How to make the none dissapear in this function? - python

Hi I have problems because this function creates the numbers which I wanted but also generates a None. How should I write this code to not produce the NONE
def binary (str):
b = []
for x in str:
b.append(format(ord(x), 'b'))
return ((b))
clave = "1001001000010001001000110111111100110000100011001010100000110001110110011111010010011111000011111001000011101011001101000001110010011110010110000000"
c = list(clave)
msg = binary("Lol")
m = list("".join(msg))
print("Now the right")
def OTP(m,c):
for i in range (0,len(m)):
if c[i]== "1" and m[i]== "1":
elif c[i] == "1" and m[i] == "0":
return print("".join(m))
msg1 = OTP(m,c)

The reason OPT returns none is because you return the return result of the print function -
return print("".join(m))
Which is indeed None. To obtain the string you should just do -
return "".join(m)


How to check if a function returns one type of data or another in python

I have a function that must return lists, however if it is not possible to convert correctly in the try that is shown, then it means that the input is wrong, and what I do is return false here the code:
def objective_function(fo):
min_or_max = 0
piso = 5
i = 5
C = []
index = []
if fo[0 : 5] == "minz=":
min_or_max = 1
elif fo[0 : 5] == "maxz=":
min_or_max = 2
while i < len(term):
if fo[i] == "+" or fo[i] == "-":
coefficient, j = separate_term(fo[piso : i])
return False
piso = i
return min_or_max, C
What I want to do is know if it returns false to make a print ("It has an error"), and if not show the two lists that it returns as I would do it?

How to check if token is a float?

So I need to modify the following code so that the methods PostfixEval() and infixToPostfix() can take floats, as well as integers with more than one digit. I've tried isinstance(token,float) == True. Maybe I'm not using it correctly.
def infixToPostfix(infixexpr):
prec = {}
prec["*"] = 3
prec["/"] = 3
prec["+"] = 2
prec["-"] = 2
prec["("] = 1
opStack = Stack()
postfixList = []
tokenList = infixexpr.split()
for token in tokenList:
if token in "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" or isinstance(token,int) == True :
elif token == '(':
elif token == ')':
topToken = opStack.pop()
while topToken != '(':
topToken = opStack.pop()
while (not opStack.isEmpty()) and \
(prec[opStack.peek()] >= prec[token]):
while not opStack.isEmpty():
return " ".join(postfixList)
def postfixEval(postfixExpr): # also fix this to do floats
operandStack = Stack()
tokenList = postfixExpr.split()
for token in tokenList:
if isinstance(token,int) == True:
operand2 = operandStack.pop()
operand1 = operandStack.pop()
result = doMath(token,operand1,operand2)
return operandStack.pop()
tokenList = infixexpr.split() creates a list of strings of which none could be a float. You could make a function to cast to float returning True if you could cast to float.
def is_float(s):
return True
except ValueError:
return False
if token in lett_set or isfloat(token)
You can also return the float and use it in your other function:
def is_float(s):
return float(s)
except ValueError:
return None
for token in tokenList:
test = is_float(token)
if test is not None: # catch potential 0
You can use the second version in both functions. You mention float in your title so I presume you can have floats which would fail trying to cast to int.
On a side note isinstance(token,int) == True etc.. can simpy be written isinstance(token,int), that will be True or False so any if isinstance(token,int) will be evaluated correctly

Python invalid literal for int() with base 10: '+'

So first, the assignment given was to make the function "compute" solves it and returns the value. If the given sting is not a valid equation, returns "None"
def compute(side):
for i in range(1,len(side)):
if side[i].isdigit():
if lastop=='+':
elif lastop=='-':
elif lastop=='x':
elif lastop=='/':
return val
So at this point the value would be returned. But if the function is run for ("22-11x4"), it gives 0 not 44. I've turned them into integers and why would they still give me the wrong value?
def evaluate():
for i in range(1,len(side)):
if side[i].true():
elif side[i].false():
print('Try again')
And when it gets to this evaluate function, it gives the error of "invalid literal for int() with base 10: '+'" and I am not too sure what this means and how to solve.
def solve():
This function "solve" I was going to get to later after I have fixed the problems in the functions before.
def main():
print("22-11x4 =", compute("22-11x4"),"(expect 44)")
print("+11x4 =", compute("+11x4"),"(expect None)")
print("22-11x4 ?= 7x5+9", evaluate("22-11x4=7x5+9"),"(expect True)")
print("solving 288/24x6=18x13x8 :", solve("288/24x6=18x13x8"))
The compute function you wrote does operation by digit, also you forgot to do one, last operation after for was finished:
2 - 1 - 1 x 4 = 0
this why you got this return from the function
Here is the correct function
def compute(side):
val = 0
buf = 0
lastop = '+'
for i in range(0, len(side)):
if side[i].isdigit():
buf = buf * 10 + int(side[i])
val = op(val, buf, lastop)
lastop = side[i]
buf = 0
val = op(val, buf, lastop)
return val
def op(val, buf, lastop):
if lastop == '+':
val += buf
elif lastop == '-':
val -= buf
elif lastop == 'x':
val *= buf
elif lastop == '/':
val /= buf
return val
Also in your testing string:
print("+11x4 =", compute("+11x4"),"(expect None)")
why do you expect None? it should be 44?
PS. this function could be improved yet, but I had no time to do it. anyway it works.

Solving math in python without any built in eval functions or external libraries

I need to code a program that can get values from this
Very interesting question. Actually, in your case, it is very simple. You can parse the entire source string with ast module, like this
import ast
import operator
functions = {
"add": operator.add,
"abs": operator.abs,
"multiply": operator.mul
def recursive_evaluation(current_element):
if isinstance(current_element, ast.Module):
return recursive_evaluation(current_element.body[0].value)
elif isinstance(current_element, ast.Call):
function = functions[]
args = [recursive_evaluation(item) for item in current_element.args]
return function(*args)
elif isinstance(current_element, ast.Num):
return current_element.n
raise ValueError("Unknown Element " + str(current_element))
source = "abs(add(add(9465,38),multiply(add(63303,146),46)))"
print recursive_evaluation(ast.parse(source))
source = "add(1, -2)"
print recursive_evaluation(ast.parse(source))
source = "abs(add(1, -2))"
print recursive_evaluation(ast.parse(source))
Interesting problem, here is a potential solution. No doubt you could make a much more elegant solution using libraries or lambdas etc. as thefourtheye did in their answer, but this seems to work.
I have done a few test cases at the bottom, set the global verbose to True if you want debug info:
# globals
verbose = False # set to True if you want debug info printed
max_iter = 1000 # this stops infinate loops incase the code does not allow for some input
def solve(problem_str):
def multiply(arg_list):
x = 1
for i in arg_list:
x *= i
return x
def find_innermost(x_str):
a, b, c, i = [0], [0], 0, 0
while True:
i += 1
start = a[-1]+1
a.append(x_str.find('(', start)) # find next (
b.append(x_str.find(',', start)) # find next ,
c = x_str.find(')', start) # find next )
if (a[-1] > c) or (a[-1] == -1):
if (b[-2] > a[-3]) and (b[-2] < a[-2]):
return x_str[b[-2]+1:c+1]
return x_str[a[-3]+1:c+1]
if i >= max_iter:
raise Exception("Infinite loop")
def do_sum(x_str):
args = [int(x) for x in x_str[x_str.find('(')+1:x_str.find(')')].split(',')]
task = x_str[:3].lower()
if task == 'add':
return sum(args)
elif task == 'sub':
return args[0] - sum(args[1:])
elif task == 'abs':
return abs(args.pop())
elif task == 'mul':
return multiply(args)
print x_str + ': Task not recognised, please modify program or input'
raise Exception("Invalid input")
i = 0
while True:
i += 1
if verbose: print 'debug: problem_str:', problem_str
if problem_str.count('(') > 1:
x_str = find_innermost(problem_str)
x_str = problem_str
if verbose: print '.'*6, 'x_str:\t', x_str
x = do_sum(x_str)
if verbose: print '.'*6, 'x:\t', x, '\n'
problem_str = problem_str.replace(x_str, str(x))
if problem_str.count('(') == 0:
return int(problem_str)
if i >= max_iter:
raise Exception("Infinite loop")
if __name__ == '__main__':
p1 = 'abs(add(add(9465,38),multiply(add(63303,146),46)))'
p2 = 'abs(add(multiply(95,multiply(-1,multiply(13,18875))),multiply(-1,add(18293,26))))'
p3 = 'abs(add(subtract(add(add(151,26875),122),254),subtract(237,multiply(-1,56497))))'
r1, r2, r3 = solve(p1), solve(p2), solve(p3)
print 'p1 evaluates to:', r1
print 'p2 evaluates to:', r2
print 'p3 evaluates to:', r3
Let me know if you have any questions about the code.

Inteviewstreet Median in python. Fails on all but the first test case

So i wrote this code and it passes the first test case, and fails all the rest. However, I can't seem to find an input that breaks it. Maybe it's because I've been staring at the code too long, but i would appreciate any help.
The algorithm uses two priority queues for the smallest and largest halves of the current list. Here's the code:
import heapq
def fix(minset, maxset):
if len(maxset) > len(minset):
item = heapq.heappop(maxset)
heapq.heappush(minset, -item)
elif len(minset) > (len(maxset) + 1):
item = heapq.heappop(minset)
heapq.heappush(maxset, -item)
N = int(raw_input())
s = []
x = []
for i in range(0, N):
tmp = raw_input()
a, b = [xx for xx in tmp.split(' ')]
minset = []
maxset = []
for i in range(0, N):
wrong = False
if s[i] == "a":
if len(minset) == 0:
if x[i] > minset[0]:
heapq.heappush(maxset, x[i])
heapq.heappush(minset, -x[i])
fix(minset, maxset)
elif s[i] == "r":
if -x[i] in minset:
elif x[i] in maxset:
wrong = True
fix(minset, maxset)
if len(minset) == 0 and len(maxset) == 0:
wrong = True
if wrong == False:
#Calculate median
if len(minset) > len(maxset):
item = - minset[0]
print int(item)
item = ((-float(minset[0])) + float(maxset[0])) / 2
if item.is_integer():
print int(item)
out = str(item)
print out
print "Wrong!"
Your original was not so legible, so first I made it object-oriented:
MedianHeapq supports methods rebalance(), add(), remove(), size(), median(). We seriously want to hide the members minset,maxset from the client code, for all sorts of sensible reasons: prevent client from swapping them, modifying them etc. If client needs to see them you just write an accessor.
We also added a __str__() method which we will use to debug visually and make your life easier.
Also added legibility changes to avoid the indexing with [i] everywhere, rename s,x arrays to op,val, add prompts on the raw_input(), reject invalid ops at the input stage.
Your actual computation of the median confuses me (when do you want float and when integer? the rstrip('0') is a bit wack), so I rewrote it, change that if you want something else.
A discussion of the algorithm is here.
Now it is legible and self-contained. Also makes it testable.
You might be making sign errors in your code, I don't know, I'll look at that later.
Next we will want to automate it by writing some PyUnit testcases. doctest is also a possibility. TBC.
Ok I think I see a bug in the sloppiness about locating the median. Remember the minset and maxset can have a size mismatch of +/-1. So take more care about precisely where the median is located.
import heapq
class MedianHeapq(object):
def __init__(self):
self.minset = []
self.maxset = []
def rebalance(self):
size_imbalance = len(self.maxset) - len(self.minset)
if len(self.maxset) > len(self.minset):
#if size_imbalance > 0:
item = heapq.heappop(self.maxset)
heapq.heappush(self.minset, -item)
#elif size_imbalance < -1:
elif len(self.minset) > (len(self.maxset) + 1):
item = heapq.heappop(self.minset)
heapq.heappush(self.maxset, -item)
def add(self, value, verbose=False):
if len(self.minset) == 0:
if value > self.minset[0]:
heapq.heappush(self.maxset, value)
heapq.heappush(self.minset, -value)
if verbose: print self.__str__()
return False
def remove(self,value,verbose=False):
wrong = False
if -value in self.minset:
elif value in maxset:
wrong = True
if verbose: print self.__str__()
return wrong
def size(self):
return len(self.minset)+len(self.maxset)
def median(self):
if len(self.minset) > len(self.maxset):
item = - self.minset[0]
return int(item)
item = (-self.minset[0] + self.maxset[0]) / 2.0
# Can't understand the intent of your code here: int, string or float?
if item.is_integer():
return int(item)
# continue # intent???
return item
# The intent of this vv seems to be round floats and return '%.1f' % item ??
#out = str(item)
#out.rstrip('0') # why can't you just int()? or // operator?
#return out
def __str__(self):
return 'Median: %s Minset:%s Maxset:%s' % (self.median(), self.minset,self.maxset)
# Read size and elements from stdin
N = int(raw_input('Size of heap? '))
op = []
val = []
tmp = raw_input('a/r value : ')
op_, val_ = tmp.split(' ')
if op_ not in ['a','r']: # reject invalid ops
print 'First argument (operation) must be a:Add or r:Remove! '
mhq = MedianHeapq()
for op_,val_ in zip(op,val): # use zip to avoid indexing with [i] everywhere
wrong = False
if op_ == 'a':
wrong = mhq.add(val_)
elif op_ == 'r':
wrong = mhq.remove(val_)
assert (mhq.size()>0), 'Heap has zero size!'
assert (not wrong), 'Heap structure is wrong!'
if not wrong:
print mhq.__str__()
