I'm sending keyboard signals to the OS (Windows) via python. The problem is the specific application (Project 64, Nintendo 64 emulator) is not receiving the signals, I'm not sure why. The keys are registered in Word and my browser for example.
shell = win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell")
while 1:
if datain=='':
datain_int=int(binascii.hexlify(datain), 16)
if datain_int==0:
if datain_int==128:
Since other applications are receiving your keystrokes it is entirely possible that the application, being an emulator, is scanning the keyboard directly rather than having keystrokes passed from the operating system.
If this is the case you would probably be better off downloading the source code and patching it to use input from the serial port directly. You an also have a look at the source code to see how it is receiving the keyboard events.
How can I send keystrokes and mouse movements to a specific running program through its PID. I've used both pywinauto and pynput, and they work great, but I want to send keys to a program that is not in focus. I found this question: How to I send keystroke to Linux process in Python by PID? but it never explains what filePath is a path to.
If you could help solve for this example, that would be great! I want to send the "d" key to an open Minecraft tab for 10 seconds, and then send the "a" key for the next 10 seconds and stop. I would need this to be able to run in the background, so it could not send the keys to the computer as a whole, but only to the Minecraft tab. I am on Windows 10 by the way.
Any help would be appreciated!
Pretty sure you won't be able to, at least not easily let me explain a little bit how all of this works.
Lets start with the hardware and os, the OS has certain functions to read the input you give the computer. This input goes into a "pipe", the OS is reading input, and putting into the pipe, on the other side of the pipe there may be an application running, or it may not. The OS typically manages this (which app to put on the pipe listening) by defining which app/window is active. Apps access this pipe with the API given by the OS, they read the input and decide on it.
The libraries you cited above, change the values of the keyboard and mouse, in other words, they make the OS read other values, not the real ones, then the OS puts them in the "pipe", and are read by the app that is listening on the pipe (the one active). Some apps have their own API's for this, but I would guess Minecraft doesn't. If they don't have an API, what can you do? well, as I said, nothing easy, first of all "hacking" the app, in other words change it to listen to some other input/output rather than the one given by the OS, (this would be you making your own API). The other one would be you changing the OS, which would also be extremely hard, but maybe a tiny bitty easier. It also depends on your OS, I think Microsoft does offer input injection api's
So, simple options, first, run a VM with a GUI and use pywinauto, pyautogui, etc. The other option would be if you can run it in the browser, do so, and use something like Selenium to automate the input.
Quick note, why does selenium works and the browser can read input in the background? Easy, it's not, it just executes the code it would execute if it would have read the input! javascript, cool isn't
With ahk you can do this with Python+AutoHotkey
pip install ahk
pip install "ahk[binary]"
from ahk import AHK
from ahk.window import Window
ahk = AHK()
win = Window.from_pid(ahk, pid='20366')
win.send('abc') # send keys directly to the window
Note that some programs may simply ignore inputs when they are not in focus. However, you can test this works in general even when not in focus by testing with a program like notepad
Full disclosure: I author the ahk library.
I have a problem with sending triggers for eeg recording using PsychoPy standalone v1.81.00 on a Win7 64bit OS. I followed the descriptions here and don't get any (more) errors. The triggers, however, don't show on the recording computer (Brainvision Recorder under Win7 32bit).
What I did:
Downloaded and installed the InpOutBinaries_1500 via InpOutBinaries_1500\Win32\InstallDriver.exe
Copied the other files (inpout32.dll, .h and .lib as well as vssver2.scc) to the working directory of my script
Tried sending trigger codes with windll.inpout32.Out32(0x378, triggerCode)
The trigger code doesn't show up in Brainvision Recorder but seems to be set correctly when calling print str(windll.inpout32.Inp32(0x378)).
Thanks for every piece of advice or idea!
I managed to solve the problem. I'm not entirely sure which step(s) actually cut the curve but I recommend the following:
Download and install LPT Test Utility on your presentation computer.
At first, this program installs the inpout32.dll automatically and correctly regardless if you use a 32 or 64 bit OS.
More over, it helps you to monitor and manipulate the pins of your parallel port. If using the standard addresses (LPT1 through LPT3) doesn't work, select LPTX and enter your address manually (see here where to get your parallel port address on a Windows PC). If the triggers don't show on your recording computer using this program, you have an issue that is not related to PsychoPy.
If this fails, (re-)install a parallel port driver. Using Windows 7 this should not be necessary but actually solved one major issue for me. If this still fails, probably the hardware components (parallel port plug / card, cable(s), sync box) are damaged.
If the triggers work with the "LPT Test Utility" program but not using PsychoPy, an individual troubleshooting dependent on your code is necessary. Of course, you need to insert the port address that worked with "LPT Test Utility" in your PsychoPy code.
from psychopy import core
from ctypes import windll
windll.inpout32.Out32(portaddress, triggerCode) #sends the trigger with triggerCode being an integer between 0 and 255
core.wait(0.05) #wait 50ms
windll.inpout32.Out32(portaddress, 0) #deletes the trigger i.e. resets the pins
Best wishes,
I work on a project to control my PC with a remote, and a infrared receptor on an Arduino.
I need to simulate keyboard input with a process on linux who will listen arduino output and simulate keyboard input. I can dev it with Python or C++, but i think python is more easy.
After many search, i found many result for... windows u_u
Anyone have a library for this ?
EDIT: I found that /dev/input/event3 is my keyboard. I think write in to simulate keyboard, i'm searching how do that
To insert input events into the Linux input subsystem, use the user-mode input device driver, uinput. This might help: http://thiemonge.org/getting-started-with-uinput (Note that while the tutorial references /dev/input/uinput, the correct file on my Ubuntu 12.04 PC is /dev/uinput.
The most generic solution is to use pseudo-terminals: you connect tttyn to the standard in and standard out of the program you want to monitor, and use pttyn to read and write to it.
Alternatively, you can create two pipes, which you connect to the standard in and standard out of the program to be monitored before doing the exec. This is much simpler, but the pipes look more like a file than a terminal to the program being monitored.
There is some way to get the device path of a mouse and keyboard using Xlib based in a looping with XNextEvent? I need to know what /dev/input/event* generates a event specific like mouse press and keyboard key F1 press.
I'm using evdev for input devices in Xorg, I searched documentation and cannot find a way.
I accept too suggestion of some app that I can use to identify input device based in events like mouse press and keyboard press.
Edit: If there is a way to make this using another lib, preferable one with bindings for python, please let me know.
I realize that Xlib do not have a method to get the file descriptor of the input devices, so I figured out another way to resolve this case, is not ready yet, but apparently is the best way to follow, just posting here for someone with the same problem.
I'm using the module python-evdev (installed with pip in ubuntu), with this module I can monitor the devices is /dev/input/event*, so I just need to start a thread for each device that I previous identified which is a mouse or keyboard (using the module evdev and checking if device have "capabilities(verbose=True)" with event codes like ecodes.KEY_F1 and ecodes.BTN_MOUSE), and when a event occur, write to a shared variable, that I should monitor.
For the graphic interface running in Xorg, without Windows Managers, I using python-glade2, works like a charm, I run a Xorg with python-glade2 app using xinit.
I am writing a script to automate running a particular model. When the model fails, it waits for a user input (Enter key). I can detect when the model has failed, but I am not able to use python (on linux) to simulate a key press event. Windows has the SendKeys library to do this but I was wondering if there is a similar library for python on linux.
Have a look at this https://github.com/SavinaRoja/PyUserInput
its cross-platform control for mouse and keyboard in python
Keyboard control works on X11(linux) and Windows systems. But no mac support(when i wrote this answer).
from pykeyboard import PyKeyboard
k = PyKeyboard()
# To Create an Alt+Tab combo
A more low-level approach would be to create an uinput device from which you would then inject input events into the linux input subsystem. Consider the following libraries:
Example of sending <enter> with the latter:
from evdev import uinput, ecodes as e
with uinput.UInput() as ui:
ui.write(e.EV_KEY, e.KEY_ENTER, 1)
ui.write(e.EV_KEY, e.KEY_ENTER, 0)
If the "model" is running graphically (with the X window system), the already-suggested xsendkey is a possibility, or xsendkeycode. If it's running textually (in a terminal window), then pexpect.
I recommend PyAutoGui. It's ridiculously simple to use, it's cross-platform and it's for Python 3 and 2.
In the linked page are listed the dependences and some code examples.
As many of the solutions I have found in this and in another well ranked SO response were either deprecated (PyUserInput) or using evdev, which failed (UInputError: "/dev/uinput" cannot be opened for writing) the simplest solution for me using Linux was pynput. One example directly from their docs:
from pynput.keyboard import Key, Controller
keyboard = Controller()
# Press and release space
# Type a lower case A; this will work even if no key on the
# physical keyboard is labelled 'A'
# Type two upper case As
with keyboard.pressed(Key.shift):
# Type 'Hello World' using the shortcut type method
keyboard.type('Hello World')
It worked like a charm!