I have the following type of data:
The data is segmented into "frames" and each frame has a start and stop "gpstime". Within each frame are a bunch of points with a "gpstime" value.
There is a frames model that has a frame_name,start_gps,stop_gps,...
Let's say I have a list of gpstime values and want to find the corresponding frame_name for each.
I could just do a loop...
framenames = [frames.objects.filter(start_gps__lte=gpstime[idx],stop_gps__gte=gpstime[idx]).values_list('frame_name',flat=True) for idx in range(len(gpstime))]
This will give me a list of 'frame_name', one for each gpstime. This is what I want. However this is very slow.
What I want to know: Is there a better way to preform this lookup to get a framename for each gpstime that is more efficient than iterating over the list. This list could get faily large.
EDIT: Frames model
class frames(models.Model):
frame_id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
frame_name = models.CharField(max_length=20)
start_gps = models.FloatField()
stop_gps = models.FloatField()
def __unicode__(self):
return "%s"%(self.frame_name)
If I understand correctly, gpstime is a list of the times, and you want to produce a list of framenames with one for each gpstime. Your current way of doing this is indeed very slow because it makes a db query for each timestamp. You need to minimize the number of db hits.
The answer that comes first to my head uses numpy. Note that I'm not making any extra assumptions here. If your gpstime list can be sorted, i.e. the ordering does not matter, then it could be done much faster.
Try something like this:
from numpy import array
for time in gpstime:
frame_inds=frame_start_times[(frame_start_times<time) & (frame_end_times>time)]
Since the list is sorted, you can use .searchsorted():
from numpy import array as a
for time in gpstimes:
if start_pos-1 == end_pos:
print time, names[end_pos]
print str(time) + ' was not within any frame'
The best way to speed things up is to add indexes to those fields:
start_gps = models.FloatField(db_index=True)
stop_gps = models.FloatField(db_index=True)
and then run manage.py dbsync.
The frames table is very large, but I have another value that lowers
the frames searched in this case to under 50. There is not really a
pattern, each frame starts at the same gpstime the previous stops.
I don't quite understand how you lowered the number of searched frames to 50, but if you're searching for, say, 10,000 gpstime values in only 50 frames, then it's probably easiest to load those 50 frames into RAM, and do the search in Python, using something similar to foobarbecue's answer.
However, if you're searching for, say, 10 gpstime values in the entire table which has, say, 10,000,000 frames, then you may not want to load all 10,000,000 frames into RAM.
You can get the DB to do something similar by adding the following index...
ALTER TABLE myapp_frames ADD UNIQUE KEY my_key (start_gps, stop_gps, frame_name);
...then using a query like this...
(SELECT frame_name FROM myapp_frames
WHERE 2.5 BETWEEN start_gps AND stop_gps LIMIT 1)
(SELECT frame_name FROM myapp_frames
WHERE 4.5 BETWEEN start_gps AND stop_gps LIMIT 1)
(SELECT frame_name FROM myapp_frames
WHERE 7.5 BETWEEN start_gps AND stop_gps LIMIT 1);
...which returns...
| frame_name |
| Frame 2 |
| Frame 4 |
| Frame 7 |
...and for which an EXPLAIN shows...
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | PRIMARY | myapp_frames | range | my_key | my_key | 8 | NULL | 3 | Using where; Using index |
| 2 | UNION | myapp_frames | range | my_key | my_key | 8 | NULL | 5 | Using where; Using index |
| 3 | UNION | myapp_frames | range | my_key | my_key | 8 | NULL | 8 | Using where; Using index |
| NULL | UNION RESULT | <union1,2,3> | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | |
...so you can do all the lookups in one query which hits that index, and the index should be cached in RAM.
I am trying to see if theres anyway i can implement this piece of code using only sql REDSHIFT
a = '''
SELECT to_char(DATE '2022-01-01'
+ (interval '1 day' * generate_series(0,365)), 'YYYY_MM_DD') AS ym
dfa = pd.read_sql(a, conn)
b = f'''
select account_no, {','.join('"' + str(x) + '"' for x in dfa.ym)}
from loan__balance_table
where account_no =
dfb = pd.read_sql(b, conn)
the first query will yield something like this
| ym |
| ---------- |
| 2022_01_01 |
| 2022_01_02 |
| 2022_12_31|
Then i used string concatenation to combime the dates together and use then in the second query to select all columns in ym. The result of the second query should be something like this.
| account_no | 2022_01_01 | 2022_01_01 | ...
| ---------- | ---------- | ---------- | ...
| 1234 | 234,987.09 | 233,989.19 | ...
I just want to know if theres a way i can combine both queries together as one in sql without using python to concat the column_names.
I tried using CTE but i cant seem to get it right i dont even know if this is the right approach, The database is REDSHIFT
I have a table which has columns named measured_time, data_type and value.
In data_type, there is two types, temperature and humidity.
I want to combine two rows of data if they have same measured_time using Django ORM.
I am using Maria DB.
Using Raw SQL, The following Query does what I want to.
SELECT T1.measured_time, T1.temperature, T2.humidity
FROM ( SELECT CASE WHEN data_type = 1 then value END as temperature,
CASE WHEN data_type = 2 then value END as humidity ,
measured_time FROM data_table) as T1,
( SELECT CASE WHEN data_type = 1 then value END as temperature ,
CASE WHEN data_type = 2 then value END as humidity ,
measured_time FROM data_table) as T2
WHERE T1.measured_time = T2.measured_time and
T1.temperature IS NOT null and T2.humidity IS NOT null and
DATE(T1.measured_time) = '2019-07-01'
Original Table
| measured_time | data_type | value |
| 2019-07-01-17:27:03 | 1 | 25.24 |
| 2019-07-01-17:27:03 | 2 | 33.22 |
Expected Result
| measured_time | temperaure | humidity |
| 2019-07-01-17:27:03 | 25.24 | 33.22 |
I've never used it and so can't answer in detail, but you can feed a raw SQL query into Django and get the results back through the ORM. Since you have already got the SQL this may be the easiest way to proceed. Documentation here
I have the following models which represent songs and the plays of each song:
from django.db import models
class Play(models.Model):
play_day = models.PositiveIntegerField()
source = models.CharField(
choices=(('radio', 'Radio'),('streaming', 'Streaming'), )
song = models.ForeignKey(Song, verbose_name='song')
class Song(models.Model):
name = models.CharField('Name')
Image I have the following entries:
|ID | name |
| 1 | Stairway to Heaven |
| 2 | Riders on the Storm |
|ID | play_day | source | song_id |
| 1 | 2081030 | radio | 1 |
| 1 | 2081030 | streaming | 1 |
| 2 | 2081030 | streaming | 2 |
I would like to list all the tracks as follows:
| Name | Day | Sources |
| Stairway to Heaven | 2018-10-30 | Radio, Streaming |
| Riders on the Storm | 2018-10-30 | Streaming |
I am using Django==1.9.2, django_tables2==1.1.6 and django-filter==0.13.0 with PostgreSQL.
I'm using Song as the model of the table and the filter, so the queryset starts with a select FROM song. However, when joining the Play table, I get two entries in the case of "Stairway to Heaven" (I know, even one is too much: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RD1KqbDdmuE).
What I tried:
I tried putting a distinct to the Song, though this yields the problem that I cannot sort for other columns than the Song.id (supposing I do distinct on that column)
Aggregate: this yields a final state, actually, a dictionary and which cannot be used with django_tables.
I found this solution for PostgreSQL Selecting rows ordered by some column and distinct on another though I don't know how to do this with django.
What would be the right approach to show one track per line "aggregating" information from references using Django's ORM?
I think that the proper way to do it is to use the array_agg postgresql function (http://postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/functions-aggregate.html and http://lorenstewart.me/2017/12/03/postgresqls-array_agg-function).
Django seems to actually support this (in v. 2.1 at least: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/ref/contrib/postgres/aggregates/) thus that seems like the way to go.
Unfortunately I don't have time to test it right now so I can't provide a thorough answer; however try something like: Song.objects.all().annotate(ArrayAgg(...))
I'm trying to understand how to create a search function using dynamodb. This answer helped me to understand better the use of Global Secondary Indexes but I still have some questions. Suppose we have an structure like this and a GSI called last_name_index:
| User | FirstName | LastName | Email |
| 1001 | Test | Test | test#mail.com |
| 1002 | Jonh | Doe | jdoe#mail.com |
| 1003 | Another | Test | mail#mail.com |
Using boto3 I can search now for a user if I know the last name:
IndexName = "last_name_index",
But what if want to search for users and I only know part of the last name? I know there is a contains function on boto3 but this only works with non index keys. Do I need to change the GSI? Or is there something I'm missing? I want to be able to do something like:
IndexName = "last_name_index",
KeyConditionExpression=Key('LastName').contains(name) # part of the name
I have table that is holding some data about users. There are two fields there like and smile. I need to get data from table, grouped by user_id that will show if user has likes or smiles. Query that I would write in SQL looks like:
select sum(smile) > 0 as has_smile,
sum(like) > 0 as has_like,
from ratings
group by user_id.
This would provide output like:
| has_smile | has_like | user_id |
| 1 | 0 | 1 |
| 1 | 1 | 2 |
Is there any chance this query can be translated to SQLAlchemy (Flask-SQLAlchemy to be precise)? I know there is db.func.sum but I don't know how to add comparison there, and to have label. What I did for now is:
but that will return exact number of smiles/likes instead of just 1/0 if there is or there is not smile/like.
Thanks to operator overloading you'd do comparison the way you're used to doing in Python in general:
db.func.sum(cls.smile) > 0
which produces an SQL expression object that you can then give a label to:
(db.func.sum(cls.smile) > 0).label('has_smile')