Insert negative ASCII character in python string - python

In C, I can do that: printf("%c%c",-108,109);. But how to do it in Python?
args[2]='Test%c%cFile'% (-108,-109)
OverflowError: unsigned byte integer is less than minimum

From the comments, it seems you want to put some non-ASCII characters into a string. Hacks involving negative integers are not necessary in Python, which has perfectly good Unicode strings for holding any character you could dream of. Use a code chart (like this one) to find the code points for your characters, then insert them into your string using the \uxxxx syntax.
Edit: You seem to be after U+9493 CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-9493, which can be inserted into a string using
str = u"\u9493"
(Thanks #KeithThompson!)

The real answer is that you have been relying on non standard behavior in your C code (one of the language lawyers can butt in and tell you if it's truly undefined or not).
You need to look into how to properly support non ASCII, multibyte character sets in python rather than just trying to duplicate your incorrect C code.
There are plenty of resources that will help with correct "i18n" of an app.


Odd placeholder or pre-statement on string declaration [duplicate]

Like in:
My guess is that it indicates "Unicode", is that correct?
If so, since when has it been available?
You're right, see 3.1.3. Unicode Strings.
It's been the syntax since Python 2.0.
Python 3 made them redundant, as the default string type is Unicode. Versions 3.0 through 3.2 removed them, but they were re-added in 3.3+ for compatibility with Python 2 to aide the 2 to 3 transition.
The u in u'Some String' means that your string is a Unicode string.
Q: I'm in a terrible, awful hurry and I landed here from Google Search. I'm trying to write this data to a file, I'm getting an error, and I need the dead simplest, probably flawed, solution this second.
A: You should really read Joel's Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!) essay on character sets.
Q: sry no time code pls
A: Fine. try str('Some String') or 'Some String'.encode('ascii', 'ignore'). But you should really read some of the answers and discussion on Converting a Unicode string and this excellent, excellent, primer on character encoding.
My guess is that it indicates "Unicode", is it correct?
If so, since when is it available?
Python 2.x.
In Python 3.x the strings use Unicode by default and there's no need for the u prefix. Note: in Python 3.0-3.2, the u is a syntax error. In Python 3.3+ it's legal again to make it easier to write 2/3 compatible apps.
I came here because I had funny-char-syndrome on my requests output. I thought response.text would give me a properly decoded string, but in the output I found funny double-chars where German umlauts should have been.
Turns out response.encoding was empty somehow and so response did not know how to properly decode the content and just treated it as ASCII (I guess).
My solution was to get the raw bytes with 'response.content' and manually apply decode('utf_8') to it. The result was schöne Umlaute.
The correctly decoded
vs. the improperly decoded
All strings meant for humans should use u"".
I found that the following mindset helps a lot when dealing with Python strings: All Python manifest strings should use the u"" syntax. The "" syntax is for byte arrays, only.
Before the bashing begins, let me explain. Most Python programs start out with using "" for strings. But then they need to support documentation off the Internet, so they start using "".decode and all of a sudden they are getting exceptions everywhere about decoding this and that - all because of the use of "" for strings. In this case, Unicode does act like a virus and will wreak havoc.
But, if you follow my rule, you won't have this infection (because you will already be infected).

Converting integer to 8-bit ASCII characters, NOT Unicode in Python 3

I've been working on a project where I'm encoding numbers as characters. Being used to C++, I assumed I could just use any 8bit number and cast it to a character. However, python's chr() function is returning Unicode characters, which aren't 8-bit, so that will not work.
I am new to Python and, from what I've read, previous versions used to have 2 separate functions: chr() for ASCII characters and unichr() for Unicode characters.
I am also limited to what I can get in the standard python library for windows (we are not allowed to install modules with pip).
This might usually be okay, but here's an example of when this can mess with my program:
If I'm encoding the integer 143:
# this is not taken from my actual code
num = 143
c = chr(143)
I would expect this to print the ASCII character (a capital A with a little circle above it). Instead, I get the unicode \x8f, which represents "SS3" (Single Shift 3).
TL;DR: I'm converting 8-bit numbers to characters, but chr() converts to Unicode and I REALLY need a way to convert to ASCII instead, but I can't seem to find it in the standard library.
I know that this is such a simple problem and it's extremely frustrating to be stuck on this of all things.
Thanks a lot in advance!
Have a nice day!
- Vlad
"A with a little circle above it" is not an ASCII character, and 143 is outside the ASCII range (0-127).
It seems you are thinking in terms of the encoded bytes rather than unicode codepoints (which Python3 uses to represent string values). See here for 8 bit encodings where b'\x8f' represents 'Å‎'.
You probably want to do something like this:
import sys
c = 143
# Convert to byte
b = c.to_bytes(1, sys.byteorder)
# Decode to unicode (str) and print
You could also take a look at the struct package in the standard library, which deals with bytes and chars in a more "C-like" fashion.

How are characters encoded in Python?

From Dive into Python:
In Python 3, all strings are sequences of Unicode characters. There is no such thing as a Python string encoded in UTF-8, or a Python string encoded as CP-1252. “Is this string UTF-8?” is an invalid question. UTF-8 is a way of encoding characters as a sequence of bytes. If you want to take a string and turn it into a sequence of bytes in a particular character encoding, Python 3 can help you with that. If you want to take a sequence of bytes and turn it into a string, Python 3 can help you with that too. Bytes are not characters; bytes are bytes. Characters are an abstraction. A string is a sequence of those abstractions.
I don't understand what the author means by that.
When I say s = 'hello', how is s encoded internally? Of course it must use some use some encoding. He says all strings are sequences of Unicode characters. But how many bytes is each character? Is this string UTF-8? Why does he say : "There is no such thing as a Python string encoded in UTF-8".
I understand Python provides capabilities of converting a Python "string" into a series of bytes that can be read by another software that uses that encoding. It also supports conversion of a series of bytes into a Python "string". Now the internal representation of this "string" is what confuses me.
When I say s = 'hello', how is s encoded internally? Of course it must use some use some encoding.
It depends. Frankly, it doesn't matter. CPython now uses the Flexible String Representation, a wonderful space and time optimisation. But you shouldn't care because it doesn't matter.
He says all strings are sequences of Unicode characters. But how many bytes is each character?
Dunno. It depends. It'll probably be in Latin-1 (1 byte) (when using CPython) in that particular case.
Is this string UTF-8?
Why does he say : "There is no such thing as a Python string encoded in UTF-8".
Because it's a series of Unicode Code points. If you confuse encodings with strings (as other languages often force you to do), you might think that 'Jalape\xc3\xb1o' is 'Jalapeño', because in UTF-8 the byte-sequence '\xc3\xb1o' represents 'ñ'. But it's not, because the string doesn't have an intrinsic encoding, just like the number 100 is the number 100, not 4, whether or not you represent it in binary, decimal or unary.
He says it because people come from languages where they only have bytes that represent strings and they think "but how is this encoded" as if they have to decode it themselves. It'd be like carrying a list of 1s and 0s instead of being able to use numbers, and you have to tell every function what endianness you're using.
I understand Python provides capabilities of converting a Python "string" into a series of bytes that can be read by another software that uses that encoding. It also supports conversion of a series of bytes into a Python "string". Now the internal representation of this "string" is what confuses me.
Hopefully it does not any more :).
If this confuses you, I reccomend this question, partially 'cause someone called my answer "superbly comprehensive"¹ but also because Steven D'Aprano has had one of his Python Mailing List excelencies posted there - he and I answered from the list and had our text posted across.
If you're wondering why it's relevant, I'll quote:
So the person you are quoting is causing confusion when he talks about an "encoded string", he should either make it clear he means a string of bytes, or not mention the word string at all.
Isn't that exactly your confusion?
¹ Technically he called another answer "another superbly comprehensive answer", but that implies what I just said ;).
Author compares strings in Python 2 and 3. In Python 2 strings were represented as byte arrays and thus introduced a lot of problems when dealing with non-ASCII characters. Programmer had to always keep track of current encoding of strings in their applications (e.g. encoding of the text on HTML page). There was an attempt to solve it in Python 2.x with introduction of Unicode objects:
s = 'text' # string/byte array object
un = u'text' # unicode object
But many application still used normal, old-style strings.
So, in Python 3 it was decided to separate strings (making them all Unicode) and byte arrays. Thus, in Python 3 we have:
s = 'text' # string/unicode object
b = bytes([0xA2,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04]) # byte array object
Python uses UCS-2 or UCS-4 encoding internally for unicode strings (at least in Python 2.x).

Convert unicode special symbol in python

I read the symbol °C using xlrd library. I get the unicode value as u'\xb0C'. However I want to use it as a normal string.
I went through a couple of posts including the below link
Convert a Unicode string to a string in Python (containing extra symbols)
It seems to be working for many special signals. but in this case I am seeing only C that is without ° (degree). any help would be much appreciated
Maybe I don't understand something, but:
>>> print u'\xb0C'.encode("UTF-8")
If by "normal string" you mean ASCII encoded string, then you can't do exactly what you want. The degree symbol is not part of the ASCII character set, so the best you can hope to do is either drop it or convert it to a best approximation character from the ASCII character set. You could choose a different encoding, however you have to be sure that whatever systems you are interacting with will work with the encoding you choose. UTF-8 is usually a safe bet, and can encode pretty much any character you'll ever likely run in to.

How to change a strings encoding as utf 8 in C

How can i change character encoding of a string to UTF-8? I am making some execv calls to a python program but python returns the strings with the some characters cut of. I don't know if this a python issue or c issue but i thought if i can change the strings encoding in c and then pass it to python, it should do the trick. So how can i do that?
C as a language does not facilitate string encoding. A C string is simply a null-terminated sequence of characters (8-bit signed integers, on most systems).
A wide string (with characters of type wchar_t, typically 16-bit integers) can also be used to hold larger character values; however, again, C standard library functions and data types are in no way aware of any concept of string encoding.
The answer to your question is to ensure that the strings you're passing into Python are encoded as UTF-8.
In order to help you accomplish that in any detailed capacity, however, you will have to provide more information about how your strings are currently formed, what they contain, and how you're constructing your argument list for exec.
There is no such thing as character encoding in C.
A char* can hold any data, how you interpret the characters is up to you. For instance, printf will typically dump the characters as they are to the standard output, and if your console interprets those characters as UFT8, they'll appear as such.
If you want to convert between different encodings in the C side, you can have a look at ICU.
If you want to convert between encodings in the Python side, look at
