Wrap-around when calculating distance for k-means - python

I'm trying to do a K-means clustering of some dataset using sklearn. The problem is that one of the dimensions is hour-of-day: a number from 0-23 and so the distance algorithm then thinks that 0 is very far from 23, because in absolute terms it is. In reality and for my purposes, hour 0 is very close to hour 23. Is there a way to make the distance algorithm do some form of wrap-around so it computes the more 'real' time difference.
I'm doing something simple, similar to the following:
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
clusters = KMeans(n_clusters = 2)
data = vstack(data)
fit = clusters.fit(data)
classes = fit.predict(data)
data elements looks something like [22, 418, 192] where the first element is the hour.
Any ideas?

Even though #elyase answer is accepted, I think it is not the correct approach.
Yes, to use such distance you have to refine your distance measure and so - use different library. But what is more important - concept of mean used in k-means won't suit the cyclic dimension. Lets consider following example:
#current cluster X,, based on centroid position Xc=24
#current cluster Y, based on centroid position Yc=10
computing simple arithmetic mean will place the centoids in Xc=12.5,Yc=12.5, which from the point of view of cyclic meausre is incorect, it should be Xc=0.5,Yc=12.5. As you can see, asignment based on the cyclic distance measure is not "compatible" with simple mean operation, and leads to bizzare results.
Simple k-means will result in clusters {x1,y1}, {x2,y2}
Simple k--means + distance measure result in degenerated super cluster {x1,x2,y1,y2}
Correct clustering would be {x1,x2},{y1,y2}
Solving this problem requires checking one if (whether it is better to measure "simple average" or by representing one of the points as x'=x-24). Unfortunately given n points it makes 2^n possibilities.
This seems as a use case of the kernelized k-means, where you are actually clustering in the abstract feature space (in your case - a "tube" rolled around the time dimension) induced by kernel ("similarity measure", being the inner product of some vector space).
Details of the kernel k-means are given here

Why k-means doesn't work with arbitrary distances
K-means is not a distance-based algorithm.
K-means minimizes the Within-Cluster-Sum-of-Squares, which is a kind of variance (it's roughly the weighted average variance of all clusters, where each object and dimension is given the same weight).
In order for Lloyds algorithm to converge you need to have both steps optimize the same function:
the reassignment step
the centroid update step
Now the "mean" function is a least-squares estimator. I.e. choosing the mean in step 2 is optimal for the WCSS objective. Assigning objects by least-squares deviation (= squared Euclidean distance, monotone to Euclidean distance) in step 1 also yields guaranteed convergence. The mean is exactly where your wrap-around idea would fall apart.
If you plug in a random other distance function as suggested by #elyase k-means might no longer converge.
Proper solutions
There are various solutions to this:
Use K-medoids (PAM). By choosing the medoid instead of the mean you do get guaranteed convergence with arbitrary distances. However, computing the medoid is rather expensive.
Transform the data into a kernel space where you are happy with minimizing Sum-of-Squares. For example, you could transform the hour into sin(hour / 12 * pi), cos(hour / 12 * pi) which may be okay for SSQ.
Use other, distance-based clustering algorithms. K-means is old, and there has been a lot of research on clustering since. You may want to start with hierarchical clustering (which actually is just as old as k-means), and then try DBSCAN and the variants of it.

The easiest approach, to me, is to adapt the K-means algorithm wraparound dimension via computing the "circular mean" for the dimension. Of course, you will also need to change the distance-to-centroid calculation accordingly.
#compute the mean of hour 0 and 23
import numpy as np
hours = np.array(range(24))
#hours to angles
angles = hours/24 * (2*np.pi)
sin = np.sin(angles)
cos = np.cos(angles)
a = np.arctan2(sin[23]+sin[0], cos[23]+cos[0])
if a < 0: a += 2*np.pi
#angle back to hour
hour = a * 24 / (2*np.pi)


Does sklearn DBSCAN suppose distances are normalized

I'm learning about DBSCAN and apparently the most important hyperparameter is eps, from sklearn documentation:
eps float, default=0.5
The maximum distance between two samples for one to be considered as in the neighborhood of the other.
This is not a maximum bound on the distances of points within a cluster.
This is the most important DBSCAN parameter to choose appropriately for your data set and distance function.
I notice that the number 0.5 doesn't take in fact the range of the distances of our data, in other words, if I use distances from 1 to 100 will it still work the same way if I scale up those distances by a factor of x100? Or scale down by x10? Or this parameter is supposed to be used in normalized distances (max_distance = 1)?

Looking for a clustering algorithm, that can cluster by density around a centroid, but with a fixed maximum distance cutoff

I currently have a list with 3D coordinates which I want cluster by density into a unknown number of clusters. In addition to that I want to score the clusters by population and by distance to the centroids.
I would also like to be able to set a maximum possible distance from a certain centroid. Ideally the centroid represent a point of the data-set, but it is not absolutely necessary. I want to do this for a list ranging from approximately 100 to 10000 3D coordinates.
So for example, say i have a point [x,y,z] which could be my centroid:
Points that are closest to x,y,z should contribute the most to its score (i.e. a logistic scoring function like y = (1 + exp(4*(-1.0+x)))** -1 ,where x represents the euclidean distance to point [x,y ,z]
( https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=(1+%2B+exp(4(-1.0%2Bx)))**+-1 )
Since this function never reaches 0, it is needed to set a maximum distance, e.g. 2 distance units to set a limit to the cluster.
I want to do this until no more clusters can be made, I am only interested in the centroid, thus it should preferably be a real datapoint instead of an interpolated one it also has other properties connected to it.
I have already tried DBSCAN from sklearn, which is several orders of magnitude faster than my code, but it does obviously not accomplish what I want to do
Currently I am just calculating the proximity of every point relative to all other points and am scoring every point by the number and distance to its neighbors (with the same scoring function discussed above), then I take the highest scored point and remove all other, lower scored, points that are within a certain cutoff distance. It gets the job done and is accurate, but it is too slow.
I hope I could be somewhat clear with what I want to do.
Use the neighbor search function of sklearn to find points within the maximum distance 2 fast. Only do this once compute the logistic weights only once.
Then do the remainder using ony this precomputed data?

Evaluating vector distance measures

I am working with vectors of word frequencies and trying out some of the different distance measures available in Scikit Learns Pairwise Distances. I would like to use these distances for clustering and classification.
I usually have a feature matrix of ~ 30,000 x 100. My idea was to choose a distance metric that maximizes the pairwise distances by running pairwise differences over the same dataset with the distance metrics available in Scipy (e.g. Euclidean, Cityblock, etc.) and for each metric
convert distances computed for the dataset to zscores to normalize across metrics
get the range of these zscores, i.e. the spread of the distances
use the distance metric that gives me the widest range of distances as it apparently gives me the maximum spread over my dataset and the most variance to work with. (Cf. code below)
My questions:
Does this approach make sense?
Are there other evaluation procedures that one should try? I found these papers (Gavin, Aggarwal, but they don't apply 100 % here...)
Any help is much appreciated!
My code:
matrix=np.random.uniform(0, .1, size=(10,300)) #test data set
scipy_distances=['euclidean', 'minkowski', ...] #these are the distance metrics
for d in scipy_distances: #iterate over distances
distmatrix=sklearn.metrics.pairwise.pairwise_distances(matrix, metric=d)
distzscores = scipy.stats.mstats.zscore(distmatrix, axis=0, ddof=1)
range=np.ptp(distzscores, axis=0)
print "range of metric", d, np.ptp(range)
In general - this is just a heuristic, which might, or not - work. In particular, it is easy to construct a "dummy metric" which will "win" in your approach even though it is useless. Try out
class Dummy_dist:
def __init__(self):
self.cheat = True
def __call__(self, x, y):
if self.cheat:
self.cheat = False
return 1e60
return 0
dummy_dist = Dummy_dist()
This will give you huuuuge spread (even with z-score normalization). Of course this is a cheating example as this is non determinsitic, but I wanted to show the basic counterexample, and of course given your data one can construct a deterministic analogon.
So what you should do? Your metric should be treated as hyperparameter of your process. You should not divide process of generating your clustering/classification into two separate phases: choosing a distance and then learning something; but you should do this jointly, consider your clustering/classification + distance pairs as a single model, thus instead of working with k-means, you will work with k-means+euclidean, k-means+minkowsky and so on. This is the only statistically supported approach. You cannot construct a method of assessing "general goodness" of the metric, as there is no such object, metric quality can be only assessed in a particular task, which involves fixing every other element (such as a clustering/classification method, particular dataset etc.). Once you perform such wide, exhaustive evaluation, check many such pairs, on many datasets, you might claim that given metric performes best in such range of tasks.

Python circle fitting to data points less sensitive to random noise

I have a set of measured radii (t+epsilon+error) at an equally spaced angles.
The model is circle of radius (R) with center at (r, Alpha) with added small noise and some random error values which are much bigger than noise.
The problem is to find the center of the circle model (r,Alpha) and the radius of the circle (R). But it should not be too much sensitive to random error (in below data points at 7 and 14).
Some radii could be missing therefore the simple mean would not work here.
I tried least square optimization but it significantly reacts on error.
Is there a way to optimize least deltas but not the least squares of delta in Python?
Data points:
[95.85, 92.66, 94.14, 90.56, 88.08, 87.63, 88.12, 152.92, 90.75, 90.73, 93.93, 92.66, 92.67, 97.24, 65.40, 97.67, 103.66, 104.43, 105.25, 106.17, 105.01, 108.52, 109.33, 108.17, 107.10, 106.93, 111.25, 109.99, 107.23, 107.18, 108.30, 101.81, 99.47, 97.97, 96.05, 95.29]
It seems like your main problem here is going to be removing outliers. There are a couple of ways to do this, but for your application, your best bet is to probably just to remove items based on their distance from the median (Since the median is much less sensitive to outliers than the mean.)
If you're using numpy that would looks like this:
def remove_outliers(data_points, margin=1.5):
nd = np.abs(data_points - np.median(data_points))
s = nd/np.median(nd)
return data_points[s<margin]
After which you should run least squares.
If you're not using numpy you can do something similar with native python lists:
def median(points):
return sorted(points)[len(points)/2] # evaluates to an int in python2
def remove_outliers(data_points, margin=1.5):
m = median(data_points)
centered_points = [abs(point - m) for point in data_points]
centered_median = median(centered_points)
ratios = [datum/centered_median for datum in centered_points]
return [point for i, point in enumerate(data_points) if ratios[i]>margin]
If you're looking to just not count outliers as highly you can just calculate the mean of your dataset, which is just a linear equivalent of the least-squares optimization.
If you're looking for something a little better I might suggest throwing your data through some kind of low pass filter, but I don't think that's really needed here.
A low-pass filter would probably be the best, which you can do as follows: (Note, alpha is a number you will have to fiddle with to get your desired output.)
def low_pass(data, alpha):
new_data = [data[0]]
for i in range(1, len(data)):
new_data.append(alpha * data[i] + (1 - alpha) * new_data[i-1])
return new_data
At which point your least squares optimization should work fine.
Replying to your final question
Is there a way to optimize least deltas but not the least squares of delta in Python?
Yes, pick an optimization method (for example downhill simplex implemented in scipy.optimize.fmin) and use the sum of absolute deviations as a merit function. Your dataset is small, I suppose that any general purpose optimization method will converge quickly. (In case of non-linear least squares fitting it is also possible to use general purpose optimization algorithm, but it's more common to use the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm which minimizes sums of squares.)
If you are interested when minimizing absolute deviations instead of squares has theoretical justification see Numerical Recipes, chapter Robust Estimation.
From practical side, the sum of absolute deviations may not have unique minimum.
In the trivial case of two points, say, (0,5) and (1,9) and constant function y=a, any value of a between 5 and 9 gives the same sum (4). There is no such problem when deviations are squared.
If minimizing absolute deviations would not work, you may consider heuristic procedure to identify and remove outliers. Such as RANSAC or ROUT.

dbscan - setting limit on maximum cluster span

By my understanding of DBSCAN, it's possible for you to specify an epsilon of, say, 100 meters and — because DBSCAN takes into account density-reachability and not direct density-reachability when finding clusters — end up with a cluster in which the maximum distance between any two points is > 100 meters. In a more extreme possibility, it seems possible that you could set epsilon of 100 meters and end up with a cluster of 1 kilometer:
see [2][6] in this array of images from scikit learn for an example of when that might occur. (I'm more than willing to be told I'm a total idiot and am misunderstanding DBSCAN if that's what's happening here.)
Is there an algorithm that is density-based like DBSCAN but takes into account some kind of thresholding for the maximum distance between any two points in a cluster?
DBSCAN indeed does not impose a total size constraint on the cluster.
The epsilon value is best interpreted as the size of the gap separating two clusters (that may at most contain minpts-1 objects).
I believe, you are in fact not even looking for clustering: clustering is the task of discovering structure in data. The structure can be simpler (such as k-means) or complex (such as the arbitrarily shaped clusters discovered by hierarchical clustering and k-means).
You might be looking for vector quantization - reducing a data set to a smaller set of representatives - or set cover - finding the optimal cover for a given set - instead.
However, I also have the impression that you aren't really sure on what you need and why.
A stength of DBSCAN is that it has a mathematical definition of structure in the form of density-connected components. This is a strong and (except for some rare border cases) well-defined mathematical concept, and the DBSCAN algorithm is an optimally efficient algorithm to discover this structure.
Direct density reachability however, doesn't define a useful (partitioning) structure. It just does not partition the data into disjoint partitions.
If you don't need this kind of strong structure (i.e. you don't do clustering as in "structure discovery", but you just want to compress your data as in vector quantization), you could give "canopy preclustering" a try. It can be seen as a preprocessing step designed for clustering. Essentially, it is like DBSCAN, except that it uses two epsilon values, and the structure is not guaranteed to be optimal in any way, but will highly depend on the ordering of your data. If you then preprocess it appropriately, it can still be useful. Unless you are in a distributed setting, canopy preclustering however is at least as expensive than a full DBSCAN run. Due to the loose requirements (in particular, "clusters" may overlap, and objects are expected to belong to multiple "clusters"), it is easier to parallelize.
Oh, and you might also just be looking for complete-linkage hierarchical clustering. If you cut the dendrogram at your desired height, the resulting clusters should all have the desired maximum distance inbetween of any two objects. The only problem is that hierarchical clustering usually is O(n^3), i.e. it doesn't scale to large data sets. DBSCAN runs in O(n log n) in good implementations (with index support).
I had the same problem and ended up solving it by using DBSCAN in combination with KMeans clustering: First I use DBSCAN to identify high density clusters and remove outliers, then I take any cluster larger than 250 Miles (in my case) and break it apart. Here's the code:
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
clustering = DBSCAN(eps=0.3, min_samples=100).fit(load_geocodes[['lat', 'long']])
load_geocodes.loc[:,'cluster'] = clustering.labels_
import mpu
def calculate_cluster_size(lat, long):
left_top = (max(lat), min(long))
right_bottom = (min(lat), max(long))
distance = mpu.haversine_distance(left_top, right_bottom)*0.621371
return distance
for c, df in load_geocodes.groupby('cluster'):
if c == -1:
continue # don't do this for outliers
distance = calculate_cluster_size(df['lat'], df['long'])
if distance > 250:
# break clusters into more clusters until the maximum size of a cluster is less than 250 Miles
max_distance = distance
i = 2
while max_distance > 250:
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=i, random_state=0).fit(df[['lat', 'long']])
df.loc[:, 'cl_temp'] = kmeans.labels_
max_temp_cl_size = 0
for temp_cl, temp_cl_df in df.groupby('cl_temp'):
temp_cl_size = calculate_cluster_size(temp_cl_df['lat'], temp_cl_df['long'])
if temp_cl_size > max_temp_cl_size:
max_temp_cl_size = temp_cl_size
i += 1
max_distance = max_temp_cl_size
load_geocodes.loc[df.index,'subcluster'] = kmeans.labels_
