I had an overflow error with this program here!, I realized the mistake of that program. I cannot use range or xrange when it came to really long integers. I tried running the program in Python 3 and it works. My code works but then responds after several times. Hence in order to optimize my code, I started thinking of strategies for the optimizing the code.
My problem statement is A number is called lucky if the sum of its digits, as well as the sum of the squares of its digits is a prime number. How many numbers between A and B are lucky?.
I started with this:
def isEven(self, n):
def isPrime(n):
def main():
count = []
for i in xrange(t):
counts = 0
a,b = raw_input().rstrip().split()
if a=='1':
tempa, tempb= map(int, a), map(int,b)
for i in range(len(b),a,-1):
What I am trying to achieve is since I know the series is ordered, only the last number changes. I can save the sum of squares of the earlier numbers in the list and just keep changing the last number. This does not calculate the sum everytime and check if the sum of squares is prime. I am unable to fix the sum to some value and then keep changing the last number.How to go forward from here?
My sample inputs are provided below.
87517 52088
72232 13553
19219 17901
39863 30628
94978 75750
79208 13282
77561 61794
I didn't get what you want to achieve with your code at all. This is my solution to the question as I understand it: For all natural numbers n in a range X so that a < X < b for some natural numbers a, b with a < b, how many numbers n have the property that the sum of its digits and the sum of the square of its digits in decimal writing are both prime?
def sum_digits(n):
s = 0
while n:
s += n % 10
n /= 10
return s
def sum_digits_squared(n):
s = 0
while n:
s += (n % 10) ** 2
n /= 10
return s
def is_prime(n):
return all(n % i for i in xrange(2, n))
def is_lucky(n):
return is_prime(sum_digits(n)) and is_prime(sum_digits_squared(n))
def all_lucky_numbers(a, b):
return [n for n in xrange(a, b) if is_lucky(n)]
if __name__ == "__main__":
sample_inputs = ((87517, 52088),
(72232, 13553),
(19219, 17901),
(39863, 30628),
(94978, 75750),
(79208, 13282),
(77561, 61794))
for b, a in sample_inputs:
lucky_number_count = len(all_lucky_numbers(a, b))
print("There are {} lucky numbers between {} and {}").format(lucky_number_count, a, b)
A few notes:
The is_prime is the most naive implementation possible. It's still totally fast enough for the sample input. There are many better implementations possible (and just one google away). The most obvious improvement would be skipping every even number except for 2. That alone would cut calculation time in half.
In Python 3 (and I really recommend using it), remember to use //= to force the result of the division to be an integer, and use range instead of xrange. Also, an easy way to speed up is_prime is Python 3's #functools.lru_cache.
If you want to save some lines, calculate the sum of digits by casting them to str and back to int like that:
def sum_digits(n):
return sum(int(d) for d in str(a))
It's not as mathy, though.
Project Euler Q104 (https://projecteuler.net/problem=104) is as such:
The Fibonacci sequence is defined by the recurrence relation:
Fn = Fn−1 + Fn−2, where F1 = 1 and F2 = 1. It turns out that F541,
which contains 113 digits, is the first Fibonacci number for which the
last nine digits are 1-9 pandigital (contain all the digits 1 to 9,
but not necessarily in order). And F2749, which contains 575 digits,
is the first Fibonacci number for which the first nine digits are 1-9
Given that Fk is the first Fibonacci number for which the first nine
digits AND the last nine digits are 1-9 pandigital, find k.
And I wrote this simple code in Python:
def fibGen():
a,b = 1,1
while True:
a,b = b,a+b
yield a
k = 0
fibG = fibGen()
while True:
k += 1
x = str(fibG.next())
if (set(x[-9:]) == set("123456789")):
print x #debugging print statement
if(set(x[:9]) == set("123456789")):
print k
However, it was taking well.. forever.
After leaving it running for 30 mins, puzzled, I gave up and checked the solution.
I came across this code in C#:
long fn2 = 1;
long fn1 = 1;
long fn;
long tailcut = 1000000000;
int n = 2;
bool found = false;
while (!found) {
fn = (fn1 + fn2) % tailcut;
fn2 = fn1;
fn1 = fn;
if (IsPandigital(fn)) {
double t = (n * 0.20898764024997873 - 0.3494850021680094);
if (IsPandigital((long)Math.Pow(10, t - (long)t + 8)))
found = true;
Which.. I could barely understand. I tried it out in VS, got the correct answer and checked the thread for help.
I found these two, similar looking answers in Python then.
One here, http://blog.dreamshire.com/project-euler-104-solution/
And one from the thread:
from math import sqrt
def isPandigital(s):
return set(s) == set('123456789')
def check_first_digits(n):
def mypow( x, n ):
for i in xrange(n):
res *= x
# truncation to avoid overflow:
if res>1E20: res*=1E-10
return res
# this is an approximation for large n:
F = mypow( (1+rt5)/2, n )/rt5
s = '%f' % F
if isPandigital(s[:9]):
print n
return True
a, b, n = 1, 1, 1
while True:
if isPandigital( str(a)[-9:] ):
print a
# Only when last digits are
# pandigital check the first digits:
if check_first_digits(n):
a, b = b, a+b
n += 1
print n
These worked pretty fast, under 1 minute!
I really need help understanding these solutions. I don't really know the meaning or the reason behind using stuff like log. And though I could easily do the first 30 questions, I cannot understand these tougher ones.
How is the best way to solve this question and how these solutions are implementing it?
These two solutions work on the bases that as fibonacci numbers get bigger, the ratio between two consecutive terms gets closer to a number known as the Golden Ratio, (1+sqrt(5))/2, roughly 1.618. If you have one (large) fibonacci number, you can easily calculate the next, just by multiplying it by that number.
We know from the question that only large fibonacci numbers are going to satisfy the conditions, so we can use that to quickly calculate the parts of the sequence we're interested in.
In your implementation, to calculate fib(n), you need to calculate fib(n-1), which needs to calculate fib(n-2) , which needs to calculate fib(n-3) etc, and it needs to calculate fib(n-2), which calculates fib(n-3) etc. That's a huge number of function calls when n is big. Having a single calculation to know what number comes next is a huge speed increase. A computer scientist would call the first method O(n^2)*: to calculate fib(n), you need n^2 sub calculations. Using the golden mean, the fibonacci sequence becomes (approximately, but close enouigh for what we need):
(using phi = (1+sqrt(5))/2)
1*phi*phi = pow(phi, 2)
1*phi*phi*phi = pow(phi, 3)
1*phi*...*phi = pow(phi, n)
\ n times /
So, you can do an O(1) calculation: fib(n): return round(pow(golden_ratio, n)/(5**0.5))
Next, there's a couple of simplifications that let you use smaller numbers.
If I'm concerned about the last nine digits of a number, what happens further up isn't all that important, so I can throw anything after the 9th digit from the right away. That's what b=b%1000000000 or fn = (fn1 + fn2) % tailcut; are doing. % is the modulus operator, which says, if I divide the left number by the right, what's the remainder?
It's easiest to explain with equivalent code:
def mod(a,b):
while a > b:
a -= b
return a
So, there's a quick addition loop that adds together the last nine digits of fibonacci numbers, waiting for them to be pandigital. If it is, it calculates the whole value of the fibonacci number, and check the first nine digits.
Let me know if I need to cover anything in more detail.
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_O_notation
ls = []
total = 0
for i in range(0,2000000):
for i in range(2,2000000):
for x in range(2,int(float(2000000/i)+0.5)):
ls[int(float(i*x))] = 0
ls[1] = 0
for j in range(0,2000000):
total += ls[j]
print total
This code is giving me the wrong answer. It includes large numbers that are not prime. It includes 25 more numbers than there are prime numbers.
Your algorithm is giving the wrong result, couldn't figure out what approach do you use, it would be better if you could give more details.
There is an algorithm called Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm to generate prime number effectively. You find that algorithm explained in this thread, with details to write the algorithm.
import math
def primeNumbers(n):
A = range(2, n + 1)
B, C= [],A
while C[0]< math.sqrt(n):
firstElement= C[0]
B+= [firstElement]
C= [x for x in C if x%firstElement!=0]
return B+C
t= sum(primeNumbers(2000000)) #you summ the prime numbers numbers
print t
The problem is with this line:
for x in range(2,int(float(2000000/i)+0.5)):
float(2000000/i) doesn't do much in this context, did you mean float(2000000)/i? You're still doing integer division and then converting the result to float. So, when i is 947, this returns 2111.0 instead of 2111.93. As a result, adding 0.5 to that and calling int() effectively does nothing and you still end up with 2111.
This then ends up running the loop till 2110, so you fail to mark 947 * 2111, which gives you a false positive.
You can rewrite the loop slightly to fix this:
for i in range(2,2000000):
for x in range(2 * i, 2000000, i):
ls[x] = 0
This way, instead of dividing and then multiplying, you're simply going through and marking all the multiples of i until 2000000.
Obviously, there are other (better) ways to solve the problem, but I just wanted to point out how you can improve your current solution.
I know there's already a question similar to this, but I want to speed it up using GMPY2 (or something similar with GMP).
Here is my current code, it's decent but can it be better?
Edit: new code, checks divisors 2 and 3
def factors(n):
result = set()
result |= {mpz(1), mpz(n)}
def all_multiples(result, n, factor):
z = mpz(n)
while gmpy2.f_mod(mpz(z), factor) == 0:
z = gmpy2.divexact(z, factor)
result |= {mpz(factor), z}
return result
result = all_multiples(result, n, 2)
result = all_multiples(result, n, 3)
for i in range(1, gmpy2.isqrt(n) + 1, 6):
i1 = mpz(i) + 1
i2 = mpz(i) + 5
div1, mod1 = gmpy2.f_divmod(n, i1)
div2, mod2 = gmpy2.f_divmod(n, i2)
if mod1 == 0:
result |= {i1, div1}
if mod2 == 0:
result |= {i2, div2}
return result
If it's possible, I'm also interested in an implementation with divisors only within n^(1/3) and 2^(2/3)*n(1/3)
As an example, mathematica's factor() is much faster than the python code. I want to factor numbers between 20 and 50 decimal digits. I know ggnfs can factor these in less than 5 seconds.
I am interested if any module implementing fast factorization exists in python too.
I just made some quick changes to your code to eliminate redundant name lookups. The algorithm is still the same but it is about twice as fast on my computer.
import gmpy2
from gmpy2 import mpz
def factors(n):
result = set()
n = mpz(n)
for i in range(1, gmpy2.isqrt(n) + 1):
div, mod = divmod(n, i)
if not mod:
result |= {mpz(i), div}
return result
Other suggestions will need more information about the size of the numbers, etc. For example, if you need all the possible factors, it may be faster to construct those from all the prime factors. That approach will let you decrease the limit of the range statement as you proceed and also will let you increment by 2 (after removing all the factors of 2).
Update 1
I've made some additional changes to your code. I don't think your all_multiplies() function is correct. Your range() statement isn't optimal since 2 is check again but my first fix made it worse.
The new code delays computing the co-factor until it knows the remainder is 0. I also tried to use the built-in functions as much as possible. For example, mpz % integer is faster than gmpy2.f_mod(mpz, integer) or gmpy2.f_mod(integer, mpz) where integer is a normal Python integer.
import gmpy2
from gmpy2 import mpz, isqrt
def factors(n):
n = mpz(n)
result = set()
result |= {mpz(1), n}
def all_multiples(result, n, factor):
z = n
f = mpz(factor)
while z % f == 0:
result |= {f, z // f}
f += factor
return result
result = all_multiples(result, n, 2)
result = all_multiples(result, n, 3)
for i in range(1, isqrt(n) + 1, 6):
i1 = i + 1
i2 = i + 5
if not n % i1:
result |= {mpz(i1), n // i1}
if not n % i2:
result |= {mpz(i2), n // i2}
return result
I would change your program to just find all the prime factors less than the square root of n and then construct all the co-factors later. Then you decrease n each time you find a factor, check if n is prime, and only look for more factors if n isn't prime.
Update 2
The pyecm module should be able to factor the size numbers you are trying to factor. The following example completes in about a second.
>>> import pyecm
>>> list(pyecm.factors(12345678901234567890123456789012345678901, False, True, 10, 1))
[mpz(29), mpz(43), mpz(43), mpz(55202177), mpz(2928109491677), mpz(1424415039563189)]
There exist different Python factoring modules in the Internet. But if you want to implement factoring yourself (without using external libraries) then I can suggest quite fast and very easy to implement Pollard-Rho Algorithm. I implemented it fully in my code below, you just scroll down directly to my code (at the bottom of answer) if you don't want to read.
With great probability Pollard-Rho algorithm finds smallest non-trivial factor P (not equal to 1 or N) within time of O(Sqrt(P)). To compare, Trial Division algorithm that you implemented in your question takes O(P) time to find factor P. It means for example if a prime factor P = 1 000 003 then trial division will find it after 1 000 003 division operations, while Pollard-Rho on average will find it just after 1 000 operations (Sqrt(1 000 003) = 1 000), which is much much faster.
To make Pollard-Rho algorithm much faster we should be able to detect prime numbers, to exclude them from factoring and don't wait unnecessarily time, for that in my code I used Fermat Primality Test which is very fast and easy to implement within just 7-9 lines of code.
Pollard-Rho algorithm itself is very short, 13-15 lines of code, you can see it at the very bottom of my pollard_rho_factor() function, the remaining lines of code are supplementary helpers-functions.
I implemented all algorithms from scratch without using extra libraries (except random module). That's why you can see my gcd() function there although you can use built-in Python's math.gcd() instead (which finds Greatest Common Divisor).
You can see function Int() in my code, it is used just to convert Python's integers to GMPY2. GMPY2 ints will make algorithm faster, you can just use Python's int(x) instead. I didn't use any specific GMPY2 function, just converted all ints to GMPY2 ints to have around 50% speedup.
As an example I factor first 190 digits of Pi!!! It takes 3-15 seconds to factor them. Pollard-Rho algorithm is randomized hence it takes different time to factor same number on each run. You can restart program again and see that it will print different running time.
Of course factoring time depends greatly on size of prime divisors. Some 50-200 digits numbers can be factoring within fraction of second, some will take months. My example 190 digits of Pi has quite small prime factors, except largest one, that's why it is fast. Other digits of Pi may be not that fast to factor. So digit-size of number doesn't matter very much, only size of prime factors matter.
I intentionally implemented pollard_rho_factor() function as one standalone function, without breaking it into smaller separate functions. Although it breaks Python's style guide, which (as I remember) suggests not to have nested functions and place all possible functions at global scope. Also style guide suggests to do all imports at global scope in first lines of script. I did single function intentionally so that it is easy copy-pastable and fully ready to use in your code. Fermat primality test is_fermat_probable_prime() sub-function is also copy pastable and works without extra dependencies.
In very rare cases Pollard-Rho algorithm may fail to find non-trivial prime factor, especially for very small factors, for example you can replace n inside test() with small number 4 and see that Pollard-Rho fails. For such small failed factors you can easily use your Trial Division algorithm that you implemented in your question.
Try it online!
def pollard_rho_factor(N, *, trials = 16):
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pollard%27s_rho_algorithm
import math, random
def Int(x):
import gmpy2
return gmpy2.mpz(x) # int(x)
def is_fermat_probable_prime(n, *, trials = 32):
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermat_primality_test
import random
if n <= 16:
return n in (2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13)
for i in range(trials):
if pow(random.randint(2, n - 2), n - 1, n) != 1:
return False
return True
def gcd(a, b):
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greatest_common_divisor
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_algorithm
while b != 0:
a, b = b, a % b
return a
def found(f, prime):
print(f'Found {("composite", "prime")[prime]} factor, {math.log2(f):>7.03f} bits... {("Pollard-Rho failed to fully factor it!", "")[prime]}')
return f
N = Int(N)
if N <= 1:
return []
if is_fermat_probable_prime(N):
return [found(N, True)]
for j in range(trials):
i, stage, y, x = 0, 2, Int(1), Int(random.randint(1, N - 2))
while True:
r = gcd(N, abs(x - y))
if r != 1:
if i == stage:
y = x
stage <<= 1
x = (x * x + 1) % N
i += 1
if r != N:
return sorted(pollard_rho_factor(r) + pollard_rho_factor(N // r))
return [found(N, False)] # Pollard-Rho failed
def test():
import time
# http://www.math.com/tables/constants/pi.htm
# pi = 3.
# 1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679
# 8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128 4811174502 8410270193 8521105559 6446229489 5493038196
# n = first 190 fractional digits of Pi
n = 1415926535_8979323846_2643383279_5028841971_6939937510_5820974944_5923078164_0628620899_8628034825_3421170679_8214808651_3282306647_0938446095_5058223172_5359408128_4811174502_8410270193_8521105559_6446229489
tb = time.time()
print('N:', n)
print('Factors:', pollard_rho_factor(n))
print(f'Time: {time.time() - tb:.03f} sec')
N: 1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446095505822317253594081284811174502841027019385211055596446229489
Found prime factor, 1.585 bits...
Found prime factor, 6.150 bits...
Found prime factor, 20.020 bits...
Found prime factor, 27.193 bits...
Found prime factor, 28.311 bits...
Found prime factor, 545.087 bits...
Factors: [mpz(3), mpz(71), mpz(1063541), mpz(153422959), mpz(332958319), mpz(122356390229851897378935483485536580757336676443481705501726535578690975860555141829117483263572548187951860901335596150415443615382488933330968669408906073630300473)]
Time: 2.963 sec
I've got, what I think is a valid solution to problem 2 of Project Euler (finding all even numbers in the Fibonacci sequence up to 4,000,000). This works for lower numbers, but crashes when I run it with 4,000,000. I understand that this is computationally difficult, but shouldn't it just take a long time to compute rather than crash? Or is there an issue in my code?
import functools
def fib(limit):
sequence = []
for i in range(limit):
if(i < 3):
sequence.append(sequence[i-1] + sequence[i-2])
return sequence
def add_even(x, y):
if(y % 2 == 0):
return x + y
return x + 0
The problem is about getting the Fibonacci numbers that are smaller than 4000000. Your code tries to find the first 4000000 Fibonacci values instead. Since Fibonacci numbers grow exponentially, this will reach numbers too large to fit in memory.
You need to change your function to stop when the last calculated value is more than 4000000.
Another possible improvement is to add the numbers as you are calculating them instead of storing them in a list, but this won't be necessary if you stop at the appropriate time.
I'm working on solving the Project Euler problem 25:
What is the first term in the Fibonacci sequence to contain 1000
My piece of code works for smaller digits, but when I try a 1000 digits, i get the error:
OverflowError: (34, 'Result too large')
I'm thinking it may be on how I compute the fibonacci numbers, but i've tried several different methods, yet i get the same error.
Here's my code:
What is the first term in the Fibonacci sequence to contain 1000 digits
def fibonacci(n):
phi = (1 + pow(5, 0.5))/2 #Golden Ratio
return int((pow(phi, n) - pow(-phi, -n))/pow(5, 0.5)) #Formula: http://bit.ly/qDumIg
n = 0
while len(str(fibonacci(n))) < 1000:
n += 1
print n
Do you know what may the cause of this problem and how i could alter my code avoid this problem?
Thanks in advance.
The problem here is that only integers in Python have unlimited length, floating point values are still calculated using normal IEEE types which has a maximum precision.
As such, since you're using an approximation, using floating point calculations, you will get that problem eventually.
Instead, try calculating the Fibonacci sequence the normal way, one number (of the sequence) at a time, until you get to 1000 digits.
ie. calculate 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, etc.
By "normal way" I mean this:
/ 1 , n < 3
Fib(n) = |
\ Fib(n-2) + Fib(n-1) , n >= 3
Note that the "obvious" approach given the above formulas is wrong for this particular problem, so I'll post the code for the wrong approach just to make sure you don't waste time on that:
def fib(n):
if n <= 3:
return 1
return fib(n-2) + fib(n-1)
n = 1
while True:
f = fib(n)
if len(str(f)) >= 1000:
print("#%d: %d" % (n, f))
n += 1
On my machine, the above code starts going really slow at around the 30th fibonacci number, which is still only 6 digits long.
I modified the above recursive approach to output the number of calls to the fib function for each number, and here are some values:
#1: 1
#10: 67
#20: 8361
#30: 1028457
#40: 126491971
I can reveal that the first Fibonacci number with 1000 digits or more is the 4782th number in the sequence (unless I miscalculated), and so the number of calls to the fib function in a recursive approach will be this number:
And that is just for the 4782th number. The actual value is the sum of all those values for all the fibonacci numbers from 1 up to 4782. There is no way this will ever complete.
In fact, if we would give the code 1 year of running time (simplified as 365 days), and assuming that the machine could make calls every second, the algorithm would get as far as to the 83rd number, which is still only 18 digits long.
Actually, althought the advice given above to avoid floating-point numbers is generally good advice for Project Euler problems, in this case it is incorrect. Fibonacci numbers can be computed by the formula F_n = phi^n / sqrt(5), so that the first fibonacci number greater than a thousand digits can be computed as 10^999 < phi^n / sqrt(5). Taking the logarithm to base ten of both sides -- recall that sqrt(5) is the same as 5^(1/2) -- gives 999 < n log_10(phi) - 1/2 log_10(5), and solving for n gives (999 + 1/2 log_10(5)) / log_10(phi) < n. The left-hand side of that equation evaluates to 4781.85927, so the smallest n that gives a thousand digits is 4782.
You can use the sliding window trick to compute the terms of the Fibonacci sequence iteratively, rather than using the closed form (or doing it recursively as it's normally defined).
The Python version for finding fib(n) is as follows:
def fib(n):
a = 1
b = 1
for i in range(2, n):
b = a + b
a = b - a
return b
This works when F(1) is defined as 1, as it is in Project Euler 25.
I won't give the exact solution to the problem here, but the code above can be reworked so it keeps track of n until a sentry value (10**999) is reached.
An iterative solution such as this one has no trouble executing. I get the answer in less than a second.
def fibonacci():
current = 0
previous = 1
while True:
temp = current
current = current + previous
previous = temp
yield current
def main():
for index, element in enumerate(fibonacci()):
if len(str(element)) >= 1000:
answer = index + 1 #starts from 0
import math as m
import time
start = time.time()
fib0 = 0
fib1 = 1
n = 0
k = 0
count = 1
while k<1000 :
n = fib0 + fib1
k = int(m.log10(n))+1
fib0 = fib1
fib1 = n
count += 1
print n
print count
print time.time()-start
takes 0.005388 s on my pc. did nothing fancy just followed simple code.
Iteration will always be better. Recursion was taking to long for me as well.
Also used a math function for calculating the number of digits in a number instead of taking the number in a list and iterating through it. Saves a lot of time
Here is my very simple solution
list = [1,1,2]
for i in range(2,5000):
if len(str(list[i]+list[i-1])) == 1000:
print (i + 2)
This is sort of a "rogue" way of doing it, but if you change the 1000 to any number except one, it gets it right.
You can use the datatype Decimal. This is a little bit slower but you will be able to have arbitrary precision.
So your code:
What is the first term in the Fibonacci sequence to contain 1000 digits
from Decimal import *
def fibonacci(n):
phi = (Decimal(1) + pow(Decimal(5), Decimal(0.5))) / 2 #Golden Ratio
return int((pow(phi, Decimal(n))) - pow(-phi, Decimal(-n)))/pow(Decimal(5), Decimal(0.5)))
n = 0
while len(str(fibonacci(n))) < 1000:
n += 1
print n