I have been trying for a long time to solve this. But am unable to think of a clean data structure to do the following.
I have a csv file as follows:
user_id --->
item_id ratings
So for example:
a,4, ,2, ,...
b, ,2,3, ,..
c, ,1,2,3,
and so on...
The blank value means that user hasn't rated a given item.
Now, for a given user (say 1), I have this dictionary:
weight_vector = {2:0.3422,3:0.222}
The computation I want to do is following:
For user 1: the values which are missing (item b and c), I want to assign a rating to it
as the following:
rating_for_item_for_user_1 = [rating_given_by_user_2* weight_2] + [rating_given_by_user_3*weight_3]/[weight2 + weight3]
If user 2 or 3 has not rated a given item, then weight = 0.
I have a feeling that with numpy this should be fairly straightforward. But have not been able to think straight.
Lets assume that you have a rating matrix, and a list of weights vectors `weights', then you can simply do (assuming, that these "empty" fields are zeros - this is some border case you have to think of, because you can encounter dividing by 0 either way, when all of the users "neighbours" also did not give any rating to some item):
for (x,y) in zip(empty[0],empty[1]):
ratings[x,y] = sum( ratings[n][y] * weights[x][y] for n in weights[x] if ratings[n][y] != 0) / sum( weights[x][w] for w in weights[x] if ratings[w,x] != 0 )
To prevent division by zero errors you could just check for it before assignment
for (x,y) in zip(empty[0],empty[1]):
normalizer = sum( weights[x][w] for w in weights[x] if ratings[w,x] != 0 )
if normalizer > 0:
ratings[x,y] = sum( ratings[n,y] * weights[x][y] for n in weights[x] if ratings[n][y] != 0) / normalizer
Another possibility is to use defaultdict from collections.
from collections import defaultdict
dict = defaultdict(float)
If you want it as matrix so you can access both column wise and rows wise you might want to load id to two different data structures or to load it to one, calculate and then transpose it.
Suppose I have a huge array of data and sample of them are :
x= [ 511.31, 512.24, 571.77, 588.35, 657.08, 665.49, -1043.45, -1036.56,-969.39, -955.33]
I used the following code to generate all possible pairs
Pairs=[(x[i],x[j]) for i in range(len(x)) for j in range(i+1, len(x))]
Which gave me all possible pairs. Now, I would like to group these pairs if they are within threshold values of -25 or +25 and label them accordingly.
Any idea or advice on how to do this? Thanks in advance
If I understood correctly your problem, the code below should do the trick. The idea is to generate a dictionary whose keys are the mean value, and just keep appending data onto it:
import numpy as np #I use numpy for the mean.
#Your threshold
threshold = 25
#A dictionary will hold the relevant pairs
mylist = {}
for i in Pairs:
#Check for the threshold and discard otherwise
diff = abs(i[1]-i[0])
if(diff < threshold):
#Name of the entry in the dictionary
entry = str('%d'%int(np.mean(i)))
#If the entry already exists, append. Otherwise, create a container list
if(entry in mylist):
mylist[entry] = [i]
which results in the following output:
{'-1040': [(-1043.45, -1036.56)],
'-962': [(-969.39, -955.33)],
'511': [(511.1, 511.31),
(511.1, 512.24),
(511.1, 512.35),
(511.31, 512.24),
(511.31, 512.35)],
'512': [(511.1, 513.35),
(511.31, 513.35),
(512.24, 512.35),
(512.24, 513.35),
(512.35, 513.35)],
'580': [(571.77, 588.35)],
'661': [(657.08, 665.49)]}
This should be a fast way to do that:
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist
# Input data
x = np.array([511.31, 512.24, 571.77, 588.35, 657.08,
665.49, -1043.45, -1036.56,-969.39, -955.33])
thres = 25.0
# Compute pairwise distances
# default distance metric is'euclidean' which
# would be equivalent but more expensive to compute
d = pdist(x[:, np.newaxis], 'cityblock')
# Find distances within threshold
d_idx = np.where(d <= thres)[0]
# Convert "condensed" distance indices to pair of indices
r = np.arange(len(x))
c = np.zeros_like(r, dtype=np.int32)
np.cumsum(r[:0:-1], out=c[1:])
i = np.searchsorted(c[1:], d_idx, side='right')
j = d_idx - c[i] + r[i] + 1
# Get pairs of values
v_i = x[i]
v_j = x[j]
# Find means
m = np.round((v_i + v_j) / 2).astype(np.int32)
# Print result
for idx in range(len(m)):
print(f'{m[idx]}: ({v_i[idx]}, {v_j[idx]})')
512: (511.31, 512.24)
580: (571.77, 588.35)
661: (657.08, 665.49)
-1040: (-1043.45, -1036.56)
-962: (-969.39, -955.33)
I am learning to build optimization models through Gurobi python and I am having some issues finding the pythonic way of defining decision variables and constraints:
Assuming I have these sets:
time={morning, afternoon, evening};
food={burger, banana, apple, orange};
and my decision variable is binary eat[time,interval,food]. However I only have a defined set of possible options as below and cannot enumerate all elements of my sets:
time interval food number value
morning early banana 2 500
morning early apple 3 600
afternoon early burger 1 800
evening late orane 2 400
so my eat variables can only be the following:
and I cannot do:
eat = m.addVars(time, interval, food, name = "Eat", vtype=GRB.BINARY)
I can do something like:
eat = {}
for row in input.to_dict('records'):
key = (row['time'], row['interval'],row['food'])
eat[key] = m.addVar(name = "Eat", vtype=GRB.BINARY)
But I still have trouble defining my objective which is multiplying number and value and eat and I am looking for a more consistent, elegant way:
obj = quicksum(number[i,j,k]*value[i, j, k] * eat[i, j, k] for i in time
for j in interval for k in food)
The above will enumerate all which is wrong and I tried something like this:
obj = quicksum(number[key]*value[key] * eat[key] \
for key in eat)
which limits it to only defined combinations in the dictionary but then I am struggling with constraints when I have to separate elements of dictionary like below:
m.addConstrs(quicksum(eat[i,j,k] for k in food)==1 for i in time for j in interval)
or something like
m.addConstrs(quicksum(eat[morning,j,banana] ==1) for j in interval)
Sorry for the long questions. Any help from optimization/python experts would be great.
It may help you to make use of the tupledict structure the Gurobi Python API has to store the variables. It has some convenient methods which allow you to sum, multiply or slice variables easily. I provide a complete example below.
from gurobipy import GRB, Model
import numpy as np
tuples = [('morning', 'early', 'banana'),('morning', 'early', 'apple'),
('afternoon', 'early', 'burger'), ('evening', 'late', 'orane')]
numbers, values = [2, 3, 1, 2], [500, 600, 800, 400]
m = Model('SO52451928')
eat = m.addVars(tuples, name='eat', vtype=GRB.BINARY)
coeffs = np.array(numbers) * np.array(values) # Can be made with regular lists as well
coeffs = dict(zip(tuples, coeffs))
obj = eat.prod(coeffs)
# This structure holds the unique combinations of (time, interval) that
# appear in the data. They are necessary, because they form the set over which
# our constraints are defined
time_intervals = set(zip(*zip(*tuples)[:2]))
constrs = m.addConstrs((
eat.sum(i, j, '*') == 1 for i, j in time_intervals), name='one_food')
if m.SolCount > 0:
'VarName', m.getVars()), m.getAttr('x', m.getVars())))
I hope this helps!
I am new to numpy.I have referred to the following SO question:
Why NumPy instead of Python lists?
The final comment in the above question seems to indicate that numpy is probably slower on a particular dataset.
I am working on a 1650*1650*1650 data set. These are essentially similarity values for each movie in the MovieLens data set along with the movie id.
My options are to either use a 3D numpy array or a nested dictionary. On a reduced data set of 100*100*100, the run times were not too different.
Please find the Ipython code snippet below:
for id1 in range(1,count+1):
data1 = df[df.movie_id == id1].set_index('user_id')[cols]
sim_score = {}
for id2 in range (1, count+1):
if id1 != id2:
data2 = df[df.movie_id == id2].set_index('user_id')[cols]
sim = calculatePearsonCorrUnified(data1, data2)
sim = 1
sim_matrix_panel[id1]['Sim'][id2] = sim
import pdb
from math import sqrt
def calculatePearsonCorrUnified(df1, df2):
sim_score = 0
common_movies_or_users = []
for temp_id in df1.index:
if temp_id in df2.index:
n = len(common_movies_or_users)
#print ('No. of common movies: ' + str(n))
if n == 0:
return sim_score;
# Ratings corresponding to user_1 / movie_1, present in the common list
rating1 = df1.loc[df1.index.isin(common_movies_or_users)]['rating'].values
# Ratings corresponding to user_2 / movie_2, present in the common list
rating2 = df2.loc[df2.index.isin(common_movies_or_users)]['rating'].values
sum1 = sum (rating1)
sum2 = sum (rating2)
# Sum up the squares
sum1Sq = sum (np.square(rating1))
sum2Sq = sum (np.square(rating2))
# Sum up the products
pSum = sum(np.multiply(rating1, rating2))
# Calculate Pearson score
num = pSum-(sum1*sum2/n)
den = sqrt(float(sum1Sq-pow(sum1,2)/n) * float(sum2Sq-pow(sum2,2)/n))
if den==0: return 0
sim_score = (num/den)
return sim_score
What would be the best way to most precisely time the runtime with either of these options?
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
This is a follow-up to Find two pairs of pairs that sum to the same value .
I have random 2d arrays which I make using
import numpy as np
from itertools import combinations
n = 50
A = np.random.randint(2, size=(m,n))
I would like to determine if the matrix has two disjoint pairs of pairs of columns which sum to the same column vector. I am looking for a fast method to do this. In the previous problem ((0,1), (0,2)) was acceptable as a pair of pairs of column indices but in this case it is not as 0 is in both pairs.
The accepted answer from the previous question is so cleverly optimised I can't see how to make this simple looking change unfortunately. (I am interested in columns rather than rows in this question but I can always just do A.transpose().)
Here is some code to show it testing all 4 by 4 arrays.
n = 4
nxn = np.arange(n*n).reshape(n, -1)
count = 0
for i in xrange(2**(n*n)):
A = (i >> nxn) %2
p = 1
for firstpair in combinations(range(n), 2):
for secondpair in combinations(range(n), 2):
if firstpair < secondpair and not set(firstpair) & set(secondpair):
if (np.array_equal(A[firstpair[0]] + A[firstpair[1]], A[secondpair[0]] + A[secondpair[1]] )):
if (p):
count +=1
p = 0
print count
This should output 3136.
Here is my solution, extended to do what I believe you want. It isn't entirely clear though; one may get an arbitrary number of row-pairs that sum to the same total; there may exist unique subsets of rows within them that sum to the same value. For instance:
Given this set of row-pairs that sum to the same total
[[19 19 30 30]
[11 16 11 16]]
There exists a unique subset of these rows that may still be counted as valid; but should it?
[[19 30]
[16 11]]
Anyway, I hope those details are easy to deal with, given the code below.
import numpy as np
n = 20
#also works for non-square A
A = np.random.randint(2, size=(n*6,n)).astype(np.int8)
##A = np.array( [[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1 ,1]], np.uint8)
##A = np.zeros((6,6))
#force the inclusion of some hits, to keep our algorithm on its toes
##A[0] = A[1]
def base_pack_lazy(a, base, dtype=np.uint64):
pack the last axis of an array as minimal base representation
lazily yields packed columns of the original matrix
a = np.ascontiguousarray( np.rollaxis(a, -1))
packing = int(np.dtype(dtype).itemsize * 8 / (float(base) / 2))
for columns in np.array_split(a, (len(a)-1)//packing+1):
R = np.zeros(a.shape[1:], dtype)
for col in columns:
R *= base
R += col
yield R
def unique_count(a):
"""returns counts of unique elements"""
unique, inverse = np.unique(a, return_inverse=True)
count = np.zeros(len(unique), np.int)
np.add.at(count, inverse, 1) #note; this scatter operation requires numpy 1.8; use a sparse matrix otherwise!
return unique, count, inverse
def voidview(arr):
"""view the last axis of an array as a void object. can be used as a faster form of lexsort"""
return np.ascontiguousarray(arr).view(np.dtype((np.void, arr.dtype.itemsize * arr.shape[-1]))).reshape(arr.shape[:-1])
def has_identical_row_sums_lazy(A, combinations_index):
compute the existence of combinations of rows summing to the same vector,
given an nxm matrix A and an index matrix specifying all combinations
naively, we need to compute the sum of each row combination at least once, giving n^3 computations
however, this isnt strictly required; we can lazily consider the columns, giving an early exit opportunity
all nicely vectorized of course
multiplicity, combinations = combinations_index.shape
#list of indices into combinations_index, denoting possibly interacting combinations
active_combinations = np.arange(combinations, dtype=np.uint32)
#keep all packed columns; we might need them later
columns = []
for packed_column in base_pack_lazy(A, base=multiplicity+1): #loop over packed cols
#compute rowsums only for a fixed number of columns at a time.
#this is O(n^2) rather than O(n^3), and after considering the first column,
#we can typically already exclude almost all combinations
partial_rowsums = sum(packed_column[I[active_combinations]] for I in combinations_index)
#find duplicates in this column
unique, count, inverse = unique_count(partial_rowsums)
#prune those combinations which we can exclude as having different sums, based on columns inspected thus far
active_combinations = active_combinations[count[inverse] > 1]
#early exit; no pairs
if len(active_combinations)==0:
return False
we now have a small set of relevant combinations, but we have lost the details of their particulars
to see which combinations of rows does sum to the same value, we do need to consider rows as a whole
we can simply apply the same mechanism, but for all columns at the same time,
but only for the selected subset of row combinations known to be relevant
#construct full packed matrix
B = np.ascontiguousarray(np.vstack(columns).T)
#perform all relevant sums, over all columns
rowsums = sum(B[I[active_combinations]] for I in combinations_index)
#find the unique rowsums, by viewing rows as a void object
unique, count, inverse = unique_count(voidview(rowsums))
#if not, we did something wrong in deciding on active combinations
#loop over all sets of rows that sum to an identical unique value
for i in xrange(len(unique)):
#set of indexes into combinations_index;
#note that there may be more than two combinations that sum to the same value; we grab them all here
combinations_group = active_combinations[inverse==i]
#associated row-combinations
#array of shape=(mulitplicity,group_size)
row_combinations = combinations_index[:,combinations_group]
#if no duplicate rows involved, we have a match
if len(np.unique(row_combinations[:,[0,-1]])) == multiplicity*2:
print row_combinations
return True
#none of identical rowsums met uniqueness criteria
return False
def has_identical_triple_row_sums(A):
n = len(A)
idx = np.array( [(i,j,k)
for i in xrange(n)
for j in xrange(n)
for k in xrange(n)
if i<j and j<k], dtype=np.uint16)
idx = np.ascontiguousarray( idx.T)
return has_identical_row_sums_lazy(A, idx)
def has_identical_double_row_sums(A):
n = len(A)
idx = np.array(np.tril_indices(n,-1), dtype=np.int32)
return has_identical_row_sums_lazy(A, idx)
from time import clock
t = clock()
for i in xrange(1):
## print has_identical_double_row_sums(A)
print has_identical_triple_row_sums(A)
print clock()-t
Edit: code cleanup
What's an efficient way to calculate a trimmed or winsorized standard deviation of a list?
I don't mind using numpy, but if I have to make a separate copy of the list, it's going to be quite slow.
This will make two copies, but you should give it a try because it should be very fast.
def trimmed_std(data, low, high):
tmp = np.asarray(data)
return tmp[(low <= tmp) & (tmp < high)].std()
Do you need to do rank order trimming (ie 5% trimmed)?
If you need percentile trimming, the best way I can think of is to sort the data first. Something like this should work:
def trimmed_std(data, percentile):
data = np.array(data)
percentile = percentile / 2.
low = int(percentile * len(data))
high = int((1. - percentile) * len(data))
return data[low:high].std(ddof=0)
You can obviously implement this without using numpy, but even including the time of converting the list to an array, using numpy is faster than anything I could think of.
This is what generator functions are for.
SD requires two passes, plus a count. For this reason, you'll need to "tee" some iterators over the base collection.
trimmed = ( x for x in the_list if low <= x < high )
sum_iter, len_iter, var_iter = itertools.tee( trimmed, 3 )
n = sum( 1 for x in len_iter)
mean = sum( sum_iter ) / n
sd = math.sqrt( sum( (x-mean)**2 for x in var_iter ) / (n-1) )
Something like that might do what you want without copying anything.
In order to get an unbiased trimmed mean you have to account for fractional bits of items in the list as described here and (a little less directly) here. I wrote a function to do it:
def percent_tmean( data, pcent ):
# make sure data is a list
dc = list( data )
# find the number of items
n = len(dc)
# sort the list
# get the proportion to trim
p = pcent / 100.0
k = n*p
# print "n = %i\np = %.3f\nk = %.3f" % ( n,p,k )
# get the decimal and integer parts of k
dec_part, int_part = modf( k )
# get an index we can use
index = int(int_part)
# trim down the list
dc = dc[ index: index * -1 ]
# deal with the case of trimming fractional items
if dec_part != 0.0:
# deal with the first remaining item
dc[ 0 ] = dc[ 0 ] * (1 - dec_part)
# deal with last remaining item
dc[ -1 ] = dc[ -1 ] * (1 - dec_part)
return sum( dc ) / ( n - 2.0*k )
I also made an iPython Notebook that demonstrates it.
My function will probably be slower than those already posted but it will give unbiased results.