I'm pretty new to numpy.
I have been looking around how to do this but I can't find anything easy enough.
This is the problem.
I'm identifying particles in red (it's ok and done) so I have an array with locations.
I make a new image with these locations with grey dilation and scipy.ndimage, having the dilated positions with a value and the rest 0.
Then I multiply this image with another image (green color), so that the new color only has signals where you have particles in red. What I want to do is to detect the mean of intensities in this other color per given point, in a given radius or square for example.
How can I do this? Do I make scipy.ndimage.measurements.label in the initial color and then use the same array indexes to have the means? Or I can just have x,y coordinates and do the mean() over a given radius?
This is the code I am using to detect if a pixel (in this case pixel 510,510) turns to a certain color.
import PIL.ImageGrab
import mouse
while True:
rgb = PIL.ImageGrab.grab(bbox = None)
rgb2=(253, 146, 134)
print (rgb.getpixel((510, 510)))
if (rgb.getpixel((510, 510))) == rgb2:
I want to be able to search an area of my screen for any pixel that changes to a specified color, not just an individual pixel. How might I do that? I want to keep this running as fast as possible. I know most areas searched on an image or video would be a rectangle, but could it be a triangle to cut down on pixels searched? If not, the next sentences are irrelevant. How so? Would it work if I give the coords of each point in the triangle?
Make a black rectangular image just big enough to contain the shape you want to detect. Use np.zeros((h,w,3), np.uint8) to create it. It will be zero everywhere.
Draw the shape you want to detect in the black rectangle with colour=[1,1,1]. You now have an image that is 1 where you are interested in the pixels and 0 elsewhere. Do these first 2 steps outside your main loop.
Inside your loop, grab an area of screen the same size as your mask from steps 1 and 2. Multiply your image by the mask and all pixels you are not interested in will become zero. Test if your colour exists using np.where() or cv2.countNonZero(np.all(im==soughtColour, axis=-1))
As an alternative to drawing with colour=[1,1,1] at the second step, draw with colour=[255,255,255] and then in the third step use cv2.bitwise_and() instead of multiplying.
I have one image given
here and I have centroids and area of every small and big defect present here, for example I have three lists x, y and area where x and y are coordinates of centroids of defect(every yellow object considers defect) in the image and area is area of defect computed from contour. I want to show density map or heatmap on this image where it is clearly shown that defect with higher area is having more peak compare to defect with lower area, how can I do this in python? for reference I have attached one more image from one paper given here, here based one kde and weighted kde of image it is clearly shown where bigger defect(big yellow circle) is having more area.
So you are trying to draw a heatmap superimposed on an image, to represent what you are calling the "defects" in the image (it's not clear from your explanation what those are--maybe deviations from a reference image?)? This sounds like it would be VERY confusing for a viewer to interpret, having to mentally separate the heatmap pixels from the pixels of the image itself. Much better would be to create a new blank image with the same dimensions as the original, then plot points in that image whose center (x,y) represent the location in the original image, and whose radius/color represent area.
I am working with Python and currently trying to figure out the following: If I place an ellipsis of which the semi-axes, the centre's location and the orientation are known, on a pixel map, and the ellipsis is large enough to cover multiple pixels, how do I figure out which pixel covers which percentage of the total area of the ellipsis? As an example, let's take a map of 10*10 pixels (i.e. interval of [0,9]) and an ellipsis with the centre at (6.5, 6.5), semi-axes of (0.5, 1.5) and an orientation angle of 30° between the horizontal and the semi-major axis. I have honestly no idea, so any help is appreciated.
edit: To clarify, the pixels (or cells) have an area. I know the area of the ellipsis, its position and its orientation, and I want to find out how much of its area is located within pixel 1, how much it is within pixel 2 etc.
Following the equation of an elipse
The easiest way to find which pixels from your mesh are inside and which are out would be to assign (x, y, alpha) for each pixel in the above equation.
If the result <=1, the pixel is inside. Otherwise, it is outside.
You can count the pixels.
This is math problem. Try math.exchange rather than stackoverflow.
I suggest you to transform the plane: translation to get the center in the middle, rotation to get the ellipsis's axes on the x-y ones and dilatation on x to get a circle. And then work with a circle on rhombus tiles.
Your problem won't be less or more tractable in the new formulation but the math and code you have to work on will be slightly lighter.
I am trying to find all the circular particles in the image attached. This is the only image I am have (along with its inverse).
I have read this post and yet I can't use hsv values for thresholding. I have tried using Hough Transform.
circles = cv2.HoughCircles(img, cv2.HOUGH_GRADIENT, dp=0.01, minDist=0.1, param1=10, param2=5, minRadius=3,maxRadius=6)
and using the following code to plot
names =[circles]
for nums in names:
color_img = cv2.imread(path)
blue = (211,211,211)
for x, y, r in nums[0]:
cv2.circle(color_img, (x,y), r, blue, 1)
plt.imshow(color_img, cmap='gray')
The following code was to plot the mask:
for masks in names:
black = np.zeros(img_gray.shape)
for x, y, r in masks[0]:
cv2.circle(black, (x,y), int(r), 255, -1) # -1 to draw filled circles
plt.imshow(black, gray)
Yet I am only able to get the following mask which if fairly poor.
This is an image of what is considered a particle and what is not.
One simple approach involves slightly eroding the image, to separate touching circular objects, then doing a connected component analysis and discarding all objects larger than some chosen threshold, and finally dilating the image back so the circular objects are approximately of the original size again. We can do this dilation on the labelled image, such that you retain the separated objects.
I'm using DIPlib because I'm most familiar with it (I'm an author).
import diplib as dip
a = dip.ImageRead('6O0Oe.png')
a = a(0) > 127 # the PNG is a color image, but OP's image is binary,
# so we binarize here to simulate OP's condition.
separation = 7 # tweak these two parameters as necessary
size_threshold = 500
b = dip.Erosion(a, dip.SE(separation))
b = dip.Label(b, maxSize=size_threshold)
b = dip.Dilation(b, dip.SE(separation))
Do note that the image we use here seems to be a zoomed-in screen grab rather than the original image OP is dealing with. If so, the parameters must be made smaller to identify the smaller objects in the smaller image.
My approach is based on a simple observation that most of the particles in your image have approximately same perimeter and the "not particles" have greater perimeter than them.
First, have a look at the RANSAC algorithm and how does it find inliers and outliers. It basically is for 2D data but we will have to transform it to 1D data in our case.
In your case, I am calling inliers to the correct particles and Outliers to incorrect particles.
Our data on which we have to work on will be the perimeter of these particles. To get the perimeter, find contours in this image and get the perimeter of each contour. Refer this for information about Contours.
Now we have the data, knowledge about RANSAC algo and our simple observation mentioned above. Now in this data, we have to find the most dense and compact cluster which will contain all the inliers and others will be outliers.
Now let's assume the inliers are in the range of 40-60 and the outliers are beyond 60. Let's define a threshold value T = 0. We say that for each point in the data, inliers for that point are in the range of (value of that point - T, value of that point + T).
Now first iterate over all the points in the data and count number of inliers to that point for a T and store this information. Find the maximum number of inliers possible for a value of T. Now increment the value of T by 1 and again find the maximum number of inliers possible for that T. Repeat these steps by incrementing value of T one by one.
There will be a range of values of T for which Maximum number of inliers are the same. These inliers are the particles in your image and the particles having perimeter greater than these inliers are the outliers thus the "not particles" in your image.
I have tried this algorithm in my test cases which are similar to your and it works. I am always able to determine the outliers. I hope it works for you too.
One last thing, I see that boundary of your particles are irregular and not smooth, try to make them smooth and use this algorithm if this doesn't work for you in this image.
I'm very new to the image processing and object detection. I'd like to extract/identify the position and dimensions of teeth in the following image:
Here's what I've tried so far using OpenCV:
import cv2
import numpy as np
planets = cv2.imread('model.png', 0)
canny = cv2.Canny(planets, 70, 150)
circles = cv2.HoughCircles(canny,cv2.HOUGH_GRADIENT,1,40, param1=10,param2=16,minRadius=10,maxRadius=80)
circles = np.uint16(np.around(circles))
for i in circles[0,:]:
# draw the outer circle
# draw the center of the circle
cv2.imshow("HoughCirlces", planets)
This is what I get after applying canny filter:
This is the final result:
I don't know where to go from here. I'd like to get all of the teeth identified. How can I do that?
I'd really appreciate any help..
Note that the teeth-structure is more-or-less a parabola (upside-down). If you could somehow guess the parabolic shape that defines the centroids of those blobs (teeth), then your problem could be simplified to a reasonable extent. I have shown a red line that passes through the centers of the teeth.
I would suggest you to approach it as follows:
Binarize your image (background=0, else 1). You could use sklearn.preprocessing.binarize.
Calculate the centroid of all the non-zero pixels. This is the central blue circle in the image. Call this structure_centroid. See this: How to center the nonzero values within 2D numpy array?.
Make polar slices of the entire image, centered at the location of the structure_centroid. I have shown a cartoon image of such polar slices (triangular semi-transparent). Cover complete 360 degrees. See this: polarTransform library.
Determine the position of the centroid of the non-zero pixels for each of these polar slices. See these:
find the distance between a point and a curve python.
Find the minimum distance from a point to a curve.
The array containing these centroids gives you the locus (path) of the average location of the teeth. Call this centroid_path.
Run an elimination/selection algorithm on the circles you were able to detect, that are closest to the centroid_path. Use a threshold distance to drop the outliers.
This should give you a good approximation of the teeth with the circles.
I hope this helps.