Pass a variable to a path/command in python - python

I am new to Python. I want to execute a script which has parameters in python. Please have a look at below example on what I finally want to achieve.
I have a script with parameters:
username = "admin"
password = "pass"
query = "select * from user;"
OUTPUT = /usr/local/<PATH>/dbscript -u username -p password -q query
How can I pass a PATH variable in "/usr/local/<PATH>/dbscript" here ?
I tried with os.system & subprocess, But We cannot use variable in between.
I want that OUTPUT variable data which will print yes or no or some number

Below must work.
import subprocess as sp
username = "admin"
password = "pass"
query = "select * from user;"
command = "/usr/local/%s/dbscript -u %s -p %s -q %s" % (PATH, username, password, query)
#Next line print '/usr/local/ABCXYZ/dbscript -u admin -p pass -q select * from user;' for me.
print command #
sp.Popen(command.split(), shell=True)
Furthermore you should play with shell parameter and useful read it.


python call shell command and check response

Trying to write a function that reads the output of a shell command before making a decision.. For example:
6 def getCreds():
7 global access_key, secret_key, yourName
8 access_key = raw_input("Enter Access Key: ")
9 secret_key = raw_input("Enter Secret Key: ")
10 infoCorrect = raw_input('Is this information correct? (y or n)')
11 if infoCorrect.lower() == "yes" or infoCorrect.lower() =="y":
12 call (["./somecommand -u %s -p %s -flags" % (access_key, secret_key) + tfdir],shell=True)
13 else:
The output of the shell command is either
"You have successfully logged in"
"you cannot log in"
So I dont know the right syntax to go :
if response = "You have successfully logged in" :
(some action)
(some action)
How to I read the response?
use Popen() method defined in subprocess and redirect your output to PIPE. try this code:
import subprocess
p = subprocess.Popen("ls", shell=True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
output,err = p.communicate()
I dont think output of shell command can be returned. You could only check that whether the command is successful or returned an error.
Having said that you could redirect your output to a file and then examine its content.
f = open("outputFile","wb")
call (["./somecommand -u %s -p %s -flags" % (access_key, secret_key) + tfdir],shell=True,stdout=f)
If you want to avoid writing to file then you may want to look at StringIO module.

Using pexpect to get output of 'ls' command

I am trying to login as a user using pexpect and trying to print all the crons available :
import pexpect
import os, time
passwd = "mypass"
child = pexpect.spawn('su myuser')
child.sendline('crontab -l')
i =child.expect(['%','.*$', '$' ])
print i # prints 1 here so, the shell is expected.
print child.before # this doesn't print anything though.
This code doesn't seem to be working and prints empty line.
Couldn't figure out the issue with this code
If there is any better way to list cron job of other user, given username and password
Any pointers or suggestions would be much appreciated.
If you can arrange to configure password-less sudo access, then the above simply becomes:
import subprocess
output = subprocess.check_output('sudo -u myuser crontab -l', shell=True)
If you need to continue using su, then you can pass it a command and avoid trying to parse shell prompts:
import pexpect
passwd = "mypass"
child = pexpect.spawn('su myuser -c "crontab -l"')
print child.before

Use python to connect to sqlplus in a remote host and execute sql commands

Here is my situation :
We have sqlplus set up in a remote machine and I want to connect to that remote machine and then run sqlplus to execute sql queries. I am trying to write a python script to do that.
Here is my code:
import sys
import getpass
import paramiko
import time
user=raw_input('Enter User Name :')
#host_name=raw_input('Enter Host Name:')
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
ssh.connect('',port=22, username=user, password=psswd)
command='export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/app/oracle/product/ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib \
sudo -S -H /XX/XX/XX/bin/sqlplus'
print 'running remote command'
stdin, stdout, stderr=ssh.exec_command(command)
for out in stdout.readlines():
print out
I have two issues here
First is if i pass command like this
'export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/app/oracle/product/ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib \
sudo -S -H /XX/XX/XX/bin/sqlplus' +' echo $ORACLE_HOME'
I get an empty response even if I have added echo that means that variable is not set correctly.
Secondly, I can't figure out what next to do here. How to provide username/password to sqlplus to allow executing sql queries and then how to supply sql statements.
I had a similar issue as you and eventually wrote a library to do this. Here's a snippet of 'psuedo psuedo code' that should point you in the right direction.
Keep in mind these are methods of a class and you'll need to adapt this pseudo code to your needs. Keep in mind you'll already need a SSHConnection from paramiko here.
def sqlplus_cmd(self, command):
# Create string which exports environmental variables from OracleEnv class ()
if 'CYGWIN' not in <return from 'uname' on the host>:
# If NOT Cygwin, concatenate environmental variable exports
oracle_exports = 'export PATH={0}:$PATH;' \
'export ORACLE_HOME={1};' \
'export ORACLE_SID={2}'.format(<oracle_path>, <oracle_home>, <oracle_sid>)
# If Cygwin, need to source environmental variables for shell session from script
# TODO: May need to get Oracle Home and Path as well for some systems.
self.cmd('echo "export ORACLE_SID={0}" > /tmp/sid'.format(<oracle_sid>))
oracle_exports = 'source /tmp/sid'
# Issue concatinated one line command which exports variables, opens sqlplus, and issues a sqlplus statement
# final_command = oracle_exports + ';' + 'echo "' + command + '" | sqlplus -S / as sysdba'
final_command = '{0};echo "{1}" | sqlplus -S / as sysdba'.format(oracle_exports, command)
stdout, stderr, rc = <paramiko_SSHConnection.exec_command>(final_command)
That should do it. Have fun parsing the output and catching the ORA-xxx and SP2-xxx errors in stdout.
Why don't you split your command into a function, and use subprocess.Popen() to execute it in a subprocess?
from subprocess import *
def run_sql_query(sql_command, connection_string):
session = Popen(['sqlplus', '-S', connection_string], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
return session.communicate()
Then you can pass your connection string and command as arguments to your function:
con_str = '',port=22, username=user, password=psswd'
cmd = ''export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/app/oracle/product/ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib sudo -S -H /apollo/env/envImprovement/bin/sqlplus'
print(run_sql_query(con_str, cmd))

Using Python subprocess and string formating

I am attempting to call a windows command with relevant arguments using python's subprocess . The command is executing and the arguments and their values look to be correct, however It only seems to be working correctly when using the "local mode" -l.
I'm getting an invalid argument/option error when using the remote mode. Could any point out where im going wrong?
Could anyone point out how to format the subprocess.check_ouput() arguments correctly to include the variables given at commandline when executing the script? As you can see ive tryd using string formating, both old and new to try get it working as I cant workout how to add the last domain variable inbetween the filter (/FI) argument value without string formatting.
expected commandline to execute
with this commandline example of the script: -d DOMAIN -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -s servers.txt
This is the error:
ERROR: Invalid argument/option - '/S'.
Type "TASKLIST /?" for usage.
Clearly the argument is correct "visually" correct anyway, here is the usage for the tasklist:
This tool displays a list of currently running processes on
either a local or remote machine.
Parameter List:
/S system Specifies the remote system to connect to.
/U [domain\]user Specifies the user context under which
the command should execute.
/P [password] Specifies the password for the given
user context. Prompts for input if omitted.
/M [module] Lists all tasks currently using the given
exe/dll name. If the module name is not
specified all loaded modules are displayed.
/SVC Displays services hosted in each process.
/APPS Displays Store Apps and their accociated processes.
/V Displays verbose task information.
/FI filter Displays a set of tasks that match a
given criteria specified by the filter.
/FO format Specifies the output format.
Valid values: "TABLE", "LIST", "CSV".
/NH Specifies that the "Column Header" should
not be displayed in the output.
Valid only for "TABLE" and "CSV" formats.
/? Displays this help message.
This is the python code i have so far;
Used for checking users logged into a list of servers.
Usage: [-u <username>] [-p <password>] [-s <FILE>] (-d <domain>) (-d <domain>) (-l) -h | --help --version
-l --local
-u --username
-h --help Show this screen.
--version Show version.
-p --password
-d --domain
-s --serverfile=FILE
from docopt import docopt
import subprocess
from subprocess import CalledProcessError
def tldomain(serverlist, domain, username, password):
nlist = serverlist
for serverl in nlist:
print subprocess.check_output(["tasklist", "/V", "/S " + serverl, "/U" + domain, "\\" + username, "/P" + password, "/FI", "'USERNAME eq %s\\\*'"]) % domain
except CalledProcessError as e:
def tllocal(domain):
cmd = 'tasklist /V /FI "USERNAME eq {0}\\*"' .format(domain)
except OSError as e:
print e
def getservers(servers):
slist = open(servers).readlines()
return [s.replace('\n', '') for s in slist]
if __name__ == "__main__":
arguments = docopt(__doc__, version='0.1a')
print arguments
if (arguments['--local']) == False:
serverlist = getservers(arguments['--serverfile'])
tldomain(serverlist, arguments['<domain>'], arguments['<username>'], arguments['<password>'])
Pass in your arguments as separate elements in the list and apply the string formatting to the last element, no the output of the subprocess.check_output() call:
print subprocess.check_output(
["tasklist", "/V", "/S", serverl, "/U", domain + "\\" + username,
"/P", password, "/FI", "USERNAME eq %s\\*" % domain])
Note that I also removed the ' quoting from the last argument, leave that to the subprocess module.
This also assumes that domain is always a non-empty string; if that's not the case, use:
if domain:
domain += '\\'
print subprocess.check_output(
["tasklist", "/V", "/S", serverl, "/U", domain + username,
"/P", password, "/FI", "USERNAME eq %s*" % domain])
e.g. only use the \ backslash when domain is actually specified.

Change Unix password from command line over Python/Fabric

I would like a way to update my password on a remote Ubuntu 10.4 box with fabric.
I would expect my would look something like this:
def update_password(old_pw, new_pw):
# Connects over ssh with a public key authentication
run("some_passwd_cmd --old %s --new %s" % (old_pw, new_pd))
Unfortunately the only command I know of that lets one change the password is passwd, and on Ubuntu 10.4 there doesn't seem to be any way to pass in the new (or old) password as an argument to passwd.
What command could one use to change a user's password on Ubuntu 10.4 via fabric?
I've had a look at usermod -p, and that may work but it isn't recommended by the man page.
EDIT: For some reason usermod -p wasn't working either over fabric.
As well, I've tried a (somewhat insecure) variation on mikej's answer that did solve the problem:
# connecting & running as root.
from fabric.api import *
from fabric.contrib import files
files.append("%s\n%s" % (passwd, passwd), '.pw.tmp')
# .pw.tmp:
run("passwd %s < .pw.tmp" % user)
run("rm .pw.tmp")
It's not a very elegant solution, but it works.
Thank you for reading.
You could feed the new and old passwords into passwd using echo e.g.
echo -e "oldpass\\nnewpass\\nnewpass" | passwd
(the -e option for echo enables interpretation of backslash escapes so the newlines are interpreted as such)
The trick is to use a combination of usermod and Python’s crypt to change your password:
from crypt import crypt
from getpass import getpass
from fabric.api import *
def change_password(user):
password = getpass('Enter a new password for user %s:' % user)
crypted_password = crypt(password, 'salt')
sudo('usermod --password %s %s' % (crypted_password, user), pty=False)
I use chpasswd on Ubuntu 11.04
fabric.api.sudo('echo %s:%s | chpasswd' % (user, pass))
Normally this pattern doesn't work:
$ sudo echo bla | restricted_command
because only the 'echo' gets elevated privileges, not the 'restricted_command'.
However, here it works because when fabric.api.sudo is caled
with shell=True (the default), fabric assembles the command like this:
$ sudo -S -p <sudo_prompt> /bin/bash -l -c "<command>"
sudo spawns a new shell (/bin/bash), running with root privileges, and
then that escalated shell runs the command.
Another way to pipe with sudo is to use sudo tee:
Out of interest, I have to do a similar task on a collection of Solaris boxes (add a whole lot of users, set their password). Solaris usermod doesn't have a --password option, so in the past I've used Expect to do this, but writing Expect scripts can be painful.
So this time I'm going to use Python's crypt.crypt, edit /etc/shadow directly (with backups, of course).
Commenters have suggested using various echo incantations piped to passwd. AFAIK this will never work, as passwd is programmed to ignore input from stdin and only accept input from an interactive tty. See
I had no luck with the other methods. Thought I would share my method that I used for a once-off throwaway script.
It uses auto-responder to type in passwords at the prompts. I then immediately expire all the passwords so that users have a chance to choose their own.
This is not the most secure method, but depending on your use case it may be useful.
from collections import namedtuple
from getpass import getpass
import hashlib
from invoke import Responder
import uuid
from fabric import Connection, Config
User = namedtuple('UserRecord', ('name', 'password'))
def set_passwords(conn, user):
print(f'Setting password for user, {}')
responder = Responder(
pattern=r'(?:Enter|Retype) new UNIX password:',
result = conn.sudo(f'passwd {}', warn=True, hide='both',
user='root', pty=True, watchers = [responder])
if result.exited is not 0:
print(f'Error, could not set password for user, "{}". command: '
f'{result.command}; exit code: {result.exited}; stderr: '
print(f'Successfully set password for {}')
def expire_passwords(conn, user):
print(f'Expiring password for user, {}')
cmd = f'passwd --expire {}'
result = conn.sudo(cmd, warn=True, user='root')
if result.exited is not 0:
print(f'Error, could not expire password for user, "{}". '
f'command: {result.command}; exit code: {result.exited}; stderr: '
print(f'Successfully expired password for {}')
def gen_password(seed_string):
# Don't roll your own crypto. This is for demonstration only and it is
# expected to only create a temporary password that requires changing upon
# initial login. I am no cryptography expert, hence this alternative
# simplified answer to the one that uses crypt, salt, etc -
seed_str_enc = seed_string.encode(encoding='UTF-8')
uuid_obj = uuid.UUID(int=int(hashlib.md5(seed_str_enc).hexdigest(), 16))
return str(uuid_obj)[:8]
def some_function_that_returns_something_secret(conn):
return f'dummy-seed-{conn}'
sudo_pass = getpass('Enter your sudo password:')
config = Config(overrides={'sudo': {'password': sudo_pass}})
with Connection('vm', config=config) as vm_conn:
print(f'Making a new connection to {}.')
# I usually use the sudo connection here to run a command that returns a
# reproducible string that only the sudo user could get access to be used
# for user_record.password bellow. Proceed with caution, this is not a
# recommended approach
seed = some_function_that_returns_something_secret(vm_conn)
user_record = User(name='linux_user', password=gen_password(seed))
set_passwords(vm_conn, user_record)
expire_passwords(vm_conn, user_record)
print(f'Done! Disconnecting from {}.')
# So that you know the temporary password, print user_record or save to file
# `ssh linux_user#vm` and it should insist that you change password
