Python Writing to Excel Iteratively - python

I'm trying to make my code write to cells A1, A2, A3 and A4 in Excel. However, when I use it, I get this error message
Invalid Cell coordinates (A)
'A' stays constant but 'i' changes with each repetition. How would I fix the problem on line 27? I want to make Python accept "A" as a column reference.
This was line 27:
ws.cell('A',i).value = "The price of", symbolslist[i], " is ", price"
and my entire Python script:
from openpyxl import Workbook
import urllib
import re
from openpyxl.cell import get_column_letter
wb = Workbook()
dest_filename = r'empty_book.xlsx'
ws = wb.create_sheet()
ws.title = 'Stocks'
symbolslist = ["aapl","spy","goog","nflx"]
while i<len(symbolslist):
#counts each object as 1 in the list
url = ""+symbolslist[i]+"&q1=1"
htmlfile = urllib.urlopen(url)
htmltext =
regex = '<span id="yfs_l84_'+symbolslist[i]+'">(.+?)</span>'
pattern = re.compile(regex)
price = re.findall(pattern,htmltext)
print "The price of", symbolslist[i], " is ", price
ws.cell(1,i+1).value = "The price of" + symbolslist[i] + " is " + price
i+=1 = dest_filename)
I am also using this as a reference, from openpyxl.

Your i=0 on the first pass but there is no zero column. Also, I think the cell is looking for row index which is a number not a character 'A'.
ws.cell(1,i+1).value = "The price of" + symbolslist[i] + " is " + price

It is the use of ws.cell().value that is not correct. I had the error saying 'int' object has no attribute 'replace', but after I changed the line to the following, the error dispappeared:
ws.cell(row=1,column=i+1).value = "The price of" + str(symbolslist[i]) + " is " + str(price)
By the way, I am using Python 2.7 and the latest version of openpyxl


NameError: name 'variable' is not defined. Already declared variable but still error

I tried to extract data from a text file (cisco switch logs) and convert it to CSV so I can create a table and sort out the data & create graphs out of it. So here is my code:
import pandas as pd
import csv
import time
from datetime import datetime
import os
import glob
import sys
pathh = glob.glob("C:\\Users\\Taffy R. Mantang\\Desktop\\PR logs\\*\\")
#This part of the code opens all the text with the name ISW-1.txt inside the PR logs folder
for x in pathh:
# Detect the line number in text file to know where the row begin
phrase = "Shelf Panel CPUID Power CPU(5s) CPU(1m) CPU(5m) Peak PhyMem FreeMem Mem"
file = open("{0}".format(x) + "\\ISW-1.txt")
for number, line in enumerate(file):
if phrase in line:
sh_pro = number
#Convert the text file to CSV from the row determined earlier
with open("{0}".format(x) + '\\ISW-1.txt', 'r') as rf:
r = csv.reader(rf, skipinitialspace=True, delimiter=' ')
rows = list(r)
heada = rows[sh_pro]
heada.insert(0, " ")
#to mark the last row
skipprocessor = sh_pro + 4
for i in range(7):
if i == 0:
print(rows[skipprocessor + i])
if i == 2:
sub_heada = rows[skipprocessor + i]
sub_heada.insert(0, " ")
sub_heada.insert(1, " ")
sub_heada.insert(2, " ")
print(rows[skipprocessor + i])
if i == 4:
sub_heada = rows[skipprocessor + i]
sub_heada.insert(0, " ")
sub_heada.insert(1, " ")
sub_heada.insert(2, " ")
print(rows[skipprocessor + i])
if i == 6:
sub_heada = rows[skipprocessor + i]
sub_heada.insert(0, " ")
sub_heada.insert(1, " ")
sub_heada.insert(2, " ")
print(rows[skipprocessor + i])
Previously it worked and it printed the output successfully. However while I was experimenting with exporting the output to an excel table, suddenly there was an error saying:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Taffy R. Mantang\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\", line 26, in
heada = rows[sh_pro]
NameError: name 'sh_pro' is not defined
I traced back and undo everything but it still gives the same error.
I tried to remove an indent on line 26, it managed to print(heada). but messed up the if else code down below it and not print out the rest below.
What exactly is the problem? Help :'''((
sh_pro is not defined because you are not hitting the condition if phrase in line:, I would suggest:
for number, line in enumerate(file):
if phrase in line:
sh_pro = number
#Convert the text file to CSV from the row determined earlier
with open("{0}".format(x) + '\\ISW-1.txt', 'r') as rf:
r = csv.reader(rf, skipinitialspace=True, delimiter=' ')
rows = list(r)
heada = rows[sh_pro]
except NameError:
# error handling
In order to declare sh_pro, the condition if phrase in line: in your for cycle should return True. So if your condition returns False then your interpreter never meets such name as sh_pro. You can try to modify your code in a way that sh_pro is declared before you want to start working with it.
for number, line in enumerate(file):
if phrase in line:
sh_pro = number

Python Use Dictionary List? What Do I Use

I am making a type of quiz, and want to know how to compare the results to a text file. After answering the questions with prompted input, the function will return a four digit code. I want that four digit code to be compared to "truecode" in a text file I've written out with additional information like this:
Ankha,snooty,September 22nd,Virgo,A420,Cat
Bangle,peppy,August 27th,Virgo,A330,Tiger
Bianca,peppy,December 13th,Sagittarius,A320,Tiger
Bob,lazy,January 1st,Capricorn,A210,Cat
Bud,jock,August 8th,Leo,A310,Lion
I want this other information to be printed out.
print("Your villager is " + villagername)
print("They are a " + personality + " type villagers and of the " + species + " species.")
print("Their birthday is " + birthday + " and they are a " + zodiac)
print("I hope you enjoyed this quiz!")
I cannot figure out how to extract this information and compare it to what I have. Should I use a list or a dictionary? I'm getting frustrated trying to Google my question and wondering if I went around it all wrong.
How do I compare the four digit code (that will be returned from another function) to "true code" and get everything spit out like above?
import csv
def compare_codes(true_code):
with open(''file.txt) as csvfile:
details_dict = csv.reader(csvfile)
for i in details_dict:
if i['truecode'] == tru_code:
print("Your villager is:",i['villagername'])
print("They are a " + i['personality'] + " type villagers and of the " + i['species'] + " species.")
print("Their birthday is " + i['birthday'] + " and they are a " + i['zodiac'])
print("I hope you enjoyed this quiz!")
Above code reads the text file and compares the input with truecode value in your file and displays the info.
import csv
def get_data(filename):
with open(filename) as f:
reader = csv.DictReader(f, delimiter=',')
data = {row['truecode']: row for row in reader}
return data
def main():
filename = 'results.txt'
data = get_data(filename)
code = input('Enter code: ')
info = data[code]
print("Your villager is " + info['villagername'])
print("They are a " + info['personality'] +
" type villagers and of the " + info['species'] + " species.")
print("Their birthday is " +
info['birthday'] + " and they are a " + info['zodiac'])
print("I hope you enjoyed this quiz!")
except KeyError:
print('Invalid code')
if __name__ == "__main__":
The type of file that you have is actually called a CSV file. If you wanted to, you could open your text file with any spreadsheet program, and your data would show up in the appropriate cells. Use the csv module to read your data.
import csv
def get_quiz_results(truecode):
with open('your-text-file.txt') as csvfile:
csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile)
for row in csvreader:
# row is a dictionary of all of the items in that row of your text file.
if row['truecode'] == truecode:
return row
And then to print out the info from your text file
truecode = 'A330'
info = get_quiz_results(truecode)
print("Your villager is " + info["villagername"])
print("They are a " + info["personality"] + " type villagers and of the " + info["species"] + " species.")
print("Their birthday is " + info["birthday"] + " and they are a " + info["zodiac"])
print("I hope you enjoyed this quiz!")
When looping over the file, the csv module will turn each line of the file into a dictionary using the commas as separators. The first line is special, and is used to create the dictionary keys.

TypeError: 'Sheet' object is not callable when combining data across excel

I am now working on combining data for 2 excel file. my approach is to use xlwt to create a new excel and corresponding sheet. and then use for loop to write into the newly created excel file. my code is as below,
wbk = xlwt.Workbook()
sheet_0 = wbk.add_sheet('A')
sheet_1 = wbk.add_sheet('B'), gsheet.cell(gsr, 2).value) + FullName + " " + time_now + ".xls")
wkbk = xlrd.open_workbook(
os.path.join(currentPath, gsheet.cell(gsr, 2).value) + FullName + " " + time_now + ".xls")
wb_merge = copy(wkbk)
wsheet_0 = wb_merge.get_sheet(0)
wsheet_1 = wb_merge.get_sheet(1)
workbook_merge_0 = xlrd.open_workbook(os.path.join(currentPath, filename0), formatting_info=True)
sheet_merge_0 = workbook_merge_0.sheet_by_index(0)
for r in range(0, total_row_0):
for c in range(0, total_col_0):
wsheet_1.write(r, c, sheet_merge_0(r, c).value)
when i am running the whole code, error show TypeError: 'Sheet' object is not callable, pointing to the last row, i.e. wsheet_1.write(r, c, sheet_merge_0(r, c).value)
Any suggestion can be provided? Thanks in advance!

Python/Selenium Text File Output Loop

I'm having trouble with a loop writing to a text file. I'm trying to create a tab delimited text file that writes an ID, date, time, sequence number, and text from a transcript to a line, then starts a new line every time it reaches bold text.
When there is only 1 ID in my company_list, everything works great and it produces this example below:
However, as soon as I add an additional ID to the company_list, it produces this:
It looks like when a second company ID is added, that a new line is placed after every ID for some unknown reason. What's even weirder is that when the loop runs the last company ID in the list, that data is formatted correctly. There are no errors produced at all. If anyone has any idea what is going on here I would really appreciate it.
Code snippet below:
company_list = open('Company_List.txt')
for line in company_list:
company_id = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, "//*[#id='SearchTopBar']")))
company_id.send_keys(line + Keys.ENTER)
driver.find_element_by_partial_link_text("Q1 2018").click()
date = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[#id="ctl01__header__dateLabel"]').text
struct_time = time.strptime(date, "%A, %B %d, %Y %I:%M %p")
speaker = 1
p_tag = driver.find_elements_by_tag_name('p')
file = open("q1_2018.txt", "a", encoding='utf-8-sig')
for i in range(3,len(p_tag) - 6):
element = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[#id="ctl01__bodyRow"]/td/p[' + str(i) + ']')
weight = int(element.value_of_css_property('font-weight'))
if weight == 700:
file.write('\n' + line + '\t' + str(struct_time[0]) + str(struct_time[1]) + str(struct_time[2]) + '\t' + str(struct_time[3]) + str(struct_time[4]) + '\t' + str(speaker) + '\t')
file.write(driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[#id="ctl01__bodyRow"]/td/p[' + str(i + 1) + ']').text + ' ')
speaker = speaker + 1
file.write(driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[#id="ctl01__bodyRow"]/td/p[' + str(i) + ']').text + ' ')

Python parsing csv file to store in file

I have not used Python in years and trying to get back into it. I have a Input_file (.csv) that I want to parse and store the output in a output.csv or .txt
I have managed to parse the .csv file using this code, and for the most part the it works but I cant get it save to save to file (Issue 1) without getting the below error (error 1)
import csv
import re
import itertools
file_name = 'PhoneCallData1.txt'
lol = list(csv.reader(open(file_name, 'r'), delimiter=' '))
count =0
print('File cannot be opened:',file_name)
fout = open('output.txt','w')
Print("File cannot be written to:","OutputFile")
d = dict()
for item in itertools.chain(lol): # Lists all items (field) in the CSV file.
count +=1 # counter to keep track of row im looping through
if lol[count][3] is None:
print("value is not blank")
count +=1
check_date ='(\d+/\d+/\d+)', lol[count][3]) # check to determine if date is a date
check_cost = re.compile(r'($+\d*)', lol[count][9]) # check to determine if value is a cost
if check_date ==TRUE:
key =lol[count][3] # If is a date value, store key
except ValueError:
if check_cost==TRUE:
value = lol[count][9] # if is a cost ($) store value
d[key] = value
print (d[key])
# fout.write((d[key])
# What if there is no value in the cell?
# I keep getting "IndexError: list index out of range", anyone know why?
# Is there a better way to do this?
# I only want to store the destination and the charge
and now comes the complicated part. The file I need to parse has a number of irrelevant rows of data before and in between the required data.
Data Format
What I want to do;
I want to iterate over two columns of data, and only store the rows that have a date or cost in them, dis-guarding the rest of the data.
import csv
import re
import itertools
lol = list(csv.reader(open('PhoneCallData1.txt', 'r'), delimiter=' '))
count =0
d = dict()
for item in itertools.chain(lol): #Lists all items (field) in the CSV file.
count +=1 # counter to keep track of row im looping through
check_date ='(\d+/\d+/\d+)', lol[count][3]) #check to determine
check_cost = re.compile(r'($+\d*)', lol[count][9]) #check to determine if value is a cost
if check_date ==TRUE:
key =lol[count][3] #If is a date value, store key
if check_cost==TRUE:
value = lol[count][9] #if is a cost ($) store value
d[key] = value
print (d[key])
#What if there is no value in the cell?
# I keep getting "IndexError: list index out of range", anyone know why?
# Is there a better way to do this?
# I only want to store the destination and the charges
What I have tried;
I tried to index the data after I loaded it, but that didn't seem to work.
I created this to only look at rows at that were more than a certain length, but its terrible code. I was hoping for something more practical and reusable.
import re
with open('PhoneCallData1.txt','r') as f, open('sample_output.txt','w') as fnew:
for line in f:
if len(line) > 50:
fnew.write(line + '\n')
Import csv
lol = list(csv.reader(open('PhoneCallData1.txt', 'rb'), delimiter='\t'))
#d = dict()
#key = lol[5][0] # cell A7
#value = lol[5][3] # cell D7
#d[key] = value # add the entry to the dictionary
Keep getting index out of bounds errors
import re
import csv'(\d+/\d+/\d+)','testing date 11/12/2017')
Trying to use regex to search for the date in the first column of data.
NOTE: I wanted to try Pandas but I feel I need to start here. Any Help would be awesome.
answer to if next record need to be parsed must be specific, and I have answer a similar question, in the same way, finite-state machine may help
main code is:
state = 'init'
output = []
# for line loop:
if state == 'init': # seek for start parsing
# check if start parsing
state = 'start'
elif state == 'start': # start parsing now
# parsing
# check if need to end parsing
state = 'init'
import csv
import re
import itertools
import timeit
start_time = timeit.default_timer()
# code you want to evaluate
file_name = 'PhoneCallData.txt'
lol = list(csv.reader(open(file_name, 'r'), delimiter=' '))
print('File cannot be opened:', file_name)
fout = open('output.txt','w')
Print("File cannot be written to:","OutputFile")
# I could assign key value pairs and store in dictionry. Then print, search,ect on the dictionary. Version2
# d = dict()
count =0
total = 0
for row in lol: # Lists all items (field) in the CSV file.
count +=1 # counter to keep track of row im looping through
if len(row) == 8:
if row[2].isdigit():
# Remove the $ and convert to float
cost = re.sub('[$]', '', row[7])
# Assign total value
# Calculate total for verification purposes
total = total + float(cost)
total = round(total, 2)
string = str(row[2] + " : " + (row[7]) + " : " + str(total) + "\n")
print (string)
if len(row) == 9:
if row[2].isdigit():
# Remove the $ and convert to float
cost = re.sub('[$]', '', row[8])
# Assign total value
# Calculate total for verification purposes
total = total + float(cost)
total = round(total, 2)
string = str(row[2] + " : " + row[8] + " : " + str(total) + "\n")
if len(row) == 10:
# print (row[2] +":"+ row[9])
# Remove the $ and convert to float
cost = re.sub('[$]', '', row[9])
# Assign total value
# Calculate total for verification purposes
total = total + float(cost)
total = round(total, 2)
string = str(row[2] + " : " + row[9] + " : " + str(total) + "\n")
# Convert to string so I can print and store in file
count_string = str(count)
total_string = str(total)
total_string.split('.', 2)
# Write to screen
print (total_string + " Total\n")
print("Rows parsed :" + count_string)
# write to file
fout.write(count_string + " Rows were parsed\n")
fout.write(total_string + " Total")
# Calcualte time spent on task
elapsed = timeit.default_timer() - start_time
round_elapsed = round(elapsed, 2)
string_elapsed = str(round_elapsed)
print(string_elapsed + " seconds")
