Copy Tkinter Canvas Items - python

I need top be able to create a copy of a tkinter canvas item, so that a copy of an image can be dragged off of an original. I have dragging working for the images, but I cannot seem to copy the image item. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
EDIT: Sorry for not including my code at first. I was able to solve the problem thanks to the answer that was given. Here's a trimmed down example of my code that now works:
from tkinter import *
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
def OnBaseButtonPress(event):
#record the item and its location
drag_data["item"] = c.find_closest(event.x, event.y)
i = c.itemcget(drag_data["item"], "image") #finds the image source of the object
refs.append(i) #keep a reference!
c.create_image(c.coords(drag_data["item"]), image=i, tags="base") #creates an identical object at the position
drag_data["x"] = event.x
drag_data["y"] = event.y
def OnBaseButtonRelease(event):
#reset drag info
drag_data["item"] = None
drag_data["x"] = 0
drag_data["y"] = 0
def OnBaseMotion(event):
#calculate how far the item has moved
delta_x = event.x - drag_data["x"]
delta_y = event.y - drag_data["y"]
#move the object that amount
c.move(drag_data["item"], delta_x, delta_y)
#record the new position
drag_data["x"] = event.x
drag_data["y"] = event.y
#set up canvas and image
root = Tk()
c = Canvas(root, width=800, height=600)
test = ImageTk.PhotoImage("test.png"))
c.create_image(400, 300, image=test, tags="base")
refs=[] #used to keep references to images used in functions
#bind mouse keys
c.tag_bind("base", "<ButtonPress-1>", OnBaseButtonPress)
c.tag_bind("base", "<ButtonRelease-1>", OnBaseButtonRelease)
c.tag_bind("base", "<B1-Motion>", OnBaseMotion)
drag_data={"x": 0, "y": 0, "item": None}

You can get item type canvas.type(item), item configuration canvas.itemconfig(item), and etc.
And then you can recreate an identical object.
See also: Tkinter - making a second canvas display the contents of another.


How do I make collision objects in python tkinter?

I'm making a 2D game where I need objects to scroll up the screen while the player avoids the objects. I need the game to end when the player hits the objects.
it should look something like this:
So far I can move the skier(image) left and right:
import tkinter
from tkinter import *
from PIL import ImageTk, Image
root = Tk()
#canvas dimensions
w = 800
h = 1000
x = w/2
y = h/2
my_canvas = Canvas(root, width=w, height=h, bg="white")
#import player image"C:/Users/Gebruiker/Pictures/player.png")
resized = img.resize((300,225), Image.ANTIALIAS)
new_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(resized)
new_image = my_canvas.create_image(150,100, anchor=NW,image = new_img)
#player movement
def left(event):
x = -20
y = 0
def right(event):
x = 20
y = 0
root.bind("<Left>", left)
root.bind("<Right>", right)
How do I randomly spawn objects at regular intervals? I think I need some function to scroll the canvas as the objects spawn.
Similar posts usually had 1 object moving in a changing direction. However, I need lots of objects to spawn continuously.
Also, how do I make a collision border to stop the player going off the canvas?

Image not getting drawn on tkinter canvas

I would like to display a knapsack image on green canvas. The height and width of that canvas is 250X250 pixels.
And the size of the image is 260X280 pixels.
When I try to execute below code, I get the output as shown in screenshot above 1. The location of the code file and image file is same.
from tkinter.font import BOLD
from tkinter import *
import tkinter
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
root = Tk()
def draw():
global canvas
canvas = Canvas(root,bg='black',highlightthickness=0)
canvas.pack(fill=tkinter.BOTH, expand=True)
sw = root.winfo_screenwidth()
sh = root.winfo_screenheight()
UI_frame1 = Frame(canvas,bg='black',width=int(sw*0.6510),height=int(sh*0.1580))
canvas.create_window(0,0, anchor=NW,window=UI_frame1)
N = Label(UI_frame1,text='N',bg ='black',fg='white',font=(12))
N.grid(row=0,column=0, padx=139,pady=22)
weights = Label(UI_frame1,text='Weights',bg ='black',fg='white',font=(12))
val = Label(UI_frame1,text='Values',bg ='black',fg='white',font=(12))
n = Entry(UI_frame1,bg='white',width=4,font=(12))
value_arr = Entry(UI_frame1,bg='white',font=(12))
weight_arr = Entry(UI_frame1,bg='white',font=(12))
i = Label(canvas,text=" i ",bg='white',font=(12)).place(x=175,y=185)
j = Label(canvas,text=" j ",bg='white',font=(12)).place(x=550,y=185)
table = Canvas(canvas,bg='red',width=600,height=450),y=300)
w = int(600/8)
h = int(450/5)
for r in range(5):
for c in range(8):
UI_frame2 = Frame(canvas,bg='blue',width=250,height=250)
canvas.create_window(835,630, anchor=CENTER,window=UI_frame2)
image_c = Canvas(UI_frame2,bg='green',highlightthickness=0,width=250,height=250)
photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file ='knapsack.png')
I would like to cover the entire green canvas with single image of knapsack. I am not any error while running the GUI. Anyone could help me out, I'll be really thankful.
There are two problems:
You display in position (835,630) but canvas has visible only (250, 250) - (top left corner is (0,0)) - so photo is in place which you can see.
There is bug in PhotoImage() which removes image from memory when it is assigned to local variable. One of solution is to use global photo to assign it to global variable.
def draw():
global canvas
global photo # use global variable
#... code ...
photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file='knapsack.png')
image_c.create_image(0, 0,image=photo, anchor=NW) # position (0,0)
Doc (on PhotoImage - see Note at the botton of doc.
Other problem can be that image has big (transparent) margins around object and it may show object in differnt place then you may expect.
Screenshot shows photo in position (0,0) but object is in center of green canvas.

Tkinter making image variable into a class

I was making a game recently using tkinter and it's Canvas widget, but ran into a problem when trying to move an image. I set the canvas.create_image to a variable called character but noticed it turned it into an object. This causes issues as when I try and use the canvas.move(character), it comes back with "character not defined". Here is the full code:
from tkinter import *
from PIL import ImageTk, Image
import pygame
import threading
import time
gamestate= 'title'
waiting = False
#window init
root = Tk()
canvas = Canvas(root, width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT, bg='black')
canvas.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH)
logo = PhotoImage(file='Ghost clipart.png')
root.iconphoto(False, logo)
#setting up all the images
title_image = PhotoImage(file='title.png')
board_image ='board.png')
done_board = board_image.resize((1920,1080), Image.ANTIALIAS)
board_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(done_board)
character_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file='first_run_left.png')
#display the title screen
def title_screen():
title = canvas.create_image(WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2, anchor=CENTER, image=title_image)
#define the events after clicking play
def play():
board = canvas.create_image(WIDTH/2 + 100,HEIGHT/2 - 360, anchor=CENTER, image=board_image)
character = canvas.create_image(556,304,anchor=CENTER,image=character_image)
#testing for what should happen the the mouse button is clicked
def click(event):
if gamestate == 'title':
print(event.x, event.y)
if event.x > 475 and event.x < 804 and event.y > 213 and event.y < 337:
elif event.x > 475 and event.x < 804 and event.y > 404 and event.y < 527:
def up(event):
root.bind('<Button-1>', click)
root.bind('<Up>', up)
#audio module
def test_loop():
while True:
thread = threading.Thread(target=test_loop)
thread.daemon = True
Here is a simple script that uses the arrow keys to move an image on the canvas. Note that the variable img (in your case character) must be accessible from the functions that act upon it, therefore its scope must be above these functions.
You can use this as a starting point to solve your problem.
image used:
import tkinter as tk
def up(event):
canvas.move(img, 0, -10)
def down(event):
canvas.move(img, 0, 10)
def left(event):
canvas.move(img, -10, 0)
def right(event):
canvas.move(img, 10, 0)
width = 500
height = 500
window = tk.Tk()
window.title("Moving image")
canvas = tk.Canvas(window, width=500, height=500)
my_image = tk.PhotoImage(file="pix.png")
img = canvas.create_image(260, 125, anchor=tk.NW, image=my_image)
window.bind("<Up>", up)
window.bind("<Down>", down)
window.bind("<Left>", left)
window.bind("<Right>", right)
Since character is a local variable inside play() function, it cannot be accessed inside up() function.
However you can use tags option of create_image():
def play():
canvas.create_image(556,304,anchor=CENTER,image=character_image, tags='character')
Then you can refer to that image item using the same tag:
def up(event):
canvas.move('character',0,-10) # use tag 'character'
create_image doesn't turn anything into an object. It simply returns an integer identifier. The original object is unchanged. character is undefined because it's a local variable and thus only visible in the method that created it.

Dynamically updating polygon shape in tkinter window

I'm writing a program for my raspberry pi4 for my Master's project which sounded so simple at first but for some reason Python is causing me grief.
In short - I have created a tkinter canvas with a polygon centred on the canvas. The shape of this polygon will depend upon the value of a counter.
The count is controlled by a blink event from a neurosky mindwave headset - this count is working (mostly).
What I want to then do is update the canvas to put the new points for the polygon into the pack but nothing I have tried seems to work. The closest I got was trying a .redraw() command which drew an infinite number of windows before I pulled the plug.
I am not a complete novice to coding having taught many languages in my time but have never used python before and am clearly missing a very simple step which will cause everything to fall out.
I will try to modify the code to use a keyboard press rather than a headset and add it below later if folk think it will help.
import keyboard
import time
from tkinter import *
count = 0
points = [250,250,350,250,350,350,250,350]
root = Tk()
while True:
# set window to middle of screen
screen_width = root.winfo_screenwidth()
screen_height = root.winfo_screenheight()
xcoord = screen_width/2-300
ycoord = screen_height/2 - 300
root.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (600,600,xcoord,ycoord))
#set up canvas size and background colour
canvas1 = Canvas(root, relief = FLAT,width = 600, height = 600, background = "blue")
#set up buttons shape and colour
button = canvas1.create_polygon(points, fill="darkgreen", outline="yellow")
if keyboard.is_pressed("f"):
if count < 4:
count += 1
elif count == 4:
count = 0
if count == 0:
points = [250,250,350,250,350,350,250,350]
elif count == 1:
points = [300,100,500,500,100,500]
elif count == 2:
points = [200,100,400,100,300,500]
elif count == 3:
points = [100,300,500,100,500,500]
elif count == 4:
points = [100,100,100,500,500,300]
You need to delete the old polygon and create new one. Also don't use while loop in tkinter application. For your case, you can bind a callback on <Key> event and update the polygon in the callback:
import tkinter as tk
count = 0
points = [
root = tk.Tk()
# set window to middle of screen
screen_width = root.winfo_screenwidth()
screen_height = root.winfo_screenheight()
xcoord = screen_width//2 - 300
ycoord = screen_height//2 - 300
root.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (600,600,xcoord,ycoord))
#set up canvas
canvas1 = tk.Canvas(root, relief=tk.FLAT, background="blue")
canvas1.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1)
# create the polygon with tag "button"
canvas1.create_polygon(points[count], fill="darkgreen", outline="yellow", tag="button")
def on_key(event):
global count
if event.char == 'f':
count = (count + 1) % len(points)
canvas1.delete("button") # delete the old polygon
canvas1.create_polygon(points[count], fill="darkgreen", outline="yellow", tag="button")
root.bind("<Key>", on_key)
You can update any parameters of a shape.
canvas.itemconfigure(shape1_id_or_tag, fill="green")
canvas.itemconfigure(shape2_id_or_tag, fill="#900", outline="red", width=3)
But for your situation try '.coords()':
canvas1.coords("Button", points[count])

Canvas.Move doesn't work

def moveR(amount):
global x
global y
x = x+amount
can.itemconfig(player, image = playerImageL)
can.move("player", x, y)
can = Canvas(width = 850, height = 550, bg = "black")
can.pack(expand = YES, fill = BOTH)
player = can.create_image(x, y, image = playerImageL, anchor = NW)
Hey, i am trying to create a mini game using tkinter and canvas however the move command doesn't work. As you see the SETTING is the setup later in the code i am calling
however it doesn't work and seems to completly destroy my sprite/image.
Text "player" and variable player are two different things.
Use variable player in move()
can.move(player, x, y)
BTW: you don't need itemconfig()
Please read To make the code easily verifiable, use something like a rectangle instead of an image. (Your code fails the same for any item.)
Canvas.move(item, delta_x, delta_y) moves the item a given x and y amount. It does the x + dy calculation itself, so you should not. If you want to move to a given position, use Canvas.coords(item, x0, y0, x1, y1). If the size of the new bounding box is different from what it was, it will also change the shape. The following example uses both methods. As a bonus, it also shows how to use root.after to make repeated changes.
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
can = tk.Canvas(root, width=800, height=500)
rec = can.create_rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100, fill='red')
def rmove():
box = can.bbox(rec)
if box[0] < 700:
can.move(rec, 100, 30)
root.after(1000, rmove)
can.coords(rec, 0, 400, 50, 500) # position with new shape
root.after(1000, rmove)
