Filling region between curve and x-axis in Python using Matplotlib - python

I am trying to simply fill the area under the curve of a plot in Python using MatPlotLib.
Here is my SSCCE:
import json
import pprint
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
y = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,863,969,978,957,764,767,1009,1895,980,791]
x = np.arange(len(y))
fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots()
ax2.fill(x, y)
The attached picture shows the output produced.
Does anyone know why Python is not filling the entire area in between the x-axis and the curve?
I've done Google and StackOverflow searches, but could not find a similar example. Intuitively it seems that it should fill the entire area under the curve.

I usually use the fill_between function for these kinds of plots. Try something like this instead:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
y = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,863,969,978,957,764,767,1009,1895,980,791]
x = np.arange(len(y))
fig, (ax1) = plt.subplots(1,1);
ax1.fill_between(x, 0, y)
See more examples here.

If you want to use this on a pd.DataFrame use this:
df.abs().interpolate().plot.area(grid=1, linewidth=0.5)
interpolate() is optional.

plt.fill assumes that you have a closed shape to fill - interestingly if you add a final 0 to your data you get a much more sensible looking plot.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
y = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,863,969,978,957,764,767,1009,1895,980,791,0]
x = np.arange(len(y))
fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots()
ax2.fill(x, y)
Results in:
Hope this helps to explain your odd plot.


Scaling down a plot when using matplotlib

I've been trying to plot a graph of Epoch vs Accuracy and val_accuracy from a train log I have generated. Whenever I try to plot it, the y-axis starts from 0.93 rather than it being in 0, 0.1 ,0.2... intervals. I'm new at using matplotlib or any plot function.
Here's the code for it:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
acc = pd.read_csv("train_log", sep = ',')
acc.plot("epoch", ["accuracy","val_accuracy"])
plt.savefig('acc' , dpi = 300)
I'm open to suggestion in complete different ways to do this.
Picture of plot :
This has already been discussed here. There are a couple of different ways you can do this (using plt.ylim() or making a new variable like axes and then axes.set_ylim()), but the easiest is to use the set_ylim function as it gives you heaps of other handles to manipulate the plot. You can also handle the x axis values using the set_xlim function.
You can use the set_ylim([ymin, ymax]) as follows:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.arange(0,5)
y = np.arange(5,10)
axes = plt.gca()
You can use the plt.ylim() like this:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.arange(0,5)
y = np.arange(5,10)
This will produce the same plot.
You need to set the lower/bottom limit using ylim().
For details please refer:

Manually draw log-spaced tick marks and labels in matplotlib

I frequently find myself working in log units for my plots, for example taking np.log10(x) of data before binning it or creating contour plots. The problem is, when I then want to make the plots presentable, the axes are in ugly log units, and the tick marks are evenly spaced.
If I let matplotlib do all the conversions, i.e. by setting ax.set_xaxis('log') then I get very nice looking axes, however I can't do that to my data since it is e.g. already binned in log units. I could manually change the tick labels, but that wouldn't make the tick spacing logarithmic. I suppose I could also go and manually specify the position of every minor tick such it had log spacing, but is that the only way to achieve this? That is a bit tedious so it would be nice if there is a better way.
For concreteness, here is a plot:
I want to have the tick labels as 10^x and 10^y (so '1' is '10', 2 is '100' etc.), and I want the minor ticks to be drawn as ax.set_xaxis('log') would draw them.
Edit: For further concreteness, suppose the plot is generated from an image, like this:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.misc
img = scipy.misc.face()
x_range = [-5,3] # log10 units
y_range = [-55, -45] # log10 units
p = plt.imshow(img,extent=x_range+y_range)
and all we want to do is change the axes appearance as I have described.
Edit 2: Ok, ImportanceOfBeingErnest's answer is very clever but it is a bit more specific to images than I wanted. I have another example, of binned data this time. Perhaps their technique still works on this, though it is not clear to me if that is the case.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import datashader as ds
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats as sps
v1 = sps.lognorm(loc=0, scale=3, s=0.8)
v2 = sps.lognorm(loc=0, scale=1, s=0.8)
x = np.log10(v1.rvs(100000))
y = np.log10(v2.rvs(100000))
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({"x": x, "y": y})
#------ Aggregate the data ------
cvs = ds.Canvas(plot_width=30, plot_height=30, x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range)
agg = cvs.points(df, 'x', 'y')
# Create contour plot
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.contourf(agg, extent=x_range+y_range)
The general answer to this question is probably given in this post:
Can I mimic a log scale of an axis in matplotlib without transforming the associated data?
However here an easy option might be to scale the content of the axes and then set the axes to a log scale.
A. image
You may plot your image on a logarithmic scale but make all pixels the same size in log units. Unfortunately imshow does not allow for such kind of image (any more), but one may use pcolormesh for that purpose.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.misc
img = scipy.misc.face()
extx = [-5,3] # log10 units
exty = [-45, -55] # log10 units
x = np.logspace(extx[0],extx[-1],img.shape[1]+1)
y = np.logspace(exty[0],exty[-1],img.shape[0]+1)
X,Y = np.meshgrid(x,y)
c = img.reshape((img.shape[0]*img.shape[1],img.shape[2]))/255.0
m = plt.pcolormesh(X,Y,X[:-1,:-1], color=c, linewidth=0)
B. contour
The same concept can be used for a contour plot.
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
x = np.linspace(-1.1,1.9)
y = np.linspace(-1.4,1.55)
X,Y = np.meshgrid(x,y)
agg = np.exp(-(X**2+Y**2)*2)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
exp = lambda x: 10.**(np.array(x))
cf = ax.contourf(exp(X), exp(Y),agg, extent=exp([x.min(),x.max(),y.min(),y.max()]))

Matplotlib 3D plot use colormap

I am trying to use ax.scatter to plot a 3D scattering plot. I've read the data from a fits file and stored data from three column into x,y,z. And I have made sure x,y,z data are the same size. z has been normolized between 0 and 1.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pylab,mlab,pyplot,cm
plt = pyplot
import pyfits as pf
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import fitsio
data ="xxx.fits")
z = (z-np.nanmin(z)) /(np.nanmax(z) - np.nanmin(z))
Cen3D = plt.figure()
ax = Cen3D.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
cmap=cm.ScalarMappable(norm=z, cmap=plt.get_cmap('hot'))
What I am trying to achieve is use color to indicate the of size of z. Like higher value of z will get darker color. But I am keep getting a plot without the colormap I want, they are all the same default blue color. What did I do wrong? Thanks.
You can use the c keyword in the scatter command, to tell it how to color the points.
You don't need to set zdir, as that is for when you are plotting a 2d set
As #Lenford pointed out, you can use cmap='hot' in this case too, since you have already normalized your data.
I've modified your example to use some random data rather than your fits file.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
x = np.random.rand(100)
y = np.random.rand(100)
z = np.random.rand(100)
z = (z-np.nanmin(z)) /(np.nanmax(z) - np.nanmin(z))
Cen3D = plt.figure()
ax = Cen3D.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
As per the pyplot.scatter documentation, the points specified to be plotted must be in the form of an array of floats for cmap to apply, otherwise the default colour (in this case, jet) will continue to apply.
As an aside, simply stating cmap='hot' will work for this code, as the colour map hot is a registered colour map in matplotlib.

Python: Vertical 1D DotPlot

I'm trying to create a 1D-Dotplot with python, similar to this:
I tried using the plot.scatter method from matplotlib, but it nees data for the x-axis. I tried setting all x-values to '1', but it turns out as kind of a 2d-diagram, anyway:
How can I draw a real 1d-dotplot? I found nothing in the matplotlib-docs...
I would like to use matplotlib but am also open to other suggestions.
Thanks in advance!
Cheers, Jakob
As far as I can see, also the 1D-Dotplot you're showing is two dimensional but only strongly limited in x direction.
I don't know whether there already exists something like that but the following code is doing what you ask for.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl
# your data
data = 3. + 0.7 * np.random.randn(N)
# a small spreading of the data in x direction
x = 0.2 * np.random.randn(data.size)
# the plotting
fig,ax = mpl.subplots(1,figsize=(0.5,5))
Your own solution is close! Just play with the aspect ratio to "squash" down the size along the x-axis:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.random.random(100)
y = np.random.randn(100)
fh, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
ax.set_xlim(-.5, 1.5)
ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) # remove the x-axis and its ticks
ax.set_aspect(5, adjustable='box') # adjustable='box' is important here

Matplotlib 3D plot doesn't plot correctly

I'm having a problem trying to plot a series of lines in a 3D plot in MatPlotLib.
When I run the code below all the lines are plotted at the last value of y??? Even though y is correctly incremented in the loop.
Any Help understanding this would be appreciated.
#========== Code Start=================
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
import pylab as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
fig = plt.figure()
ax = Axes3D(fig)
for i in range(1,10):
ax.plot(xs=x, ys=y, zs=z)#, zdir='z', label='ys=0, zdir=z')
print i,len(y),y,x,z
#========== Code End=================
It looks like y might be pointed to by all plots. So you are passing the reference to y when you execute ax.plot. It is the same reference each time, but the values are changed on each pass. When the is executed the reference to y is used and it is now set at 9. So, create a different object for y on each pass with the values you want for that pass:
y = np.zeros(len(x))
There might be a numpy command that fills with the value you want in one go, but you get the picture.
