Basically, my question is about how to run this code? Finding the second smallest number from the given list using divide-and-conquer. I tried with print..But it gives me nothing. Just wanna see how this code works. Sorry for simple question, totally New in Python.
Well, just use a function call to run it, and a print to print it:
def two_min(arr):
n = len(arr)
if n==2: # Oops, we don't consider this as comparison, right?
if arr[0]<arr[1]: # Line 1
return (arr[0], arr[1])
return (arr[1], arr[0])
(least_left, sec_least_left) = two_min(arr[0:n/2])
(least_right, sec_least_right) = two_min(arr[n/2:])
if least_left < least_right: # Line 2
least = least_left
if least_right < sec_least_left: # Line 3
return (least, least_right)
return (least, sec_least_left)
least = least_right
if least_left < sec_least_right: # Line 4
return (least, least_left)
return (least, sec_least_right)
print two_main([12,2])
If you'd like to know how this works, you can take a look at the online python visualizer. Link.
I tried to use the definition from Wikipedia for Hyperoperations and translate it into Python code.
My goal was to make it readable, making it fast was a task for later.
Here's the definition I used and below it is my code.
from Wikipedia:
And now here's my code:
def hyperation(n, a, b):
if n == 0:
return b+1
if n == 1 and b == 0:
return a
if n == 2 and b == 0:
return 0
if n >= 3 and b == 0:
return 1
return hyperation(n-1, a, hyperation(n, a, b-1))
When I tried it with hyperation(n=1, a=3, b=3), what should basically be the same as
3 + 3
I always hit the recursion limit, doesn't matter how high I set it.
When trying this on paper by hand, it works perfectly fine. And while debugging I couldn't figure out what happens.
Thanks for every help!!!
In your last line the return keyword is missing.
First, your code was not formatted right, cause python is a indentation sensitive language.
Second, The last line of the error log indicates that the error is the addition of NoneType and int. You didn't return anything in the final else block, so that will return NoneType. Just add return at the beginning of the last sentence.
Third, you can delete every elif after return and just use if.
Im new to code and learning python . I got homework to make print Fibonacci
numbers for N = 11 and N = 200 using method called Memoization . I found solution but when im running the code i getting two things : 1 .
Traceback (most recent call last):
**File "python", line 7
if n== 1:
**IndentationError: unexpected indent**
and second i got empty result sometime when im running. what is wrong which the code :
def fibonacci (n) :
# If we have cached the value, then return it
if n in fibonacci_cache:
return fibonacci_cache[n]
# Compute the Nth term
if n== 1:
value = 1
elif n == 2:
value = 1
elif n > 2:
value = fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)
# Cache the value and return it
fibonacci_cache[n] = value
return value
print(n, ":", fibonacchi(11))
See #Alexis Drakopoulos for a direct fix to your code. If you want to simplify implementing memoization you can use a decorator called lru_cache.
from functools import lru_cache
def fibonacci(n):
if n<= 2:
return 1
return fibonacci(n-1)+fibonacci(n-2)
def fibonacci(n):
# If we have cached the value, then return it
if n in fibonacci_cache:
return fibonacci_cache[n]
# Compute the Nth term
if n == 1:
value = 1
elif n == 2:
value = 1
elif n > 2:
value = fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)
# Cache the value and return it
fibonacci_cache[n] = value
return value
print(n, ":", fibonacchi(11))
in Python indentation is everything, I am not sure if this is correct with the last lines with the cache.
I suggest using 4 spaces (using tabs) in order to be consistent.
Python looks at indentations to understand what you are trying to do.
Welcome to programming in Python and to StackOverflow :-)
There are three problems with your code:
1. The indentation: Python needs you to pay attention to the indentation, such that code at a particular level is indented the same amount.
For code that runs after something like an if statement, you need to put the next block of code indented. Then when you have the elif (which is at the same level as the if statement) you need to bring the indenting back out to match the level of the if.
You can indent with spaces or tabs, but you need to be consistent (ie stick to one)
It's possible that the editor you're using has messed up the intenting when you pasted the code in, and it's also possible that some of the indenting got messed up when you put it into StackOverflow too, but you need it to look like that below. In this case, each intent is two spaces (so indenting is first no spaces, then two spaces, then four spaces etc.)
2. Typos: The final statement has a typo (so you're not actually calling the function you define!)
3. Fibbonacci_cache: it isn't defined, so that's been added at the top
Hope that helps - good luck with the rest of your journey into programming... it will need perseverance but you'll get the hang in time I'm sure!
fibonacci_cache = {}
def fibonacci (n) :
# If we have cached the value, then return it
if n in fibonacci_cache:
return fibonacci_cache[n]
# Compute the Nth term
if n== 1:
value = 1
elif n == 2:
value = 1
elif n > 2:
value = fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)
# Cache the value and return it
fibonacci_cache[n] = value
return value
print("n:", fibonacci(11))
I don't know if this is a simple question or not, but I couldn't find anything on it so I figured I would ask it.
I try to call a function in a while loop but it keeps on returning the same result until the condition is completed. The function main() is imported from another file and return a list with two elements [a,b].
Those two elements are generated randomly, therefor they should change after every step. The function works perfectly fine if I call it on its own.
Here is my code so far, I hope someone can help me:
I thought there was something wrong with my list x so I tried to delete it after every step, but it doesn't change anything.
from some_module import main
def loop(variable):
i = 0
while i <= 5 :
x = main(variable)
a ,b = x[0], x[1]
print a, b
del x[:]
i += 1
The code for main() is :
def main(file):
return get_best_solution()
And the random choice appears in the function initial_solution() :
#those list are being updated at every step
So = []
I_assign = []
I_available = ['1','2','3','4',...,'n']
def initial_solution():
while len(I_available) != 0:
random_task = random.choice(I_assign)
return So
def get_best_solution():
if min(i for i in all_cost) < calculate_cost(fill_station(So)):
best_solution = solutions[all_cost.index(min(i for i in all_cost))]
return [min(i for i in all_cost),best_solution]
best_solution = fill_station(So)
return [calculate_cost(fill_station(So)),best_solution]
It's pretty hard for me to show the rest of the code here because it's quite long. Hope the update helps you understand.
So I just solved the last quiz on recursion on codeacademy. But while I was trying to understand the flow of execution of this code on, I just couldnt follow the flow of this code.
def rval(letr):
return 1
return 5
return 10
return 50
return 100
return 500
return 1000
return "error"
def arabic(n):
if len(n)==0:
return 0
elif len(n)==1:
return rval(n)
elif len(n)==2:
if rval(n[0])>rval(n[1]):
return rval(n[0])+rval(n[1])
return rval(n[1])-rval(n[0])
return arabic(n[len(n)-2:])+arabic(n[:len(n)-2])
======PROBLEM FACED======
My question is this --
Suppose I run arabic('DXCVI'), then how does this line arabic(n[len(n)-2:])+arabic(n[:len(n)-2]) get executed
Do both arabic(n[len(n)-2:]) & arabic(n[:len(n)-2]) start getting executed simultaneously or does the second term wait until the first is done/returns a value ?
The left part arabic(n[len(n)-2:]) is always called first. An easy way to find this out is to put a print statement in your arabic(n) function.
Try something like this:
def arabic(n):
print n
if len(n)==0:
return 0
elif len(n)==1:
return rval(n)
elif len(n)==2:
# more code
Which would output this:
Proving that the left side, arabic(n[len(n)-2:]), gets called before +arabic(n[:len(n)-2]).
First arabic(n[len(n)-2:]) (the left part) is executed, then arabic(n[:len(n)-2]) (the right part) is executed.
Remember that the first part may also have recursive calls, so the second one must wait until it returns a value to get executed.
I am currently working on a BASIC simulator in Python, as the title suggests. Here is my code for this problem:
def getBASIC():
l = []
x = 1
while x == 1:
i = input()
if len(i.split()) != 3:
x = 0
return l
def findLine(prog, target):
for l in range(0, len(prog)):
progX = prog[l].split()
if progX[0] == target:
return l
def execute(prog):
location = 0
visited = [False] * len(prog)
while True:
T = prog[location].split()[2]
location = findLine(prog, T)
visited[location] = True
if visited[len(visited)-1] == False:
return "infinite loop"
return "success"
The first function does what it is intended to do -- convert input of BASIC code into a list. The second function, findLine also does what it is intended to do, in that it finds the item which contains the string equal to the input. The last function, however, I cannot get to work. I know what I have to do, and that is to check whether or not a part of it has been visited twice. I cannot figure out how to do this, due to the existence of the while loop. As a result of this, the second half of that function is just placeholder. If you could help me figure out how to solve this, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
You keep a list of places that have been visited (you already do this) and then when you encounter a goto, you check if it does to a line that already have been visited, and if it has been visited, you exit.
One mistake right now is that you make a list that is as long as the program is. That's pretty pointless. Just keep a list of the visited line numbers instead, and check with
if current_line in visited:
Try adding an if statement declaring a line in the visited list to be true when it is encountered in the loop. This is my solution:
def execute(prog):
location = 0
while True:
if location==len(prog)-1:
return "success"
if visited[location]==True:
return "infinite loop"
if visited[location]==False:
location=findLine(prog, T)