"Son" function cant see "Father" function locals - python

Hi im doing a udacity course on testing and I dont understand why im getting this problem with globals.
The thing is there is some implementation of queue I want to test. To do so I wrapp the methods with the post conditions [empty, full,enqueue,dequeue] using asserts and then proceed to do a random test on the structure with the wrapped functions to automate the testing.
For the assertions I need to keep track of the max items (size) of the queue and the actual items (elts) so i defined them as locals in function test().
Inside test() i define the wrapers and in the wrappers i use size and elts.
The thing i dont understand is if i make elts global inside the wrapper definition, then i got a NameError global name 'elts' is not defined at the wrapper But if i dont declare it as global in the wrapper then i get the UnboundLocalError of accessing elts before assigning a value to it.
I dont understand why a "Son" function declared in the body of a "Father" function cant see a local variable of the father and use it.
Here is the code
from queue_test import *
import random
import sys
def test():
# Globals
#Queue wrappers
# Wrapp the queue methods to include the assertions for automated testing
def run_empty():
if elts==0:
assert temp==True
assert temp==False
return temp
def run_full():
if elts==size:
assert temp==True
assert temp==False
return temp
def run_enqueue(val):
if isinstance(val,int) and elts<size:
assert temp==True
assert temp==False
return temp
def run_dequeue():
if elts>0:
assert temp!=None and isinstance(temp,int)
assert temp==None
return temp
# Random testing stuff
def get_int(): # Return a random valid integer
return random.randint(min_int,max_int)
def get_command(): #Return a random valid command (string)
return random.choice(["empty","full","enqueue","dequeue"])
def run_random_command(): # Execute a random command
if c=="empty":
elif c=="full":
elif c=="enqueue":
elif c=="dequeue":
raise Exception("Error run command invalid command")
def test_this(ncommands=100): # Randomly test a queue with ncommands commands
assert testi == testi2
for c in range(ncommands):
#Test Code: Do it random tests each one with a diferent random queue
for it in range(iters):

If you assign to a variable within a function, Python automatically makes it local. You'll need to explicitly mark them as global within the child functions. (In Python 3, you can use nonlocal for that.)
However, I can't help thinking that you should really be using a class here.


Declaring a var usable by another function using a import in a secondary script

Is there a way to make a function_a define a variable usable inside another function_b so that both are possible to import in a project ? Something like so:
def func_a(str):
if str == 'Yes'
nb = 1
return nb
def func_b(int)
calc = (nb+int)**2
return calc
from Script_1 import func_a, func_b
My attempt at declaring nb in Script_2 did not work as python tried to find it in Script_1. I hope this can give an idea of what I am trying to do. Also, the names of the variable are but a representation of type (strand int) I am looking for. Python is rather new to me and I am still learning. Thanks in advance.
The standard way to pass state from one function to another is for one function to return the value and for the other to take it as an argument.
# Script_1
def func_a(msg: str) -> int:
if msg == 'Yes':
return 1
return 0
def func_b(na: int, nb: int) -> int:
return (na + nb)**2
# Script_2
# from Script_1 import func_a, func_b
nb = func_a('Yes')
print(func_b(5, nb))
By adding nb as an argument to func_b, we can take the return value from func_a and pass it to func_b. (Doing weird stuff with injecting data into the global namespace is technically possible, but it makes your code extraordinarily difficult to debug.)
Thanks to Amadan's suggestion, I was able to do this:
class test(object):
def __init__(self,string):
self.string = string
if string == 'Yes':
self.factor = 1
self.factor = 0
def func(self, num):
calc = (num+self.factor)**2
return calc
And can be used as such in another file once saved in test.py:
from test import test

Python best module import practise

I have a python module mymodule.py:
def auth():
'''Authorize and generate a JSON file'''
return j
j = auth()
def get_value(key):
'''Takes the key and return value from JSON'''
value = j[key]
return value
I have a program where I use this module myprogram.py:
import mymodule
keys = [1,2,3,4,5]
def simple_program(keys):
# mymodule.auth() should I place it here?
for key in keys:
value = mymodule.get_value(key)
return value
So the goal is to call mymodule.auth() once, every time I run simple_program to refresh the JSON file. I don't know how to achieve this. Because myprogram.py is also a module and I call simple_program() from another .py file. So where do I place mymodule.auth()? Is it ok to place mymodule.auth() inside simple_program?
The instant you import mymodule the code below runs
j = auth()
which is why when you call mymodule.get_value() it works. This causes J to be a singleton in the global space. Everytime you import this, auth() will run again. This could be bad.
What you could do is this:
def auth():
'''Authorize and generate a JSON file'''
return j
j = None
def get_value(key):
global j
'''Takes the key and return value from JSON'''
if not j:
j = auth()
value = j[key]
return value
Now you just need to run get_value() and everything should work fine. No need to execute auth() again.
Your exact use case is a little vague (e.g. simple_program is not the main program but smth like a subroutine? and it is called several times from another py file?), but it seems to me like you should get familiar with classes. I would suggest to implement auth() as a class, e.g. like this:
class MyJson(object):
def __init__(self):
self._json = ... # do authorization and generation here and save the result as member
def get_value(self, key):
value = self._json[key]
return value
Now import and create an object of that class wherever you need it for the first time
from mymodule import MyJson
# ...
my_json = MyJson()
If you only need it to be initialized once, do that in your main program and pass the my_json object as parameter to simple_program (which should possibly also be a class). And then use it like
value = my_json.get_value(key)

python decorators not taking the value from constant passed

if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description = "CHECK-ACCESS REPORTING.")
parser.add_argument('--input','-i', help='Filepath containing the Active Directory userlist')
parser.add_argument('--timestamp', '-t', nargs='?',const="BLANK", help='filepath with environement varible set')
args, unknownargs = parser.parse_known_args(sys.argv[1:])
#checking the value of cons.DISPLAYRESULT is TRUE
timestampchecker function :
def timestampchecker(status):
""" Check if the timestamp is to display or not from command line"""
if status is not None:
This function checks if the user have set the -t arguments. If it is set I have defined one constant called cons.DISPLAYRESULT to true.
The function is working great and turning the constant value to True.
But in the main function I have implemented this decorators which is not taking the true value but false
def benchmarking(timestaus):
def wrapper(funct):
def timercheck(*args, **kwarg):
if timestaus is True:
funct(*args, **kwarg)
if timestaus is True:
print('Time Taken:',round(time.time()-starttime, 4))
return timercheck
return wrapper
I have decorated some method in main() method of report.py with the decorators above. For example This is the class being used in report.py and being decorated with above decorators
class NotAccountedReport:
def __init__(self, pluginoutputpath):
""" Path where the plugins result are stored need these files"""
self.pluginoutputpath = pluginoutputpath
def makeNotAccountableReport():
#some functionality
here I have passed the constant value to the argument decorator which
when tested though before called is converted to True is taking false
and thus the decorators not being implemented. Where is the problem
cant figure out
You didn't post a complete minimal verifiable example so there might be something else too, but if your point is that when calling NotAccountedReport().makeNotAccountableReport() you don't get your "Time taken" printed then it's really not a surprise - the benchmarking decorator is applied when the function is defined (when the module is imported), well before the if __name__ == '__main__' clause is executed, so at that time cons.DISPLAY_TIME_STAMP has not been updated by your command line args.
If you want a runtime flag to activate / deactivate your decorator's behaviour the obvious solution is to check cons.DISPLAY_TIME_STAMP within the decorator instead of passing it as argument, ie:
def benchmarking(func):
def timercheck(*args, **kwarg):
result = func(*args, **kwarg)
logger.debug('Time Taken: %s',round(time.time()-starttime, 4))
return result
return timercheck
class NotAccountedReport(object):
def makeNotAccountableReport():
#some functionality

Identifying pure functions in python

I have a decorator #pure that registers a function as pure, for example:
def rectangle_area(a,b):
return a*b
def triangle_area(a,b,c):
return ((a+(b+c))(c-(a-b))(c+(a-b))(a+(b-c)))**0.5/4
Next, I want to identify a newly defined pure function
def house_area(a,b,c):
return rectangle_area(a,b) + triangle_area(a,b,c)
Obviously house_area is pure, since it only calls pure functions.
How can I discover all pure functions automatically (perhaps by using ast)
Assuming operators are all pure, then essentially you only need to check all the functions calls. This can indeed be done with the ast module.
First I defined the pure decorator as:
def pure(f):
f.pure = True
return f
Adding an attribute telling that it's pure, allows skipping early or "forcing" a function to identify as pure. This is useful if you'd need a function like math.sin to identify as pure. Additionally since you can't add attributes to builtin functions.
def sin(x):
return math.sin(x)
All in all. Use the ast module to visit all the nodes. Then for each Call node check whether the function being called is pure.
import ast
class PureVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor):
def __init__(self, visited):
self.pure = True
self.visited = visited
def visit_Name(self, node):
return node.id
def visit_Attribute(self, node):
name = [node.attr]
child = node.value
while child is not None:
if isinstance(child, ast.Attribute):
child = child.value
name = ".".join(reversed(name))
return name
def visit_Call(self, node):
if not self.pure:
name = self.visit(node.func)
if name not in self.visited:
callee = eval(name)
if not is_pure(callee, self.visited):
self.pure = False
except NameError:
self.pure = False
Then check whether the function has the pure attribute. If not get code and check if all the functions calls can be classified as pure.
import inspect, textwrap
def is_pure(f, _visited=None):
return f.pure
except AttributeError:
code = inspect.getsource(f.__code__)
except AttributeError:
return False
code = textwrap.dedent(code)
node = compile(code, "<unknown>", "exec", ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST)
if _visited is None:
_visited = []
visitor = PureVisitor(_visited)
return visitor.pure
Note that print(is_pure(lambda x: math.sin(x))) doesn't work since inspect.getsource(f.__code__) returns code on a line by line basis. So the source returned by getsource would include the print and is_pure call, thus yielding False. Unless those functions are overridden.
To verify that it works, test it by doing:
print(house_area) # Prints: True
To list through all the functions in the current module:
import sys, types
for k in dir(sys.modules[__name__]):
v = globals()[k]
if isinstance(v, types.FunctionType):
print(k, is_pure(v))
The visited list keeps track of which functions have already been verified pure. This help circumvent problems related to recursion. Since the code isn't executed, the evaluation would recursively visit factorial.
def factorial(n):
return 1 if n == 1 else n * factorial(n - 1)
Note that you might need to revise the following code. Choosing another way to obtain a function from its name.
callee = eval(name)
if not is_pure(callee, self.visited):
self.pure = False
except NameError:
self.pure = False

How can I use external variables in Python like 'extern int x;' in C?

How can I use external variables in Python, like extern int x; in C?
For example,
from myfunc import print_a
a = 10
print a
def print_a():
global a
print a
Simply re-assign the variable in the module:
import myfunc
from myfunc import print_a
a = 10
print a
myfunc.a = a
Otherwise it is not possible.
Rememeber that python treats modules in a way that is quite different from C.
The import in python does not "copy the contents" of the file in that place,
but it executes the code in the given file and creates a module object.
The global variable of the module are the module object attributes, which can be modified as I've shown. There is no such notion as "global variable" except for built-ins.
I'd suggest to refactor your code in such a way that you don't have to modify this global variable at all, moving the code that uses myfunc.a from main1 to myfunc.
The fact that you need such global variable is already a code smell that there's something wrong with your code and you should try to fix it.
Actually there is a way to affect the "global scope" but it is so hackish that I don't even want to mention it. Trust me: you don't want to use it. If people see your code using such a hack you may be in physical danger.
Unlike C, variables declared at global scope are still limited in scope to the module they are created in, so you need to qualify the name a with the module it lives in.
The global keyword is used when you are going to modify a global variable by reassigning, you do not need it when you are just referencing a global variable.
If you are trying to access a variable of another file, you must import that module, and because of the way your files are structured you have a couple of ways to resolve issues:
Option 1) Move the referencing of myfunc.print_a inside of a function and import main1 inside myfunc to see a
import myfunc
a = 10
def main():
print a
if __name__ == '__main__':
import main1
def print_a():
print main1.a
Option 2) recommended Move the variable(s) into another module and have both myfunc and main1 import it.
a = 20
import vals
from myfunc import print_a
vals.a = 10
print vals.a
import vals
def print_a():
print vals.a
This is a workaround to this problem by using a common external file. In this example I am storing an index variable to flag in each application whether a file is being accessed. The variable indxOpen in ext1.py and indxO in ext2.py are being updated and stored in a common external text file "externalVars.txt"
lead application ext1.py
# lead application ext1.py
#this alternately flips the value of indxOpen on prime number intervals
import time
def update(d,v1):
f.write(str( v1))
# ensure variable is initialised and made available to external apps
indxOpen = False
var_dir = "<your external var directory>/"
f =open(var_dir+'externalVars.txt','r')
f= open(var_dir+'externalVars.txt','w')
# this alternately flips the value of indxOpen on prime number intervals
i = 0
while True:
while indxOpen:
i += 1
if (i % 13) ==0:
indxOpen = indxOpen ^ True
print "app1",t," ",i
if t=='False':
print "app1 updated"
indxOpen = False
while not indxOpen:
print "app1",t
if t=='True':
indxOpen = True
ext2.py following application
# ext2.py this alternately flips the value of indxO on prime number intervals but it is initialised by the lead application
# in this case ext1.py
# python 2.7.12
import time
def update(d,v1):
f.write(str( v1))
var_dir = "<your external var directory>/"
# intialise external variable
if t=='True':
indxO= True
if t=='False':
indxO= False
while True:
while indxO:
print "app2",t
if t=='False':
indxO = False
while not indxO:
i += 1
if (i % 17) ==0:
indxO = indxO ^ True
print "app2",t," ",i
if t=='True':
indxO = True
print "apt2 updated"
