Python fast way to read several rows of csv text? - python

I wish to to the following as fast as possible with Python:
read rows i to j of a csv file
create the concatenation of all the strings in csv[row=(loop i to j)][column=3]
My first code was a loop (i to j) of the following:
with open('Train.csv', 'rt') as f:
row = next(itertools.islice(csv.reader(f), row_number, row_number+1))
tags = (row[3].decode('utf8'))
return tags
but my code above reads the csv one column at a time and is slow.
How can I read all rows in one call and concatenate fast?
Edit for additional information:
the csv file size is 7GB; I have only 4GB of RAM, on windows XP; but I don't need to read all columns (only 1% of the 7GB would be good I think).

Since I know which data you are interested in, I can speak from experience:
import csv
with open('Train.csv', 'rt') as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|')
for row in reader:
row[0] # ID
row[1] # title
row[2] # body
row[3] # tags
You can of course per row select anything you want, and store it as you like.
By using an iterator variable, you can decide which rows to collect:
import csv
with open('Train.csv', 'rt') as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|')
linenum = 0
tags = [] # you can preallocate memory to this list if you want though.
for row in reader:
if linenum > 1000 and linenum < 2000:
tags.append(row[3]) # tags
if linenum == 2000:
break # so it won't read the next 3 million rows
linenum += 1
The good thing about it is also that this will really use low memory as you read in line by line.
As mentioned, if you want the later cases, it still has to parse the data to get there (this is inevitable since there are newlines in the text, so you can't skip to a certain row). Personally, I just roughly used linux's split, to split the file in chunks, and then edited them making sure they start at an ID (and end with a tag).
Then I used:
train =, quotechar="\"")
To quickly read in the split files.

If the file is not HUGE (hundred of megabytes) and you actually need to read a lot of rows then probably just
tags = " ".join(x.split("\t")[3]
for x in open("Train.csv").readlines()[from_row:to_row+1])
is going to be the fastest way.
If the file is instead very big the only thing you can do is iterating over all lines because CSV is uses unfortunately (in general) variable-sized records.
If by chance the specific CSV uses a fixed-size record format (not uncommon for large files) then directly seeking into the file may be an option.
If the file uses variable-sized records and the search must be done several times with different ranges then creating a simple external index just once (e.g. line->file offset for all line numbers that are a multiple of 1000) can be good idea.

Your question does not contain enough information, probably because you don't see some existing complexity: Most CSV files contain one record per line. In that case it's simple to skip the rows you're not interested in. But in CSV records can span lines, so a general solution (like the CSV reader from the standard library) has to parse the records to skip lines. It's up to you to decide what optimization is ok in your use case.
The next problem is, that you don't know, which part of the code you posted, is too slow. Measure it. Your code will never run faster than the time you need to read the file from disc. Have you checked that? Or have you guessed what part's to slow?
If you want to do fast transformations of CSV data which fits to memory, I would propose to use/learn Pandas. So it would probably a good idea to split your code in two steps:
Reduce file to the required data.
Transform the remaining data.

sed is designed for the task 'read rows i to j of a csv file'.to
If the solution does not have to be pure Python, I think preprocess the csv file with sed sed -n 'i, jp', then parse the output with Python would be simple and quick.


How to write a large .txt file to a csv for Biq Query dump?

I have a dataset that is 86 million rows x 20 columns with a header, and I need to convert it to a csv in order to dump it into big query (adding multiple tags from that). The logical solution is reading the .txt file with pd.read_csv but I don't have 86 million rows of memory on my device and it will crash jupyter.
I'm aware of other threads such as (How to convert a tab delimited text file to a csv file in Python) but my issue seems rather niche.
Is there a way I could go about this? I thought about Vaex but I have total unfamiliarity with the toolkit, and it doesn't seem to have a writer within.
Current thoughts would be:
csv_path = r'csv_test.csv'
txt_path = r'txt_test.txt'
with open(txt_path, "r") as in_text:
in_reader = csv.reader(in_text, delimiter="|", skipinitialspace=True)
with open(csv_path, "w") as out_csv:
out_writer = csv.writer(out_csv, delimiter = ',')
for row in in_reader:
Currently, I am receiving an error stating:
Error: field larger than field limit (131072)
It seems it's the maximum row count in a single column, so I'm quite a bit off.
I've gotten a csv of smaller files to generate (only using 3 of the 35 total .txt files) but when I attempt to use all, it fails with code above.
Update: I have expanded the sys.maxsize and am still receiving this same error
I have no way to verify if this works due to the sheer size of the dataset, but it seems like it /should/ work. Trying to read it with Vaex would work if I wasn't getting parsing errors due to there being commas within the data.
So I have 3 questions:
Is there a way I can write a larger sized csv?
Is there a way to dump in the large pipe delimited .txt file to Big Query in chunks as different csv's?
Can I dump 35 csv's into Big Query in one upload?
here is a short dataframe sample:
0|C00632562|N|M4|P|202204139496092475|15E|IND|NAME, NAME|PALO ALTO|CA|943012820.0|NOT EMPLOYED|RETIRED|3272022|5|C00401224|VTEKDYJ78M3|1581595||* EARMARKED CONTRIBUTION: SEE BELOW|4041920221470955005
1|C00632562|N|M4|P|202204139496092487|15E|IND|NAME, NAME|DALLAS|TX|752054324.0|SELF EMPLOYED|PHOTOGRAPHER|3272022|500|C00401224|VTEKDYJ7BD4|1581595||* EARMARKED CONTRIBUTION: SEE BELOW|4041920221470955041
I think there is some red-herring going on here:
Is there a way I can write a larger sized csv?
Yes, the reader and writer iterator style should be able to read any length of file, they step through incrementally, and at no stage do they attempt to read the whole file. Something else is going wrong in your example.
Is there a way to dump in the large tab-delimited .txt file to Big Query in chunks as different csv's?
You shouldn't need to.
Can I dump 35 csv's into Big Query in one upload?
That's more a Big Query api question, so I wont attempt to answer that here.
In your code, your text delimiter is set to a pipe, but in your question number 2, you describe it as being tab delimited. If you're giving the wrong delimiter to the code, it might try to read more content into a field than it's expecting, and fail when it hits some field-size limit. This sounds like it might be what's going on in your case.
Also, watch out when piping your file out and changing delimiters - in the data sample you post, there are some commas embedded in the text, this might result in a corrupted file when it comes to reading it in again on the other side. Take some time to think about your target CSV dialect, in terms of text quoting, chosen delimiters etc.
Try replacing the | with \t and see if that helps.
If you're only changing the delimiter from one thing to another, is that a useful process? Maybe forget the whole CSV nature of the file, and read lines iteratively, and write them without modifying them any, you could use readline and writeline for this, probably speeding things up in the process. Again, because they're iterative, you wont have to worry about loading the whole file into RAM, and just stream from one source to your target. Beware how long it might take to do this, and if you've a patchy network, it can all go horribly wrong. But at least it's a different error!

Viewing a portion of a very large CSV file?

I have a ~1.0gb CSV file, and when trying to load it into Excel just to view, Excel crashes. I don't know the schema of the file, so it's difficult for me to load it into R or Python. The file contains restaurant reviews and has commas in it.
How can I open just a portion of the file (say, the first 100 rows, or 1.0mb's worth) in Windows Notepad or Excel?
In my version of excel the open dialogs do not seem to offer a "read only these many lines" option, only a start at line (used to skip headers I guess).
So if you have no head binary at hand on your platform, but python a simplistic working solution for your case should be (hard coded 100 lines aka rows):
#! /usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
def main():
"""Do the thing."""
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
sys.exit("Usage: InFIle OutHead100File")
in_name, out_name = sys.argv[1:3]
print("Simple head(100)[%s] -> %s ..." % (in_name, out_name))
with open(in_name, 'rt') as f_in, open(out_name, 'wt') as f_out:
for n in range(LINE_COUNT):
if __name__ == '__main__':
and one would call the above code (assuming stored in script file and given a file huge.csv should have first 100 rows copied to a file 100.csv):
$ python2 ./ huge.csv 100.csv
Simple head(100)[huge.csv] -> 100.csv ...
And now in 100.csvther are the first 100 lines of huge.csv.
If you want to do somewhat more selective fishing for particular rows, then the python csv module will allow you to read the csv file row by row into Python data structures. Consult the documentation.
This may be useful if just grabbing the first hundred lines reveals nothing about many of the columns because they are blank in all those rows. So you could easily write a program in Python to read as many rows as it takes to find and write out a few rows with non-blank data in particular columns. Likewise if you want to analyze a subset of the data matching particular criteria, you can read all the rows in and write only the interesting ones out for further analysis.
An alternative to csv is pandas. Bigger learning curve, but it is probably the right tool for analyzing big data. (1Gb is not very big these days).

Using Python v3.5 to load a tab-delimited file, omit some rows, and output max and min floating numbers in a specific column to a new file

I've tried for several hours to research this, but every possible solution hasn't suited my particular needs.
I have written the following in Python (v3.5) to download a tab-delimited .txt file.
#!/usr/bin/env /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/bin/python3.5
import urllib.request
import time
timestr = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S")
filename="/data examples/"+ "ace-magnetometer-" + timestr + '.txt'
urllib.request.urlretrieve('', filename=filename)
This downloads the file from here and renames it based on the current time. It works perfectly.
I am hoping that I can then use the "filename" variable to then load the file and do some things to it (rather than having to write out the full file path and file name, because my ultimate goal is to do the following to several hundred different files, so using a variable will be easier in the long run).
This using-the-variable idea seems to work, because adding the following to the above prints the contents of the file to STDOUT... (so it's able to find the file without any issues):
import csv
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f, dialect='excel', delimiter='\t')
for row in reader:
As you can see from the file, the first 18 lines are informational.
Line 19 provides the actual column names. Then there is a line of dashes.
The actual data I'm interested in starts on line 21.
I want to find the minimum and maximum numbers in the "Bt" column (third column from the right). One of the possible solutions I found would only work with integers, and this dataset has floating numbers.
Another possible solution involved importing the pyexcel module, but I can't seem to install that correctly...
import pyexcel as pe
data = pe.load(filename, name_columns_by_row=19)
I'd like to be able to print the minimum Bt and maximum Bt values into two separate files called minBt.txt and maxBt.txt.
I would appreciate any pointers anyone may have, please.
This is meant to be a comment on your latest question to Apoc, but I'm new, so I'm not allowed to comment. One thing that might create problems is that bz_values (and bt_values, for that matter) might be a list of strings (at least it was when I tried to run Apoc's script on the example file you linked to). You could solve this by substituting this:
min_bz = min([float(x) for x in bz_values])
max_bz = max([float(x) for x in bz_values])
for this:
min_bz = min(bz_values)
max_bz = max(bz_values)
The following will work as long as all the files are formatted in the same way, i.e. data 21 lines in, same number of columns and so on. Also, the file that you linked did not appear to be tab delimited, and thus I've simply used the string split method on each row instead of the csv reader. The column is read from the file into a list, and that list is used to calculate the maximum and minimum values:
from itertools import islice
# Line that data starts from, zero-indexed.
# The column containing the data in question, zero-indexed.
# The value present when a measurement failed.
with open('data.txt', 'r') as f:
bt_values = []
for val in (row.split()[DATA_COL] for row in islice(f, START_LINE, None)):
min_bt = min(bt_values)
max_bt = max(bt_values)
with open('minBt.txt', 'a') as minFile:
print(min_bt, file=minFile)
with open('maxBt.txt', 'a') as maxFile:
print(max_bt, file=maxFile)
I have assumed that since you are doing this to multiple files you are looking to accumulate multiple max and min values in the maxBt.txt and minBt.txt files, and hence I've opened them in 'append' mode. If this is not the case, please swap out the 'a' argument for 'w', which will overwrite the file contents each time.
Edit: Updated to include workaround for failed measurements, as discussed in comments.
Edit 2: Updated to fix problem with negative numbers, also noted by Derek in separate answer.

Text file manipulation with Python

First off, I am very new to Python. When I started to do this it seemed very simple. However I am at a complete loss.
I want to take a text file with as many as 90k entries and put the data groups on a single line separated by a ';' My examples are below. Keep in mind that the groups of data vary in size. They could be two entries, or 100 entries.
Raw Data
Formatted Data
try something like the following. ( can learn a bit of python by debugging!)
create python file ""
import sys
f = open('filename.txt', 'r')
for line in f:
txt = line.strip()
if txt == '':
sys.stdout.write( txt + ';')
and in a shell, type:
python > output.txt
and see if output.txt is what you want.
Assuming the groups are separated with an empty line, you can use the following one-liner:
>>> print "\n".join([item.replace('\n', ';') for item in open('file.txt').read().split('\n\n')])
where file.txt contains
First the file content (open().read()) is split on empty lines split('\n\n') to produce a list of blocks, then, in each block [item ... for item in list], newlines are replaced with semi-colons, and finally all blocks are printed separated with a newline "\n".join(list)
Note that the above is not safe for production, that is code that you would write for interactive data transformation, not in production-level scripts.
What have you tried? Text file is for/from what? File manipulation is one of the last "basic" things I plan on learning. I'm saving it for when I understand the nuances of for loops, while loops, dictionaries, lists, appending, and a million other handy functions out there. That's after 2-3 months of research, coding and creating GUI's by the way.
Anyways here's some basic suggestions.
';'.join(group) will put a ";" in between each group, effectively creating one long (semi-colon delimited) string
group.replace("SPACE CHARACTER", ";") : This will replace any spaces or specified character (like a newline) within a group with a semi-colon.
There's a lot of other methods that include loading the txt file into a python script, .append() functions, putting the groups into lists, dictionaries, or matrix's, etc..
These are my bits to throw on the problem:
from collections import defaultdict
import codecs
import csv
res = defaultdict(list)
cgroup = ''
with'tmp.txt',encoding='UTF-8') as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith('group'):
cgroup = line.strip()
with'out.txt','w',encoding='UTF-8') as f:
w = csv.writer(f, delimiter=';',quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
for k in res:
w.writerow([k,]+ res[k])
Let me explain a bit on the why I did things, as I did. First, I used the codecs module to open the data file explicitly with the codec, since data should always be treated right and not by just guessing what it might be. Then I used a defaultdict, which has a nice documentation online, cause its more pythonic, at least regarding to mr. hettinger. It is one of the patterns, that can be unlearned if you use python.
At least, I used a csv-writer to generate the output, cause writing CSV files is not as easy as one might think. And to be able to just meet the right criteria, or just to get the data into a correct csv format, it is better to use, what many eyes have seen, instead of reinventing the wheel.

Python CSV parsing fills up memory

I have a CSV file which has over a million rows and I am trying to parse this file and insert the rows into the DB.
with open(file, "rb") as csvfile:
re = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
for row in re:
//insert row['column_name'] into DB
For csv files below 2 MB this works well but anything more than that ends up eating my memory. It is probably because i store the Dictreader's contents in a list called "re" and it is not able to loop over such a huge list. I definitely need to access the csv file with its column names which is why I chose dictreader since it easily provides column level access to my csv files. Can anyone tell me why this is happening and how can this be avoided?
The DictReader does not load the whole file in memory but read it by chunks as explained in this answer suggested by DhruvPathak.
But depending on your database engine, the actual write on disk may only happen at commit. That means that the database (and not the csv reader) keeps all data in memory and at end exhausts it.
So you should try to commit every n records, with n typically between 10 an 1000 depending on the size of you lines and the available memory.
If you don't need the entire columns at once, you can simply read the file line by line like you would with a text file and parse each row. The exact parsing depends on your data format but you could do something like:
delimiter = ','
with open(filename, 'r') as fil:
headers =
headers = headers.strip().split(delimiter)
dic_headers = {hdr: headers.index(hdr) for hdr in headers}
for line in fil:
row = line.strip().split(delimiter)
## do something with row[dic_headers['column_name']]
This is a very simple example but it can be more elaborate. For example, this does not work if your data contains ,.
