What is the best way to create get_absolute_url function for Comment if I need url like this: "/article_url#comment-id"?
My models:
class Article(models.Model):
url = models.CharField()
def get_absolute_url(self):
return reverse('article-detail', args=[self.url])
class Comment(models.Model):
related_article = models.ForeignKey(Article)
My variants:
1) very simple, but in this case django will fetch all fields of article, it's terrible for views like "latest 10 comments" on main page:
u = self.related_article.get_absolute_url()
return ''.join([u, '#comment-', str(self.pk)])
2) in this case, function will be independent of Article class changes, but django will fetch pk in first query and url in second query:
u = Article.objects.filter(pk=self.related_article_id) \
.only('pk') \
.get() \
return ''.join([u, '#comment-', str(self.pk)])
3) in this case, field 'url' was hardcoded, but django will fetch pk and url in one query:
u = Article.objects.filter(pk=self.related_article_id) \
.only('url') \
.get() \
return ''.join([u, '#comment-', str(self.pk)])
I am not sure if you are gaining much by storing the url in your Article model and providing a get_absolute_url, however, you do not need to worry about trying to explicitly support anchor tags in your URL; just make sure that you are setting the id properly in your tags in the template.
# views.py
def article_detail(request, article_id):
# Proper exception try/except handling excluded:
article = Article.objects.get(id=article_id)
article_comments = Comment.objects.filter(related_article_id=article_id)
return render_to_response('article_detail.html', {'article': article,
'article_comments': article_comments}
# article_detail.html
{% for article_comment in article_comments %}
<div id='comment-{{article_comment.id}}'>
{# Comment information here. #}
{% endfor %}
If you are interested in hyperlinking a summary list of comments back to the original article where the comment appeared, then you are probably best defining a get_absolute_url function for the Comment model as well.
Edit: Let's say you are showing the 10 latest comments on your main page, where the actual article is not appearing:
# views.py
def main(request):
# Assumes timestamp exists for comments.
# Note: This query will get EXPENSIVE as the number of comments increases,
# and should be replaced with a better design for a production environment.
latest_article_comments = Comment.objects.all().order_by('creation_date')[:10]
render_to_response('main.html', {'latest_article_comments': latest_article_comments})
# main.html
{% for article_comment in article_comments %}
{% endfor %}
So I have a page where multiple articles are listed. (To be precise, TITLES that are outlinked to the articles written on Notion template.) And I want to have a filed in my model that counts the number of clicks of each article. (I don't want to use django-hitcount library).
Let me first show you my code. models.py
class Article(models.Model):
number = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True)
title = models.CharField(max_length=20, default="")
url = models.URLField(max_length=100, default="")
hits = models.IntegerField(default=0)
<div class="col text-center">
{% for q in allArticles %}
<h2 id={{q.number}}>{{q.title}}</h2>
{% endfor %}
I was thinking of using onclick() event in JavaScript, but then passing data from JavaScript to Django seemed too challenging to me at the moment.
I'd very much appreciate your help. Thanks.
Well, when you dont take up new challenges you stop learning !
The onclick method looks like the best imo, lets see what others suggest.
honestly, using JS and AJAX to communicate with your django server might be dauting at first but it is quite easy really.
if you know how to create a function in your views.py and know a bit of JS, it's just like any other classic functionnality.
Set up your urls.py for the view function that will add a click to the counter:
path('ajax/add_click', views.add_click name="add_click"),
Then, create your view function (pseudo code):
def add_click(request):
# retrieve the article
article_id = request.GET.get("articleId", None)
# then retrieve the object in database, add 1 to the counter save and return a response
Now the "complicated" part, the ajax request:
function add_one_click(articleId) {
type: "GET",
url: '/ajax/add_click', // you also can use {% url "app_name:add_click" %}
data: {
'articleId': articleId,
success: function() {
console.log("hit added to article");
You need to add JS and Ajax lib to your html template for it to works.
Also you need to pass in the onclick attribute the name of the function + the id of the article
One more thing, this type of view, if not protected can lead to get false results.
Instead of having q.url have a new URL(/article_count?id=q.id) which you will define on your Django project
def article_count(req):
_id = req.GET.get('id', '')
# Query Aritcle and get object
q = Article.objects.get(id=_id)
# update the fields for clicks
q.hits += 1
# redirect the page
return redirect(q.url)
Create a new url that would handle your article click, lets say-
path('article/clicked/<article_number>', views.click_handler, name='click_counter')
Now, in your template use this url for all the article
<div class="col text-center">
{% for q in allArticles %}
<h2 id={{q.number}}>{{q.title}}</h2>
{% endfor %}
and in your views.py create a new controller
def click_handler(request, article_number):
article = Article.objects.get(number=article_number)
article.hits += 1
# now redirect user to the outer link
return redirect(article.url)
I would like to show possible choices from ManyToManyField (which I have in Homes model) in the Owners form. I have Owners <--Many2Many--> Homes with custom class HomesOwners. In Homes it works out of the box, I don't know how to make it work in Owners.
I am using Django 2.2.4 with Bootstrap 4 and Postgresql. I started my project based on django-bookshelf project (also just Django and Bootstrap4). I do not use any render. Comment in django-bookshelf project mentioned How to add bootstrap class to Django CreateView form fields in the template?, so I stick to that if it comed to forms.
I'm pretty new to Python (so Django too) and web technologies in general. I googled dozen of different questions/answers but I couldn't find any nice explanation of what is what and how to use it in real life. Most of them ended up with basic usage.
I did some experimentation on my own, but no success so far...
Here is the code
I have two models - Homes/models.py and Owners/models.py
class Homes(models.Model):
id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
# other fields
some_owners = models.ManyToManyField(Owners, through='HomesOwners', through_fields=('id_home', 'id_owner'), related_name='some_owners')
# end of fields, some other code in the class like "class Meta" etc.
class HomesOwners(models.Model):
id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
id_home = models.ForeignKey(Homes, models.DO_NOTHING, db_column='id_home')
id_owner = models.ForeignKey('owners.Owners', models.DO_NOTHING, db_column='id_owner')
Owners/models.py do not have anything special, no imports from my Homes/models.py etc.
and my forms:
class HomesForm(forms.ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(HomesForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['some_field_from_homes_model'].widget.attrs = {'class': 'form-control '}
# --> no need self.fields for M2M, Django does the work
# but I tried also and have a --> Question 2
# self.fields["some_owners"].widget = forms.widgets.CheckboxSelectMultiple()
# self.fields["some_owners"].queryset = HomesOwners.objects.all()
Without any code as "self.fields" for M2M field, Django is able to generate for me list of owners.
Question 1
I would like to get list of Homes in my OwnersForms.
I do not know what to add. I assume that I cannot add
# Owners/models.py
some_homes = models.ManyToManyField(Homes, through='HomesOwners', through_fields=('id_home', 'id_owner'), related_name='some_homes')
because of circular import, am I right?
How do I get my Homes list using self.fields?
What do I need to add to my code?
Question 2
When I've added
# Homes/forms.py
self.fields["some_owners"].widget = forms.widgets.CheckboxSelectMultiple()
self.fields["some_owners"].queryset = HomesOwners.objects.all()
I got
<!-- html page -->
HomesOwners object (1)
HomesOwners object (2)
<!-- and so on... -->
How can I just list Owners?
How to filter/order them so first they would appear Owners not connected to any Home?
Question 3
class HomesOwners(models.Model):
id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
id_home = models.ForeignKey(Homes, models.DO_NOTHING, db_column='id_home')
id_owner = models.ForeignKey('owners.Owners', models.DO_NOTHING, db_column='id_owner')
def __str__(self):
return pass #return something
I can't get my head around this. This class connects Homes and Owners. When I'm thinking of Homes I would like to return Owners and vice versa. So it should return different things depending on what object we are using (home or owner). I think this is connected to my 2nd question about:
HomesOwners object (1)
In homes.html I'm using my M2M like that:
{% for owner in homes.homesowners_set.all %}
{{ owner.id_owner.id }}
{% endfor %}
I would like to write something similar to my owners.html and list homes. This is connected to my previous question, I would like to have full answer if that's possible.
With the answer given to me I was able to add Homes to OwnerUpdate view. I have views like that:
# List View
class OwnersList(ListView):
model = Owners
# Detail View
class OwnersView(DetailView):
model = Owners
# Create View
class OwnersCreate(CreateView):
model = Owners
form_class = OwnersForm
# Setting returning URL
success_url = reverse_lazy('owners_list')
# Update View
class OwnersUpdate(UpdateView):
model = Owners
form_class = OwnersForm
success_url = reverse_lazy('owners_list')
# Delete View
class OwnersDelete(DeleteView):
model = Owners
success_url = reverse_lazy('owners_list')
What change do I need to make to be able to show in OwnersList Homes they own?
In Homes DetailView I am able to show Owners. I would like to do the same for Homes' DetailView and Homes ListView.
I don't really get it what you asking for,
but if I understand your question correctly,
I assume you want to add Homes list (not HomesOwners list) into your Owners form, right?
you can add extra field in your form like this:
class OwnersForm(ModelForm):
# notice the queryset is 'Homes' not 'HomesOwners'
homes = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(queryset=Homes.objects.all(), widget=forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple)
class Meta:
model = Owners
fields = ('homes', 'your_other_fields',)
# then you can access in init function too if you want
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(OwnersForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['homes'].required = False
then, since it using CheckboxSelectMultiple widget, you can iterate it in your html template like this:
{% for key, value in your_form.homes.field.choices %} <!-- notice '.field.'-->
{{ key }} = {{ value }}
{% endfor %}
you probably need to create custom save too for your form.
for your question 3, it is not about the form?
If you want to show HomesOwners, you are already doing right.
{% for owner in homes.homesowners_set.all %}
{{ owner.id_owner.id }}
{% endfor %}
but it will work if that homes is only 1 object.
if homes is a queryset, you have to iterate it first
{% for home in homes %}
{% for owner in home.homesowners_set.all %}
{{ owner.id_owner.id }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
sorry if I misunderstanding your questions,
maybe you can provide your views.py too, so I or others can help you more specific
I feel like I'm really close, but not quite there yet. Please bear with me as I am very much so in the beginner stages of learning django.
I have a feature where users can comment on each blog post. I want to display the total number of comments each user has next to his name. If that user has left 4 comments on 4 different posts, I want it to show "4 total comments" next to his name on each one of his individual comments throughout my website.
I have made a model method that I put in my view, which automatically updates the total comments for each user. The only problem is that if the user has left two comments, only his latest comment will show "2 total comments". His previous one shows only "1".
My question is, how do I make the previous entry update when the user has left a new comment?
class Comment(models.Model):
post = models.ForeignKey(Post, related_name="comments")
user = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name="usernamee")
email = models.EmailField(null=True, blank=True)
picture = models.TextField(max_length=1000)
review_count = models.IntegerField(default=0)
class UserProfile(models.Model):
def user_rating_count(self): #This is what adds "1" to the user's total post count
user_ratings =
user_ratings += 1
return user_ratings
def add_comment(request, slug):
post = get_object_or_404(Post, slug=slug)
if request.method == 'POST':
form = CommentForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
comment = form.save(commit=False)
comment.post = post
comment.user = request.user
comment.email = request.user.email
comment.picture = request.user.profile.profile_image_url()
comment.review_count = request.user.profile.user_rating_count() #This is where I'd like it to update, but it doesn't seem to work this way
return redirect('blog:post_detail', slug=post.slug)
form = CommentForm()
template = "blog/post/add_comment.html"
context = {
'form': form,
return render(request, template, context)
{% for comment in post.comments.all %}
<p>{{ comment.user.first_name }} <b>{{ comment.user.last_name }}</b> {{ comment.review_count }}</p>
{% endfor %}
User comments once = FirstName LastName 1.
User comments twice, his second comment = FirstName LastName 2, but the first comment remains unchanged.
Any ideas on how to properly do this? Any help is greatly appreciated!
First i don't think you need the review_count to be a Database field. Except you plan to use it to sort (or do something that requires it to be in the Database).
From your question "django forms - how to update user data from previous comment when user posts a new comment" I believe you have an idea on why it's not working.
It's because it's a previous comment and Updating the data of the latest comment won't automatically update the previous comments (It would be disastrous if that happened by default :-) )
Anyway once you remove thereview_count and make user_rating_count a property of the UserProfile model your problem disappears.
class UserProfile(models.Model):
def user_rating_count(self):
"""This is what adds "1" to the user's total post count"""
return self.usernamee.count() # Remember the `related_name` you set earlier?
Then you can use it in your templates like this
{% for comment in post.comments.all %}
<p>{{ comment.user.first_name }} <b>{{ comment.user.last_name }}</b> {{ request.user.profile.user_rating_count }}</p>
{% endfor %}
If you're bothered about the value being recalculated on each page load (You should be). Django provides a nifty decorator to cache the property in memory and reduce the load on your database (When you call the method/access the property repeatedly)
from django.utils.functional import cached_property
class UserProfile(models.Model):
def user_rating_count(self):
"""This is what adds "1" to the user's total post count"""
return self.usernamee.count() # Remember the `related_name` you set earlier?
If it doesn't need to be a Database field, it doesn't need to be. You can easily make it a computed property and Cache it (If you feel it's expensive to recalculate everytime and you don't really care about the "freshness" of the data).
By the way if you needed to update the Old comments (The way you wanted to initially), You would've done a batch update like this
I'm being overly verbose here:
comments = Comment.objects.filter(user_id=self.user.id)
count = comments.count()
That will update all the comments that match the filter params. But like i said i don't think this is the best approach for what you want to do.
Read up
There is a common case I encounter, where I can't find a way to split apps.
The case is when a info of two models is related and needs to be in the same template
An example speaks 1000 words: (2 models - pages + comments).
# models.py
class Page(models.Model):
title = models.CharField()
content = models.TextField()
class Comment(models.Model):
page = models.ForeignKey('Page')
content = models.TextField()
# url.py
url(r'^page/(?P<page_pk>\d+)/$', views.ViewPage, name='page-view-no-comments'),
url(r'^comment/(?P<comment_pk>\d+)/$', views.ViewComment, name='comment-view'),
url(r'^page-with-comments/(?P<page_pk>\d+)/$', views.ViewPageWithComments, name='page-view-with-comments'),
# views.py
def ViewPage(request, page_pk):
page = get_object_or_404(Page, pk=page_pk)
return render(request, 'view_page.html', {'page':page,})
def ViewComment(request, comment_pk):
comment = get_object_or_404(Comment, pk=comment_pk)
return render(request, 'view_comment.html', {'comment':comment})
def ViewPageWithComments(request, page_pk):
page = get_object_or_404(Page, pk=page_pk)
page_comments = Comment.objects.filter(page=page)
return render(request, 'view_page.html', {'page':page,'page_comments':page_comments'})
In this situation, splitting to Page app and Comment app is problematic, because they share a view (ViewPageWithComments) and url.
My options are:
1) Create an Ajax call to comments, which has crawling problems although Google might have fixed it lately.
2) Create a method of page that calls a method in the comments app that returns html with the comments content. If the method needs more arguments I also need to write a custom filter tag.
3) Decide not to split...
Am I missing something and there's another option? When would you prefer (1) vs (2) ?
Note - I created a very simple example to keep the problem general.
You don't need to split anything, you have the pages, and comments have a foreign key to that so you can just iterate over the pages comments
{% for page in pages %}
{% for comment in page.comment_set.all %}
{% endfor}
{% endfor %}
If you want to be able to use the same template for a version of this page without comments you can just wrap the comment for loop in an {% if show_comments %} statement
this is probably a question for absolute beginners since i'm fairly new to progrmaming. I've searched for couple of hours for an adequate solution, i don't know what else to do.
Following problem. I want to have a view that displays. e.g. the 5 latest entries & 5 newest to my database (just an example)
import core.models as coremodels
class LandingView(TemplateView):
template_name = "base/index.html"
def index_filtered(request):
last_ones = coremodels.Startup.objects.all().order_by('-id')[:5]
first_ones = coremodels.Startup.objects.all().order_by('id')[:5]
return render_to_response("base/index.html",
{'last_ones': last_ones, 'first_ones' : first_ones})
Index.html shows the HTML content but not the content of the loop
<div class="col-md-6">
<p> Chosen Items negative:</p>
{% for startup in last_ones %}
<li><p>{{ startup.title }}</p></li>
{% endfor %}
<div class="col-md-6">
<p> Chosen Items positive:</p>
{% for startup in first_ones %}
<li><p>{{ startup.title }}</p></li>
{% endfor %}
Here my problem:
How can I get the for loop to render the specific content?
I think Django show render_to_response in template comes very close to my problem, but i don't see a valid solution there.
Thank you for your help.
I edited my code and problem description based on the solutions provided in this thread
the call render_to_response("base/showlatest.html"... renders base/showlatest.html, not index.html.
The view responsible for rendering index.html should pass all data (last_ones and first_ones) to it.
Once you have included the template into index.html
{% include /base/showlatest.html %}
Change the view above (or create a new one or modify the existing, changing urls.py accordingly) to pass the data to it
return render_to_response("index.html",
{'last_ones': last_ones, 'first_ones' : first_ones})
The concept is that the view renders a certain template (index.html), which becomes the html page returned to the client browser.
That one is the template that should receive a certain context (data), so that it can include other reusable pieces (e.g. showlatest.html) and render them correctly.
The include command just copies the content of the specified template (showlatest.html) within the present one (index.html), as if it were typed in and part of it.
So you need to call render_to_response and pass it your data (last_ones and first_ones) in every view that is responsible for rendering a template that includes showlatest.html
Sorry for the twisted wording, some things are easier done than explained.
Your last edit clarified you are using CBV's (Class Based Views).
Then your view should be something along the line:
class LandingView(TemplateView):
template_name = "base/index.html"
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(LandingView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
context['last_ones'] = coremodels.Startup.objects.all().order_by('-id')[:5]
context['first_ones'] = coremodels.Startup.objects.all().order_by('id')[:5]
return context
Note: personally I would avoid relying on the id set by the DB to order the records.
Instead, if you can alter the model, add a field to mark when it was created. For example
class Startup(models.Model):
created_on = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, editable=False)
then in your view the query can become
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(LandingView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
qs = coremodels.Startup.objects.all().order_by('created_on')
context['first_ones'] = qs[:5]
context['last_ones'] = qs[-5:]
return context