Using PyCharm 3.0.1 Community the code completion works fine, but when I e.g. compelete to a method to one of the parents classes, the inserted method name then gets marked as an unresolved reference. What am I missing?
I am new to PyCharm, and test it on a (unified installed) Plone 4.3.2. The interpreter from the Installation is selected automatically, and I add the zinstance/bin/zopepy script for buildout.
I then open Products.CMFPlone-4.3.2-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/ and then type
x = SkinsTool
at the bottom of the file. The code completion offers me manage_changeProperties (and shows PropertyManager). I select this, so that the line now says
x = SkinsTool.manage_changeProperties
The manage_changeProperties part is marked though. Hovering over the marked 'manage_changeProperties' now shows
Unresolved attribute reference 'manage_changeProperties' for class 'SkinsTool'
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong (e.g. with importing the project)?
Edit: Following vape's advice I also tried on an instance. Same problem:
Auto-complete works fine:
But then the reference is unresolved:
This test was also done with 3.0.1 Professional.
Edit 2: The strucuture is the one of a standard plone installation: structure.txt. I have opened the topmost plone.4.3.2 folder.
This is likely because there was an error when pycharm generated the skeletons for the plone library. Unless this is a bug, the only way to solve your problem is to delete the .idea folder inside your project. After doing so, reopen the project from the command line using charm <your project dir>. In case you have not made a command line tool for pycharm yet, this is how you do it:
Ok, the bug is fixed:
The next release will hopefully contain the fix, until then I compiled my own version.
Two things to note:
Link (or copy) the folder 'help' from the official community release into the intellij-community/python directory.
comile it from that python directory using 'ant' (I think the actual number doesn't matter)
The result is in intellij-community/out/pycharmCE/artifacts
I am new with programming, so it is maybe harder for me to understand but I have the following issue:
I have a script that imports "eurostag.dll", which according to its manual, should work until Python 3.6. (but the manual is not updated, so it may work also with later updates, I assume).\ The issue is that I have Python 3.8. and when running the script I receive the following message:
"Failed to load EUROSTAG library (Could not find module 'D:\Eurostag\eustag_esg.dll' (or one of its dependencies). Try using the full path with constructor syntax.)"
I have tried to move the .dll library where the script is, but nothing changed. I tried also changing the directory with os.chdir, but the same message appears (with the same 'D:\Eurostag\eustag_esg.dll', so the directory was not changed.
Does anybody know if there is any workaround for this?
Thank you!
Everything in my code was working perfectly fine up until I decided I wanted to utilize match-case in Python. Find out its only a thing in 3.10+, so I quickly install it and change it to be the interpreter in command palette.
Then I try to run my code same as before, and I'm not sure what changed but my Keyboard import is giving me 'Import "keyboard" could not be resolved'. Issues. The same issue was actually present as well with the 'from nis import match' module.
I installed keyboard initially using 'pip install keyboard' when running my 3.9 version, and legit everything was fine. This all started after I installed 3.10 (which I did from Pythons website yes); and I did add to PATH, but I dont think that would have any impact on my imports in VScode.
Confused as heck right now, please look at my screenshots for clearest explanation of what I'm facing.
Import could not be resolved
Module Not Found Error
pip3.10 show keyboard
My interpreter list from command palette
Any and all help appreciated, I'm extremely confused and think I've tried it all now
New Python versions use new site-packages folders. You need to reinstall everything. This is why poetry, pipenv, or requirements.txt are used
I think the linter-like extension/whatever Pylance is is the problem. Why? Because as we've tried, pip install keyboard and pip install --upgrade keyboard just confirm that the requirement is satisfied and the latest version of keyboard is already installed.
What I did was change Pylance's settings. Yes, it's not an actual error (with the code), but Pylance's problem. It just didn't see enough files in the keyboard package to satisfy its hunger, or Microsoft was just too lazy to pass more checks and update it accordingly, because however it happened, when I tried changing the setting to display an "error" at "missing imports" for fun, it didn't show errors or the default "warning" but "none", because I had run the file before I changed it back to display an error (maybe Pylance observed that when the file was run, there was no ModuleNotFoundError, and so stopped showing the warning).
I better shut now, because the setting I changed/overrode by adding it in settings.json is:
"python.analysis.diagnosticSeverityOverrides": {"reportMissingImports":"none"}
which is in:
"python.analysis.diagnosticSeverityOverrides": {"reportMissingImports":"none"}
Here is a list of keys like "reportMissingImports" whose values you can change. These are the allowed values for the keys in python.analysis.diagnosticSeverityOverrides:
error (red squiggle)
warning (yellow squiggle)
information (blue squiggle)
none (disables the rule)
You would want to change their values only if you want to change their behaviour.
You can find settings.json by its path or by going to the settings GUI and clicking on any "Edit in settings.json" link-like button. You can also make settings.json open instead of the GUI by default.
Now, you won't see any more warnings when you import modules and can code without being anxious about the stupid warning.
Wow, So as it turns out, a solution I tried previously, to no avail is now working to solve this bizarre issue.
Simply put, I once again went to Command Palette (Ctrl+Shft+P), and looked through my interpreters I had to see what could be wrong.
Decided to click on the 'recommended' option I assumed I had been running this whole time. Turns out I was using this 'third' option as shown in the screenshot (the one not highlighted ofcourse); and it's the reason my module installs were being found on my machine, but not by the interpreter; as such giving me errors and not running the module for the program.
Simple error, but thanks to those who did help.
I am new to both python and Aptana.
I am trying to use the tweepy package in python. I have the following code (from python's site):
import tweepy
user = tweepy.api.get_user('twitter') # "undefined variable" error occurs on this line
print user.screen_name
print user.followers_count
for friend in user.friends():
print friend.screen_name
I get an "Undefined variable from import: get_user". The code actually runs fine with no errors and produces the expected results. I googled and found how to resolve the undefined variable error, but it seems like a hack-a-round. In sum, that link says to add "get_user" to globals in the preferences.
Being new to both Python and Aptana, I just wanted to check to see if that is the best way to resolve just seems like a hack. When I change "tweepy.api.get_user" to "tweepy.api.public_timeline" I get the same error and thus will have to manually add "public_timeline" to the globals....It doesn't seem like the correct way when you have to manually configure each variable.
If you would like to not be warned about this you may exclude the warning:
goto Window -> Preferences -> PyDev -> Editor -> Code Analysis
Click on the Undefined tab and add get_user to the textbox. That will clear up your warning.
I had a Problem similar to your case (also using PyDev with Aptana).
I upgraded Aptana and PyDev with the following instructions:
Update PyDev on Aptana
after the upgrade PyDev worked just fine for me :)
I've got a PyDev project that uses protocol buffers. The protocol buffer files are located in a zip file generated by the protoc compiler. Everything works when I run the program, however PyDev reports "Undefined variable from import" for every enumeration constant. So for example:
import model_pb2
value = model_pb2.Expression(type = model_pb2.Expression.PARAMETER)
It reports the enum constant "PARAMETER" as being an undefined variable. There are several dozen similar errors in my program, and I'd like to fix them "properly" (i.e. not simply suppressing the warning.)
I found that using for builtins as can work, but only if all the proto files are in a separate located in an external library (see
This should work:
Move (or unzip) the compiled proto files including into a directory outside the pydev project.
Add an empty file to the same directory as to ensure it can be imported as a library.
In eclipse, go to Windows -> Preferences -> pydev -> Interpreter
Add the directory with to the Libraries.
Add model_pb2 to the forced buildins.
If you're not addicted to autocomplete, you may using ctrl+1 to ignoring these errors instead as described in this answer. This was tested with Eclipse Kepler and pydev 2.8.
I encountered this issue with protobuf 2.6.1 and PyDev 4.5.5. I tried the suggestions above both none of them helped in my case. What ended up getting rid of the 'undefined variable' errors when using protobuf enums was simple:
Access the enum on an instantiated protobuf object rather than on the protobuf module.
I'm not sure if this could be applied to the OP's use case, but in mine it was as easy as:
from myprotobuf_module import SomeProtobufMessage
some_protobuf_object = SomeProtobufMessage()
some_enum = some_protobuf_object.SOME_ENUM
Have you tried adding "model_pb2" to your forced builtins? See: for details.
The only thing I can get python omnicomplete to work with are system modules. I get nothing for help with modules in my site-packages or modules that I'm currently working on.
Once I generated ctags for one of my site-packages, it started working for that package -- so I'm guessing that the omnicomplete function depends on ctags for non-sys modules.
EDIT: Not true at all.
Here's the problem -- poor testing on my part -- omnicomplete WAS working for parts of my project, just not most of it.
The issue was that I'm working on a django project, and in order to import django.db, you need to have an environment variable set. Since I couldn't import django.db, any class that inherited from django.db, or any module that imported a class that inherited from django.db wouldn't complete.
I get completion for my own modules in my PYTHONPATH or site-packages. I'm not sure what version of the pythoncomplete.vim script you're using, but you may want to make sure it's the latest.
EDIT: Here's some examples of what I'm seeing on my system...
This file (, I puth in a directory in PYTHONPATH, and then in site-packages. Both times I was able to get the screenshot below.
myvar = 'test'
def myfunction(foo='test'):
class MyClass(object):
Just ran across this on Python reddit tonight: PySmell. Looks like what you're looking for.
PySmell is a python IDE completion helper.
It tries to statically analyze Python source code, without executing it, and generates information about a project’s structure that IDE tools can use.
While it's important to note that you must properly set your PYTHONPATH environmental variable, per the the previous answer, there is a notable bug in Vim which prevents omnicompletion from working when an import fails. As of Vim 7.2.79, this bug hasn't been fixed.
Trouble-shooting tip: verify that the module you are trying to omni-complete can be imported by VIM. I had some syntactically correct Python that VIM didn't like:
:python import {module-name}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in ?
File "modulename/", line 9
class empty_paranthesis():
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Case-in-point, removing the parenthesis from my class definition allowed VIM to import the module, and subsequently OmniComplete on that module started to work.
I think your after the pydiction script. It lets you add your own stuff and site-packages to omni complete.
While your at it, add the following to your python.vim file...
set iskeyword+=.
This will let you auto-complete package functions e.g. if you enter...
and then [CTRL][N], you'll get a list of the functions for os.path.