Flask RESTful cross-domain issue with Angular: PUT, OPTIONS methods - python

I've developed a small write-only REST api with Flask Restful that accepts PUT request from a handful of clients that can potentially have changing IP addresses. My clients are embedded Chromium clients running an AngularJS front-end; they authenticate with my API with a simple magic key -- it's sufficient for my very limited scale.
I'm testing deploying my API now and I notice that the Angular clients are attempting to send an OPTIONS http methods to my Flask service. My API meanwhile is replying with a 404 (since I didn't write an OPTIONS handler yet, only a PUT handler). It seems that when sending cross-domain requests that are not POST or GET, Angular will send a pre-flight OPTIONS method at the server to make sure the cross-domain request is accepted before it sends the actual request. Is that right?
Anyway, how do I allow all cross-domain PUT requests to Flask Restful API? I've used cross-domaion decorators with a (non-restful) Flask instance before, but do I need to write an OPTIONS handler as well into my API?

With the Flask-CORS module, you can do cross-domain requests without changing your code.
from flask.ext.cors import CORS
app = Flask(__name__)
cors = CORS(app, resources={r"/api/*": {"origins": "*"}})
As Eric suggested, the flask.ext.cors module is now deprecated, you should rather use the following code:
from flask_cors import CORS
app = Flask(__name__)
cors = CORS(app, resources={r"/api/*": {"origins": "*"}})

You can use the after_request hook:
def after_request(response):
response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type,Authorization')
response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET,PUT,POST,DELETE')
return response

I resolved the issue by rewriting my Flask backend to answer with an Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in my PUT response. Furthermore, I created an OPTIONS handler in my Flask app to answer the options method by following what I read in the http RFC.
The return on the PUT method looks like this:
return restful.request.form, 201, {'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'}
My OPTIONS method handler looks like this:
def options (self):
return {'Allow' : 'PUT' }, 200, \
{ 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', \
'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' : 'PUT,GET' }
#tbicr is right: Flask DOES answer the OPTIONS method automatically for you. However, in my case it wasn't transmitting the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header with that answer, so my browser was getting a reply from the api that seemed to imply that cross-domain requests were not permitted. I overloaded the options request in my case and added the ACAO header, and the browser seemed to be satisfied with that, and followed up OPTIONS with a PUT that also worked.

How about this workaround:
from flask import Flask
from flask.ext import restful
from flask.ext.restful import Api
from flask.ext.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
app = Flask(__name__)
db = SQLAlchemy(app)
api = restful.Api(app)
def after_request(response):
response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type,Authorization')
response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET,PUT,POST,DELETE')
return response
import views
I took this from this tutorial. Works very good. actually, i think this is the best approach I've seen so far.
Returning {'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'} on each endpoint, doesn't seems to be efficient since you have to add it on every endpoint. a bit anoying..., at least for me.
I tried #cors.crossdomain(origin='*') but, looks like it only works with GET request.

You're right, OPTIONS method called every time before real request in browser. OPTIONS response have allowed methods and headers. Flask automatically process OPTIONS requests.
To get access for cross domain request you API must have Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. It can contain specific domains, but if you want allow requests from any domains you can set it to Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *.
To set up CORS for flask you can look at one extension code or try use this extension: https://github.com/wcdolphin/flask-cors/blob/master/flask_cors.py.
To set up CORS for flask-restful look this pull requests: https://github.com/twilio/flask-restful/pull/122 and https://github.com/twilio/flask-restful/pull/131. But looks like flask-restful does not support it by default yet.

Just an update to this comment. Flask CORS is the way to go, but the flask.ext.cors is deprecated.
from flask_cors import CORS

To allow remote CORS requests on your web service api, you can simply initialize your flask restful API like this:
from flask import Flask
from flask_restful import reqparse, abort, Api, Resource
from flask_cors import CORS
app = Flask(__name__)
cors = CORS(app, resources={r"*": {"origins": "*"}})
api = Api(app)
This adds the CORS header to your api instance and allows a CORS request on every path from every origin.

I like to use a decoration to solve.
def cross_origin(origin="*"):
def cross_origin(func):
def _decoration(*args, **kwargs):
ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
_cross_origin_header = {"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": origin,
"Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept"}
if isinstance(ret, tuple):
if len(ret) == 2 and isinstance(ret[0], dict) and isinstance(ret[1], int):
# this is for handle response like: ```{'status': 1, "data":"ok"}, 200```
return ret[0], ret[1], _cross_origin_header
elif isinstance(ret, basestring):
response = make_response(ret)
response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = origin
response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept"
return response
elif isinstance(ret, Response):
ret.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = origin
ret.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept"
return ret
raise ValueError("Cannot handle cross origin, because the return value is not matched!")
return ret
return _decoration
return cross_origin
And then, Use decoration in your restful api.
class ExampleRestfulApi(Resource)
def get(self):
# allow all cross domain access
def post(self):
# allow access

I was facing the multiple types of CORS issue while connecting to my flask rest api from angular and tried almost all the approaches.
If you want to give access to all the websites without any restriction you can add below code in you app.py script :
from flask_cors import CORS , cross_origin
cors = CORS(app, resources={r"/*": {"origins": "*"}})
this will work, but its recommended to have some security which you can always edit in origin


Flask-RESTplus CORS request not adding headers into the response

I have an issue trying to setup CORS for my REST API.
I'm currently using the Flask-Restplus package. Here's what my endpoints look like :
#api_ns.response(code=400, description='Bad Request.')
class AEndpointResource(Resource):
def post(self) -> Tuple[my_api_models.MyEndpointResponse, int]:
The post body
# Some logic here
return response, 200
If I code a small javascript snippet and I try to launch it in a browser, I will get an error because there's no CORS headers. I'm seeing the Flask-Restplus is already handling the OPTIONS request without me telling him anything. (This makes sense according to this link, mentioning that since Flask 0.6, the OPTIONS requests are handled automatically)
My problem is that even when I try to decorate my endpoint using :
from flask-restplus import cors # <--- Adding this import
class AnEndpointResource(Resource):
#cors.crossdomain(origin='*') # <--- Adding this new decorator on my endpoint
def post(self) -> Tuple[my_api_models.MyEndpointResponse, int]:
Nothing changes and I still get the same result as before. I get an HTTP 200 from the OPTIONS request automatically handled as before, but I don't see my new headers (i.e. Access-Control-Allow-Origin) in the response.
Am I missing something ?
Using Flask-CORS, it works:
from flask import Flask, request
from flask_restplus import Resource, Api, fields
from flask_cors import CORS
# configuration
DEBUG = True
# instantiate the app
app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)
# enable CORS
CORS(app, resources={r'/*': {'origins': '*'}})
When doing local testing on my laptop and in my browser, I was able to solve the cors problem by adding the header in the response.
before: return state, 200
after: return state, 200, {'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'}
I tested and the headers you are looking for are added to the response to the subsequent GET request. The decorator #cors.crossdomain has an option automatic_options which is set to be True by default. This means your OPTIONS request will still be handled automatically.
See this test to check how it should work.
The flask_restplus.cors module is not documented so not sure if you should use it.
I had a CORS problem as well and solved it this way:
from flask import Flask
from flask_restplus import Api
app = Flask('name')
api = Api(app)
// your api code here
def after_request(response):
response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
return response
The problem is that flask-restplus only assigns CORS headers to the GET request. When the browser makes an OPTIONS request, this method isn't handled by a method on the Resource class. Then you get a flickering CORS header: one request it works, the next it doesn't, etc
When a 404 is raised, this also skips the CORS decorator.
A workaround for these bugs is using something like:
def exception_to_response(func):
def _exc_to_resp_decorator(self, *args, **kwargs):
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
return self.api.handle_error(e)
return _exc_to_resp_decorator
class SomeEndpoint(Resource):
def options(self):
# Make sure the OPTIONS request is also handled for CORS
# The "automatic_options" will handle this, no need to define a return here:
#api.response(200, "Success")
def get(self):
return {"json-fields": 123}, 200

Permitting CORS in Flask

I've a flask endpoint where I've permitted CORS in the following manner.
app = Flask(__name__)
CORS(app, resources={r"/api/*": {"origins": "*"}})
app.register_blueprint(store, url_prefix='/api/')
I still run into the following issue.
Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: The value of the 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' header in the response is '' which must be 'true' when the request's credentials mode is 'include'. Origin 'http://something.com:8888' is therefore not allowed access.
Any suggestions as to how I can fix this.
try this:
#Add these imports
from flask import jsonify
from flask_cors import CORS
#Add an app level config in this format
app = Flask(__name__)
CORS(autoINFER_app, resources={r"/*": {"origins": "*"}}, send_wildcard=True)
#While returning the GETs add this line
response = jsonify(all_dict)
response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
return response
This should take care of all permutations which might cause this.

flask errorhandler does not work in gunicorn after introducing flask_restful

I am developing REST API in flask and plan to run it in Gunicorn.
In my appliction, an user-defined Exception was handled by by flask errorhandler decorator. It works fine in both flask build-in web server and Gunicorn. The respone can be generated from decorated function. After introducting flask_restful, the build-in server works fine, but in Gunicorn, the respone is always {"message": "Internal Server Error"}.
Here is the source code: myapp.py
from flask import Flask, jsonify, make_response
from flask_restful import Api, Resource
app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)
class OrderNotExistError(Exception):
def __init__(self, order_id):
self.message = 'Order [{order_id}] does not exist.'.format(order_id=order_id)
def order_not_exist(error):
return make_response(jsonify({'message': error.message}), 404)
class OrderAPI(Resource):
def get(self, order_id):
raise OrderNotExistError(order_id)
api.add_resource(OrderAPI, '/orders/<int:order_id>', endpoint='order')
def get_order(order_id):
raise OrderNotExistError(order_id)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.debug = True
Run it in Gunicorn:
gunicorn -w4 -b0.0.0.0:8000 myapp:app
Access ""
It response:
{"message": "Order [123] does not exist."}.
The error handler works fine.
Access ""
It Response:
{"message": "Internal Server Error"}.
Seems the error handler does not work.
When run it in flask build-in server, the problem does not occur.
Does anybody meet the same problem?
Is this a bug in flask_restful or Gunicorn?
How to deal with this problem?
This is because there are two levels of error handlers one at the app level and one at the api level. You are making a direct call to the api and therefore the app does not see this. (This explains why the exception is caught for the route added through app.route and not for the one added through api.add_resource).
To catch this error, you need to override Werkzeug's exceptions which is what flask-restful uses. The following code should fix it:
'InternalServerError': {
'status': 500,
'message': 'Internal Server Error'
api = Api(app, errors=errors)
Had a similar problem (Flask app using Flask-Restplus):
with Flask build-in werkzeug, #app.errorhandler decorator works perfectly
when run with gunicorn, the default error handler is used (500, Internal Server Error). Solved by deriving Flask-Restplus class and overriding handle_error function to raise the error, letting Flask to handle it.

python flask redirect to https from http

I have a website build using python3.4 and flask...I have generated my own self-signed certificate and I am currently testing my website through localhost.
I am using the python ssl module along with this flask extension: https://github.com/kennethreitz/flask-sslify
context = ('my-cert.pem', 'my-key.pem')
app = Flask(__name__)
sslify = SSLify(app)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.debug = False
This does not seem to be working however. I took a look in the sslify source code and this line does not seem to be working
def init_app(self, app):
"""Configures the configured Flask app to enforce SSL."""
Specifically the function call to redirect_to_ssl (I added my own print statement under the redirect_to_ssl function and my statement was never printed)
def redirect_to_ssl(self):
"""Redirect incoming requests to HTTPS."""
Should we redirect?
criteria = [
request.headers.get('X-Forwarded-Proto', 'http') == 'https'
if not any(criteria) and not self.skip:
if request.url.startswith('http://'):
url = request.url.replace('http://', 'https://', 1)
code = 302
if self.permanent:
code = 301
r = redirect(url, code=code)
return r
I am pretty new to python. Any ideas?
To me, it appears you're making it more complicated than it needs to be. Here is the code I use in my views.py script to force user to HTTPS connections:
def before_request():
if not request.is_secure:
url = request.url.replace('http://', 'https://', 1)
code = 301
return redirect(url, code=code)
According with the docs, after pip install Flask-SSLify you only need to insert the following code:
from flask import Flask
from flask_sslify import SSLify
app = Flask(__name__)
sslify = SSLify(app)
I have done it and it works very well. Am I missing something in the discussion ?
The Flask Security Guide recommends using Flask-Talisman.
$ pip install flask-talisman
Usage example:
from flask import Flask
from flask_talisman import Talisman
app = Flask(__name__)
It forces HTTPS by default (from the README):
force_https, default True, forces all non-debug connects to https.
Personally, I got some errors relating to CSP (Content Security Policy) which I disabled with:
Talisman(app, content_security_policy=None)
But use this at your own risk :)
Thanks to answer from Kelly Keller-Heikkila and comment by jaysqrd I ended up doing this in my Flask app:
from flask import request, redirect
def before_request():
if app.env == "development":
if request.is_secure:
url = request.url.replace("http://", "https://", 1)
code = 301
return redirect(url, code=code)
I tried the flask_sslify solution suggested by Rodolfo Alvarez but ran into this issue and went with the above solution instead.
If the app is running in development mode or the request is already on https there's no need to redirect.
Here is a flask solution if you are on aws and behind a load balancer. Place it in your views.py
def before_request():
scheme = request.headers.get('X-Forwarded-Proto')
if scheme and scheme == 'http' and request.url.startswith('http://'):
url = request.url.replace('http://', 'https://', 1)
code = 301
return redirect(url, code=code)
The standard solution is to wrap the request with an enforce_ssl decorator that after checking some flags in the app configuration (flags you can set depending on your debugging needs) modifies the request's url with request.url.
As it is written here.
You can modify the code to make it working with before_request as suggested by #kelly-keller-heikkila
I use a simple extra app that runs on port 80 and redirect people to https:
from flask import Flask,redirect
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello():
return redirect("https://example.com", code=302)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.run(host='', port=80)
An alternative to the other answers that I've been able to use with great success:
from http import HTTPStatus
from typing import Optional
from flask import Response, redirect, request, url_for
def https_redirect() -> Optional[Response]:
if request.scheme == 'http':
return redirect(url_for(request.endpoint,
# ..
if app.env == 'production':
# ..
On app engine flex, add:
from werkzeug.middleware.proxy_fix import ProxyFix
def create_app(config=None):
app = Flask(__name__)
app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app)
In addition to the solution of:
def before_request():
if not request.is_secure:
url = request.url.replace('http://', 'https://', 1)
code = 301
return redirect(url, code=code)
Otherwise it'll cause infinite redirects since SSL is unwrapped behind the proxy but is noted in the headers.
I ran into the same solution running a Flask application in AWS Elastic Beanstalk behind a load balancer. The following AWS docs provided two steps to configure the environment for http redirects: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/dg/configuring-https-httpredirect.html Following both steps fixed my issue.
One thing to note is that you'll have to create the .ebextenions folder at the root level of your application source bundle and add the config file to that .ebextensions folder. The readme here: https://github.com/awsdocs/elastic-beanstalk-samples explains this in a bit more detail.
For some reason it seems, requests from a Private AWS API Gateway with a VPC endpoint don't include the "X-Forwarded-Proto" header. This can break some of the other solutions (either it doesn't work or it continuously redirects to the same url). The following middleware forces https on most flask generated internal redirects:
class ForceHttpsRedirects:
def __init__(self, app):
self.app = app
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
environ["wsgi.url_scheme"] = "https"
return self.app(environ, start_response)
# Usage
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
app.wsgi_app = ForceHttpsRedirects(app.wsgi_app) # Add middleware to force all redirects to https
All modern browsers automatically use HTTPS when the port is 443 or 8443.
I'm using cloud foundry python app which is behind a load balancer (like https://stackoverflow.com/users/5270172/kelly-keller-heikkila said) .
This resolution helped me by adding (_external and _Scheme to the url_for function). https://github.com/pallets/flask/issues/773
I had the same issue and mine is a brute-force solution, but it works.
Heroku in the past suggested flask_sslify, which is not maintained anymore. Nowadays the proper way in Flask should be flask-talisman, but I tried it and it has bad interactions with boostrap templates.
I tried the anulaibar solution but it did not always worked for me.
The following is what I came up with:
def before_request():
# If the request is sicure it should already be https, so no need to redirect
if not request.is_secure:
currentUrl = request.url
if currentUrl.startswith('http://'):
# http://example.com -> https://example.com
# http://www.example.com -> https://www.example.com
redirectUrl = currentUrl.replace('http://', 'https://', 1)
elif currentUrl.startswith('www'):
# Here we redirect the case in which the user access the site without typing any http or https
# www.example.com -> https://www.example.com
redirectUrl = currentUrl.replace('www', 'https://www', 1)
# I do not now when this may happen, just for safety
redirectUrl = 'https://www.example.com'
code = 301
return redirect(redirectUrl, code=code)
I have the domain registered in godaddy which is also redirecting to https://www.example.com.
In my case Flask app is sitting behind AWS API Gateway and solutions with #app.before_request were giving me permanent redirects.
The following simple solution finally worked:
def adjust_response(response):
if response.location:
if app.env != "development":
response.location = response.location.replace("http://", "https://", 1)
return response

Redirect HTTP to HTTPS on Flask+Heroku

When I attempt to redirect incoming traffic to https I get an infinite redirect loop.
def checkout():
checkout = "https://myapp.herokuapp.com/checkout/"
if checkout != request.url:
print checkout, request.url
return redirect(checkout)
return render_template('checkout.html', key=keys['publishable_key'])
The request.url is never changed to prefix https. I want to use heroku's piggyback ssl to minimize cost.
1) Do "pip install flask-sslify"
(github is here: https://github.com/kennethreitz/flask-sslify)
2) Include the following lines:
from flask_sslify import SSLify
if 'DYNO' in os.environ: # only trigger SSLify if the app is running on Heroku
sslify = SSLify(app)
On Heroku, SSL (https) is terminated before it reaches your application, so you app never actually sees SSL traffic. To check whether a request was made with https, you instead have to inspect the x-forwarded-proto header. More info here: How to make python on Heroku https only?
UPDATE: For your use, you should just check request.url for "myapp.herokuapp.com/checkout/"; and verify that the header is "https"
I tried SSLify, url_for _scheme, and setting a PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME; however none worked out, at the release level at least.. (worked fine locally) Then I thought;
def beforeRequest():
if not request.url.startswith('https'):
return redirect(request.url.replace('http', 'https', 1))
This is essentially another way to get it done without any configurations, or extensions.
I was able to repurpose the flask-sslify code for a single view. Just needed to check whether or not the request was being made with SSL and add proper headers to the response. https://github.com/kennethreitz/flask-sslify
def checkout():
checkout = "https://myapp.herokuapp.com/checkout/"
if request.headers.get('X-Forwarded-Proto', 'http') == 'https':
resp = make_response(render_template('checkout.html', key=keys['publishable_key']))
return set_hsts_header(resp)
return redirect(checkout, code=302)
def set_hsts_header(response):
"""Adds HSTS header to each response."""
response.headers.setdefault('Strict-Transport-Security', hsts_header)
return response
def hsts_header():
"""Returns the proper HSTS policy."""
hsts_policy = 'max-age={0}'.format(31536000) #year in seconds
if self.hsts_include_subdomains:
hsts_policy += '; includeSubDomains'
return hsts_policy
You just need to check the X-Forwarded-Proto header. If its false, redirect to the equivalent https url.
Here the code to enforce https for all calls on a flask app running on heroku:
def enforceHttpsInHeroku():
if request.headers.get('X-Forwarded-Proto') == 'http':
url = request.url.replace('http://', 'https://', 1)
code = 301
return redirect(url, code=code)
You can do something like this:
def before_request():
if 'DYNO' in os.environ: # Only runs when on heroku
if request.url.startswith('http://'):
url = request.url.replace('http://', 'https://', 1)
code = 301
return redirect(url, code=code)
On my answer to another question I have stated the upto date Flask recommendations. Use Talisman instead of SSLify.
For Flask use Talisman. Flask, Heroku and SSLify
documentations favor the use of Talisman over SSLify because the
later is no longer maintained.
From SSLify:
The extension is no longer maintained, prefer using Flask-Talisman as
it is encouraged by the Flask Security Guide.
Install via pip:
$ pip install flask-talisman
Instatiate the extension (example):
from flask import Flask
from flask_talisman import Talisman
app = Flask(__name__)
if 'DYNO' in os.environ:
Talisman enables CSP (Content Security Policy) by default only
allowing resources from the same domain to be loaded. If you want to
disable it and deal with the implications:
Talisman(app, content_security_policy=None)
If you don't want to disable it you have set the
content_security_policy argument to allow resources from external
domains, like CDNs, for instance. For that refer to the
