wxPython and CEF Python 3 - python

Looking at the example file in CEF Python 3 on Windows.
When running the Python example scripts, it opens a debug window in the Windows command prompt.
I want to know how not to show this?
Just to state the obvious:
DEBUG = True -- Does not make a difference, it just stops the debugging inside that window but the window still shows.
This is the example.py file:
# CEF Python 3 example application.
# Checking whether python architecture and version are valid, otherwise an obfuscated
# error will be thrown when trying to load cefpython.pyd with a message "DLL load failed".
import platform
if platform.architecture()[0] != "32bit":
raise Exception("Architecture not supported: %s" % platform.architecture()[0])
import os, sys
libcef_dll = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
if os.path.exists(libcef_dll):
# Import the local module.
if 0x02070000 <= sys.hexversion < 0x03000000:
import cefpython_py27 as cefpython
elif 0x03000000 <= sys.hexversion < 0x04000000:
import cefpython_py32 as cefpython
raise Exception("Unsupported python version: %s" % sys.version)
# Import the package.
from cefpython3 import cefpython
import cefwindow
import win32con
import win32gui
import time
DEBUG = True
def GetApplicationPath(file=None):
import re, os
# If file is None return current directory without trailing slash.
if file is None:
file = ""
# Only when relative path.
if not file.startswith("/") and not file.startswith("\\") and (
not re.search(r"^[\w-]+:", file)):
if hasattr(sys, "frozen"):
path = os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
elif "__file__" in globals():
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
path = os.getcwd()
path = path + os.sep + file
path = re.sub(r"[/\\]+", re.escape(os.sep), path)
path = re.sub(r"[/\\]+$", "", path)
return path
return str(file)
def ExceptHook(excType, excValue, traceObject):
import traceback, os, time, codecs
# This hook does the following: in case of exception write it to
# the "error.log" file, display it to the console, shutdown CEF
# and exit application immediately by ignoring "finally" (_exit()).
errorMsg = "\n".join(traceback.format_exception(excType, excValue,
errorFile = GetApplicationPath("error.log")
appEncoding = cefpython.g_applicationSettings["string_encoding"]
appEncoding = "utf-8"
if type(errorMsg) == bytes:
errorMsg = errorMsg.decode(encoding=appEncoding, errors="replace")
with codecs.open(errorFile, mode="a", encoding=appEncoding) as fp:
fp.write("\n[%s] %s\n" % (
time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), errorMsg))
print("cefpython: WARNING: failed writing to error file: %s" % (
# Convert error message to ascii before printing, otherwise
# you may get error like this:
# | UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode characters
errorMsg = errorMsg.encode("ascii", errors="replace")
errorMsg = errorMsg.decode("ascii", errors="replace")
def InitDebugging():
# Whether to print & log debug messages
cefpython.g_debug = True
cefpython.g_debugFile = GetApplicationPath("debug.log")
cefwindow.g_debug = True
def CefAdvanced():
sys.excepthook = ExceptHook
appSettings = dict()
appSettings["log_file"] = GetApplicationPath("debug.log")
appSettings["log_severity"] = cefpython.LOGSEVERITY_INFO
appSettings["release_dcheck_enabled"] = True # Enable only when debugging
appSettings["browser_subprocess_path"] = "%s/%s" % (
cefpython.GetModuleDirectory(), "subprocess")
wndproc = {
win32con.WM_CLOSE: CloseWindow,
win32con.WM_DESTROY: QuitApplication,
win32con.WM_SIZE: cefpython.WindowUtils.OnSize,
win32con.WM_SETFOCUS: cefpython.WindowUtils.OnSetFocus,
win32con.WM_ERASEBKGND: cefpython.WindowUtils.OnEraseBackground
browserSettings = dict()
browserSettings["universal_access_from_file_urls_allowed"] = True
browserSettings["file_access_from_file_urls_allowed"] = True
windowHandle = cefwindow.CreateWindow(title="CEF Python 3 example",
className="cefpython3_example", width=800, height=600,
icon="icon.ico", windowProc=wndproc)
windowInfo = cefpython.WindowInfo()
browser = cefpython.CreateBrowserSync(windowInfo, browserSettings,
def CloseWindow(windowHandle, message, wparam, lparam):
browser = cefpython.GetBrowserByWindowHandle(windowHandle)
return win32gui.DefWindowProc(windowHandle, message, wparam, lparam)
def QuitApplication(windowHandle, message, wparam, lparam):
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":

I got it right, but it was actually the way in which I used py2exe.
In the setup.py file I had to change:
,data_files = get_data_files()
,options={"py2exe":{"dll_excludes":dll_excludes, 'optimize': 2}}
,zipfile = "shared.lib"
,data_files = get_data_files()
,options={"py2exe":{"dll_excludes":dll_excludes, 'optimize': 2}}
,zipfile = "shared.lib"


Python - Exit script from outside command

I have a proof of concept script based on the watchdog module, it registers when a new file is added to a set folder and sends off a command, this script runs constantly, but the final design is to be put on a server, meaning we will not have access to the command line to "CTRL + C" it. How do I kill it from an outside source (e.g. second script that activates a function within the primary script)?
Here is my current script, which contains a "stop_watchdog" function at the bottom.
from watchdog.observers import Observer
from watchdog.events import PatternMatchingEventHandler
import os, sys, time
import sqlite3
if __name__ == "__main__":
patterns = ["*"]
ignore_patterns = None
ignore_directories = False
case_sensitive = True
my_event_handler = PatternMatchingEventHandler(patterns, ignore_patterns, ignore_directories, case_sensitive)
def file_detected(textInput):
if ".txt" not in textInput:
conn = sqlite3.connect(textInput) # You can create a new database by changing the name within the quotes
c = conn.cursor() # The database will be saved in the location where your 'py' file is saved
c.execute("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master where type = 'table'")
textTest = "{}.txt".format(textInput)
f = open(textTest, "w")
def on_created(event):
print(f"hey, {event.src_path} has been created!")
##test("{event.src_path}", shell=True)
my_event_handler.on_created = on_created
path = "./xyz"
go_recursively = True
file_observer = Observer()
file_observer.schedule(my_event_handler, path, recursive=go_recursively)
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
def stop_watchdog():

python http server threading via cli

New in version 3.7 supports ThreadingHTTPServer as mentioned in doc
to run from command line we use
python -m http.server
but its still run normal HTTPServer, is there any way to enable via command line.
python 3.7 runs ThreadingHTTPServer by default, no argument necessary
Simple Python 2 HTTP Server with multi-threading and partial-content support
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Standard library imports.
from SocketServer import ThreadingMixIn
import BaseHTTPServer
import SimpleHTTPServer
import sys
import json
import os
from os.path import (join, exists, dirname, abspath, isabs, sep, walk, splitext,
isdir, basename, expanduser, split, splitdrive)
from os import makedirs, unlink, getcwd, chdir, curdir, pardir, rename, fstat
from shutil import copyfileobj, copytree
import glob
from zipfile import ZipFile
from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qs
from urllib import urlopen, quote, unquote
from posixpath import normpath
from cStringIO import StringIO
import re
import ConfigParser
import cgi
import threading
import socket
import errno
DATA_DIR = getcwd() # join(expanduser('~'), APP_NAME)
class ThreadingHTTPServer(ThreadingMixIn, BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer):
class RequestHandler(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
""" Handler to handle POST requests for actions.
serve_path = DATA_DIR
def do_GET(self):
""" Overridden to handle HTTP Range requests. """
self.range_from, self.range_to = self._get_range_header()
if self.range_from is None:
# nothing to do here
return SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.do_GET(self)
print 'range request', self.range_from, self.range_to
f = self.send_range_head()
if f:
self.copy_file_range(f, self.wfile)
def copy_file_range(self, in_file, out_file):
""" Copy only the range in self.range_from/to. """
# Add 1 because the range is inclusive
bytes_to_copy = 1 + self.range_to - self.range_from
buf_length = 64*1024
bytes_copied = 0
while bytes_copied < bytes_to_copy:
read_buf = in_file.read(min(buf_length, bytes_to_copy-bytes_copied))
if len(read_buf) == 0:
bytes_copied += len(read_buf)
return bytes_copied
def send_range_head(self):
"""Common code for GET and HEAD commands.
This sends the response code and MIME headers.
Return value is either a file object (which has to be copied
to the outputfile by the caller unless the command was HEAD,
and must be closed by the caller under all circumstances), or
None, in which case the caller has nothing further to do.
path = self.translate_path(self.path)
f = None
if isdir(path):
if not self.path.endswith('/'):
# redirect browser - doing basically what apache does
self.send_header("Location", self.path + "/")
return None
for index in "index.html", "index.htm":
index = join(path, index)
if exists(index):
path = index
return self.list_directory(path)
if not exists(path) and path.endswith('/data'):
# FIXME: Handle grits-like query with /data appended to path
# stupid grits
if exists(path[:-5]):
path = path[:-5]
ctype = self.guess_type(path)
# Always read in binary mode. Opening files in text mode may cause
# newline translations, making the actual size of the content
# transmitted *less* than the content-length!
f = open(path, 'rb')
except IOError:
self.send_error(404, "File not found")
return None
if self.range_from is None:
self.send_header("Content-type", ctype)
fs = fstat(f.fileno())
file_size = fs.st_size
if self.range_from is not None:
if self.range_to is None or self.range_to >= file_size:
self.range_to = file_size-1
"bytes %d-%d/%d" % (self.range_from,
# Add 1 because ranges are inclusive
(1 + self.range_to - self.range_from))
self.send_header("Content-Length", str(file_size))
self.send_header("Last-Modified", self.date_time_string(fs.st_mtime))
return f
def list_directory(self, path):
"""Helper to produce a directory listing (absent index.html).
Return value is either a file object, or None (indicating an
error). In either case, the headers are sent, making the
interface the same as for send_head().
list = os.listdir(path)
except os.error:
self.send_error(404, "No permission to list directory")
return None
list.sort(key=lambda a: a.lower())
f = StringIO()
displaypath = cgi.escape(unquote(self.path))
f.write('<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">')
f.write("<html>\n<title>Directory listing for %s</title>\n" % displaypath)
f.write("<body>\n<h2>Directory listing for %s</h2>\n" % displaypath)
for name in list:
fullname = os.path.join(path, name)
displayname = linkname = name
# Append / for directories or # for symbolic links
if os.path.isdir(fullname):
displayname = name + "/"
linkname = name + "/"
if os.path.islink(fullname):
displayname = name + "#"
# Note: a link to a directory displays with # and links with /
% (quote(linkname), cgi.escape(displayname)))
length = f.tell()
encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html; charset=%s" % encoding)
self.send_header("Content-Length", str(length))
return f
def translate_path(self, path):
""" Override to handle redirects.
path = path.split('?',1)[0]
path = path.split('#',1)[0]
path = normpath(unquote(path))
words = path.split('/')
words = filter(None, words)
path = self.serve_path
for word in words:
drive, word = splitdrive(word)
head, word = split(word)
if word in (curdir, pardir): continue
path = join(path, word)
return path
# Private interface ######################################################
def _get_range_header(self):
""" Returns request Range start and end if specified.
If Range header is not specified returns (None, None)
range_header = self.headers.getheader("Range")
if range_header is None:
return (None, None)
if not range_header.startswith("bytes="):
print "Not implemented: parsing header Range: %s" % range_header
return (None, None)
regex = re.compile(r"^bytes=(\d+)\-(\d+)?")
rangething = regex.search(range_header)
if rangething:
from_val = int(rangething.group(1))
if rangething.group(2) is not None:
return (from_val, int(rangething.group(2)))
return (from_val, None)
print 'CANNOT PARSE RANGE HEADER:', range_header
return (None, None)
def get_server(port=8000, next_attempts=0, serve_path=None):
Handler = RequestHandler
if serve_path:
Handler.serve_path = serve_path
while next_attempts >= 0:
httpd = ThreadingHTTPServer(("", port), Handler)
return httpd
except socket.error as e:
if e.errno == errno.EADDRINUSE:
next_attempts -= 1
port += 1
def main(args=None):
if args is None:
args = sys.argv[1:]
PORT = 8000
if len(args)>0:
PORT = int(args[-1])
serve_path = DATA_DIR
if len(args) > 1:
serve_path = abspath(args[-2])
httpd = get_server(port=PORT, serve_path=serve_path)
print "serving at port", PORT
if __name__ == "__main__" :

Reading windows event log in Python using pywin32 (win32evtlog module)

I would like to read Windows' event log. I am not sure if it's the best way but I would like to use the pywin32 -> win32evtlog module to do so. First and foremost is it possible to read logs from Windows 7 using this library and if so how to read events associated with applications runs (running an .exe must leave a trace in the event log in windows i guess).
I have managed to find some little example on the net but it's not enough for me and the documentation isn't well written unfortunately ;/
import win32evtlog
hand = win32evtlog.OpenEventLog(None,"Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational")
print win32evtlog.GetNumberOfEventLogRecords(hand)
you can find plenty of demos related to the winapi in your C:\PythonXX\Lib\site-packages\win32\Demos folder. In this folder you'll find a script named eventLogDemo.py. There you can see how to use win32evtlog module. Just start this script with eventLogDemo.py -v and you will get prints from your Windows event log with logtype Application.
In case you can't find this script:
import win32evtlog
import win32api
import win32con
import win32security # To translate NT Sids to account names.
import win32evtlogutil
def ReadLog(computer, logType="Application", dumpEachRecord = 0):
# read the entire log back.
h=win32evtlog.OpenEventLog(computer, logType)
numRecords = win32evtlog.GetNumberOfEventLogRecords(h)
# print "There are %d records" % numRecords
while 1:
objects = win32evtlog.ReadEventLog(h, win32evtlog.EVENTLOG_BACKWARDS_READ|win32evtlog.EVENTLOG_SEQUENTIAL_READ, 0)
if not objects:
for object in objects:
# get it for testing purposes, but dont print it.
msg = win32evtlogutil.SafeFormatMessage(object, logType)
if object.Sid is not None:
domain, user, typ = win32security.LookupAccountSid(computer, object.Sid)
sidDesc = "%s/%s" % (domain, user)
except win32security.error:
sidDesc = str(object.Sid)
user_desc = "Event associated with user %s" % (sidDesc,)
user_desc = None
if dumpEachRecord:
print "Event record from %r generated at %s" % (object.SourceName, object.TimeGenerated.Format())
if user_desc:
print user_desc
print msg
except UnicodeError:
print "(unicode error printing message: repr() follows...)"
print repr(msg)
num = num + len(objects)
if numRecords == num:
print "Successfully read all", numRecords, "records"
print "Couldn't get all records - reported %d, but found %d" % (numRecords, num)
print "(Note that some other app may have written records while we were running!)"
def usage():
print "Writes an event to the event log."
print "-w : Dont write any test records."
print "-r : Dont read the event log"
print "-c : computerName : Process the log on the specified computer"
print "-v : Verbose"
print "-t : LogType - Use the specified log - default = 'Application'"
def test():
# check if running on Windows NT, if not, display notice and terminate
if win32api.GetVersion() & 0x80000000:
print "This sample only runs on NT"
import sys, getopt
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "rwh?c:t:v")
computer = None
do_read = do_write = 1
logType = "Application"
verbose = 0
if len(args)>0:
print "Invalid args"
return 1
for opt, val in opts:
if opt == '-t':
logType = val
if opt == '-c':
computer = val
if opt in ['-h', '-?']:
if opt=='-r':
do_read = 0
if opt=='-w':
do_write = 0
if opt=='-v':
verbose = verbose + 1
if do_write:
th = win32security.OpenProcessToken(ph,win32con.TOKEN_READ)
my_sid = win32security.GetTokenInformation(th,win32security.TokenUser)[0]
win32evtlogutil.ReportEvent(logType, 2,
strings=["The message text for event 2","Another insert"],
data = "Raw\0Data".encode("ascii"), sid = my_sid)
win32evtlogutil.ReportEvent(logType, 1, eventType=win32evtlog.EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE,
strings=["A warning","An even more dire warning"],
data = "Raw\0Data".encode("ascii"), sid = my_sid)
win32evtlogutil.ReportEvent(logType, 1, eventType=win32evtlog.EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE,
strings=["An info","Too much info"],
data = "Raw\0Data".encode("ascii"), sid = my_sid)
print("Successfully wrote 3 records to the log")
if do_read:
ReadLog(computer, logType, verbose > 0)
if __name__=='__main__':
I hope this script fits your needs

Python script is exiting with no output and I have no idea why

I'm attempting to debug a Subversion post-commit hook that calls some python scripts. What I've been able to determine so far is that when I run post-commit.bat manually (I've created a wrapper for it to make it easier) everything succeeds, but when SVN runs it one particular step doesn't work.
We're using CollabNet SVNServe, which I know from the documentation removes all environment variables. This had caused some problems earlier, but shouldn't be an issue now.
Before Subversion calls a hook script, it removes all variables - including $PATH on Unix, and %PATH% on Windows - from the environment. Therefore, your script can only run another program if you spell out that program's absolute name.
The relevant portion of post-commit.bat is:
echo -------------------------- >> c:\svn-repos\company\hooks\svn2ftp.out.log
set SITENAME=staging
set SVNPATH=branches/staging/wwwroot/
"C:\Python3\python.exe" C:\svn-repos\company\hooks\svn2ftp.py ^
--svnUser="svnusername" ^
--svnPass="svnpassword" ^
--ftp-user=ftpuser ^
--ftp-password=ftppassword ^
--ftp-remote-dir=/ ^
--access-url=svn:// ^
--status-file="C:\svn-repos\company\hooks\svn2ftp-%SITENAME%.dat" ^
--project-directory=%SVNPATH% "staging.company.com" %1 %2 >> c:\svn-repos\company\hooks\svn2ftp.out.log
echo -------------------------- >> c:\svn-repos\company\hooks\svn2ftp.out.log
When I run post-commit.bat manually, for example: post-commit c:\svn-repos\company 12345, I see output like the following in svn2ftp.out.log:
args1: c:\svn-repos\company
args0: staging.company.com
abspath: c:\svn-repos\company
project_dir: branches/staging/wwwroot/
local_repos_path: c:\svn-repos\company
getting youngest revision...
done, up-to-date
However, when I commit something to the repo and it runs automatically, the output is:
svn2ftp.py is a bit long, so I apologize but here goes. I'll have some notes/disclaimers about its contents below it.
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Usage: svn2ftp.py [OPTION...] FTP-HOST REPOS-PATH
Upload to FTP-HOST changes committed to the Subversion repository at
REPOS-PATH. Uses svn diff --summarize to only propagate the changed files
-?, --help Show this help message.
-u, --ftp-user=USER The username for the FTP server. Default: 'anonymous'
-p, --ftp-password=P The password for the FTP server. Default: '#'
-P, --ftp-port=X Port number for the FTP server. Default: 21
-r, --ftp-remote-dir=DIR The remote directory that is expected to resemble the
repository project directory
-a, --access-url=URL This is the URL that should be used when trying to SVN
export files so that they can be uploaded to the FTP
-s, --status-file=PATH Required. This script needs to store the last
successful revision that was transferred to the
server. PATH is the location of this file.
-d, --project-directory=DIR If the project you are interested in sending to
the FTP server is not under the root of the
repository (/), set this parameter.
Example: -d 'project1/trunk/'
This should NOT start with a '/'.
2008.5.2 CKS
Fixed possible Windows-related bug with tempfile, where the script didn't have
permission to write to the tempfile. Replaced this with a open()-created file
created in the CWD.
2008.5.13 CKS
Added error logging. Added exception for file-not-found errors when deleting files.
2008.5.14 CKS
Change file open to 'rb' mode, to prevent Python's universal newline support from
stripping CR characters, causing later comparisons between FTP and SVN to report changes.
import sys, os
import logging
format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',
console = logging.StreamHandler()
import getopt, tempfile, smtplib, traceback, subprocess
from io import StringIO
import pysvn
import ftplib
import inspect
except Exception as e:
#capture the location of the error
frame = inspect.currentframe()
stack_trace = traceback.format_stack(frame)
#end capture
host = ""
user = "anonymous"
password = "#"
port = 21
repo_path = ""
local_repos_path = ""
status_file = ""
project_directory = ""
remote_base_directory = ""
toAddrs = "developers#company.com"
youngest_revision = ""
def email(toAddrs, message, subject, fromAddr='autonote#company.com'):
headers = "From: %s\r\nTo: %s\r\nSubject: %s\r\n\r\n" % (fromAddr, toAddrs, subject)
message = headers + message
logging.info('sending email to %s...' % toAddrs)
server = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.company.com')
server.sendmail(fromAddr, toAddrs, message)
logging.info('email sent')
def captureErrorMessage(e):
sout = StringIO()
errorMessage = '\n'+('*'*80)+('\n%s'%e)+('\n%s\n'%sout.getvalue())+('*'*80)
return errorMessage
def usage_and_exit(errmsg):
"""Print a usage message, plus an ERRMSG (if provided), then exit.
If ERRMSG is provided, the usage message is printed to stderr and
the script exits with a non-zero error code. Otherwise, the usage
message goes to stdout, and the script exits with a zero
if errmsg is None:
stream = sys.stdout
stream = sys.stderr
print(__doc__, file=stream)
if errmsg:
print("\nError: %s" % (errmsg), file=stream)
def read_args():
global host
global user
global password
global port
global repo_path
global local_repos_path
global status_file
global project_directory
global remote_base_directory
global youngest_revision
opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "?u:p:P:r:a:s:d:SU:SP:",
except getopt.GetoptError as msg:
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ("-?", "--help"):
elif opt in ("-u", "--ftp-user"):
user = arg
elif opt in ("-p", "--ftp-password"):
password = arg
elif opt in ("-SU", "--svnUser"):
svnUser = arg
elif opt in ("-SP", "--svnPass"):
svnPass = arg
elif opt in ("-P", "--ftp-port"):
port = int(arg)
except ValueError as msg:
usage_and_exit("Invalid value '%s' for --ftp-port." % (arg))
if port < 1 or port > 65535:
usage_and_exit("Value for --ftp-port must be a positive integer less than 65536.")
elif opt in ("-r", "--ftp-remote-dir"):
remote_base_directory = arg
elif opt in ("-a", "--access-url"):
repo_path = arg
elif opt in ("-s", "--status-file"):
status_file = os.path.abspath(arg)
elif opt in ("-d", "--project-directory"):
project_directory = arg
if len(args) != 3:
usage_and_exit("host and/or local_repos_path not specified (" + len(args) + ")")
host = args[0]
print("args1: " + args[1])
print("args0: " + args[0])
print("abspath: " + os.path.abspath(args[1]))
local_repos_path = os.path.abspath(args[1])
youngest_revision = int(args[2])
if status_file == "" : usage_and_exit("No status file specified")
def main():
global host
global user
global password
global port
global repo_path
global local_repos_path
global status_file
global project_directory
global remote_base_directory
global youngest_revision
#get youngest revision
print("local_repos_path: " + local_repos_path)
print('getting youngest revision...')
#youngest_revision = fs.youngest_rev(fs_ptr)
assert youngest_revision, "Unable to lookup youngest revision."
last_sent_revision = get_last_revision()
if youngest_revision == last_sent_revision:
# no need to continue. we should be up to date.
print('done, up-to-date')
if last_sent_revision or youngest_revision < 10:
# Only compare revisions if the DAT file contains a valid
# revision number. Otherwise we risk waiting forever while
# we parse and uploading every revision in the repo in the case
# where a repository is retroactively configured to sync with ftp.
pysvn_client = pysvn.Client()
pysvn_client.callback_get_login = get_login
rev1 = pysvn.Revision(pysvn.opt_revision_kind.number, last_sent_revision)
rev2 = pysvn.Revision(pysvn.opt_revision_kind.number, youngest_revision)
summary = pysvn_client.diff_summarize(repo_path, rev1, repo_path, rev2, True, False)
print('summary len:',len(summary))
if len(summary) > 0 :
print('connecting to %s...' % host)
ftp = FTPClient(host, user, password)
print('connected to %s' % host)
ftp.base_path = remote_base_directory
print('set remote base directory to %s' % remote_base_directory)
#iterate through all the differences between revisions
for change in summary :
#determine whether the path of the change is relevant to the path that is being sent, and modify the path as appropriate.
print('change path:',change.path)
ftp_relative_path = apply_basedir(change.path)
print('ftp rel path:',ftp_relative_path)
#only try to sync path if the path is in our project_directory
if ftp_relative_path != "" :
is_file = (change.node_kind == pysvn.node_kind.file)
if str(change.summarize_kind) == "delete" :
print("deleting: " + ftp_relative_path)
ftp.delete_path("/" + ftp_relative_path, is_file)
except ftplib.error_perm as e:
if 'cannot find the' in str(e) or 'not found' in str(e):
# Log, but otherwise ignore path-not-found errors
# when deleting, since it's not a disaster if the file
# we want to delete is already gone.
elif str(change.summarize_kind) == "added" or str(change.summarize_kind) == "modified" :
local_file = ""
if is_file :
local_file = svn_export_temp(pysvn_client, repo_path, rev2, change.path)
print("uploading file: " + ftp_relative_path)
ftp.upload_path("/" + ftp_relative_path, is_file, local_file)
if is_file :
elif str(change.summarize_kind) == "normal" :
print("skipping 'normal' element: " + ftp_relative_path)
else :
raise str("Unknown change summarize kind: " + str(change.summarize_kind) + ", path: " + ftp_relative_path)
#write back the last revision that was synced
print("writing last revision: " + str(youngest_revision))
set_last_revision(youngest_revision) # todo: undo
def get_login(a,b,c,d):
#arguments don't matter, we're always going to return the same thing
return True, "svnUsername", "svnPassword", True
except Exception as e:
#capture the location of the error
frame = inspect.currentframe()
stack_trace = traceback.format_stack(frame)
#end capture
#functions for persisting the last successfully synced revision
def get_last_revision():
if os.path.isfile(status_file) :
f=open(status_file, 'r')
line = f.readline()
try: i = int(line)
except ValueError:
i = 0
i = 0
f = open(status_file, 'w')
return i
def set_last_revision(rev) :
f = open(status_file, 'w')
#augmented ftp client class that can work off a base directory
class FTPClient(ftplib.FTP) :
def __init__(self, host, username, password) :
self.base_path = ""
self.current_path = ""
ftplib.FTP.__init__(self, host, username, password)
def cwd(self, path) :
debug_path = path
if self.current_path == "" :
self.current_path = self.pwd()
print("pwd: " + self.current_path)
if not os.path.isabs(path) :
debug_path = self.base_path + "<" + path
path = os.path.join(self.current_path, path)
elif self.base_path != "" :
debug_path = self.base_path + ">" + path.lstrip("/")
path = os.path.join(self.base_path, path.lstrip("/"))
path = os.path.normpath(path)
#by this point the path should be absolute.
if path != self.current_path :
print("change from " + self.current_path + " to " + debug_path)
ftplib.FTP.cwd(self, path)
self.current_path = path
else :
print("staying put : " + self.current_path)
def cd_or_create(self, path) :
assert os.path.isabs(path), "absolute path expected (" + path + ")"
try: self.cwd(path)
except ftplib.error_perm as e:
for folder in path.split('/'):
if folder == "" :
try: self.cwd(folder)
print("mkd: (" + path + "):" + folder)
def upload_path(self, path, is_file, local_path) :
if is_file:
(path, filename) = os.path.split(path)
# Use read-binary to avoid universal newline support from stripping CR characters.
f = open(local_path, 'rb')
self.storbinary("STOR " + filename, f)
def delete_path(self, path, is_file) :
(path, filename) = os.path.split(path)
print("trying to delete: " + path + ", " + filename)
if is_file :
except ftplib.error_perm as e:
if 'The system cannot find the' in str(e) or '550 File not found' in str(e):
# Log, but otherwise ignore path-not-found errors
# when deleting, since it's not a disaster if the file
# we want to delete is already gone.
def delete_path_recursive(self, path):
if path == "/" :
raise "WARNING: trying to delete '/'!"
for node in self.nlst(path) :
if node == path :
#it's a file. delete and return
if node != "." and node != ".." :
self.delete_path_recursive(os.path.join(path, node))
try: self.rmd(path)
except ftplib.error_perm as msg :
sys.stderr.write("Error deleting directory " + os.path.join(self.current_path, path) + " : " + str(msg))
# apply the project_directory setting
def apply_basedir(path) :
#remove any leading stuff (in this case, "trunk/") and decide whether file should be propagated
if not path.startswith(project_directory) :
return ""
return path.replace(project_directory, "", 1)
def svn_export_temp(pysvn_client, base_path, rev, path) :
# Causes access denied error. Couldn't deduce Windows-perm issue.
# It's possible Python isn't garbage-collecting the open file-handle in time for pysvn to re-open it.
# Regardless, just generating a simple filename seems to work.
#(fd, dest_path) = tempfile.mkstemp()
dest_path = tmpName = '%s.tmp' % __file__
exportPath = os.path.join(base_path, path).replace('\\','/')
print('exporting %s to %s' % (exportPath, dest_path))
pysvn_client.export( exportPath,
peg_revision=rev )
return dest_path
if __name__ == "__main__":
except Exception as e:
# capture the location of the error for debug purposes
frame = inspect.currentframe()
stack_trace = traceback.format_stack(frame)
# end capture
error_text = '\nFATAL EXCEPTION!!!\n'+captureErrorMessage(e)
subject = "ALERT: SVN2FTP Error"
message = """An Error occurred while trying to FTP an SVN commit.
repo_path = %(repo_path)s\n
local_repos_path = %(local_repos_path)s\n
project_directory = %(project_directory)s\n
remote_base_directory = %(remote_base_directory)s\n
error_text = %(error_text)s
""" % globals()
email(toAddrs, message, subject)
I have basically no python training so I'm learning as I go and spending lots of time reading docs to figure stuff out.
The body of get_login is in a try block because I was getting strange errors saying there was an unhandled exception in callback_get_login. Never figured out why, but it seems fine now. Let sleeping dogs lie, right?
The username and password for get_login are currently hard-coded (but correct) just to eliminate variables and try to change as little as possible at once. (I added the svnuser and svnpass arguments to the existing argument parsing.)
So that's where I am. I can't figure out why on earth it's not printing anything into svn2ftp.out.log. If you're wondering, the output for one of these failed attempts in svn2ftp.debug.log is:
2012-09-06 15:18:12,496 INFO svnftp.start
2012-09-06 15:18:12,496 INFO svnftp.done
And it's no different on a successful run. So there's nothing useful being logged.
I'm lost. I've gone way down the rabbit hole on this one, and don't know where to go from here. Any ideas?
It looks as if you are overwriting your logging level. Try setting both to DEBUG and see what happens.
import sys, os
import logging
level=logging.DEBUG, # DEBUG here
format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',
console = logging.StreamHandler()
console.setLevel(logging.ERROR) # ERROR here
Additionally you are printing in some places and logging in others. I am not sure that the logging library automatically redirects sys.stdout to the logging console. I would convert all print statements to logging statements to be consistent.

Edit ini file option values with ConfigParser (Python)

Anyone know how'd I'd go about editing ini file values preferably using ConfigParser? (Or even a place to start from would be great!) I've got lots of comments throughout my config file so I'd like to keep them by just editing the values, not taking the values and playing around with multiple files.
Structure of my config file:
URL = http://example.com
username = dog
password = password
URL = http://catlover.com
username = cat
password = adffa
As you can see, I've got the same options for different section names, so editing just the values for one section is a bit trickier if ConfigParser can't do it.
Thanks in advance.
Here is an example
import sys
import os.path
from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser as ConfParser
from ConfigParser import Error
p = ConfParser()
# this happend to me save as ASCII
o = open("config.ini")
if o.read().startswith("\xef\xbb\xbf"):
print "Fatal Error; Please save the file as ASCII not unicode."
results = p.read("config.ini")
except Error, msg:
print "Error Parsing File"
print msg
if results == []:
print "Could not load config.ini."
if not os.path.exists("config.ini"):
print "config.ini does not exist."
print "An uknown error occurred."
print "Config Details"
sections = p.sections()
for s in sections:
print "------------------------"
print s
if p.has_option(s, "URL"):
print "URL: ",
print p.get(s, "URL")
print "URL: No Entry"
if p.has_option(s, "username"):
print "User: ",
print p.get(s, "username")
print "User: N/A"
if p.has_option(s, "password"):
print "Password: ",
print p.get(s, "password")
print "Password: N/A"
Also I created this class to store my apps variables etc and also make config writing easier it was originally used with twisted but I created a simple replacement logger
import os.path
import sys
#from twisted.python import log
import ConfigParser
from traceback import print_last
class Log(object):
def msg(t):
print "Logger: %s " % t
def err(t = None):
print "-------------Error-----------"
print "\n\n"
if t is None:
# sloppy replacement for twisted's logging functions
log = Log()
class Settings(object):
'''Stores settings'''
config_variables = ['variables_that_should_be_stored_in_config']
def __init__(self, main_folder = None, log_file = None, music_folder = None ):
# load the defaults then see if there are updates ones in the config
self.config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
if len(self.config.read(self.settings_file)) == 1:
if 'Settings' in self.config.sections():
self.music_folder = self.config.get('Settings', 'music_folder')
except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
log.msg('Music Folder: %s' % self.music_folder)
self.mplayer = self.config.get('Settings', 'mplayer')
except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
self.eula = self.config.getboolean('Settings', 'eula')
except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
log.msg('No Settings Section; Defaults Loaded')
log.msg('Settings at default')
def load_defaults(self):
log.msg('Loading Defaults')
self.main_folder = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))
self.settings_file = os.path.join(self.main_folder, 'settings.cfg')
self.log_file = os.path.join(self.main_folder, 'grooveshark.log')
self.music_folder = os.path.join(self.main_folder, 'Music')
self.grooveshark_started = False
self.eula = False
self.download_percent = 0.5# default buffer percent is 50 %
if sys.platform == 'win32' or sys.platform == 'cygwin':# Windows
if os.path.exists( os.path.join(self.main_folder, 'mplayer', 'mplayer.exe') ):
self.mplayer = os.path.join(self.main_folder, 'mplayer', 'mplayer.exe')
elif os.path.exists( os.path.join(self.main_folder, '/mplayer.exe') ):
self.mplayer = os.path.join(self.main_folder, '/mplayer.exe')
self.mplayer = 'download'
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':# Mac
if os.path.exists( os.path.join(self.main_folder, 'mplayer/mplayer.app') ):
self.mplayer = os.path.join(self.main_folder, 'mplayer/mplayer.app')
elif os.path.exists( os.path.join(self.main_folder, '/mplayer.app') ):
self.mplayer = os.path.join(self.main_folder, '/mplayer.app')
self.mplayer = 'download'
else:# linux
# download or navigate to it
self.mplayer = 'download'
# Create Music Folder if it does not exist
if not os.path.exists(self.music_folder):
# Create log file if it does not exist
if not os.path.exists(self.log_file):
l = open(self.log_file, 'wb')
log.msg('Application Folder: %s' % self.main_folder)
log.msg('Log File: %s' % self.log_file)
log.msg('Music Folder: %s' % self.music_folder)
def __setattr__(self, variable, value):
log.msg('Setting %s to %s' % (variable, value))
object.__setattr__(self, variable, value)
if variable in self.config_variables:
self.config.set('Settings', variable, value)
# Means config wasn't created then, could be we were trying to set self.config (in which case self.config wasn't set yet because we were trying to set it)
# UPDATE settings file
log.msg('Saving Settings to %s' % (self.settings_file))
self.config.write( open(self.settings_file, 'wb') )
