def creabackuno():
messagebox.showinfo( "Wait..","I am creating the backup, please wait...")
messagebox.showinfo( "OK!","Backup (1) created!")
except OSError as exc:
messagebox.showerror( "Nope!","There is already a backup to restore")
I have a problem with a progressbar:
The startbar() start the progressbar on the graphic interface, but when start shutil(copytree(path,r"backup\dirbackup1.minecraft")) the interface freezing and the progressbar stop until it finished.
i'm using python 3.3
sorry for my poor english
What does the progress bar show? If you are trying to show the percent of the file copied then you have to get the total length/bytes of the file first and then update periodically with the number of bytes copied. That would require using "after" to check the size of the copy-to file every so many milliseconds (I think as I am just guessing here, but search first as there has to be someone who has already done something like this.) This is the first link that I found It may be more than you want but should help.
copytree is a synchronous function, so all code execution will stop until it's done. Although tkinter is sad not to be thread-safe I recommend that you put that command in another thread:
from thread import start_new_thread as snt
#from _thread import start_new_thread as snt for python 3
def copy(onError,onEnd):
try: copytree(path,r"backup\dirbackup1\.minecraft")
def onEnd():
messagebox.showinfo( "OK!","Backup (1) created!")
def onError():
messagebox.showerror( "Nope!","There is already a backup to restore")
#then call with
Execs onError if it fails and onEnd on success.
use self.Frame.update_idletasks() after every self.pgBar.step(x) statement,where 'x' stands for the value by which progressbar's value increases
I created a simple bind script. It works on IDLE Python but it doesn't work in CS:GO. Do you know why?
Mayby it must be on background to work?
import keyboard
import pyautogui
import time
def EventListen():
while True:
if keyboard.is_pressed('n'):'`')
pyautogui.typewrite('say EZ')'enter')'`')
I don't see the need to use pyautogui since you are already using keyboard which is sufficient to perform the tasks you need. I have made some changes to your code
import time
import keyboard
def EventListen():
while True:
if keyboard.is_pressed('n'):'`')
keyboard.write('say EZ')'enter')'`')
elif keyboard.is_pressed('/'): #add something to end the process
There is no need to call the function in the while loop, as it will anyway be executed infinitely unless you kill the process. I don't see why the script wouldn't run in the background, in fact I am typing this
n`say EZ
using the script. What might be possible is that your previous program ran continuously, causing high CPU usage which might have competed with the game's demand. I recomend you to add a small delay before every iteration of the while loop, in this case I have added 1 ms delay, which will cause significant reduction in CPU usage. I am not sure if that solved your problem as I am unable to reproduce your exact case, let me know if it helped.
EDIT : I forgot to mention, I have added another binding of keyboard.is_pressed('/') which will make the program break out of the loop and hence terminate it when / key is pressed. You can change this as you like. If you don't want any other binding as such (which I don't recommend) then you can rely on manually killing the task.
you should make an exe with pyinstaller and you run it background
I'm making a tkinter program in which it will be needed to make the connection with Arduino via serial (but that's not very important).
Before explaining my problem, here is the code:
def arduino_makeConnection():
global arduino
arduino = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0', 9600, timeout = 0)
print "Failed to connect"
global time_start
So, I want to try to make connection via serial with the arduino only during 20s. After that time, I want it to give it up.
The problem is that my tkinter window doesn't open even though it prints in my console "Failed to connect" many many times until it gets the message (way before the 20 seconds have run off): RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in cmp
I have tried to change time from 0 to 10 or 100ms on the root.after, but that doesn't solve the problem.
I think this has something to do with event handler, or something like that. However I thought that as I am not using a While or any other kind of loop, Tkinter would work...
Actually, before using the root.after I was making a While that was only breaking after the 20s or insead if the arduino was plugged in during that time. However when I searched in the internet, I realized that a loop in Tkinter is not a good idea. So, I changed to the root.after method, but now it's not working either!
Any help?
Thanks in advance!
Consider this code:
This is exactly the same as this code:
result = arduino_makeConnection()
root.after(0, result)
And, assuming your function doesn't return anything, it's exactly the same as this:
root.after(0, None)
See the problem? The after command must be given a reference to a callable. In short, remove the parenthesis:
Also, I highly recommend against using 0 (zero) as the first parameter. At the very least you should use 1 (one). A value of zero can have surprising side effects because you essentially create an infinite event queue that never empties.
If you tried to make an MCVE, you might come up with
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
def callback():
root.after(0, callback())
This might make it more obvious that calling callback() calls callback() calls ..., until you get the recursion error. Remove the () in the root.after call. Also use a non-zero delay. Try the above with, for instance, `root.after(100, callback).
So, I am having this following snippet which attempts to start Microsoft Powerpoint through the win32api:
import threading
import win32com.client
import sys
class myDemo(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
def run(self):
myObject = win32com.client.Dispatch("Powerpoint.Application")
print "OK"
print "Failed to start Powerpoint!"
print "Now attempting to shutdown..."
print "Error"
if __name__ == "__main__":
test = myDemo()
The problem is that it fails and I have no clue why.
However, if I change the last line to it will launch successfully.
So again why is this failing with test.start()?
Why is this happening and how should I solve it considering I need Powerpoint to run on a seperate thread asynchronously?
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: Apparently my question is somehow related to this:
However apart from the proposed proper solution no one seems to answer why exactly COM is behaving this way.
I'm afraid your question likely can't be summed up in one or two sentences due to complexities in COM and threading and why they work the way they do. But for starters, here's some good information why COM behaves the way it does under threading:
Additionally, you should consider reviewing the book Python Programming on Win32. It contains useful information that sheds more light on COM threading. (Despite its age it is still useful.)
Finally, in case it wasn't clear from the reference you provided, whenever your program uses threads and COM, you must indicate in code that you're going to use COM within a thread:
import pythoncom
import win32com.client
### ... inside the thread function ...
x = win32com.client.Dispatch("someCOMobject")
# com calls here
This type of call uses what's called single-apartment threading. It occurs when the threaded code itself instantiates COM objects.
If you find yourself instantiating a single COM object outside the threaded code (and using the instantiated object in the threaded code e.g. passing access to the COM object between threads), then this type of COM threading is called multithreaded-apartment threading:
import sys
sys.coinit_flags = 0
import pythoncom
import win32com.client
# ... outside the thread function ...
x = win32com.client.Dispatch("someCOMobject")
# ... inside the thread function ...
# com calls here for x
Hope this helps.
OK, so I think I found an answer but I am not yet sure why it works..
If I cut and paste this line import win32com.client from the top of the page right inside the try block where I dispatch microsoft powerpoint, the app works successfully.
However, I still can't find out why.
There are at least two more ways to solve the issue:
Use run() method instead of start(), i.e.
Before myObject = win32com.client.Dispatch("Powerpoint.Application") insert the following lines: import pythoncom; CoInitialize()
Notice that using run() instead of start() has been tested in other scripts and it always worked for me!
I was wandering if there was a way to perform an action before the program closes. I am running a program over a long time and I do want to be able to close it and have the data be saved in a text file or something but there is no way of me interfering with the while True loop I have running, and simply saving the data each loop would be highly ineffective.
So is there a way that I can save data, say a list, when I hit the x or destroy the program? I have been looking at the atexit module but have had no luck, except when I set the program to finish at a certain point.
def saveFile(list):
print "Saving List"
with open("file.txt", "a") as test_file:
That is my whole atexit part of the code and like I said, it runs fine when I set it to close through the while loop.
Is this possible, to save something when the application is terminated?
Your atexit usage is wrong. It expects a function and its arguments, but you're just calling your function right away and passing the result to atexit.register(). Try:
atexit.register(saveFile, list)
Be aware that this uses the list reference as it exists at the time you call atexit.register(), so if you assign to list afterwards, those changes will not be picked up. Modifying the list itself without reassigning should be fine, though.
You could use the handle_exit context manager from this ActiveState recipe:
It handles SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt, SIGINT, and SIGTERM, with a simple interface:
def cleanup():
print 'do some cleanup here'
def main():
print 'do something'
if __name__ == '__main__':
with handle_exit(cleanup):
There's nothing you can in reaction to a SIGKILL. It kills your process immediately, without any allowed cleanup.
Catch the SystemExit exception at the top of your application, then rethrow it.
There are a a couple of approaches to this. As some have commented you could used signal handling ... your [Ctrl]+[C] from the terminal where this is running in the foreground is dispatching a SIGHUP signal to your process (from the terminal's drivers).
Another approach would be to use a non-blocking on sys.stdin.fileno such that you're polling your keyboard one during every loop to see if an "exit" keystroke or sequence has been entered.
A similarly non-blocking polling approach can be implemented using the select module's functionality. I've see that used with the termios and tty modules. (Seems inelegant that it needs all those to save, set changes to, and restore the terminal settings, and I've also seen some examples using os and fcntl; and I'm not sure when or why one would prefer one over the other if os.isatty(sys.stdin.fileno())).
Yet another approach would be to use the curses module with window.nodelay() or window.timeout() to set your desired input behavior and then either window.getch() or window.getkey() to poll for any input.
I'm writing a program that adds normal UNIX accounts (i.e. modifying /etc/passwd, /etc/group, and /etc/shadow) according to our corp's policy. It also does some slightly fancy stuff like sending an email to the user.
I've got all the code working, but there are three pieces of code that are very critical, which update the three files above. The code is already fairly robust because it locks those files (ex. /etc/passwd.lock), writes to to a temporary files (ex. /etc/passwd.tmp), and then, overwrites the original file with the temporary. I'm fairly pleased that it won't interefere with other running versions of my program or the system useradd, usermod, passwd, etc. programs.
The thing that I'm most worried about is a stray ctrl+c, ctrl+d, or kill command in the middle of these sections. This has led me to the signal module, which seems to do precisely what I want: ignore certain signals during the "critical" region.
I'm using an older version of Python, which doesn't have signal.SIG_IGN, so I have an awesome "pass" function:
def passer(*a):
The problem that I'm seeing is that signal handlers don't work the way that I expect.
Given the following test code:
def passer(a=None, b=None):
def signalhander(enable):
signallist = (signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGQUIT, signal.SIGABRT, signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIGALRM, signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGKILL)
if enable:
for i in signallist:
signal.signal(i, passer)
for i in signallist:
signal.signal(i, abort)
def abort(a=None, b=None):
sys.exit('\nAccount was not created.\n')
time.sleep(10) # ^C during this sleep
The problem with this code is that a ^C (SIGINT) during the time.sleep(10) call causes that function to stop, and then, my signal handler takes over as desired. However, that doesn't solve my "critical" region problem above because I can't tolerate whatever statement encounters the signal to fail.
I need some sort of signal handler that will just completely ignore SIGINT and SIGQUIT.
The Fedora/RH command "yum" is written is Python and does basically exactly what I want. If you do a ^C while it's installing anything, it will print a message like "Press ^C within two seconds to force kill." Otherwise, the ^C is ignored. I don't really care about the two second warning since my program completes in a fraction of a second.
Could someone help me implement a signal handler for CPython 2.3 that doesn't cause the current statement/function to cancel before the signal is ignored?
As always, thanks in advance.
Edit: After S.Lott's answer, I've decided to abandon the signal module.
I'm just going to go back to try: except: blocks. Looking at my code there are two things that happen for each critical region that cannot be aborted: overwriting file with file.tmp and removing the lock once finished (or other tools will be unable to modify the file, until it is manually removed). I've put each of those in their own function inside a try: block, and the except: simply calls the function again. That way the function will just re-call itself in the event of KeyBoardInterrupt or EOFError, until the critical code is completed.
I don't think that I can get into too much trouble since I'm only catching user provided exit commands, and even then, only for two to three lines of code. Theoretically, if those exceptions could be raised fast enough, I suppose I could get the "maximum reccurrsion depth exceded" error, but that would seem far out.
Any other concerns?
def criticalRemoveLock(file):
if os.path.isFile(file):
return True
except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
return criticalRemoveLock(file)
def criticalOverwrite(tmp, file):
if os.path.isFile(tmp):
shutil.copy2(tmp, file)
return True
except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
return criticalOverwrite(tmp, file)
There is no real way to make your script really save. Of course you can ignore signals and catch a keyboard interrupt using try: except: but it is up to your application to be idempotent against such interrupts and it must be able to resume operations after dealing with an interrupt at some kind of savepoint.
The only thing that you can really to is to work on temporary files (and not original files) and move them after doing the work into the final destination. I think such file operations are supposed to be "atomic" from the filesystem prospective. Otherwise in case of an interrupt: restart your processing from start with clean data.