I have a string: "String"
The first thing you do is reverse it: "gnirtS"
Then you will take the string from the 1st position and reverse it again: "gStrin"
Then you will take the string from the 2nd position and reverse it again: "gSnirt"
Then you will take the string from the 3rd position and reverse it again: "gSntri"
Continue this pattern until you have done every single position, and then you will return the string you have created. For this particular string, you would return: "gSntir"
And I have to repeat this entire procedure for x times where the string and x can be very big . (million or billion)
My code is working fine for small strings but it's giving timeout error for very long strings.
def string_func(s,x):
def reversal(st):
for i in range(0,n1):
return st
for i in range(0,x):
return s
This linear implementation could point you in the right direction:
from collections import deque
from itertools import cycle
def special_reverse(s):
d, res = deque(s), []
ops = cycle((d.pop, d.popleft))
while d:
return ''.join(res)
You can recognize the slice patterns in the following examples:
>>> special_reverse('123456')
>>> special_reverse('1234567')
This works too:
my_string = "String"
my_string_len = len(my_string)
result = ""
for i in range(my_string_len):
my_string = my_string[::-1]
result += my_string[0]
my_string = my_string[1:]
And this, though it looks spaghetti :D
s = "String"
lenn = len(s)
resultStringList = []
first_half = list(s[0:int(len(s) / 2)])
second_half = None
middle = None
if lenn % 2 == 0:
second_half = list(s[int(len(s) / 2) : len(s)][::-1])
second_half = list(s[int(len(s) / 2) + 1 : len(s)][::-1])
middle = s[int(len(s) / 2)]
lenn -= 1
for k in range(int(lenn / 2)):
if middle != None:
From the pattern of the original string and the result I constructed this algorithm. It has minimal number of operations.
str = 'Strings'
lens = len(str)
lensh = int(lens/2)
nstr = ''
for i in range(lensh):
nstr = nstr + str[lens - i - 1] + str[i]
if ((lens % 2) == 1):
nstr = nstr + str[lensh]
or a short version using iterator magic:
def string_func(s):
ops = (iter(reversed(s)), iter(s))
return ''.join(next(ops[i % 2]) for i in range(len(s)))
which does the right thing for me, while if you're happy using some library code, you can golf it down to:
from itertools import cycle, islice
def string_func(s):
ops = (iter(reversed(s)), iter(s))
return ''.join(map(next, islice(cycle(ops), len(s))))
my original version takes 80microseconds for a 512 character string, this updated version takes 32µs, while your version took 290µs and schwobaseggl's solution is about 75µs.
I've had a play in Cython and I can get runtime down to ~0.5µs. Measuring this under perf_event_open I can see my CPU is retiring ~8 instructions per character, which seems pretty good, while a hard-coded loop in C gets this down to ~4.5 instructions per ASCII char. These don't seem to be very "Pythonic" solutions so I'll leave them out of this answer. But included this paragraph to show that the OP has options to make things faster, and that running this a billion times on a string consisting of ~500 characters will still take hundreds of seconds even with relatively careful C code.
I want to be able to generate 12 character long chain, of hexadecimal, BUT with no more than 2 identical numbers duplicate in the chain: 00 and not 000
Because, I know how to generate ALL possibilites, including 00000000000 to FFFFFFFFFFF, but I know that I won't use all those values, and because the size of the file generated with ALL possibilities is many GB long, I want to reduce the size by avoiding the not useful generated chains.
So my goal is to have results like 00A300BF8911 and not like 000300BF8911
Could you please help me to do so?
Many thanks in advance!
if you picked the same one twice, remove it from the choices for a round:
import random
hex_digits = set('0123456789ABCDEF')
result = ""
pick_from = hex_digits
for digit in range(12):
cur_digit = random.sample(hex_digits, 1)[0]
result += cur_digit
if result[-1] == cur_digit:
pick_from = hex_digits - set(cur_digit)
pick_from = hex_digits
Since the title mentions generators. Here's the above as a generator:
import random
hex_digits = set('0123456789ABCDEF')
def hexGen():
while True:
result = ""
pick_from = hex_digits
for digit in range(12):
cur_digit = random.sample(hex_digits, 1)[0]
result += cur_digit
if result[-1] == cur_digit:
pick_from = hex_digits - set(cur_digit)
pick_from = hex_digits
yield result
my_hex_gen = hexGen()
counter = 0
for result in my_hex_gen:
counter += 1
if counter > 10:
You could also change the while true loop to only produce a certain number of these based on a number passed into the function.
I interpret this question as, "I want to construct a rainbow table by iterating through all strings that have the following qualities. The string has a length of 12, contains only the characters 0-9 and A-F, and it never has the same character appearing three times in a row."
def iter_all_strings_without_triplicates(size, last_two_digits = (None, None)):
a,b = last_two_digits
if size == 0:
yield ""
for c in "0123456789ABCDEF":
if a == b == c:
for rest in iter_all_strings_without_triplicates(size-1, (b,c)):
yield c + rest
for s in iter_all_strings_without_triplicates(12):
Note that there will be several hundred terabytes' worth of values outputted, so you aren't saving much room compared to just saving every single string, triplicates or not.
import string, random
source = string.hexdigits[:16]
result = ''
while len(result) < 12 :
idx = random.randint(0,len(source))
if len(result) < 3 or result[-1] != result[-2] or result[-1] != source[idx] :
result += source[idx]
You could extract a random sequence from a list of twice each hexadecimal digits:
digits = list('1234567890ABCDEF') * 2
hex_number = ''.join(digits[:12])
If you wanted to allow shorter sequences, you could randomize that too, and left fill the blanks with zeros.
import random
digits = list('1234567890ABCDEF') * 2
num_digits = random.randrange(3, 13)
hex_number = ''.join(['0'] * (12-num_digits)) + ''.join(digits[:num_digits])
You could use a generator iterating a window over the strings your current implementation yields. Sth. like (hex_str[i:i + 3] for i in range(len(hex_str) - window_size + 1)) Using len and set you could count the number of different characters in the slice. Although in your example it might be easier to just compare all 3 characters.
You can create an array from 0 to 255, and use random.sample with your list to get your list
Let's say that I have a list of the alphabet:
ALPHABET = ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z']
and lets say the shift positions are
0, 2, 19
if the input is a string
string = "xyz"
and I want to shift these 3 characters using the above shift positions of 0,2,19
as in shift 'x' 0 times to the right, shift 'y' 2 times to the right, and shift z 19 times to the right.
The only thing that comes to mind is something like the index() function of lists
I also see another problem. IF I shift 'z' 19 times to the right I will get an list index out of range error. If 'z' is shifted 19 times to the right I want it to become 's' which would be 19 shifts going around the list and starting from the beginning. Same thing with 'y' if I shift it to the right 2 times I want it to become 'a' etc....
Any suggestions on what to use?
So my way is more basic than TheSoundDefense but it works pretty well when you input three letters like "xyz". (Im guessing you can come up with a check to make sure they did so)
The main tool that i use is the index function which will match an item in the list and will give me the placement number for that item. Then I take that number and I add it to the numbers you gave. But then I divide it against the length and take the remainder. I don't care how many times it divides out to be, i just want the remainder because that tells me where its at in the alphabet. then I replace the letters and print them out.
ALPHABET = ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z']
print "Please enter three letters"
x = list(raw_input("> ").upper())
length = len(ALPHABET)
first_letter = ALPHABET.index(x[0])
first_letter = (first_letter + 0) % length
x[0] = ALPHABET[first_letter]
second_letter = ALPHABET.index(x[1])
second_letter = (second_letter + 2) % length
x[1] = ALPHABET[second_letter]
third_letter = ALPHABET.index(x[2])
third_letter = (third_letter + 19) % length
x[2] = ALPHABET[third_letter]
print ''.join(x)
EDIT: I just realized I was probably answering a totally different question, because my brain doesn't understand the word "shift" properly. So instead of generating new letters, I'm generating an entirely new alphabet. Feel free to point and laugh.
For handling the out-of-range problem, you'll want to use the modulus function % to make the number "wrap around". You can use this in conjunction with slicing in order to get your shift.
ALPHABET = ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z']
inputstring = "XYZ"
def shift(inputstr, shift1, shift2, shift3):
new_alphabet = list(ALPHABET)
shifts = [shift1, shift2, shift3]
for i in range(0,3):
inputchar = inputstr[i]
i1 = new_alphabet.index(inputchar)
i1_adjust = (i1 + shifts[i]) % len(new_alphabet)
temp_alphabet = new_alphabet[:i1] + new_alphabet[i1+1:]
new_alphabet = temp_alphabet[:i1_adjust] + [inputchar] + temp_alphabet[i1_adjust:]
print new_alphabet
# We call it here.
We're basically finding the index of our character and adding our shift amount to it. Then we pull that character out of our alphabet and move along i1_adjust number of spaces to the new position. We pull the alphabet apart at that position, insert the character, and glue it back together. The code could probably be more elegant if shift1, shift2, shift3 was changed to a list of shift positions, but the proof of concept is there.
Can i solve this way: Let me know if you don't like this solution in comment, I will remove it. ( instead of down-voting )
alpha = ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I',\
def shift_right(char, shift_inx):
dic1 = dict(zip(alpha, range(26)))
dic2 = dict(zip(range(26), alpha))
total = len(alpha)
nxt_inx = dic1[char] + shift_inx
if nxt_inx <= 25:
return dic2[nxt_inx]
return dic2[nxt_inx % total]
def main():
for x,y in [('X', 0), ('Y', 2), ('Z', 19)]:
print '%s => %s => %s' % ( x, y, shift_right(x, y))
if __name__ == '__main__':
X => 0 => X
Y => 2 => A
Z => 19 => S
alpha = ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I',\
def shift_right(char, shift_inx):
total = len(alpha)
nxt_inx = alpha.index(char) + shift_inx
if nxt_inx <= 25:
return alpha[nxt_inx]
return alpha[nxt_inx % total]
def main():
for x,y in [('X', 0), ('Y', 2), ('Z', 20)]:
print '%s => %s => %s' % ( x, y, shift_right(x, y))
if __name__ == '__main__':
I want to decrypt an encrypted file. I'm having trouble all the way at the bottom when converting it and comparing it to a dictionary (which is full of words). Can someone guide me in the right direction? I'm struggling comparing the two.
#this function takes a string and encrypts ONLY letters by k shifts
def CaeserCipher(string, k):
#setting up variables to move through
lower = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'*10000
newCipher = ''
#looping each letter and moving it k times
for letter in string:
if letter in upper:
if upper.index(letter) + k > 25:
indexPosition = (upper.index(letter) + k)
newCipher = newCipher + upper[indexPosition]
indexPosition = upper.index(letter) + k
newCipher = newCipher + upper[indexPosition]
elif letter in lower:
if lower.index(letter) + k > 25:
indexPosition = (lower.index(letter) + k)
newCipher = newCipher + lower[indexPosition]
indexPosition = lower.index(letter) + k
newCipher = newCipher + lower[indexPosition]
newCipher = newCipher + letter
return newCipher
f = open('dictionary.txt', "r")
dictionary = set()
for line in f:
word = line.strip()
print dictionary
#main file
#reading file and encrypting text
f = open('encryptMystery1.txt')
string = ''
out = open("plain1.txt", "w")
myList = []
for line in f:
for sentence in myList:
for k in range(26):
updatedSentence = CaeserCipher(sentence, k)
for word in updatedSentence.split():
if word in dictionary:
print myList
Let's tackle this in steps, and the first step is entitled
Sorry, I don't mean to be overly dramatic, but you realize that's going to take up more space than, well, Space, don't you? And it's completely unnecessary. It's an ugly and slow hack to avoid understanding the % (modulo) operator. Don't do that.
Now, to the modulo:
Step two of course will have to be understanding the modulo. It's not actually hard, it's just like the remainder of a division problem. You remember when you were in school and just LEARNING division? 7/4 was 1r3 not 1.75, remember? Well Python has functions for all that. 7/4 == 1.75, 7//4 == 1 and 7 % 4 == 3. This is useful because it can serve to "wrap" a number around a fixed length.
Let's say for example you have some string with 26 indexes (like, I don't know, an alphabet?). You're trying to add some number to a starting index, then return the result but UGH YOU'RE ADDING 2 TO Y AND IT DOESN'T WORK! Well with modulo it can. Y is in index 24 (remember zero is its own index), and 24+2 is 26 and there IS no 26th index. However, if you know there's going to be only 26 elements in your string, we can take the modulo and use THAT instead.
By that logic, index + CONSTANT % len(alphabet) will ALWAYS return the right number using simple math and not sweet baby jesus the quarter million element long string you just butchered.
Ugh your mother would be ashamed.
Reversing a Caesar cipher
So you've got a good idea, going through each line in turn and applying every kind of cipher to it. If I were you I'd dump them all into separate files, or even into separate list elements. Remember though that if you're reversing the cipher, you need to use -k not k. It's probably a good idea to simply change your Caesar cipher to detect that though, since the modulo trick doesn't work in this case. Try something like:
def cipher(text, k):
if k < 0:
k = len(cipherkey) + k
# len(cipherkey) - abs(k) would be more clear, but if it HAS to be
# a negative number to get in here, it seems silly to add the call
# to abs
Then you can do:
startingtext = "Encrypted_text_goes_here"
possibledecrypts = [cipher(startingtext, -i) for i in range(1,26)]
Here is my question
count += 1
num = 0
num = num + 1
obs = obs_%d%(count)
mag = mag_%d%(count)
while num < 4:
obsforsim = obs + mag
for index in mylist:
print index
The above code gives the following results
obs1 = mag1
obs2 = mag2
obs3 = mag3
and so on.
obsforrbd = parentV = {0},format(index)
cmds.dynExpression(nPartilce1,s = obsforrbd,c = 1)
However when i run the code above it only gives me
parentV = obs3 = mag3
not the whole list,it only gives me the last element of the list why is that..??
I'm having difficulty interpreting your question, so I'm just going to base this on the question title.
Let's say you have a list of items (they could be anything, numbers, strings, characters, etc)
myList = [1,2,3,4,"abcd"]
If you do something like:
for i in myList:
you will get:
If you want to convert this to a string:
myString = ' '.join(myList)
should have:
>"1 2 3 4 abcd"
Now for some explanation:
' ' is a string in python, and strings have certain methods associated with them (functions that can be applied to strings). In this instance, we're calling the .join() method. This method takes a list as an argument, and extracts each element of the list, converts it to a string representation and 'joins' it based on ' ' as a separator. If you wanted a comma separated list representation, just replace ' ' with ','.
I think your indentations wrong ... it should be
while num < 4:
obsforsim = obs + mag
for index in mylist:
but Im not sure if thats your problem or not
the reason it did not work before is
while num < 4:
obsforsim = obs + mag
#does all loops before here
mylist.append(obsforsim) #appends only last
The usual pythonic way to spit out a list of numbered items would be either the range function:
results = []
for item in range(1, 4):
results.append("obs%i = mag_%i" % (item, item))
> ['obs1 = mag_1', 'obs2 = mag_2', 'ob3= mag_3']
and so on (note in this example you have to pass in the item variable twice to get it to register twice.
If that's to be formatted into something like an expression you could use
as in the other example to create a single string with the obs = mag pairs on their own lines.
Finally, you can do all that in one line with a list comprehension.
'\n'.join([ "obs%i = mag_%i" % (item, item) for item in range (1, 4)])
As other people have pointed out, while loops are dangerous - its easier to use range