python cherrypy session usage example of cherrypy.lib.sessions - python

I am total newbie with cherrypy.
My setup: Arch Linux, Python 3.3, tornado, cherrypy 3.2
Trying to implement session handling for a web app using cherrypy.lib.sessions (for some reason often referred to as cherrypy.sessions in various forums, might be another version)
I am looking for an example of the following:
instantiate a session object
set a value of an arbitrarily named attribute
write session into a session file
read session info from session file
access the the value of the modified attribute
My (relevant) code:
import cherrypy
class RequestHandlerSubmittedRequest(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
def SetState(self):
cherrypy.config.update({'tools.sessions.on': True})
cherrypy.config.update({'tools.sessions.storage_type': 'file'})
#directory does exist
cherrypy.config.update({'tools.sessions.storage_path': '/tmp/cherrypy_sessions'})
cherrypy.config.update({'tools.sessions.timeout': 60})
cherrypy.config.update({'': 'hhh'})
So far so good. Now:
obj_session = cherrypy.lib.sessions.FileSession
Here I get the first snag (or misunderstanding).
The returned obj_session contains no session ID of any kind, just an empty object frame. Also: no file is created at this point in /tmp/cherrypy_sessions -
should not it be there now? I would expect it to be created and named after its session ID.
OK, no ID in the object, let's assign one:
session_id = obj_session.generate_id(self)
This returns a long random string as it should I guess
And now I don't know how to proceed with assignments and saving calling or obj_session.load() with several variations of input gives "AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute X" where X can be "load" and couple of other keywords. Passing self or obj_session itself to the methods does not help, just changes the wording of the error. I must be going in a very wrong direction in general.
So, is there an example of those five steps above? I could not find one anywhere.


Creating Object With A For Loop

Firstly, I do apologise as I'm not quite sure how to word this query within the Python syntax. I've just started learning it today having come from a predominantly PowerShell-based background.
I'm presently trying to obtain a list of projects within our organisation within Google Cloud. I want to display this information in two columns: project name and project number - essentially an object. I then want to be able to query the object to say: where project name is "X", give me the project number.
However, I'm rather having difficulty in creating said object. My code is as follows:
import os
from pprint import pprint
from googleapiclient import discovery
from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
service ='cloudresourcemanager', 'v1', credentials=credentials)
request = service.projects().list()
response = request.execute()
projects = response.get('projects')
The 'projects' variable then seems to be a list, rather than an object I can explore and run queries against. I've tried running things like:
Both of which return the error:
"AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'name'"
I looked into creating a Class within a For loop as well, which nearly gave me what I wanted, but only displayed one project name and project number at a time, rather than the entire collection I can query against:
for project in response.get('projects', []):
class ProjectClass:
name = project['name']
projectNumber = project['projectNumber']
I thought if I stored each class in a list it might work, but alas, no such joy! Perhaps I need to have the For loop within the class variables?
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!
As #Code-Apprentice mentioned in a comment, I think you are missing a critical understanding of object-oriented programming, namely the difference between a class and an object. Think of a class as a "blueprint" for creating objects. I.E. your class ProjectClass tells python that objects of type ProjectClass will have two fields, name and projectNumber. However, ProjectClass itself is just the blueprint, not an object. You then need to create an instance of ProjectClass, which you would do like so:
project_class_1 = ProjectClass()
Great, now you have an object of type ProjectClass, and it will have fields name and projectNumber, which you can reference like so:
However, you will notice that all instances of the class that you create will have the same value for name and projectNumber, this just won't do! We need to be able to specify values when we create each instance. Enter init(), a special python method colloquially referred to as the constructor. This function is called by python automatically when we create a new instance of our class as above, and is responsible for setting up all the fields of that class. Another powerful feature of classes and objects is that you can define a collection of different functions that can be called at will.
class ProjectClass:
def __init__(self, name, projectNumber): = name
self.projectNumber = projectNumber
Much better. But wait, what's that self variable? Well, just as before we were able reference the fields of our instance via the "project_class_1" variable name, we need a way to access the fields of our instance when we're running functions that are a part of that instance, right? Enter self. Self is another python builtin parameter that contains a reference to the current instance of the ProjectClass that is being accessed. That way, we can set fields on the instance of the class that will persist, but not be shared or overwritten by other instances of the ProjectClass. It's important to remember that the first argument passed to any function defined on a class will always be self (except for some edge-cases you don't need to worry about now).
So restructuring your code, you would have something like this:
class ProjectClass:
def __init__(self, name, projectNumber): = name
self.projectNumber = projectNumber
projects = []
for project in response.get('projects', []):
projects.append(ProjectClass(project["name"], project["projectNumber"])
Hopefully I've explained this well and given you a complete answer on how all these pieces fit together. The hope is for you to be able to write that code on your own and not just give you the answer!

How can I cache/memoize my SQLAlchemy functions?

I am using FLask-OAuthlib and want to do some caching/memoization using Flask-Cache. I've got caching setup on my views but I'm having trouble with caching this function:
def load_client(client_id):
return DBSession.query(Client).filter_by(client_id=client_id).first()
The first time the function is run (not cached yet) it runs fine but when it gets it from cache something gets messed up somehow and says it's an invalid client. I don't know if it's caching it incorrectly or if having the #oauth.clientgetter decorator somehow screws up the caching. Everything works fine without caching and the client is valid. I've tried to move the function around like so, but get the same result:
class Client(Base):
__tablename__ = 'client'
__table_args__ = {'autoload': True}
user = relationship('User')
def get_client(cls,client_id):
return DBSession.query(cls).filter_by(client_id=client_id).first()
Then, in my view I have:
def load_client(client_id):
return Client.get_client(client_id)
But this gives the same result. I am using redis as my cache backend and the keys/values I have are:
1) "flask_cache_Pwd2uVDVikMYMDNB+gVWlW"
2) "flask_cache_api.models.Client.get_client_memver"
3) "flask_cache_"
GET flask_cache_Pwd2uVDVikMYMDNB+gVWlW:
GET flask_cache_api.models.Client.get_client_memver:
Try reversing the order of your decorators:
def load_client(client_id):
return DBSession.query(Client).filter_by(client_id=client_id).first()
The problem seem to be that a Client object is not pickle-able, while cache.memoize relies on objects' pickle-ability. Therefor, in one case, you end up with an invalid-client error (the client object did not "survive" the picke-dump-then-pickle-load process), and in another case, with some kind of caching error which (silently) prevents the object from being cached (I'm not sure what mechanism causes this silent-handling).
In any case, it seems to me you shouldn't attempt to memoize your client object in the first place.

How do I update the status of an asset in VersionOne using the REST API

How can I update the status of an asset in V1 using the Rest API?
I would assume I could do something like this using the Python SDK:
from v1pysdk import V1Meta
v1 = V1Meta()
for s in (v1.PrimaryWorkitem
s.StoryStatus = v1.StoryStatus(134)
This is at least how I understand the Python SDK examples here:
However this does not change anything, even though I have the rights to change the status.
Try using:
s.Status = v1.StoryStatus(134)
According to ~/meta.v1?xsl=api.xsl#PrimaryWorkitem The attribute on PrimaryWorkitem of type StoryStatus is named Status, so I think it's just a mistaken attribute name.
What's probably happening is that you're setting a new attribute on that python object, but since StoryStatus is not one of the setters that the SDK created from the instance schema metadata, it doesn't attempt to add it to the uncommitted data collection, and thus the commit is a no-op and yields neither error nor any action.
It might be possible to fence off arbitrary attribute access on those objects so that misspelled names raise errors. I'll investigate adding that.
Try doing:
s.set(Status = v1.StoryStatus(134))

How to store the current state of InteractiveInterpreter Object in a database?

I am trying to build an online Python Shell. I execute commands by creating an instance of InteractiveInterpreter and use the command runcode. For that I need to store the interpreter state in the database so that variables, functions, definitions and other values in the global and local namespaces can be used across commands. Is there a way to store the current state of the object InteractiveInterpreter that could be retrieved later and passed as an argument local to InteractiveInterpreter constructor or If I can't do this, what alternatives do I have to achieve the mentioned functionality?
Below is the pseudo code of what I am trying to achieve
def fun(code, sessionID):
session = Session()
# get the latest state of the interpreter object corresponding to SessionID
vars = session.getvars(sessionID)
it = InteractiveInterpreter(vars)
#save back the new state of the interpreter object
Here, session is an instance of table containing all the necessary information.
I believe the pickle package should work for you. You can use pickle.dump or pickle.dumps to save the state of most objects. (then pickle.load or pickle.loads to get it back)
Okay, if pickle doesn't work, you might try re-instantiating the class, with a format (roughly) like below:
class MyClass:
def __init__(self, OldClass):
for d in dir(OldClass):
# go through the attributes from the old class and set
# the new attributes to what you need

SQLAlchemy DetachedInstanceError with regular attribute (not a relation)

I just started using SQLAlchemy and get a DetachedInstanceError and can't find much information on this anywhere. I am using the instance outside a session, so it is natural that SQLAlchemy is unable to load any relations if they are not already loaded, however, the attribute I am accessing is not a relation, in fact this object has no relations at all. I found solutions such as eager loading, but I can't apply to this because this is not a relation. I even tried "touching" this attribute before closing the session, but it still doesn't prevent the exception. What could be causing this exception for a non-relational property even after it has been successfully accessed once before? Any help in debugging this issue is appreciated. I will meanwhile try to get a reproducible stand-alone scenario and update here.
Update: This is the actual exception message with a few stacks:
File "/home/hari/bin/lib/python2.6/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.6.1-py2.6.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/", line 159, in __get__
return self.impl.get(instance_state(instance), instance_dict(instance))
File "/home/hari/bin/lib/python2.6/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.6.1-py2.6.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/", line 377, in get
value = callable_(passive=passive)
File "/home/hari/bin/lib/python2.6/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.6.1-py2.6.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/", line 280, in __call__
self.manager.deferred_scalar_loader(self, toload)
File "/home/hari/bin/lib/python2.6/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.6.1-py2.6.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/", line 2323, in _load_scalar_attributes
DetachedInstanceError: Instance <ReportingJob at 0xa41cd8c> is not bound to a Session; attribute refresh operation cannot proceed
The partial model looks like this:
metadata = MetaData()
ModelBase = declarative_base(metadata=metadata)
class ReportingJob(ModelBase):
__tablename__ = 'reporting_job'
job_id = Column(BigInteger, Sequence('job_id_sequence'), primary_key=True)
client_id = Column(BigInteger, nullable=True)
And the field client_id is what is causing this exception with a usage like the below:
jobs = session \
.query(ReportingJob) \
.filter(ReportingJob.job_id == job_id) \
if jobs:
# FIXME(Hari): Workaround for the attribute getting lazy-loaded.
return jobs[0]
This is what triggers the exception later out of the session scope:
msg = msg + ", client_id: %s" % job.client_id
I found the root cause while trying to narrow down the code that caused the exception. I placed the same attribute access code at different places after session close and found that it definitely doesn't cause any issue immediately after the close of query session. It turns out the problem starts appearing after closing a fresh session that is opened to update the object. Once I understood that the state of the object is unusable after a session close, I was able to find this thread that discussed this same issue. Two solutions that come out of the thread are:
Keep a session open (which is obvious)
Specify expire_on_commit=False to sessionmaker().
The 3rd option is to manually set expire_on_commit to False on the session once it is created, something like: session.expire_on_commit = False. I verified that this solves my issue.
We were getting similar errors, even with expire_on_commit set to False. In the end it was actually caused by having two sessionmakers that were both getting used to make sessions in different requests. I don't really understand what was going on, but if you see this exception with expire_on_commit=False, make sure you don't have two sessionmakers initialized.
I had a similar problem with the DetachedInstanceError: Instance <> is not bound to a Session;
The situation was quite simple, I pass the session and the record to be updated to my function and it would merge the record and commit it to the database. In the first sample I would get the error, as I was lazy and thought that I could just return the merged object so my operating record would be updated (ie its is_modified value would be false). It did return the updated record and is_modified was now false but subsequent uses threw the error. I think this was compounded because of related child records but not entirely sure of that.
def EditStaff(self, session, record):
r = session.merge(record)
return r
return False
After much googling and reading about sessions etc, I realized that since I had captured the instance r before the commit and returned it, when that same record was sent back to this function for another edit/commit it had lost its session.
So to fix this I just query the database for the record just updated and return it to keep it in session and mark its is_modified value back to false.
def EditStaff(self, session, record):
r = self.GetStaff(session, record)
return r
return False
Setting the expire_on_commit=False also avoided the error as mentioned above, but I don't think it actually addresses the error, and could lead to many other issues IMO.
To throw my cause & solution into the ring, I use flask and flask-sqlalchemy to manage all my session stuff. This is fine when I'm doing things via the site, but when doing things via command line and scripts, you have to ensure that anything that's doing flask-y things has to do it with the flask context.
So, in my situation, I needed to get things from a database (using flask-sqlalchemy), then render them to templates (using flask's render_template), then email them (using flask-mail).
In code, what I'd done was something like,
def render_obj(db_obj):
with app.app_context():
return render_template('template_for_my_db_obj.html', db_obj=db_obj
def get_renders():
my_db_objs = MyDbObj.query.all()
renders = []
for day, _db_objs in itertools.groupby(my_db_objs, MyDbObj.get_date):
renders.extend(list(map(render_obj, _db_obj)))
return renders
def email_report():
renders = get_renders()
report = '\n'.join(renders)
with app.app_context():
mail.send(Message('Subject', [''], html=report))
(this is basically pseudocode, I was doing other things in the grouping section)
And when I was running, I'd get through the first _db_obj, but then I'd get the error on any run after.
The culprit? with app.app_context().
Basically it does a few things when you come out of that context, including kinda freshening up the db connections. One of the things that comes from that is getting rid of the last session that was around, which was the session that all the my_db_objs were associated with.
There's a few different options for solutions, but I went with a variant of,
def render_obj(db_obj):
return render_template('template_for_my_db_obj.html', db_obj=db_obj
def get_renders():
my_db_objs = MyDbObj.query.all()
renders = []
for day, _db_objs in itertools.groupby(my_db_objs, MyDbObj.get_date):
renders.extend(list(map(render_obj, _db_obj)))
return renders
def email_report():
with app.app_context():
renders = get_renders()
report = '\n'.join(renders)
mail.send(Message('Subject', [''], html=report))
Only 1 with app.app_context() which wraps them all. The main thing you need to do (if you've a setup like mine) is ensure any dB object you're using to be "inside" any app_context you're using. If you do what I did in the first iteration, all your dB objects will lose their session, ending in DetachedInstanceError like me.
My solution was a simple oversight;
I created an object, added and ,committed it to the db and after that I tried to access on of the original object attributes without refreshing session session.refresh(object)
user = UserFactory()
# missing session.refresh(user) and causing the problem
As for me (newbie), I made a mistake on the indent and close the session inside my loop, in which I loop each row, do some operation and commit each time.
So for those newbie like me, check your code before setting things like expire_on_commit=False, it may lead your to another trap.
My solution to this error was also a simple oversight, which I don't think any of the other answers cover.
My function is fetching object x, modifying it, then returning the original x, because I would like the older version.
Before committing and returning x, I was calling expunge_all, but it was "too late", as the object was already marked dirty.
The solution was simply to expunge the object as early as possible.
# pseudo code
x = session.fetch_x()
# adding the following line fixed it
y = session.update(x)
return x
I have a similar problem in my current project and this fix works for me. Please check in your DB relationship for options lazy=True and change it to lazy='dynamic'.
