I'm nearing what I think is the end of development for a Django application I'm building. The key view in this application is a user dashboard to display metrics of some kind. Basically I don't want users to be able to see the dashboards of other users. Right now my view looks like this:
def user_dashboard(request, list_id):
user_list = models.List.objects.get(pk=list_id)
except models.List.DoesNotExist:
raise Http404
return TemplateResponse(request, 'dashboard/view.html', {'user_list': user_list})
the url for this view is like this:
url(r'u/dashboard/(?P<list_id>\d+)/$', views.user_dashboard, name='user_dashboard'),
Right now any logged in user can just change the list_id in the URL and access a different dashboard. How can I make it so a user can only view the dashboard for their own list_id, without removing the list_id parameter from the URL? I'm pretty new to this part of Django and don't really know which direction to go in.
Just pull request.user and make sure this List is theirs.
You haven't described your model, but it should be straight forward.
Perhaps you have a user ID stored in your List model? In that case,
if not request.user == user_list.user:
response = http.HttpResponse()
response.status_code = 403
return response
I solve similiar situations with a reusable mixin. You can add login_required by means of a method decorator for dispatch method or in urlpatterns for the view.
class OwnershipMixin(object):
Mixin providing a dispatch overload that checks object ownership. is_staff and is_supervisor
are considered object owners as well. This mixin must be loaded before any class based views
are loaded for example class SomeView(OwnershipMixin, ListView)
def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
self.request = request
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
# we need to manually "wake up" self.request.user which is still a SimpleLazyObject at this point
# and manually obtain this object's owner information.
current_user = self.request.user._wrapped if hasattr(self.request.user, '_wrapped') else self.request.user
object_owner = getattr(self.get_object(), 'author')
if current_user != object_owner and not current_user.is_superuser and not current_user.is_staff:
raise PermissionDenied
return super(OwnershipMixin, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
You need to have some information stored about what list or lists a user can access, and then include that in the user_list lookup. Let's assume the simple case where List has a single owner, a foreign key to the User model. That's a many-to-one relationship between lists and users; no list is owned by more than one user, but a user can have multiple lists. Then you want something like this:
user_list = models.List.objects.get(pk=list_id, owner=request.user)
except models.List.DoesNotExist:
raise Http404
Whether to return 404 or 403 is to some extent a matter of opinion; the definition for 403 says:
If the request method was not HEAD and the server wishes to make public why the request has not been fulfilled, it SHOULD describe the reason for the refusal in the entity. If the server does not wish to make this information available to the client, the status code 404 (Not Found) can be used instead.
If you do return a 404, you can use the django shortcut function get_object_or_404 instead of the explicit try/except - there's nothing wrong with doing it explicitly, but the need is common enough that there's a convenience function to do it.
The Problem
We have the following setup.
Pretty standard Django class based view (inherits from CreateView, which is what I'll call it form now on).
After a successful POST and form validation, the object is created, and the user is redirect_to'd the DetailView of the created record.
Some users decide that they are not happy with the data they entered. They press the back button.
The HTML generated by the CreateView is fetched form browser cache, and repopulated with the data they entered.
To the user, this feels like an edit, so they change the data and submit again.
The result is 2 records, with minor differences.
What have we tried?
At first I thought the Post-Redirect-Get (PRG) pattern that Django uses was supposed to prevent this. After investigating, it seems that PRG is only meant to prevent the dreaded "Do you want to resubmit the form?" dialog. Dead end.
After hitting the back button, everything is fetched from cache, so we have no chance of interacting with the user from our Django code. To try and prevent local caching, we have decorated the CreateView with #never_cache. This does nothing for us, the page is still retrieved form cache.
What are we considering?
We are considering dirty JavaScript tricks that do an onLoad check of window.referrer, and a manual clean of the form and/or notice to user if the referrer looks like the DetailView mentioned earlier. Of course this feel totally wrong. Then again, so do semi-duplicate records in our DB.
However, it seems so unlikely that we are the first to be bothered by this that I wanted to ask around here on StackOverflow.
Ideally, we would tell the browser that caching the form is a big NO, and the browser would listen. Again, we already use #never_cache, but apparently this is not enough. Happens in Chrome, Safari and Firefox.
Looking forward to any insights! Thanks!
Maybe don't process the POST request when it's coming from a referrer other than the same page?
from urllib import parse
class CreateView(...):
def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
referer = 'HTTP_REFERER' in self.request.META and parse.urlparse(self.request.META['HTTP_REFERER'])
if referer and (referer.netloc != self.request.META.get('HTTP_HOST') or referer.path != self.request.META.get('PATH_INFO')):
return self.get(*args, **kwargs)
I know I'm late to this party but this may help anybody else looking for an answer.
Having found this while tearing my hair out over the same problem, here is my solution using human factors rather than technical ones. The user won't use the back button if after submitting from a CreateView, he ends up in an UpdateView of the newly created object that looks exactly the same apart from the title and the buttons at the bottom.
A technical solution might be to create a model field to hold a UUID and create a UUID passed into the create form as a hidden field. When submit is pressed, form_valid could check in the DB for an object with that UUID and refuse to create what would be a duplicate (unique=True would enforce that at DB level).
Here's example code (slightly redacted to remove stuff my employer might not want in public). It uses django-crispy-forms to make things pretty and easy. The Create view is entered from a button on a table of customers which passes the customer account number, not the Django id of its record.
url(r'enter/(?P<customer>[-\w]+)/$', JobEntryView.as_view(), name='job_entry'),
url(r'update1/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', JobEntryUpdateView.as_view(), name='entry_update'),
class JobEntryView( LoginRequiredMixin, CreateView):
template_name='utils/generic_crispy_form.html' # basically just {% crispy form %}
def get_form( self, form_class=None):
self.customer = get_object_or_404(
Customer, account = self.kwargs.get('customer','?') )
self.crispy_title = f"Create job for {self.customer.account} ({self.customer.fullname})"
return super().get_form( form_class)
def form_valid( self, form): # insert created_by'class
#form.instance.entered_by = self.request.user
form.instance.customer = self.customer
return super().form_valid(form)
def get_success_url( self):
return reverse( 'jobs:entry_update', kwargs={'pk':self.object.pk, } )
# redirect to this after entry ... user hopefully won't use back because it's here already
class JobEntryUpdateView( LoginRequiredMixin, CrispyCMVPlugin, UpdateView):
def get_form( self, form_class=None):
self.customer = self.object.customer
self.crispy_title = f"Update job {self.object.jobno} for {self.object.customer.account} ({self.object.customer.fullname})"
form = super().get_form( form_class)
form.helper[-1] = ButtonHolder( Submit('update', 'Update', ), Submit('done', 'Done', ), )
return form
def get_success_url( self):
print( self.request.POST )
if self.request.POST.get('done',None):
return reverse('jobs:ok')
return reverse( 'jobs:entry_update',
kwargs={'pk':self.object.pk, } ) # loop until user clicks Done
I implemented my own User class from scratch in Django. But when I log in I have this error:
The following fields do not exist in this model or are m2m fields: last_login
I really don't want the field last_login.
I do some reasearch and the problem is here: contrib.aut.models.py
def update_last_login(sender, user, **kwargs):
A signal receiver which updates the last_login date for
the user logging in.
user.last_login = timezone.now()
I found a workaround but it's not an ellegant solution. I added user_logged_in.disconnect(update_last_login) in my models.py file, where my User class is defined.
Is there any better solution for this?
Not sure if this is related to a newer version of django or what, but in my case
didn't work. This is what works for me (django 2.1):
user_logged_in.disconnect(update_last_login, dispatch_uid='update_last_login')
Currently in Django 1.7...
I think the workaround you defined is the only valid solution (besides from a monkey patch) currently when using the Django auth login() method. I'm just going to assume you are using the standard login() method which is raising this exception.
If we take a look at the source for the login method, we find at the end of the method, a call to execute user_logged_in.send(sender=user.__class__, request=request, user=user). We can't prevent this signal from executing besides from disconnecting it as you have pointed out.
Alternatively, we could monkey patch the login() method to remove that signal call.
from django.contrib.auth import login
def monkey_patch_login(request, user):
Persist a user id and a backend in the request. This way a user doesn't
have to reauthenticate on every request. Note that data set during
the anonymous session is retained when the user logs in.
session_auth_hash = ''
if user is None:
user = request.user
if hasattr(user, 'get_session_auth_hash'):
session_auth_hash = user.get_session_auth_hash()
if SESSION_KEY in request.session:
if _get_user_session_key(request) != user.pk or (
session_auth_hash and
request.session.get(HASH_SESSION_KEY) != session_auth_hash):
# To avoid reusing another user's session, create a new, empty
# session if the existing session corresponds to a different
# authenticated user.
request.session[SESSION_KEY] = user._meta.pk.value_to_string(user)
request.session[BACKEND_SESSION_KEY] = user.backend
request.session[HASH_SESSION_KEY] = session_auth_hash
if hasattr(request, 'user'):
request.user = user
login = monkey_patch_login
We would put the monkey patch code at the top of the file that needs to call the login() method.
I'm trying to make middleware which alters some fields for the user based on subdomain, etc...
The only problem is the request.user always comes in as AnonymousUser within the middleware, but is then the correct user within the views. I've left the default authentication and session middleware django uses within the settings.
There is a similar question here: Django, request.user is always Anonymous User
But doesn't overly answer the total question because I'm not using different authentication methods, and djangos authentication is running before I invoke my own middleware.
Is there a way, while using DRF, to get the request.user within the middleware? I'll show some sample code here:
class SampleMiddleware(object):
def process_view(self, request, view_func, view_args, view_kwargs):
#This will be AnonymousUser. I need it to be the actual user making the request.
print (request.user)
def process_response(self, request, response):
return response
with process_request:
class SampleMiddleware(object):
def process_request(self, request):
#This will be AnonymousUser. I need it to be the actual user making the request.
print (request.user)
def process_response(self, request, response):
return response
I've solved this problem by getting DRF token from the requests and loading request.user to the user associated to that model.
I had the default django authentication and session middleware, but it seems DRF was using it's token auth after middleware to resolve the user (All requests were CORS requests, this might have been why). Here's my updated middleware class:
from re import sub
from rest_framework.authtoken.models import Token
from core.models import OrganizationRole, Organization, User
class OrganizationMiddleware(object):
def process_view(self, request, view_func, view_args, view_kwargs):
header_token = request.META.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION', None)
if header_token is not None:
token = sub('Token ', '', header_token)
token_obj = Token.objects.get(key = token)
request.user = token_obj.user
except Token.DoesNotExist:
#This is now the correct user
print (request.user)
This can be used on process_view or process_request as well.
Hopefully this can help someone out in the future.
Came across this today while having the same problem.
Skip below for code example
Thing is DRF have their own flow of things, right in the middle of the django request life-cycle.
So if the normal middleware flow is :
request_middleware (before starting to work on the request)
view_middleware (before calling the view)
template_middleware (before render)
response_middleware (before final response)
DRF code, overrides the default django view code, and executes their own code.
In the above link, you can see that they wrap the original request with their own methods, where one of those methods is DRF authentication.
So back to your question, this is the reason using request.user in a middleware is premature, as it only gets it's value after view_middleware** executes.
The solution I went with, is having my middleware set a LazyObject.
This helps, because my code (the actual DRF ApiVIew) executes when the actual user is already set by DRF's authentication.
This solution was proposed here together with a discussion.
Might have been better if DRF had a better way to extend their functionality, but as things are, this seems better than the provided solution (both performance and readability wise).
Code Example
from django.utils.functional import SimpleLazyObject
def get_actual_value(request):
if request.user is None:
return None
return request.user #here should have value, so any code using request.user will work
class MyCustomMiddleware(object):
def process_request(self, request):
request.custom_prop = SimpleLazyObject(lambda: get_actual_value(request))
The accepted answer only takes TokenAuthentication in consideration - in my case, there are more authentication methods configured. I thus went with initializing the DRF's Request directly which invokes DRF's authentication machinery and loops through all configured authentication methods.
Unfortunately, it still introduces an additional load on the database since the Token object must be queried (the accepted answer has this problem as well). The trick with SimpleLazyObject in this answer is a much better solution, but it didn't work for my use case because I need the user info in the middleware directly - I'm extending the metrics in django_prometheus and it processes the request before get_response is called.
from rest_framework.request import Request as RestFrameworkRequest
from rest_framework.views import APIView
class MyMiddleware:
def __init__(self, get_response):
self.get_response = get_response
def __call__(self, request):
drf_request: RestFrameworkRequest = APIView().initialize_request(request)
user = drf_request.user
return self.get_response(request)
Based on Daniel Dubovski's very elegant solution above, here's an example of middleware for Django 1.11:
from django.utils.functional import SimpleLazyObject
from organization.models import OrganizationMember
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
def get_active_member(request):
active_member = OrganizationMember.objects.get(user=request.user)
except (ObjectDoesNotExist, TypeError):
active_member = None
return active_member
class OrganizationMiddleware(object):
def __init__(self, get_response):
self.get_response = get_response
def __call__(self, request):
# Code to be executed for each request before
# the view (and later middleware) are called.
request.active_member = SimpleLazyObject(lambda: get_active_member(request))
response = self.get_response(request)
# Code to be executed for each request/response after
# the view is called.
return response
Daniel Dubovski's solution is probably the best in most cases.
The problem with the lazy object approach is if you need to rely on the side effects. In my case, I need something to happen for each request, no matter what.
If I'd use a special value like request.custom_prop, it has to be evaluated for each request for the side effects to happen. I noticed that other people are setting request.user, but it doesn't work for me since some middleware or authentication class overwrites this property.
What if DRF supported its own middleware? Where could I plug it in? The easiest way in my case (I don't need to access the request object, only the authenticated user) seems to be to hook into the authentication class itself:
from rest_framework.authentication import TokenAuthentication
class TokenAuthenticationWithSideffects(TokenAuthentication):
def authenticate(self, request):
user_auth_tuple = super().authenticate(request)
if user_auth_tuple is None:
(user, token) = user_auth_tuple
# Do stuff with the user here!
return (user, token)
Then I could just replace this line in my settings:
# ...
I'm not promoting this solution, but maybe it will help someone else.
It to solves this specific problem
There's no double authentication
Easy to maintain
Not tested in production
Things happen in an unexpected place
Side effects...
I know it's not exactly answering the 'can we access that from the middleware' question, but I think it's a more elegant solution VS doing the same work in the middleware VS what DRJ does in its base view class. At least for what I needed, it made more sense to add here.
Basically, I'm just overriding the method 'perform_authentication()' from DRF's code, since I needed to add more things related to the current user in the request. The method just originally call 'request.user'.
class MyGenericViewset(viewsets.GenericViewSet):
def perform_authentication(self, request):
if request.user and request.user.is_authenticated():
request.my_param1 = 'whatever'
After that in your own views, instead of settings APIView from DRF as a parent class, simply set that class as a parent.
I wasn't quite happy with the solutions out there. Here's a solution that uses some DRF internals to make sure that the correct authentication is applied in the middleware, even if the view has specific permissions classes. It uses the middleware hook process_view which gives us access to the view we're about to hit:
class CustomTenantMiddleware():
def process_view(self, request, view_func, view_args, view_kwargs):
# DRF saves the class of the view function as the .cls property
view_class = view_func.cls
# We need to instantiate the class
view = view_class()
# And give it an action_map. It's not relevant for us, but otherwise it errors.
view.action_map = {}
# Here's our fully formed and authenticated (or not, depending on credentials) request
request = view.initialize_request(request)
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
# Can't initialize the request from this view. Fallback to using default permission classes
request = APIView().initialize_request(request)
# Here the request is fully formed, with the correct permissions depending on the view.
Note that this doesn't avoid having to authenticate twice. DRF will still happily authenticate right afterwards.
I had the same issue and decided to change my design. Instead of using a Middleware I simply monkey-patch rest_framework.views.APIView.
In my case I needed to patch check_permissions but you can patch whatever fits your problem. Have a look at the the source code.
import sys
from rest_framework.views import APIView as OriginalAPIView
class PatchedAPIView(OriginalAPIView):
def check_permissions(self, request):
print(f"We should do something with user {request.user}"
return OriginalAPIView.check_permissions(self, request)
# We replace the Django REST view with our patched one
sys.modules['rest_framework'].views.APIView = PatchedAPIView
from .patching import *
I'm developing a REST API which takes POST requests from some really brain-dead software which can't PATCH or anything else. The POSTs are to update Model objects which already exist in the database.
Specifically, I'm POSTing data for objects with a related field (a SlugRelatedField, as the POSTer knows the 'name' attribute but NOT the 'pk'). However, I need to return a 404 if the POSTer sends data where the 'name' returns nothing on the SlugRelatedField (e.g. the related object does not exist). I've been through this with a debugger but it seems that DRF uses some Django signals magic to do it The Way DRF Does It™, which is to return a 400 BAD REQUEST. I don't know how to modify this - only when it's the above condition and not a true 400-worthy POST - into a 404.
By the way, pre_save() in my view is NOT executing during execution of the failing test.
Here's the serializer:
class CharacterizationSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
Work-in-progress for django-rest-framework use. This handles (de)serialization
of data into a Characterization object and vice versa.
See: http://www.django-rest-framework.org/tutorial/1-serialization
creator = serializers.Field(source='owner.user.username')
sample = serializers.SlugRelatedField(slug_field='name',
class Meta:
model = Characterization
# leaving 'request' out because it's been decided to deprecate it. (...maybe?)
fields = ('sample', 'date', 'creator', 'comments', 'star_volume', 'solvent_volume',
'solution_center', 'solution_var', 'solution_minimum', 'solution_min_stddev',
And here's the view where pre_save isn't being run in the given test (but does get run in some others):
class CharacterizationList(generics.ListCreateAPIView):
queryset = Characterization.objects.all()
serializer_class = CharacterizationSerializer
permission_classes = (AnonPostAllowed,) # #todo XXX hack for braindead POSTer
def pre_save(self, obj):
# user isn't sent as part of the serialized representation,
# but is instead a property of the incoming request.
if not self.request.user.is_authenticated():
obj.owner = get_dummy_proxyuser() # this is done for CharacterizationList so unauthed users can POST. #todo XXX hack
obj.owner = ProxyUser.objects.get(pk=self.request.user.pk)
# here, we're fed a string sample name, but we need to look up
# the actual sample model.
# #TODO: Are we failing properly if it doesn't exist? Should
# throw 404, not 400 or 5xx.
# except, this code doesn't seem to be run directly when debugging.
# a 400 is thrown; DRF must be bombing out before pre_save?
obj.sample = Sample.objects.get(name=self.request.DATA['sample'])
And for good measure, here's the failing test:
def test_bad_post_single_missing_sample(self):
url = reverse(self._POST_ONE_VIEW_NAME)
my_sample_postdict = self.dummy_plqy_postdict.copy()
my_sample_postdict["sample"] = "I_DONT_EXIST_LUL"
response = self.rest_client.post(url, my_sample_postdict)
self.assertTrue(response.status_code == 404,
"Expected 404 status code, got %d (%s). Content: %s" % (response.status_code, response.reason_phrase, response.content))
If I put a breakpoint in at the self.rest_client.post() call, the response already has a 400 in it at that point.
You can use a Django Shortcut for that, getting the obj.sample:
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
obj.sample = get_object_or_404(Sample, name=self.request.DATA['sample'])
Instead of using pre_save why not override post in your API view:
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
...other stuff
obj.sample = Sample.objects.get(name=self.request.DATA['sample'])
...or whatever other tests you want to do
return Response(status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)
response = super(CharacterizationList, self).post(request, *args, **kwargs)
return response
Make sure you import DRF's status:
from rest_framework import status
Also, note you will likely want to be more specific with the Exceptions you catch. Django's get method will return either DoesNotExist if nothing matches or MultipleObjectsReturned if more than one object matches. The relevant documentation:
Note that there is a difference between using get(), and using
filter() with a slice of [0]. If there are no results that match the
query, get() will raise a DoesNotExist exception. This exception is an
attribute of the model class that the query is being performed on - so
in the code above, if there is no Entry object with a primary key of
1, Django will raise Entry.DoesNotExist.
Similarly, Django will complain if more than one item matches the
get() query. In this case, it will raise MultipleObjectsReturned,
which again is an attribute of the model class itself.
I'm using Django forms. I'm validating in the model layer:
def clean_title(self):
title = self.cleaned_data['title']
if len(title) < 5:
raise forms.ValidationError("Headline must be more than 5 characters.")
return title
However, there are some things that I need to validate in the views.py . For example...was the last time the user posted something more than a minute ago?
That kind of stuff requires request.user, which the models layer cannot get. So, I must validate in the views.py. How do I do something in the views.py to do the exact thing as this?
raise forms.ValidationError("Headline must be more than 5 characters.")
I think gruszczy's answer is a good one, but if you're after generic validation involving variables that you think are only available in the view, here's an alternative: pass in the vars as arguments to the form and deal with them in the form's main clean() method.
The difference/advantage here is that your view stays simpler and all things related to the form content being acceptable happen in the form.
# pass request.user as a keyword argument to the form
myform = MyForm(user=request.user)
# IN YOUR forms.py
# at the top:
from myapp.foo.bar import ok_to_post # some abstracted utility you write to rate-limit posting
# and in your particular Form definition
class MyForm(forms.Form)
... your fields here ...
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.user = kwargs.pop('user') # cache the user object you pass in
super(MyForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # and carry on to init the form
def clean(self):
# test the rate limit by passing in the cached user object
if not ok_to_post(self.user): # use your throttling utility here
raise forms.ValidationError("You cannot post more than once every x minutes")
return self.cleaned_data # never forget this! ;o)
Note that raising a generic ValidationError in the clean() method will put the error into myform.non_field_errors so you'll have to make sure that your template contains {{form.non_field_errors}} if you're manually displaying your form
You don't use ValidationError in views, as those exceptions as for forms. Rather, you should redirect the user to some other url, that will explain to him, that he cannot post again that soon. This is the proper way to handle this stuff. ValidationError should be raised inside a Form instance, when input data doesn't validate. This is not the case.
You can use messages in views:
from django.contrib import messages
messages.error(request, "Error!")
Documentation: https://docs.djangoproject.com/es/1.9/ref/contrib/messages/