I am going through a Python/Pygame tutorial. I came across this <- operator. What does it mean?
Here's the line of code:
if bullet[1]<-64 or bullet[1]>640 or bullet[2]<-64 or bullet[2]>480:
Python doesn't have a <- operator. Perhaps you have it backwards and meant ->?
The only time you see that is in function annotations:
def func(a:int, b:str) -> str:
It lets the user know what the function should return.
Or, you could have seen something like this:
which is basically testing if x is less than -1.
Now that you have included the code, I can say for certain that it is the second answer. This part:
if bullet[1]<-64
is basically testing if bullet[1] is less than -64.
You are misreading the operator; it's < (lower than) -64 (negative sixtyfour).
The line you show is a perfect example why the Python Style Guide requires spaces around operators; the following is much clearer:
if bullet[1] < -64 or bullet[1] > 640 or bullet[2] < -64 or bullet[2] > 480:
Or, using chaining:
if not (-64 > bullet[1] > 640) or not (-64 > bullet[2] > 480):
First off let me just say I know what I'm doing is not ideal, but I'm trying to write the member? function from The Little Schemer using Hy.
(setv else True)
(defn null? [lst]
" If list is empty return True else False "
(if lst
(defn member? [a lat]
" Checks if value is a member of a list "
[(null? lat) False]
[else (or (= (first lat) a)
(member? a (rest lat)))]))
(print (member? 1 '(2 3 4 1)))
This works exactly how I expect. The problem is, if the list is greater than 4 elements long I get the error
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object
I know Python isn't meant to do recursion and in the Python docs it even says that there is a default recursion limit to keep the C stack from overflowing. On my machine getrecursionlimit() yields the value of 1000, and I was able to successfully set it to over 20,000 before getting a segfault. Even with it set to 20,000 I am still getting the error on a list of 5 elements. What I don't understand is... How am I hitting over 20,000 levels of recursion on a 5 element list?
And for those curious I'm using Python 3.6.5, MacOS Mojave version 10.14.6 on a 15" Macbook pro, Hylang version 0.18.0, and the output of my program using hy2py is
from hy.core.language import first, rest
from hy import HyExpression, HyInteger
hyx_else = True
def is_null(lst):
""" If list is empty return True else False """
return False if lst else True
def is_member(a, lat):
""" Checks if value is a member of a list """
return False if is_null(lat) else first(lat) == a or is_member(a, rest(lat)
) if hyx_else else None
print(is_member(1, HyExpression([] + [HyInteger(2)] + [HyInteger(3)] + [
HyInteger(4)] + [HyInteger(5)] + [HyInteger(1)])))
I can't reproduce this on Hy master. It's probably a bug that was fixed since 0.18.0.
this is an example.
< example>
< way1>Early< /way1>
< way1.1>Go forward< /way1.1>
< way1.2>After Traffic Light turn left< /way1.2>
< way2>Late< /way2>
< way2.1>Turn after 100m left< /way2.1>
< way2.2>After 2km you will arrive< /way2.2>
< /example>
How can I choose by maybe asking for one way!
if i choose "early" he should give me all the underparts of early
and if i choose "late" he should give me all underparts of late
how can i write this in python
i work with "from lxml import etree" in python
I am trying to create a python code which can help to increment the version values below by 1,expected output shows the result?I am thinking of splitting the version saving each digit ,increment the last digit by 1 and reconstruct the version,is there a way to this simply in python?
version1 = 1151.1
version2 = 4.1.1
version3 =
version4 = 379
next_version1 = version1 + 1
print next_version1
next_version2 = version2 + 1
print next_version2
next_version3 = version3 + 1
print next_version3
next_version4 = version4 + 1
print next_version4
Actually not all the numbers are floats in this case.
You should treat it as strings and update the last element.
version1 = ''
version2 = '279'
version3 = ''
def updateVersion(version):
if '.' in version:
version = version.split('.')
version[-1] = str(int(version[-1]) + 1)
version = '.'.join(version)
version = str(int(version)+1)
return version
First and foremost please read about Floating Point Arithmetic: Issues and Limitations
Maybe that was the reason why you ask, not clear.
However, I suggest to save each part as an integer, e.g.
main_version_number = 1151
minor_version_number = 1
sub_version_number = 0
You could maybe have a data structure with those fields (a Version class maybe?) with appropriate methods.
Do not rely on floating point arithmetic.
First off, the code you outline would most certainly give a syntax error.
A number of the form 2 is an integer; 2.2, a floating point; but a 2.2.2, meaningless.
You are looking for tuples here. For instance,
>>> version3 = (275,1,2,3)
Then you would get
>>> version3
(275, 1, 2, 3)
To dirty-update only the last bit of such a tuple, you could do
>>> version3 = version3[:-1] + (version3[-1] + 1,)
>>> version3
(275, 1, 2, 4)
The reason I call this dirty updating is that it will not take care of carrying over into the next significant bit.
Here's a relatively simple script to do just that that I could put together in a couple of minutes. Assuming you have stored your version number as a tuple object called version, attempt the following:
new_version = version
for bit in range(len(version)):
new_version = new_version[:-1-bit] + ((new_version[-1-bit] + 1) % 10,) + new_version[-bit:]
if -2-bit >=0:
new_version = new_version[-2-bit:] + (new_version[-2-bit] + (version[-2-bit] + 1) // 10,) + new_version[-1-bit:]
elif (version[-2-bit] + 1) // 10:
new_version = (1,) + new_version
Alternatively, take a look at bumpversion, a tool that lets you take care of version-numbering within your project, with git integration.
The variables 'version2' and 'version3' will result in a syntax error. This syntax error is caused by the fact that Python does not know of any (number) type that has several points in its value. In essence you are trying to use certain types in a way that they are not meant to be used. More specifically the floating point number is not suitable for your goals. As the name suggests a floating point number, only contains one point and that point can be placed anywhere between its digits (floating).
My advice would be to create your own type/class. This would enable you to store the version number in a way that allows for easy modification of its values and better separation of concerns in your code (i.e. that each part of your code is only concerned with one thing).
class VersionNumber:
"""Represents a version number that can contain parts (major, minor, etc)."""
def __init__(self, *argv):
"""This is the constructor, i.e. a function that is called when you create a new VersionNumber.
The '*argv' allows the user of this class to give a variable amount of arguments. This is why
you can have a version number with only 1 number, and one with 4. The '*argv' is iterable."""
#Create a class specific field, that stores all the version number parts in a list.
self.Parts = []
#Fill it with the supplied arguments.
for part in argv:
def __repr__(self):
"""This function is called when the VersionNumber needs to be displayed in the console"""
return str(self)
def __str__(self):
"""This function is called when the VersionNumber is parsed to a string"""
return '.'.join(map(str,self.Parts))
def incrementVersion(self, position, incrementAmount):
"""This function allows you to increment the version number. It does this by adjusting the list
we have set in the constructor."""
self.Parts[position] += incrementAmount
version1 = VersionNumber(1, 23, 45, 0)
#Position -1, takes the last (most right) version number part from the version number.
version1.incrementVersion(-1, 1)
version2 = VersionNumber(346)
version2.incrementVersion(-1, 2)
Afternoon everyone. I'm currently porting over an IDL code to python and it's been plain sailing up until this point so far. I'm stuck on this section of IDL code:
nsteps = 266
ind2 = ((lindgen(nsteps+1,nsteps+1)) mod (nsteps+1))
dk2 = (k2arr((ind2+1) < nsteps) - k2arr(ind2-1) > 0)) / 2.
My version of this includes a rewritten lindgen function as follows:
def pylindgen(shape):
nelem = numpy.prod(numpy.array(shape))
out = numpy.arange(nelem,dtype=int)
return numpy.reshape(out,shape)
... and the ported code where k2arr is an array of shape (267,):
ind2 = pylindgen((nsteps+1,nsteps+1)) % (nsteps+1)
dk2 = (k2arr[ (ind2+1) < nsteps ] - k2arr[ (ind2-1) > 0. ]) / 2.
Now, the problem is that my code makes ind2 an array where, by looking at the IDL code and the errors thrown in the python script, I'm sure it's meant to be a scalar. Am I missing some feature of these IDL functions?
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
My knowledge of IDL is not what it used to be, I had to research a little. The operator ">" in IDL is not an equivalent of python (or other languages). It stablishes a maximum, anything above it will be set to that value. Same goes for "<", obviously, it sets a minimum.
dk2 = (k2arr((ind2+1) < nsteps) - k2arr(ind2-1) > 0))
where k2arr is 266 and ind2 is (266,266) is equivalent to saying:
- (ind2+1 < nsteps) take ind2+1 and, in any place that ind2+1
is greater than nsteps, replace by nsteps.
- (ind2-1 > 0) take ind2-1 and, in any place that ind2-1 is
less than zero, put zero instead.
The tricky part is now. k2arr (266,) is evaluated for each of the rows of (ind2+1) and (ind2-1), meaning that if (ind2+1 < nsteps) = [1,2,3,...,nsteps-1, nsteps, nsteps] the k2arr will be evaluated for exactly that 266 times, one on top of the other, with the result being (266,266) array.
And NOW I remember why I stopped programming in IDL!
The code for pylindgen works perfectly for me. Produces an array of (267,267), though. IF k2array is a (267,) array, you should be getting an error like:
ValueError: boolean index array should have 1 dimension
Is that your problem?
All I need is to check, using python, if a string is a valid math expression or not.
For simplicity let's say I just need + - * / operators (+ - as unary too) with numbers and nested parenthesis. I add also simple variable names for completeness.
So I can test this way:
test("-3 * (2 + 1)") #valid
test("-3 * ") #NOT valid
test("v1 + v2") #valid
test("v2 - 2v") #NOT valid ("2v" not a valid variable name)
I tried pyparsing but just trying the example: "simple algebraic expression parser, that performs +,-,*,/ and ^ arithmetic operations" I get passed invalid code and also trying to fix it I always get wrong syntaxes being parsed without raising Exceptions
just try:
>>>test('9', 9)
9 qwerty = 9.0 ['9'] => ['9']
>>>test('9 qwerty', 9)
9 qwerty = 9.0 ['9'] => ['9']
both test pass... o_O
Any advice?
This is because the pyparsing code allows functions. (And by the way, it does a lot more than what you need, i.e. create a stack and evaluate that.)
For starters, you could remove pi and ident (and possibly something else I'm missing right now) from the code to disallow characters.
The reason is different: PyParsing parsers won't try to consume the whole input by default. You have to add + StringEnd() (and import it, of course) to the end of expr to make it fail if it can't parse the whole input. In that case, pyparsing.ParseException will be raised. (Source: http://pyparsing-public.wikispaces.com/FAQs)
If you care to learn a bit of parsing, what you need can propably be built in less than thirty lines with any decent parsing library (I like LEPL).
You could try building a simple parser yourself to tokenize the string of the arithmetic expression and then build an expression tree, if the tree is valid (the leaves are all operands and the internal nodes are all operators) then you can say that the expression is valid.
The basic concept is to make a few helper functions to create your parser.
def extract() will get the next character from the expression
def peek() similar to extract but used if there is no whitespace to check the next character
Alternatively if you can guarantee whitespace between characters you could use split() to do all the tokenizing.
Then you build your tree and evaluate if its structured correctly
Try this for more info: http://effbot.org/zone/simple-top-down-parsing.htm
Why not just evaluate it and catch the syntax error?
from math import *
def validateSyntax(expression):
functions = {'__builtins__': None}
variables = {'__builtins__': None}
functions = {'acos': acos,
'asin': asin,
'atan': atan,
'atan2': atan2,
'ceil': ceil,
'cos': cos,
'cosh': cosh,
'degrees': degrees,
'exp': exp,
'floor': floor,
'fmod': fmod,
'frexp': frexp,
'hypot': hypot,
'ldexp': ldexp,
'log': log,
'log10': log10,
'modf': modf,
'pow': pow,
'radians': radians,
'sin': sin,
'sinh': sinh,
'sqrt': sqrt,
'tan': tan,
'tanh': tanh}
variables = {'e': e, 'pi': pi}
eval(expression, variables, functions)
except (SyntaxError, NameError, ZeroDivisionError):
return False
return True
Here are some samples:
> print validSyntax('a+b-1') # a, b are undefined, so a NameError arises.
> False
> print validSyntax('1 + 2')
> True
> print validSyntax('1 - 2')
> True
> print validSyntax('1 / 2')
> True
> print validSyntax('1 * 2')
> True
> print validSyntax('1 +/ 2')
> False
> print validSyntax('1 + (2')
> False
> print validSyntax('import os')
> False
> print validSyntax('print "asd"')
> False
> print validSyntax('import os; os.delete("~\test.txt")')
> False # And the file was not removed
It's restricted to only mathematical operations, so it should work a bit better than a crude eval.
Adding parseAll=True to the call to parseString will convert this parser into a validator.
If you are interested in modifying a custom math evaluator engine written in Python so that it is a validator instead, you could start out with Evaluator 2.0 (Python 3.x) and Math_Evaluator (Python 2.x). They are not ready-made solutions but would allow you to fully customize whatever it is you are trying to do exactly using (hopefully) easy-to-read Python code. Note that "and" & "or" are treated as operators.