Python/MySQLdb import from CSV with data encapsulation - python
I have been using WAMP to ingest some csv logs, and wanted to move to a more automated process by scripting some of the routine actions I need to take.
I was using the direct CSV import function in PHPmyadmin to handle the dialect and specifics of the CSV.
I have written an uploader in Python, using MySQLdb that parses the log file, however as the logs contain some unhelpful chars, I am finding that I need to do lots of running around sanitizing inputs where I probably don't want to be...
Example, the log is some data from a directory scanner, and I have no control over the folder naming conventions folks use. I have this folder:-
"C:\user\NZ Business Roundtable_Download_13Feb2013, 400 Access"
and the ,char is being read as a new field marker (it is csv after all). What I actually want it to do is to ignore all text inside the quote marks:- "......"
I see a similar issue with ' chars, and I'm sure there will be more.
I found this:- that shows how I could script the Python to function like the PHPmyadmin load routine. Mainly using this snippet:
load data local infile 'uniq.csv' into table tblUniq fields terminated by ','
enclosed by '"'
lines terminated by '\n'
(uniqName, uniqCity, uniqComments)
However there is some in depth processing and changes to the table that I would like to protect that I have already scripted, so wondered if there was a way to "tell" MySQL that I want to use "" as text encapsulation. The main processing I want to protect is that I give it a specific table name when creating the new table, and use that throughout the rest of the processing.
Example of my table maker script:-
def make_table(self):
query ="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `atl`.`{}`".format(self.table)
query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `atl`.`{}` (`PK` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `ID` varchar(10), `PARENT_ID` varchar(10), `URI` varchar(284), \
`FILE_PATH` varchar(230), `NAME` varchar(125), `METHOD` varchar(9), `STATUS` varchar(4), `SIZE` varchar(9), \
`TYPE` varchar(9), `EXT` varchar(11), `LAST_MODIFIED` varchar(19), `EXTENSION_MISMATCH` varchar(20), `MD5_HASH` varchar(32), \
`FORMAT_COUNT` varchar(2), `PUID` varchar(9), `MIME_TYPE` varchar(71), `FORMAT_NAME` varchar(59), `FORMAT_VERSION` varchar(7), \
`delete_flag` tinyint, `delete_reason` VARCHAR(80), `move_flag` TINYINT, `move_reason` VARCHAR(80), \
`ext_change_flag` TINYINT, `ext_change_reason` VARCHAR(80), `ext_change_value` VARCHAR(4), `fname_change_flag` TINYINT, `fname_change_reason` VARCHAR(80),\
`fname_change_value` VARCHAR(80))".format(self.table)
Example of my ingest script:-
def ingest_row(self, row):
query = "insert"
# Prepare SQL query to INSERT a record into the database.
query = "INSERT INTO `atl`.`{0}` (`ID`, `PARENT_ID`, `URI`, `FILE_PATH`, `NAME`, `METHOD`, `STATUS`, `SIZE`, `TYPE`, `EXT`, \
VALUES ('{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}','{11}','{12}','{13}','{14}','{15}','{16}','{17}','{18}')".format(self.table, row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], \
row[5], row[6], row[7], row[8], row[9], row[10], row[11], row[12], row[13], row[14], row[15], row[16], row[17])
print query
Example of log:-
"1","","file:/C:/jay/NZ%20Business%20Roundtable_Download_13Feb2013,%20400%20Access/","C:\jay\NZ Business Roundtable_Download_13Feb2013, 400 Access","NZ Business Roundtable_Download_13Feb2013, 400 Access",,"Done","","Folder",,"2013-06-28T11:31:36","false",,"",,"","",""
"2","1","file:/C:/jay/NZ%20Business%20Roundtable_Download_13Feb2013,%20400%20Access/1993/","C:\jay\NZ Business Roundtable_Download_13Feb2013, 400 Access\1993","1993",,"Done","","Folder",,"2013-06-28T11:31:36","false",,"",,"","",""
You should use SQL prepared statements. Mixing data and sql code with format opens the door for SQL injection (which is almost always 1st in the top 25 software flaw / security issue).
example, here is your data:
>>> log = """\
... "1","","file:/C:/jay/NZ%20Business%20Roundtable_Download_13Feb2013,%20400%20Access/","C:\jay\NZ Business Roundtable_Download_13Feb2013, 400 Access","NZ Business Roundtable_Download_13Feb2013, 400 Access",,"Done","","Folder",,"2013-06-28T11:31:36","false",,"",,"","",""
... "2","1","file:/C:/jay/NZ%20Business%20Roundtable_Download_13Feb2013,%20400%20Access/1993/","C:\jay\NZ Business Roundtable_Download_13Feb2013, 400 Access\1993","1993",,"Done","","Folder",,"2013-06-28T11:31:36","false",,"",,"","",""
... """
I don't have the file, so let's pretend I do:
>>> import StringIO
>>> logfile = StringIO.StringIO(log)
then let's build the query:
>>> import csv
>>> csvreader = csv.reader(logfile)
>>> fields =
>>> table = 'mytable'
>>> fields_fmt = ', '.join([ '`%s`' % f for f in fields ])
>>> values_fmt = ', '.join(['%s'] * len(fields))
>>> query = "INSERT INTO `atl`.`{0}` ({1}) VALUES ({2})".format(
... # self.table, fields_fmt, values_fmt)
... table, fields_fmt, values_fmt)
>>> query
'INSERT INTO `atl`.`mytable` (`ID`, `PARENT_ID`, `URI`, `FILE_PATH`, `NAME`, `METHOD`, `STATUS`, `SIZE`, `TYPE`, `EXT`, `LAST_MODIFIED`, `EXTENSION_MISMATCH`, `MD5_HASH`, `FORMAT_COUNT`, `PUID`, `MIME_TYPE`, `FORMAT_NAME`, `FORMAT_VERSION`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)'
then if you massage ingest_row:
def ingest_row(self, row):
self.cur.execute(query, row)
print query
you can then import the data with:
for row in csvreader:
Never use string formatting, concatenation etc. to build a sql query!
dbapi requires from all drivers to support parameterized queries, parameters should be supplied to the execute method of the cursor. For MySQLdb, whch supports format style parameterisation, it would look like:
cursor.execute('insert into sometable values (%s, %s)', ('spam', 'eggs'))
The supplied parameters are correctly escaped by the library, so it won't matter if your strings contain characters that must be escaped.
The only exception in your special case would be the table name, as escaping that would produce illegal sql.
Python - Multiline SQL with List - Not all parameters were used in the SQL statement
I'm usually a C# Dev, in an attempt to get some python experience. So at this current time I got a List of values I want to import into MYSQL, as there will be quite a few lines I want go with a single big import than thousands of small ones. Looking at the docs on pynative I can see the example being provided as: mySql_insert_query = """INSERT INTO Laptop (Id, Name, Price, Purchase_date) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s) """ records_to_insert = [(4, 'HP Pavilion Power', 1999, '2019-01-11'), (5, 'MSI WS75 9TL-496', 5799, '2019-02-27'), (6, 'Microsoft Surface', 2330, '2019-07-23')] cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.executemany(mySql_insert_query, records_to_insert) connection.commit() As my records to insert will be data pulled from an API, I had the "briliant" idea of building the list the most basic and probably the worst method possible. By creating the list with a pre-formatted string. val = [] sql = """INSERT INTO equipment (ItemStaticID, ItemID, ItemType, Element, Tier, Level, Hp, Atk, Hit, Def, Spd) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""" for x in range(len(test)): print(test[x].id, test[x].itemId, test[x].itemSubType, test[x].elementalType, test[x].grade, test[x].level, test[x].hP, test[x].aTK, test[x].hIT, test[x].dEF, test[x].sPD) value = "({},'{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}')".format(test[x].id, test[x].itemId, test[x].itemSubType, test[x].elementalType, test[x].grade, test[x].level, test[x].hP, test[x].aTK, test[x].hIT, test[x].dEF, test[x].sPD) print(value) val.append(value) insertcur = mydb.cursor() insertcur.executemany(sql, val) When running this code I get a "Not all parameters were used in the SQL statement", I verified that the SQL Query was accurate and the fields listed matched, 11 column names and I got 11 params. So I'm a bit lost why it believes that not all params are being used in the SQL statement. The below is the content of my list "val" ["(10340000,'d3252f40-5cbb-4a7c-a140-dcc2badac580','BELT','NORMAL','4','1','0','0','555','0','1683')", "(10340000,'e8e16a7b-4271-4cd4-8700-4dfb17a9525f','BELT','NORMAL','4','2','0','0','534','0','1848')", "(10341000,'66e70f12-f13b-4572-a222-cd61740d78b8','BELT','FIRE','4','0','0','0','503','0','1921')", "(10130000,'7cc2027b-110e-4ba0-9d95-ce563eca4be9','WEAPON','NORMAL','3','0','0','99','0','0','0')", "(10130000,'88440779-0794-431e-a726-3cb63af1dae1','WEAPON','NORMAL','3','0','0','99','0','0','0')", "(10130000,'f513afc3-9035-40b4-a0bb-6d4a74b88c7d','WEAPON','NORMAL','3','0','0','100','0','0','88')", "(10130000,'e22a771e-3fd7-4ce4-93c4-254913e89551','WEAPON','NORMAL','3','0','0','100','0','0','93')", "(10230000,'bf97a302-41e1-4b21-b7ff-3d7786f96ec3','ARMOR','NORMAL','3','0','1707','0','0','33','0')", "(10233000,'69f4811f-f45b-4227-99eb-2f45f0705c2a','ARMOR','LAND','3','0','11254','0','0','0','0')", "(10431000,'0813b427-de85-4fd6-82a1-fe8b8708ad45','NECKLACE','FIRE','3','0','0','0','677','30','0')", "(10531000,'48fc6562-44b5-49ba-8ad2-837d0e981a70','RING','FIRE','3','0','0','65','0','90','0')", "(10120000,'e5ebcdb9-ae59-4fc2-adb8-50e3b673c26d','WEAPON','NORMAL','2','0','0','39','0','0','0')", "(10120000,'22194497-91d1-405d-8a46-9c25b36c7ffd','WEAPON','NORMAL','2','1','0','42','0','0','37')", "(10124000,'487e9efc-a5f6-4944-924a-38ff8bcfb014','WEAPON','WIND','2','0','0','421','0','0','0')", "(10124000,'d015eced-58ec-48c4-bdbd-4f790c9ccbe4','WEAPON','WIND','2','0','0','453','0','0','572')", "(10124000,'1c624b33-889d-42f1-ae6b-2ddda234c481','WEAPON','WIND','2','1','0','462','0','0','0')", "(10220000,'225f94e7-2342-4a50-a1b7-07ec789457f1','ARMOR','NORMAL','2','1','737','0','0','13','0')", "(10220000,'64bd3ce5-572a-4b83-b83c-5f8f7f728f9e','ARMOR','NORMAL','2','1','727','0','0','13','0')", "(10224000,'206d6a67-3d1e-4b22-ad94-1ee19bdb4e00','ARMOR','WIND','2','3','9597','0','0','67','0')", "(10224000,'0ddc84d4-b65d-4b6d-b332-b3de72defce2','ARMOR','WIND','2','3','8972','0','0','88','0')", "(10321000,'3d0f39cb-0684-42a4-a9b0-ec2466679d18','BELT','FIRE','2','0','0','0','0','0','176')", "(10423000,'4ebb7192-15d4-4e9d-999c-be4a2e7ac85a','NECKLACE','LAND','2','3','0','0','1833','63','0')", "(10523000,'d1260941-ba0f-4a2a-b452-b3c3a6d6ec81','RING','LAND','2','0','0','0','384','172','0')", "(10523000,'fdef3e38-88ba-4970-923e-1d46ea35d1c5','RING','LAND','2','3','0','0','295','282','0')", "(10523000,'e3657fe9-481e-45ea-9086-065a79e3bc06','RING','LAND','2','0','0','0','376','173','0')", "(10523000,'68ab4ca0-683f-43a8-a2c6-358788e4e5e8','RING','LAND','2','2','0','0','408','195','0')", "(10523000,'be3921cc-fc3a-48bb-8542-c385d83d99cb','RING','LAND','2','0','0','0','0','172','0')", "(10523000,'422bb5ab-bef6-42a8-8562-a572d07c7970','RING','LAND','2','0','0','0','0','175','0')", "(10523000,'708df542-4622-4849-899c-846938f98ef2','RING','LAND','2','0','0','0','392','173','0')", "(10111000,'54896e7e-9799-4c81-a704-124522ab9b91','WEAPON','FIRE','1','3','0','23','0','0','0')", "(10210000,'09f995cd-6a8c-47ae-8c46-18f799322c9a','ARMOR','NORMAL','1','2','264','0','0','5','0')", "(10212000,'4effa256-6fe1-4051-866d-0f77d4294004','ARMOR','WATER','1','0','374','0','0','0','0')", "(10312000,'326908bb-ba10-4be9-abf2-4499d413bbb0','BELT','WATER','1','2','0','0','23','0','110')", "(10412000,'390c39f3-756b-488a-ae3f-eb03021453af','NECKLACE','WATER','1','3','0','0','156','8','0')", "(10512000,'7f8f0faf-da5c-435c-a27b-14ccbf94dd08','RING','WATER','1','3','159','0','0','20','0')", "(10514000,'08049c6d-5923-49d6-ac5f-fb569fc69ed3','RING','WIND','1','2','0','0','0','224','232')", "(10514000,'8dce0420-4d09-4ab6-8d73-86343155f8b9','RING','WIND','1','3','0','0','0','230','433')"]
importing single .csv into mysql with python
when running this code i am getting a Error while connecting to MySQL Not all parameters were used in the SQL statement I have tried also to ingest these with another technique import mysql.connector as msql from mysql.connector import Error import pandas as pd empdata = pd.read_csv('path_to_file', index_col=False, delimiter = ',') empdata.head() try: conn = msql.connect(host='localhost', user='test345', password='test123') if conn.is_connected(): cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("CREATE DATABASE timetheft") print("Database is created") except Error as e: print("Error while connecting to MySQL", e) try: conn = msql.connect(host='localhost', database='timetheft', user='test345', password='test123') if conn.is_connected(): cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("select database();") record = cursor.fetchone() print("You're connected to database: ", record) cursor.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS company;') print('Creating table....') create_contracts_table = """ CREATE TABLE company ( ID VARCHAR(40) PRIMARY KEY, Company_Name VARCHAR(40), Country VARCHAR(40), City VARCHAR(40), Email VARCHAR(40), Industry VARCHAR(30), Employees VARCHAR(30) ); """ cursor.execute(create_company_table) print("Table is created....") for i,row in empdata.iterrows(): sql = "INSERT INTO VALUES (%S, %S, %S, %S, %S,%S,%S,%S)" cursor.execute(sql, tuple(row)) print("Record inserted") # the connection is not auto committed by default, so we must commit to save our changes conn.commit() except Error as e: print("Error while connecting to MySQL", e) second technique I tried LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'path_to_file' INTO TABLE copmany FIELDS TERMINATED BY ';' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' IGNORE 1 LINES; worked better but many errors. only 20% of rows ingested. Finally here is an excerpt from the .csv (data is consistent throughout all 1K rows) "ID";"Company_Name";"Country";"City";"Email";"Industry";"Employees" 217520699;"Enim Corp.";"Germany";"Bamberg";"";"Internet";"51-100" 352428999;"Lacus Vestibulum Consulting";"Germany";"Villingen-Schwenningen";"";"Food Production";"100-500" 371718299;"Dictum Ultricies Ltd";"Germany";"Anklam";"";"Primary/Secondary Education";"100-500" 676789799;"A Consulting";"Germany";"Andernach";"";"Government Relations";"100-500" 718526699;"Odio LLP";"Germany";"Eisenhüttenstadt";"";"E-Learning";"11-50"
I fixed these issues to get the code to work: make the number of placeholders in the insert statement equal to the number of columns the placeholders should be lower-case '%s' the cell delimiter appears to be a semi-colon, not a comma. For simply reading a csv with ~1000 rows Pandas is overkill (and iterrows seems not to behave as you expect). I've used the csv module from the standard library instead. import csv ... sql = "INSERT INTO company VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" with open("67359903.csv", "r", newline="") as f: reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=";") # Skip the header row. next(reader) # For large files it may be more efficient to commit # rows in batches. cursor.executemany(sql, reader) conn.commit() If using the csv module is not convenient, the dataframe's itertuples method may be used to iterate over the data: empdata = pd.read_csv('67359903.csv', index_col=False, delimiter=';') for tuple_ in empdata.itertuples(index=False): cursor.execute(sql, tuple_) conn.commit() Or the dataframe can be dumped to the database directly. import sqlalchemy as sa engine = sa.create_engine('mysql+mysqlconnector:///test') empdata.to_sql('company', engine, index=False, if_exists='replace')
How to Import Big JSON file to MYSQL [duplicate]
I am having a hard time using the MySQLdb module to insert information into my database. I need to insert 6 variables into the table. cursor.execute (""" INSERT INTO Songs (SongName, SongArtist, SongAlbum, SongGenre, SongLength, SongLocation) VALUES (var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6) """) Can someone help me with the syntax here?
Beware of using string interpolation for SQL queries, since it won't escape the input parameters correctly and will leave your application open to SQL injection vulnerabilities. The difference might seem trivial, but in reality it's huge. Incorrect (with security issues) c.execute("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar = %s AND baz = %s" % (param1, param2)) Correct (with escaping) c.execute("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar = %s AND baz = %s", (param1, param2)) It adds to the confusion that the modifiers used to bind parameters in a SQL statement varies between different DB API implementations and that the mysql client library uses printf style syntax instead of the more commonly accepted '?' marker (used by eg. python-sqlite).
You have a few options available. You'll want to get comfortable with python's string iterpolation. Which is a term you might have more success searching for in the future when you want to know stuff like this. Better for queries: some_dictionary_with_the_data = { 'name': 'awesome song', 'artist': 'some band', etc... } cursor.execute (""" INSERT INTO Songs (SongName, SongArtist, SongAlbum, SongGenre, SongLength, SongLocation) VALUES (%(name)s, %(artist)s, %(album)s, %(genre)s, %(length)s, %(location)s) """, some_dictionary_with_the_data) Considering you probably have all of your data in an object or dictionary already, the second format will suit you better. Also it sucks to have to count "%s" appearances in a string when you have to come back and update this method in a year :)
The linked docs give the following example: cursor.execute (""" UPDATE animal SET name = %s WHERE name = %s """, ("snake", "turtle")) print "Number of rows updated: %d" % cursor.rowcount So you just need to adapt this to your own code - example: cursor.execute (""" INSERT INTO Songs (SongName, SongArtist, SongAlbum, SongGenre, SongLength, SongLocation) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) """, (var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6)) (If SongLength is numeric, you may need to use %d instead of %s).
Actually, even if your variable (SongLength) is numeric, you will still have to format it with %s in order to bind the parameter correctly. If you try to use %d, you will get an error. Here's a small excerpt from this link To perform a query, you first need a cursor, and then you can execute queries on it: c=db.cursor() max_price=5 c.execute("""SELECT spam, eggs, sausage FROM breakfast WHERE price < %s""", (max_price,)) In this example, max_price=5 Why, then, use %s in the string? Because MySQLdb will convert it to a SQL literal value, which is the string '5'. When it's finished, the query will actually say, "...WHERE price < 5".
As an alternative to the chosen answer, and with the same safe semantics of Marcel's, here is a compact way of using a Python dictionary to specify the values. It has the benefit of being easy to modify as you add or remove columns to insert: meta_cols = ('SongName','SongArtist','SongAlbum','SongGenre') insert = 'insert into Songs ({0}) values ({1})'.format( ','.join(meta_cols), ','.join( ['%s']*len(meta_cols))) args = [ meta[i] for i in meta_cols ] cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute(insert,args) db.commit() Where meta is the dictionary holding the values to insert. Update can be done in the same way: meta_cols = ('SongName','SongArtist','SongAlbum','SongGenre') update='update Songs set {0} where id=%s'. .format(','.join([ '{0}=%s'.format(c) for c in meta_cols ])) args = [ meta[i] for i in meta_cols ] args.append(songid) cursor=db.cursor() cursor.execute(update,args) db.commit()
The first solution works well. I want to add one small detail here. Make sure the variable you are trying to replace/update it will has to be a type str. My mysql type is decimal but I had to make the parameter variable as str to be able to execute the query. temp = "100" myCursor.execute("UPDATE testDB.UPS SET netAmount = %s WHERE auditSysNum = '42452'",(temp,)) myCursor.execute(var)
Here is another way to do it. It's documented on the MySQL official website. In the spirit, it's using the same mechanic of #Trey Stout's answer. However, I find this one prettier and more readable. insert_stmt = ( "INSERT INTO employees (emp_no, first_name, last_name, hire_date) " "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" ) data = (2, 'Jane', 'Doe',, 3, 23)) cursor.execute(insert_stmt, data) And to better illustrate any need for variables: NB: note the escape being done. employee_id = 2 first_name = "Jane" last_name = "Doe" insert_stmt = ( "INSERT INTO employees (emp_no, first_name, last_name, hire_date) " "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" ) data = (employee_id, conn.escape_string(first_name), conn.escape_string(last_name),, 3, 23)) cursor.execute(insert_stmt, data)
Read from csv file and put to Mysql with different field type using python
i have table field of "datetime", "integer", "double", "string (varchar)" type in Mysql, how can i convert from string (from csv file) to each type of Mysql field using python ? example of my csv file : EURUSD;M5;2011.01.05 02:10:00;1.33193;1.33193;1.33112;1.33135;0;-1;0;0;1.33215 My python code is like this : import MySQLdb # Open database connection db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost","me","xxxxx","test" ) # prepare a cursor object using cursor() method cursor = db.cursor() inputFile = "source.csv" with open(inputFile, 'r') as fr: data = fr.readlines() for line in data: words = line.strip().split(";") getpair = words[0] gettf = words[1] gettime = (datetime) words[2] getopen = (double) words[3] gethigh = (double) words[4] getlow = (double) words[5] getclose = (double) words[6] getcUpdown = (int) words[7] getfractal = (int) words[8] getzzId = (int) words[9] getzzUpdown = (int) words[10] getzzEndPrc = (double) words[11] print(getpair,"=",gettf,"=",gettime,"=",getopen,"=",gethigh,"=",getlow,"=",getclose,"=",getcUpdown,"=",getfractal,"=",getzzId,"=",getzzUpdown,"=",getzzEndPrc) # ===================================================================== # Prepare SQL query to INSERT a record into the database. sql = '''INSERT INTO `mytable` (pair,timeframe,time,open,close,high,low,updown,fractal,zzid,zzupdown,zzlength) \ VALUES (getpair,gettf,gettime,getopen,getclose,gethigh,getlow,getcUpdown,getfractal,getzzId,getzzUpdown,getzzEndPrc)''' try: # Execute the SQL command cursor.execute(sql) # Commit your changes in the database db.commit() except: # Rollback in case there is any error db.rollback() # disconnect from server db.close() fr.close() Thanks p
Type conversion in Python is done by: int(words[7]) not (int)words[7] There is no double type in Python. Use float instead. You can not convert directly to datetime. Use datetime.strptime() to parse the input string: from datetime import datetime gettime = datetime.strptime(words[2], '%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S') You might not need to do this (conversion should be handled when using parameterised queries - see below), but you can convert that to a string format that MySQLDB supports. You can use strftime() for that: gettime = gettime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') The sql query string needs to substitute the the actual values. Your query is inserting the names of the variables, not the values. You can (and should) use a parameterised query like this: sql = 'INSERT INTO `mytable` (pair, timeframe, time, open, close, high, low, updown, fractal, zzid, zzupdown, zzlength) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' cursor.execute(sql, (getpair, gettf, gettime, getopen, getclose, gethigh, getlow, getcUpdown, getfractal, getzzId, getzzUpdown, getzzEndPrc)) cursor.execute(sql, ...) needs to be moved into the body of the for loop.
MySQL not accepting executemany() INSERT, running Python from Excel (datanitro)
I HAVE ADDED MY OWN ANSWER THAT WORKS BUT OPEN TO IMPROVEMENTS After seeing a project at datanitro. I took on getting a connection to MySQL (they use SQLite) and I was able to import a small test table into Excel from MySQL. Inserting new updated data from the Excel sheet was this next task and so far I can get one row to work like so... import MySQLdb db = MySQLdb.connect("xxx","xxx","xxx","xxx") c = db.cursor() c.execute("""INSERT INTO users (id, username, password, userid, fname, lname) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);""", (Cell(5,1).value,Cell(5,2).value,Cell(5,3).value,Cell(5,4).value,Cell(5,5).value,Cell(5,6).value,)) db.commit() db.close() ...but attempts at multiple rows will fail. I suspect either issues while traversing rows in Excel. Here is what I have so far... import MySQLdb db = MySQLdb.connect(host="", user="xxx", passwd="xxx", db="xxx") c = db.cursor() c.execute("select * from users") usersss = c.fetchall() updates = [] row = 2 # starting row while True: data = tuple(CellRange((row,1),(row,6)).value) if data[0]: if data not in usersss: # new record updates.append(data) row += 1 else: # end of table break c.executemany("""INSERT INTO users (id, username, password, userid, fname, lname) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""", updates) db.commit() db.close() of now, I don't get any errors, but my new line is not added (id 3). This is what my table looks like in Excel... The database holds the same structure, minus id 3. There has to be a simpler way to traverse the rows and pull the unique content for INSERT, but after 6 hours trying different things (and 2 new Python books) I am going to ask for help. If I run either... print '[%s]' % ', '.join(map(str, updates)) or print updates my result is [] So this is likely not passing any data to MySQL in the first place. LATEST UPDATE AND WORKING SCRIPT Not exactly what I want, but this has worked for me... c = db.cursor() row = 2 while Cell(row,1).value != None: c.execute("""INSERT IGNORE INTO users (id, username, password, userid, fname, lname) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);""", (CellRange((row,1),(row,6)).value)) row = row + 1
Here is your problem: while True: if data[0]: ... else: break Your first id is 0, so in the first iteration of the loop data[0] will be falsely and your loop will exit, without ever adding any data. What you probably ment is: while True: if data[0] is not None: ... else: break
I ended up finding a solution that gets me an Insert on new and allows for UPDATE of those that are changed. Not exactly a Python selection based on a single query, but will do. import MySQLdb db = MySQLdb.connect("xxx","xxx","xxx","xxx") c = db.cursor() row = 2 while Cell(row,1).value is not None: c.execute("INSERT INTO users (id, username, password, \ userid, fname, lname) \ VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) \ ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE \ id=VALUES(id), username=VALUES(username), password=VALUES(password), \ userid=VALUES(userid), fname=VALUES(fname), lname=VALUES(lname);", (CellRange((row,1),(row,6)).value)) row = row + 1 db.commit() db.close()