How to generate an AccessToken programmatically in Django? - python

I'm setting up an API. Everything is working. I'm creating a token via OAuth2 python lib. I'm using TastyPie for my API.
The problem I'm facing.. is that there is no "create" token method in the AccessToken or Client models.
I can create an accessToken via the Django admin, and I can create one by doing a curl to: (with all the info, secret key, client id, user & pass)
my goal is to upon successful registration of a user with my API, the oAuth client is automatically created (working) but I also want to generate the AccessToken. I cannot cURL my own server as its giving me a redirect/connection refused error so I want to do it programmatically in Python. Anyway to do this? Here's a snippet:
user = User.objects.create_user(username, password)
if user:
oauth_client = Client(user=user, name="api account", client_type=1, url="")
oauth_client_id =
oauth_client_secret = oauth_client.client_secret
if oauth_client:
print user
print oauth_client_id
print AccessToken.objects.all()
print '........'
token = AccessToken(user=user, client=oauth_client_id, scope=6)
the last two lines above, while giving NO errors.. will NOT save a new AccessToken.

I'm using I managed to create access token and refresh token by using models. I might be bypassing grant flow.
I haven't used this code in production but in development server i can perform API calls using the access token generated this way. I think it should be well tested before going to production.
# this is the list of available scopes
'SCOPES': {'read': 'Read scope'},
expire_seconds = oauth2_settings.user_settings['ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_SECONDS']
scopes = oauth2_settings.user_settings['SCOPES']
application = Application.objects.get(name="ApplicationName")
expires = + timedelta(seconds=expire_seconds)
access_token = AccessToken.objects.create(
refresh_token = RefreshToken.objects.create(
token = {
'access_token': access_token.token,
'token_type': 'Bearer',
'expires_in': expire_seconds,
'refresh_token': refresh_token.token,
'scope': scopes}
return Response(token, status=200)

This is how I was able to make it work:
from oauth2_provider.views import TokenView
import json
class SuperUserLogin(views.APIView):
permission_classes = (permissions.AllowAny, )
def post(self, request, **kwargs):
url, headers, body, status_code = TokenView().create_token_response(request)
return Response(json.loads(body), status=status_code)
This is how my request object looks like.
"username" : email,
"password" : password,
"client_id" : client_id,
"client_secret" : client_secret,
"grant_type" : password
This generates the desired access_token. I've verified the token creation on my database.

Based on what I see here token creation is done this way
access_token = AccessToken.objects.create(
I assume second token isn't so interesting for you so it's almost your code but with managers create() method. The only difference it makes is that manager calls save() with force_insert=True.
So try = True)

I was able to get this to work in Django 1.6 using the following:
token = AccessToken.objects.create(user=user,

Try below,
In [1]: import base64
In [2]: from django.conf import settings
In [3]: from django.http import HttpRequest
In [4]: from oauth2_provider.views import TokenView
In [5]: request = HttpRequest()
In [6]: key = base64.b64encode('{}:{}'.format(<CLIENT_ID>, <SECRET_KEY>))
In [7]: request.META = {'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': 'Basic {}'.format(key)}
In [8]: request.POST = {'grant_type': 'password', 'username': '<USERNAME>', 'password': '<PASSWORD>'}
In [9]: tv = TokenView()
In [10]: url, headers, body, status = tv.create_token_response(request)
In [11]: body
Out [11]: '{"access_token": "IsttAWdao3JF6o3Fk9ktf2gRrUhuOZ", "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_in": 36000, "refresh_token": "y2KQyyliOuRIXf3q9PWzEUeBnx43nm", "scope": "read write"}'

Try this one, I just tested it moments earlier
>>> from oauth2_provider.models import Application
>>> app = Application.objects.create(name="Sample ORM", client_type="public", authorization_grant_type="password", user_id=1)
<Application: Sample ORM>
>>> import requests
>>> from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
>>> data = "grant_type=password&username=admin&password=d3#narmada13"
>>> headers = {"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
>>> r =, data=data, auth=(app.client_id, app.client_secret), headers=headers)
>>> print r.content
{"access_token": "5kEaw4O7SX6jO9nT0NdzLBpnq0CweE", "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_in": 7776000, "refresh_token": "ZQjxcuTSTmTaLSyfGNGqNvF3M6KzwZ", "scope": "read write"}
>>> import json
>>> json.loads(r.content)['access_token']


Fhir Epic Sandbox : Using a JWT to Obtain an Access Token for a Backend Service

I'm trying to use the sandbox from for Backend Services.
I am following this tutorial : :
I already register a new app,
created a JWT (using SSL keys)
tested the JWT on : works fine!
But I cannot POST the JWT to the endpoint to obtain the access token. I should send a POST request to this URL:
I'm using python and this is my code so far:
import json
import requests
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict
from jwt import (
from jwt.utils import get_int_from_datetime
def main():
instance = JWT()
message = {
# Client ID for non-production
'iss': '990573e-13e3-143b-8b03-4fbb577b660',
'sub': '990573e-13e3-143b-8b03-4fbb577b660',
'aud': '',
'jti': 'f9eaafba-2e49-11ea-8880-5ce0c5aee679',
'iat': get_int_from_datetime(,
'exp': get_int_from_datetime( + timedelta(hours=1)),
# Load a RSA key from a PEM file.
with open('/home/user/ssl/privatekey.pem', 'rb') as fh:
signing_key = jwk_from_pem(
compact_jws = instance.encode(message, signing_key, alg='RS384')
headers = CaseInsensitiveDict()
headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
data = {
'grant_type': 'client_credentials',
'client_assertion_type': 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer',
'client_assertion': compact_jws
x ='', headers=headers, data=data)
But I always get a 400 error:
"error": "invalid_client",
"error_description": null
Is the URL correct? How can I get an Access Token to play with the Sandbox?
'exp': get_int_from_datetime( + timedelta(hours=1)),
At first glance, this appears to be your issue. Epic requires that exp be no more than 5 minutes in the future.
Couple of pieces of advice, beyond that:
Use a library available from also has a debugger where you can paste in your JWT to verify it is valid

HTTP GET request with django-pytest client [duplicate]

For some of my Django views I've created a decorator that performs Basic HTTP access authentication. However, while writing test cases in Django, it took me a while to work out how to authenticate to the view. Here's how I did it. I hope somebody finds this useful.
Here's how I did it:
from django.test import Client
import base64
auth_headers = {
'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': 'Basic ' + base64.b64encode('username:password'),
c = Client()
response = c.get('/my-protected-url/', **auth_headers)
Note: You will also need to create a user.
In your Django TestCase you can update the client defaults to contain your HTTP basic auth credentials.
import base64
from django.test import TestCase
class TestMyStuff(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
credentials = base64.b64encode('username:password')
self.client.defaults['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = 'Basic ' + credentials
For python3, you can base64-encode your username:password string:
This returns bytes, so you need to transfer it into an ASCII string with .decode('ascii'):
Complete example:
import base64
from django.test import TestCase
class TestClass(TestCase):
def test_authorized(self):
headers = {
response = self.client.get('/', **headers)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
Assuming I have a login form, I use the following technique to login through the test framework:
client = Client()'/login/', {'username': 'john.smith', 'password': 'secret'})
I then carry the client around in my other tests since it's already authenticated. What is your question to this post?
(python3) I'm using this in a test:
credentials_string = '%s:%s' % ('invalid', 'invalid')
credentials = base64.b64encode(credentials_string.encode())
self.client.defaults['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = 'Basic ' + credentials.decode()
and the following in a view:
import base64
type, auth = request.META['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'].split(' ', 1)
auth = base64.b64decode(auth.strip()).decode()
Another way to do it is to bypass the Django Client() and use Requests instead.
class MyTest(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
AUTH = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth("username", "password")
def some_test(self):
resp = requests.get(BASE_URL + 'endpoint/', auth=AUTH)
self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)

How to decline a pull request on Bitbucket from Python?

How do you use Bitbucket's 2.0 API to decline a pull request via Python?
According to their documentaion, it should be something like:
import requests
kwargs = {
'repo_slug': MY_BITBUCKET_REPO,
'pull_request_id': pull_request_id
url = '{username}/{repo_slug}/pullrequests/{pull_request_id}/decline'.format(**kwargs)
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
response =, auth=(USERNAME, PASSWORD), headers=headers)
However, this fails with response.text simply saying "Bad Request".
This similar code works for me with their other API endpoints, so I'm not sure why the decline method is failing.
What am I doing wrong?
You have to authenticate with Oath. I wrote a wrapper for making these requests. Here is a simple example that works. The only thing I couldn't figure out was how to add a reason it was declined. I ended up making a request before I declined the PR that added a comment on why it was declined.
import os
from oauthlib.oauth2 import BackendApplicationClient
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session
class Bitbucket(object):
def __init__(self, client_id, client_secret, workplace, repo_slug):
self.workplace = workplace # username or company username
self.repo_slug = repo_slug
self.token_url = ''
self.api_url = ''
self.max_pages = 10
self.client = BackendApplicationClient(client_id=client_id)
self.oauth = OAuth2Session(client=self.client)
def get_api_url(self, endpoint):
return f'{self.api_url}repositories/{self.workplace}/{self.repo_slug}/{endpoint}'
bitbucket = Bitbucket(os.environ['BITBUCKET_KEY'], os.environ['BITBUCKET_SECRET'], workplace='foo', repo_slug='bar')
pr_id = 1234
resp ="{bitbucket.get_api_url('pullrequests')}/{pr_id}/decline")
if resp.status_code == 200:
print('Someting went wrong.')

MailChimp bad request JSONParseError with Python

I am trying to hook up to MailChimp's api, in my Django application, to add an email to one of my lists. Seems pretty simple enough. I add my api key to the header of the request, with the email address and other variable in the body of the request. every time I try and connect though, I get a response status code of 400. The message says there is a JSON parsing error, and that my JSON is either formatted incorrectly, or there is missing data required for the request. I am making this same api call however with Postman, and am getting a good response back.
view function
import requests
def join_newsletter(request, email):
# hash the user's email for mailchimp's API
# m = hashlib.md5()
# c_email = email
# m.update(c_email.encode('utf-8'))
# email_hash = m.hexdigest()
api_key = 'apikey ' + settings.MAILCHIMP_API
api_endpoint = api_endpoint
data = {
"email_address": email,
"status": "subscribed"
header = {
'Authorization': api_key
r =, data=data, headers=header)
message = r.content
return message

Using Basic HTTP access authentication in Django testing framework

For some of my Django views I've created a decorator that performs Basic HTTP access authentication. However, while writing test cases in Django, it took me a while to work out how to authenticate to the view. Here's how I did it. I hope somebody finds this useful.
Here's how I did it:
from django.test import Client
import base64
auth_headers = {
'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': 'Basic ' + base64.b64encode('username:password'),
c = Client()
response = c.get('/my-protected-url/', **auth_headers)
Note: You will also need to create a user.
In your Django TestCase you can update the client defaults to contain your HTTP basic auth credentials.
import base64
from django.test import TestCase
class TestMyStuff(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
credentials = base64.b64encode('username:password')
self.client.defaults['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = 'Basic ' + credentials
For python3, you can base64-encode your username:password string:
This returns bytes, so you need to transfer it into an ASCII string with .decode('ascii'):
Complete example:
import base64
from django.test import TestCase
class TestClass(TestCase):
def test_authorized(self):
headers = {
response = self.client.get('/', **headers)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
Assuming I have a login form, I use the following technique to login through the test framework:
client = Client()'/login/', {'username': 'john.smith', 'password': 'secret'})
I then carry the client around in my other tests since it's already authenticated. What is your question to this post?
(python3) I'm using this in a test:
credentials_string = '%s:%s' % ('invalid', 'invalid')
credentials = base64.b64encode(credentials_string.encode())
self.client.defaults['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = 'Basic ' + credentials.decode()
and the following in a view:
import base64
type, auth = request.META['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'].split(' ', 1)
auth = base64.b64decode(auth.strip()).decode()
Another way to do it is to bypass the Django Client() and use Requests instead.
class MyTest(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
AUTH = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth("username", "password")
def some_test(self):
resp = requests.get(BASE_URL + 'endpoint/', auth=AUTH)
self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
