how to bind multiple specified ip address on BaseHTTPRequestHandler of python - python

My server has 3 ip addresses,, and an internet ip address. I'm going to run a service written by python on this server, but I don't want it to expose on internet.
I'm using BaseHTTPRequestHandler class to implement this service, so how to bind only and but not the other one?

Generally, routers have an option where you can allow servers to be visible or not visible. If on the router you set you server to not be visible, then your server will not be accessible through the internet.

I think you have two choices.
1) Listen to all interfaces, but override BaseHTTPRequestHandler.init to check the client address and drop the connection if it comes from an undesired interface
2) Create multiple sockets, one per address you want to listen on. SocketServer.serve_forever() is blocking, so you will either need to use one thread per address or switch to a more sophisticated framework like twisted.


why socket binding in server needs its ip address >

For a connection is to be made, a bounded socket should be listening for clients. Client needs to know both ip address and port. For bounding a socket why we need an ip address of the server itself when the program(which listens for clients) itself is running on the server?
Simply because a server has multiple addresses, at least the loopback one at (IP v4) and one per physical network interfaces. For example a corporate proxy has commonly two interfaces, one on the internal network and one on the public one. Most have a third one for the DMZ. Being member of different networks, those interfaces must have different addresses. And it make sense to open some services on only one interface.
But you also can use the ANY address ( in IPv4) that means to accept connections on any interface.

Python Flask with STUN

I'm developing a simple Flask based server that can communicate with peer applications (other similar servers) on internet. The application can be behind a NAT. So I'm trying to resolve the external IP and port through a stun server by using pystun.
import stun
The port returned is 54320. Problem is when I try http://external_ip:54320 the request is not reaching the Flask app. http://external_ip:5000 is also not working, 5000 being the internal port used (I know this should not work, but tried it anyways). There are no firewalls. I have run Flask with host="".
to add.. i dont want to do explicit port mapping in the router.. is there a way flask can listen to a port that is accessible from external addresses and figure out external port through stun?
It is very difficult to host a server behind a NAT without doing an explicit port mapping. The NAT is also acting as a firewall. The node behind the NAT can make outbound TCP connections, but the NAT will block any inbound connections.
STUN doesn't help here because it only helps nodes behind NATs discover their own port mappings. To allow connection to be established after STUN, you typically have to do a hole punching step, which involves both endpoints simultaneously trying to connect to each other.
The one idea you could try is to use UPNP, which is a protocol that many NATs support for dynamically creating port mappings. There's some opens source libraries that might work.
But the easier solution is to just configure your NAT to have an explicitly port mapping. (e.g. port 50000 maps to your PC's internal IP address at a specific port).

Why host http server needs to specify the IP on which it is hosting?

I am hosting a http server on Python using BaseHTTPServer module.
I want to understand why it's required to specify the IP on which you are hosting the http server, like or whatever. [might be a general http server concept, and not specific to Python]
Why can't it be like anybody who knows the IP of the machine could connect to the http server?
I face problems in case when my http server is connected to two networks at the same time, and I want to serve the http server on both the networks. And often my IP changes on-the-fly when I switch from hotspot mode on the http server machine, to connecting to another wifi router.
You must specify the IP address of the server, mainly because the underlying system calls for listening on a socket requires it. At a lower level you declare what pair (IP address, port) you want to use, listen on it and accept incoming connexions.
Another reason is that professional grade server often have multiple network interfaces and multiple IP addresses, and some services only need to listen on some interface addresses.
Hopefully, there are special addresses:
localhost or is the loopback address, only accessible from local machine. It is currently used for tests of local services (any) is a special address used to declare that you want to listen to all the local interfaces. I think that it is what you want here.
Try running it on, this accepts connections from all interfaces. Explicitly specifying the IP is a good practice in general (load balancing, caching servers, security, internal netwrok-only micro services, etc), but judging by your story this is not a production server, but some internal LAN application.

Capture destination IP in TCP Python SocketServer

I have a Python script that is running on a Linux server that has a dozen IP addresses associated with it. I implemented a TCPSServer from Python's socketserver library and had it listen on all network interfaces.
Several devices will be connecting to this server, and we need to be able to somehow capture the ip address of the destination (not the IP address of the client, but the IP address of the server that the client thinks it is connecting to). Right now, I can receive client connections, I can see the client IP, but I cannot figure out a method for obtaining the destination IP.
Does anyone know a method for capturing the destination IP on the socketserver class? It would seem if I can listen to multiple interfaces, there would be a way to tell which interface was hit.
This will be installed on several servers eventually, each with an unknown number of network interfaces. However, we do know that this will only exist on Linux bases systems. So if there was an OS specific way to do this, I would be fine with that as well.
If you have a socket object, you can use socket.getsockname() to obtain the IP address it's bound to. So something along the lines of:
# IPv4
client = listening_socket.accept()
(ipv4,port) = client.getsockname()
# IPv6
client = listening_socket.accept()
(address, port, flow_info, scope_id) = client.getsockname()
Never tested it on a multihomed server with a socket bound to all interfaces though - might return IPv4 or the IPv6 equivalent, for all I know, which wouldn't be all that useful.

Twisted: how-to bind a server to a specified IP address?

I want to have a twisted service (started via twistd) which listens to TCP/POST request on a specified port on a specified IP address. By now I have a twisted application which listens to port 8040 on localhost. It is running fine, but I want it to only listen to a certain IP address, say
How-to manage that? This is a snippet of my code:
application = service.Application('SMS_Inbound')
smsInbound = resource.Resource()
smsInboundServer = internet.TCPServer(8001, webserver.Site(smsInbound))
smsInboundServer.setName("SMS Handling")
What you're looking for is the interface argument to twisted.application.internet.TCPServer:
smsInboundServer = internet.TCPServer(8001, webserver.Site(smsInbound),
(Which it inherits from reactor.listenTCP(), since all the t.a.i.*Server classes really just forward to reactor.listenXXX for the appropriate protocol.)
