Write dictionary of lists to xls in Python - python

1.5 month with Python. I am using Python 3.3.2 with WinPython http://code.google.com/p/winpython/ and port xlwt to Python 3 from here https://github.com/hansrwl/xlwt/tree/py3
This is dict with values as lists. It writes to xls file correctly with the following function.
sampleData = {'Books': ['Book_A', 'Book_B', 'Book_C'],
'Author': ['Author_A', 'Author_B', 'Author_C'],
'Price': ['Price_A', 'Price_B', 'Price_C']}
def saveDataToNewFile(fileName, sheetName, data):
# Creating new workbook
wb = xlwt.Workbook()
# Creating new worksheet with the name specified
ws = wb.add_sheet(sheetName)
# Use dictionary keys as first row values(e.g. headers)
for colIdx, headerCaption in enumerate(data):
ws.write(0, colIdx, headerCaption)
# Use dict values as row values for corresponding columns
for rowIdx, itemVal in enumerate(data[headerCaption]):
ws.write(rowIdx + 1, colIdx, itemVal)
saveDataToNewFile('sample.xls', 'FirstSaveToXlsSample', sampleData)
- this saved correctly and opened with MS Excel.
I have the same data structure which is produced by this loop:
soup3 = defaultdict(list)
def init_fields(links_first_lvl):
for link in links_first_lvl[1:7]:
return soup3
Here is the structure, dictionary with lists as values (i use pprint to print in console beauty)
{'url': [ 'http://www.ros.ru/article.php?chapter=1&id=20132503',
'date': [[<div class="author_data"><b>Марта Моисеева
</b> № 30 (973) от 24.07.2013
<span class="rubr"> ВЛАСТЬ
[<div class="author_data"><b>Ольга Космынина
</b> № 29 (972) от 17.07.2013
<span class="rubr"> ВЛАСТЬ
saveDataToNewFile('sample2.xls', 'FirstSaveToXlsSample', soup3)
The problem: if i try to save to xls i get an error:
if isinstance(data, basestring):
NameError: global name 'basestring' is not defined
Edit: this is full error stack in console Pycharm
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "F:/Python/NLTK packages/parse_html_py3.3.2.py", line 91, in <module>
saveDataToNewFile('sample2.xls', 'FirstSaveToXlsSample', soup3)
File "F:/Python/NLTK packages/parse_html_py3.3.2.py", line 87, in saveDataToNewFile
ws.write(rowIdx + 1, colIdx, itemVal)
File "F:\WinPython-32bit-\python-3.3.2\lib\site-packages\xlwt\Worksheet.py", line 1032, in write
self.row(r).write(c, label, style)
File "F:\WinPython-32bit-\python-3.3.2\lib\site-packages\xlwt\Row.py", line 259, in write
self.__rich_text_helper(col, label, style, style_index)
File "F:\WinPython-32bit-\python-3.3.2\lib\site-packages\xlwt\Row.py", line 276, in __rich_text_helper
if isinstance(data, basestring):
NameError: global name 'basestring' is not defined
I don't know why, it should work because the structure is the same.

The library you're using is written to work on python 2.x only. Download latest python 2.x from here and try again.

Much lower overhead with LibreOffice. Open the LibreOffice install folder, and scrounge your UNO references from all of the current examples there. Save as XLS. Done.

As the comments suggest, the problem is you are using code that is still written for Python 2, however, before you downgrade to Python 2 as nosklo suggests, make sure you installed the xlwt from the Python 3 branch. After you cloned the xlwt repository, did you remember to perform
git checkout -b py3 origin/py3
before you performed your installation?
If you remembered and you still get the basestring error, then the py3 branch is still incomplete, and you will need to downgrade to Python 2 to run the code in master branch.

You may try changing 'basestring' to 'str'

if isinstance(data, basestring):
NameError: global name 'basestring' is not defined
Probably the object has not such attribute and your test fails, since it just test if the object type is an instance or not, and it implies that your attribute or object already exists.
I recommend you to perform a prior test to verify if the attribute or object exists such as hasattr() or if you consider to use self you can read self.__dict__ to find the existing attributes.


VS Code python terminal is keep printing "Found" when it should ask the user for an input

I am taking cs50 class. Currently on Week 7.
Prior to this coding, python was working perfectly fine.
Now, I am using SQL command within python file on VS Code.
cs50 module is working fine through venv.
When I execute python file, I should be asked "Title: " so that I can type any titles to see the outcome.
I should be getting an output of the counter, which tracks the number of occurrence of the title from user input.
import csv
from cs50 import SQL
db = SQL("C:\\Users\\wf user\\Desktop\\CODING\\CS50\\shows.db")
title = input("Title: ").strip()
#uses SQL command to return the number of occurrence of the title the user typed.
rows = db.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) AS counter FROM shows WHERE title LIKE ?", title) #? is for title.
#db.execute always returns a list of rows even if it's just one row.
#setting row to the keyword which is is rows[0]. the actual value is in rows[1]
row = rows[0]
#passing the key called counter will print out the value that is in rows[1]
I have shows.db in the path.
But the output is printing "Found". It's not even asking for a Title to input.
PS C:\Users\wf user\Desktop\CODING\CS50> python favoritesS.py
I am expecting the program to ask me "Title: " for me, but instead it's print "Found"
In cs50, the professor encountered the same problem when he was coding phonebook.py, but the way he solved the problem was he put the python file into a separate folder called "tmp"
I tried the same way but then I was given a long error message
PS C:\Users\wf user\Desktop\CODING\CS50> cd tmp
PS C:\Users\wf user\Desktop\CODING\CS50\tmp> python favoritesS.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\wf user\Desktop\CODING\CS50\tmp\favoritesS.py", line 5, in <module>
db = SQL("C:\\Users\\wf user\\Desktop\\CODING\\CS50\\shows.db")
File "C:\Users\wf user\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\cs50\sql.py", line 74, in __init__
self._engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(url, **kwargs).execution_options(autocommit=False, isolation_level="AUTOCOMMIT")
File "<string>", line 2, in create_engine
File "C:\Users\wf user\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\util\deprecations.py", line 309, in warned
return fn(*args, **kwargs)
File "C:\Users\wf user\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\create.py", line 518, in create_engine
u = _url.make_url(url)
File "C:\Users\wf user\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\url.py", line 732, in make_url
return _parse_url(name_or_url)
File "C:\Users\wf user\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\url.py", line 793, in _parse_url
raise exc.ArgumentError(
sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Could not parse SQLAlchemy URL from string 'C:\Users\wf user\Desktop\CODING\CS50\shows.db'
Here is the proof that the code I posted is the same code I am working on.
I use Start Debugging under Run menu on VSCode and it's working! But not when I don't use debugging.
Is this the library you are using? https://cs50.readthedocs.io/
It may be that one of your intermediate results is not doing what you think it is. I would recommend you put print() statements at every step of the way to see the values of the intermediate variables.
If you have learned how to use a debugger, that is even better.

TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object and works on server but not on PC

I have problem with python program written in python 3.4.2. At the beginning i want to say, that it's not my program.
When i connect with server by SSH and compile it, it works just fine.
Server and PC specification
...and from my PC:
I have different Python version, but i can't compile it at 3.4.2, because there is no typing module for this specific version, which i need. I don't know if GCC version could cause this problem, but i've tried different versions.
I've downloaded it, and tried to compile it by myself. I run it in the exactly same way.
The real problem
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "gads.py", line 28, in <module>
lists = list_working.ListWorking(files_data)
File "/home/grzesiek/googleads/lib/list_working.py", line 43, in __init__
self._acc = self._split_str_list(list_data['accepted']['content'])
File "/home/grzesiek/googleads/lib/common.py", line 69, in _split_str_list
splited = re.split(separator, content)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/re.py", line 203, in split
return _compile(pattern, flags).split(string, maxsplit)
TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object
So far i know that ListWorking(files_data) passes some files which are dictionaries, and at the end when i want to use regex it throws an error. But i can't change these dictionaries to strings or lists, because then it compiles, but erase data that i provide to ListWorking()
Here is fragment of code which i've tried to change:
def __init__(self, list_data: dict) -> None:
self._acc = self._split_str_list(list_data['accepted']['content'])
self._acc = self._del_dup(self._acc)
self._ign = self._split_str_list(list_data['ignored']['content'])
self._ign = self._del_dup(self._ign)
self._pro = self._split_str_list(list_data['protected']['content'])
self._pro = self._del_dup(self._pro)
self._fign = self._split_str_list(list_data['full_ignored']['content'])
self._fign = self._del_dup(self._fign)
self._key = self._split_str_list(list_data['keywords']['content'])
self._key = self._del_dup(self._key)
self._unk = self._split_str_list(list_data['unknown']['content'])
self._unk = self._del_dup(self._unk)
self._sw = self._split_str_list(list_data['stopwords']['content'])
And where the last error occurs:
def _split_str_list(content: str, separator: str = '\n') -> list:
"""Split string to list"""
splited = re.split(separator, content)
splited = list(x.strip() for x in splited)
splited = list(filter(None, splited))
return splited
Also, in Python 3.4.2 it comes to import typing and throws an error, because there is no typing lib in this version of Python.
So - how is it possible to work fine on Linux server but it doesn't on my PC?
Well, the answer was much simpler than i thought it would be...
I just had to install correct version of enca, code author didn't wrote the specific informations if something is missing, so it was very hard to find, because whole project has about ~5000 lines of code, and enca was used only by one function.
It had nothing to do with Linux or GCC.

Python - Additional "members" appended to JSON object when passing it to function

I have the following JSON object located in its own file called build.json:
"name": "utils",
"version": "1.0.0",
"includes": [],
"libraries": [],
"testLibraries": []
I obtain this object in my Python program using the following method:
def getPackage(packageName):
jsonFilePath = os.path.join(SRCDIR, packageName, "build.json")
packageJson = None
with open(jsonFilePath, "r") as jsonFile:
packageJson = json.load(jsonFile)
return None
return packageJson
I verify that the JSON object for the current package (which is one of many packages I am iterating over) did not come back None in the following method. Note that I am temporarily printing out the keys of the dictionary:
def compileAllPackages():
for packageName in os.listdir(SRCDIR):
package = getPackage(packageName)
if package == None:
# TEMP ==============
for i in package:
# ===================
compiledSuccessfully = compilePackage(package)
if not compiledSuccessfully:
return False
return True
Lastly, I am currently also printing out the keys of the dictionary once it is received in the compilePackage function:
def compilePackage(package):
# TEMP ==============
for i in package:
# ===================
Output from compileAllPackages function:
Output from compilePackage function:
I can not for the life of me figure out what is happening to my dictionary during that function call??? Please note that the build.json file is located within a directory named "utils".
The Python script is located separate from the build.json file and works on absolute paths. It should also be noted that after getting that strange output, I also get the following exception when trying to access a valid key later (it seems to think the dictionary is a string?...):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/nate/bin/BuildTool/unix/build.py", line 493, in <module>
File "/Users/nate/bin/BuildTool/unix/build.py", line 481, in main
compiledSuccessfully = compileAllPackages()
File "/Users/nate/bin/BuildTool/unix/build.py", line 263, in compileAllPackages
compiledSuccessfully = compilePackage(package)
File "/Users/nate/bin/BuildTool/unix/build.py", line 287, in compilePackage
compiledSuccessfully = compilePackage(include)
File "/Users/nate/bin/BuildTool/unix/build.py", line 279, in compilePackage
includes = getPackageIncludes(package)
File "/Users/nate/bin/BuildTool/unix/build.py", line 194, in getPackageIncludes
includes = [package["name"]] # A package always includes itself
TypeError: string indices must be integers
Edit: If I change the parameter name to something other than 'package', I no longer get that weird output or an exception later on. This is not necessarily a fix, however, as I do not know what could be wrong with the name 'package'. There are no globals named as such either.
The answer ended up being very stupid. compilePackage() has the possibility of being called recursively, due to any dependencies the package may rely on. In recursive calls to the function, I was passing a string to the function rather than a dictionary.
I tried your code and the result is like this
Output from compileAllPackages function:
Output from compilePackage function:
My directory structure is like this
├── test.py
└── tt
└── cc
└── utils
└── build.json
I think your code is correct, it should be that the path parameter you passed is incorrect.

Cannot create and attach file to an item in Podio using pypodio (PODIO API client, Python)

I cannot seem to create and attach a file to an item in podio using the pypodio client, which is the python wrapper for PODIO's API. I am trying to get the file id but keep on getting the error. I am using Python 3.6.0
My code is
`path = os.getcwd()`
`filepath = path + "\\system_information.txt"`
uploading_response = pcbapp.Files.create(filename,filedata)
I get an error shown below,
File "c:\users\nipun.arora\src\podio-py\pypodio2\encode.py", line 317, in get_headers
boundary = urllib.quote_plus(boundary)
AttributeError: module 'urllib' has no attribute 'quote_plus'
That's might be because there is no urllib.quote_plus in python3. Can you try running same code in python2?

Python jsonpickle error: 'OrderedDict' object has no attribute '_OrderedDict__root'

I'm hitting this exception with jsonpickle, when trying to pickle a rather complex object that unfortunately I'm not sure how to describe here. I know that makes it tough to say much, but for what it's worth:
>>> frozen = jsonpickle.encode(my_complex_object_instance)
>>> thawed = jsonpickle.decode(frozen)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/jsonpickle/__init__.py",
line 152, in decode
return unpickler.decode(string, backend=backend, keys=keys)
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/jsonpickle/unpickler.py",
line 336, in _restore_from_dict
instance[k] = value
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/botocore/vendored/requests/packages/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.py",
line 49, in __setitem__
root = self.__root
AttributeError: 'OrderedDict' object has no attribute '_OrderedDict__root'
I don't find much of assistance when googling the error. I do see what looks like the same issue was resolved at some time past for simpler objects:
The cited example in that report works for me:
>>> jsonpickle.decode(jsonpickle.encode(collections.OrderedDict()))
>>> jsonpickle.decode(jsonpickle.encode(collections.OrderedDict(a=1)))
OrderedDict([(u'a', 1)])
Has anyone ever run into this themselves and found a solution? I ask with the understanding that my case may be "differently idiosynchratic" than another known example.
The requests module for me seems to be running into problems when I .decode(). After looking at the jsonpickle code a bit, I decided to fork it and change the following lines to see what was going on (and I ended up keeping a private copy of jsonpickle with the changes so I can move forward).
In jsonpickle/unpickler.py (in my version it's line 368), search for the if statement section in the method _restore_from_dict():
if (util.is_noncomplex(instance) or
instance[k] = value
setattr(instance, k, value)
and change it to this (it will logERROR the ones that are failing and then you can either keep the code in place or change your OrderedDict's version that have __root)
if (util.is_noncomplex(instance) or
# Currently requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter is using a non-standard
# version of OrderedDict which doesn't have a _OrderedDict__root
# attribute
instance[k] = value
except AttributeError as e:
import logging
import pprint
warnmsg = 'Unable to unpickle {}[{}]={}'.format(pprint.pformat(instance), pprint.pformat(k), pprint.pformat(value))
setattr(instance, k, value)
