Is it possible to use iTunes events in Python via PyObjC? - python

I'm developing my first app on python for OS X (and also generally on python) and i faced the problem… My current script parses sounds from iTunes and prints it in to the window. It looks like this
from Cocoa import *
from Foundation import *
from ScriptingBridge import *
class SocialTunesController(NSWindowController):
testLabel = objc.IBOutlet()
def windowDidLoad(self):
def updateTrack(self):
iTunes = SBApplication.applicationWithBundleIdentifier_("")
current_track_info = "Name: " + iTunes.currentTrack().name() + "\nArtist: " + iTunes.currentTrack().artist() + "\nAlbum: " + iTunes.currentTrack().album()
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = NSApplication.sharedApplication()
viewController = SocialTunesController.alloc().initWithWindowNibName_("SocialTunes")
from PyObjCTools import AppHelper
The main problem is how to fire event when track is changes that it automatically would update the track info in current window…

iTunes posts a distributed notification when a track change occurs. You need to register a controller to listen for those notifications:
noteCenter = NSDistributedNotificationCenter.defaultCenter()
And your updateTrack_() method needs to take one argument (aside from self), which is the posted notification.

You can use events with PyObjC, whether or not you can receive iTunes events depends on whether of not iTunes sends events. For all I know all iTunes status widgets just regularly poll if the iTunes track has changed.


pywinauto - how to right-click in systemtray, select an item then subitem

I have an application in the hidden part of the systray in Windows 10. I am trying to connect to the application, right-click on it, and then select something like "About". I understand that once I have the target application, I need to connect to the application, which I do in line 25 of the code, but I cannot get further from there.
This is the code I have so far:
from pywinauto import Application
import time
app = Application(backend="uia").connect(path="explorer.exe")
systemTray = app.window(class_name="Shell_TrayWnd")
systemTray.child_window(title="Notification Chevron").click_input(button="left")
list_box = Application(backend="uia").connect(class_name="NotifyIconOverflowWindow")
list_box_win = list_box.window(class_name="NotifyIconOverflowWindow")
list_box_win.wait('visible', timeout=30, retry_interval=3)
# List all the icons in the systray
for notification_area in list_box_win.children():
for app_in_tray in notification_area.children():
target_app = list_box_win.child_window(title="TrayStatus Pro Trial 4.6\r\nCaps Lock: Off")
target_app.wait('visible', timeout=30, retry_interval=3)
sysapp = Application().connect(path='TrayStatus.exe')
sysapp.menu_select('About') #This part fails
Application() class represents the application and sometime it fails to identify the window. Having said that, you have not mentioned the backend of the application at the beginning you have used UIA backend so figure out for the line sysapp = Application().connect(path='TrayStatus.exe') as well and add, Also adding timeout=10 parameter to the connect() works many times.
Still if the above option doesn't not work for you then try using Desktop class.
again you can mention backend of your choice and compatibility, there is no such way to identify backend of application.
window2 = Desktop(backend="win32").window(title='title of the rayStatus.exe window')
you will need to import -
from pywinauto import Desktop.
Finally you can print the titile of windows using
list_window = Desktop().windows()
for window in list_window:
window.window_texts() # this should print the all open window names on desktop

Listen onclick event in PyObjC

I try to display the current windows for each click on the system.
I do this code :
from AppKit import NSWorkspace
def getwindows():
activeAppName = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().activeApplication()['NSApplicationName']
print activeAppName
def main():
But only the current windows when i setup the script is displayed.
How can i bind this script in a loop with a click event ?
I already try to use Turtle but some errors appended.
Note that the activeApplication method of NSWorkSpace is deprecated. The following can be used to actively probe the running applications for their active status:
import AppKit
import time
rl = AppKit.NSRunLoop.currentRunLoop()
ws = AppKit.NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace()
for i in xrange(10):
for app in ws.runningApplications():
if app.isActive():
print "active app:", app.localizedName()
date =
rl.acceptInputForMode_beforeDate_( AppKit.NSDefaultRunLoopMode, date )
Active means it is the receiving keyboard input. Clicking on an application will cause it to become active. Note that the acceptInputForMode method must be called so that property changes are reflected in the current app. Run this program then click on various other applications -- you should see the active app change.
A kind of binding can be done through observers:
import AppKit
ws = AppKit.NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace()
appL = ws.runningApplications()
class MyClass( AppKit.NSObject ):
def observeValueForKeyPath_ofObject_change_context_(self,
kpath, objid, change, context ):
print "path change", kpath, change['new'], appL[context].localizedName()
obj =
for i in xrange(len(appL)):
appL[i].addObserver_forKeyPath_options_context_( obj,
"isActive", AppKit.NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew, i )
date = 10 )
rl = AppKit.NSRunLoop.currentRunLoop()
rl.acceptInputForMode_beforeDate_( AppKit.NSDefaultRunLoopMode, date )
for app in appL:
app.removeObserver_forKeyPath_( obj, "isActive" )
Run this program same as the last.
There are a few other properties of NSRunningApplication that you could probe/observe (such as hidden) but the list is quite short.

How to treat "Quit" event in python, on Mac OS

I need to detect when the user pressed "quit" in the dock menu.
My application is actually just a launcher for the backend server of a web interface. I keep it in the dock menu by manually waiting for the launched process to end (with poll and sleep). The actvity monitor showed it as not responding so I added a native function to process events like "touches". Not responding flag is now gone, but the user cannot quit this application (because the native functions processes the event, I guess).
I used ctypes to access that native function.
TVB = subprocess.popen(args)
coreFoundation = cdll.LoadLibrary('/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/CoreFoundation')
CFRunLoopRunInMode = coreFoundation.CFRunLoopRunInMode # the native function
CFRunLoopRunInMode.restype = c_int32 # its return type
CFRunLoopRunInMode.argtypes = [ c_void_p, c_double, c_bool ] # its arguments types
defaultMode = c_void_p.in_dll(coreFoundation, u'kCFRunLoopDefaultMode') # the default mode to process events
sleepTime = c_double(5) # the duration to process the events
retAfterSourceHandled = c_bool(0) # do NOT return after processing
while not TVB.poll(): # keep alive as long as TVB is alive
CFRunLoopRunInMode(defaultMode, sleepTime, retAfterSourceHandled)
#detect 'quit' here and stop TVB, then quit
I will also consider other solutions to CFRunLoopRunInMode... Something like processNextEvent() would be ideal.
A possible solution to this problem is to use PyObjC and a custom UIApplicationDelegate implementation.
import AppKit
import Foundation
from PyObjCTools import AppHelper
class ApplicationDelegate(Foundation.NSObject):
""" MAC OS UI specific Delegate class """
def applicationDidFinishLaunching_(self, notification):
""" Here you could register a timer to pull your sub-processes, for example. """
def applicationWillTerminate_(self, notification):
""" This is the hook you get for when the user clicks QUIT in dock """
app = AppKit.NSApplication.sharedApplication()
delegate = ApplicationDelegate.alloc().init()
In the end PyObjC is not much different than the ctypes loads you tried, but it has some helper methods (like AppKit.NSRunLoop.currentRunLoop(), or AppHelper.stopEventLoop()) which could make the python code clearer.
For this solution I assume to have a Python project further packed for deployment with py2app. I used pyObjc version 2.3 (installed with easy_install in Python 2.7 on Mac OS x 10.7.5).

xmms2 track change detection for pynotify?

I have written this little script to show current track playing on xmms2 on a notification widget using xmms client and pynotify, so when i run it i can see the widget popup with current artist and title using xmmsclient methods.
Can anybody give some hints about how to detect track change to notify automatically without having to run the script manually?
You connect the client library to a main loop, and register as a listener via the broadcast_ playback_current_id method. If you want the currently playing id when the script starts as well you can call the playback_current_id method.
Here is a small adaptation of tutorial6 in the xmms2-tutorial.git which uses the GLib Mainloop to drive the connection:
import xmmsclient
import xmmsclient.glib
import os
import sys
import gobject
def cb(result):
if not result.is_error():
print "Current: %(artist)s - %(title)s" % result.value()
ml = gobject.MainLoop(None, False)
xc = xmmsclient.XMMS("stackoverflow")
conn = xmmsclient.glib.GLibConnector(xc)
xc.broadcast_playback_current_id(lambda r: xc.medialib_get_info(r.value(), cb))

How can I listen for 'usb device inserted' events in Linux, in Python?

I'd like to write a Python script for Amarok in Linux to automatically copy the stackoverflow podcast to my player. When I plug in the player, it would mount the drive, copy any pending podcasts, and eject the player. How can I listen for the "plugged in" event? I have looked through hald but couldn't find a good example.
Update: As said in comments, Hal is not supported in recent distributions, the standard now is udev, Here is a small example that makes use of glib loop and udev, I keep the Hal version for historical reasons.
This is basically the example in the pyudev documentation, adapted to work with older versions, and with the glib loop, notice that the filter should be customized for your specific needing:
import glib
from pyudev import Context, Monitor
from pyudev.glib import MonitorObserver
def device_event(observer, device):
print 'event {0} on device {1}'.format(device.action, device)
from pyudev.glib import GUDevMonitorObserver as MonitorObserver
def device_event(observer, action, device):
print 'event {0} on device {1}'.format(action, device)
context = Context()
monitor = Monitor.from_netlink(context)
observer = MonitorObserver(monitor)
observer.connect('device-event', device_event)
Old version with Hal and d-bus:
You can use D-Bus bindings and listen to DeviceAdded and DeviceRemoved signals.
You will have to check the capabilities of the Added device in order to select the storage devices only.
Here is a small example, you can remove the comments and try it.
import dbus
import gobject
class DeviceAddedListener:
def __init__(self):
You need to connect to Hal Manager using the System Bus.
self.bus = dbus.SystemBus()
self.hal_manager_obj = self.bus.get_object(
self.hal_manager = dbus.Interface(self.hal_manager_obj,
And you need to connect a listener to the signals you are interested on, in this case DeviceAdded.
self.hal_manager.connect_to_signal("DeviceAdded", self._filter)
I'm using a filter based on capabilities. It will accept any volume and will call do_something with if, you can read Hal documentation to find the more suitable queries for your needs, or more information about the properties of the Hal devices.
def _filter(self, udi):
device_obj = self.bus.get_object ("org.freedesktop.Hal", udi)
device = dbus.Interface(device_obj, "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device")
if device.QueryCapability("volume"):
return self.do_something(device)
Example function that shows some information about the volume:
def do_something(self, volume):
device_file = volume.GetProperty("block.device")
label = volume.GetProperty("volume.label")
fstype = volume.GetProperty("volume.fstype")
mounted = volume.GetProperty("volume.is_mounted")
mount_point = volume.GetProperty("volume.mount_point")
size = volume.GetProperty("volume.size")
size = 0
print "New storage device detectec:"
print " device_file: %s" % device_file
print " label: %s" % label
print " fstype: %s" % fstype
if mounted:
print " mount_point: %s" % mount_point
print " not mounted"
print " size: %s (%.2fGB)" % (size, float(size) / 1024**3)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
loop = gobject.MainLoop()
Here is a solution in 5 lines.
import pyudev
context = pyudev.Context()
monitor = pyudev.Monitor.from_netlink(context)
for device in iter(monitor.poll, None):
if device.action == 'add':
print('{} connected'.format(device))
# do something very interesting here.
Save this to a file say, run python Plug any usb and it will print device details
→ python
Device('/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-6/1-6:1.0') connected
Device('/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-1/1-1:1.0') connected
Tested on Python 3.5 with pyudev==0.21.0.
I haven't tried writing such a program myself, however I've just looked at the following two links (thanks Google!), which I think will be of help:
dbus-python tutorial (which talks about how to use Python to access D-Bus)
HAL 0.5.10 Specification (which talks about how HAL publishes events to D-Bus)
In particular, read about the org.freedesktop.Hal.Manager interface, and its DeviceAdded and DeviceRemoved events. :-)
Hope this helps!
I think D-Bus would work as Chris mentioned, but if you're using KDE4, you might use the Solid framework in a manner similar to the KDE4 "New Device Notifier" applet.
The C++ source for that applet is here, which shows how to use Solid to detect new devices. Use PyKDE4 for Python bindings to these libraries, as shown here.
