drawing area, and previously it was drawing the whole background everytime - now it only draws the sprites and changes to the background!
Hope this helps :)
This already has an answer but this can be useful instead of other methods.
Make sure when you blit the images onto the screen, flip the display after blitting everything.
I would consider making a draw() function
Like this:
def draw(self):
# Blit images
# Flip display
This will flip the display every frame and then draw the next frame without a trail.
Also quick notes, remember to do image = pygame.image.load(image).convert or .convert_alpha() else after adding more images the game will slow down.
Also, if you do import pygame as pg you don't have to type out pygame each time, instead you can just type pg.
