self." ". after() does not work properly? - python

I am trying to make a timer to execute a block of code every second let's say, using tkinter in python. But instead of executing the code every second, which is moving a label across a canvas, it seems to buffer and wait until the loop is finished and only then display the moved label. Beneath is the piece of coding where I think the problem is found. I personally think the for-loop in the second function is creating problems, but I don't know how to solve this.
def roll(self):
print number
if self.a==0:
elif self.a==1:
return number
def place_player_1(self,start_turn_pos_1,number):
#Define the board
for i in range(self.start_turn_pos_1,number+1,1):
def move_1(self,i):

self.move_1(i) calls the method immediately. To postpone the call:
self.c.after(1000, self.move_1, i) #note: no parentheses
To repeat the call every second, add .after call at the end of self.move_1 method:
def place_player_1(self,start_turn_pos_1,number):
self.c.after(1000, self.move_1, start_turn_pos_1, number) # call in a sec
def move_1(self,i, limit):
if i < limit: # schedule the next call
self.c.after(1000, self.move_1, i + 1, limit)
See setTimeout(), setInterval() analogs in Python using tkinter, or gtk, or twisted.

All function calls happen at the same time:
Because the are called after 1000 milliseconds.
Make the delay larger for each step. For example:
def place_player_1(self,start_turn_pos_1,number):
#Define the board
delay = 1000
for index, i in enumerate(range(self.start_turn_pos_1, number + 1), 1):
self.c.after(delay * index, self.move_1, i)
Now you schedule the function calls for different times.


while loop does not pass to another while loop

i have two functions with while loop, the results from the first loop is used in the second one as an until condition, but when calling the two functions in the main it execute only the first one and it doesn't even enter the second function it just give me the results of the first loop.
in the first function self.user_association() there is a linear optimization using PULP i though it is the one causing the problem but it was not because when calling the loop function block_estimated_access_link() in the second one it works just fine but my program does not work that way because as i said i use the results from the first loop in the second one. Here is the code, can someone tell me what am i doing wrong or what is the problem exactly?
def block_Estimation_ACCESS_LINK(self):
while (self.iteration < self.Iter_max):
self.iteration += 1
def block_bg_power_allocation(self):
EPS = 0.0000000000001
RamTot = 0
while (self.iteration < self.Iter_maxB):
print('backhaul Pok=', self.p_ok)
for i in self.station:
for j in self.users:
self.Ram = numpy.delete(self.Ram, self.Ram[0])
RamTot = sum(self.Ram)
if EPS <= (self.Rok[i] - sum(self.Ram[i])):
self.iteration += 1
def main(self):
In the first function you're doing this:
self.iteration += 1
And then, in the second function your stop condition is:
while (self.iteration < self.Iter_maxB):
So the first function would increment self.iteration to self.Iter_max. Now, if self.Iter_maxB is the same value as self.Iter_max, your second functions loop will never execute. I suspect that's what's happening here. Check those two varaibles.
Fix would be something like this if you want to execute both those loops the same number of time:
def main(self):
self.iteration = 0

How can i make this code do what it's supposed to do?

So, what I am trying to do is when you open the window, it starts a process in which every 0.2 seconds it changes the first and 3rd value of the color (in which it converts the elements of the range into a hex value and then a string) to go from rgb( 86, 32, 86) to rgb(126, 32, 126). Although I thought this might just work, it doesn't. I only get a background of the first color and that's all.
from tkinter import *
import time
root = Tk()
for i in range(86,126):
h = hex(i)
h = str(h)
h = h[2] + h[3]
root.configure(background=("#" + h + "32" + h ))
You must use the after function to give the window system time to process updates. Calling window update functions in a loop like that on the main thread will lock up the window until the loop terminates.
Try moving the code in the for loop into a new function, say updateBackground, and making it call itself recursively using after:
def updateBackground(i):
# ...
if i < 126:
root.after(200, lambda: updateBackground(i + 1))
Note that I used a lambda in order to increment i.
Your main issue with this code is the use of sleep(). Because Tkinter is a single thread application and is event driven what ends up happening when you use sleep() the entire Tkinter instance freezes.
To work around this Tkinter provides a method called After() that is designed to schedule an event to happen after a time. So to get the same affect you are trying to get with sleep we can instead create a function that can call itself after 0.2 sec and provide it with the starting number and ending number.
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
def do_something(start_number, end_number):
if start_number <= end_number:
h = str(hex(start_number))[2:] # combined all your work on h to one line
root.configure(background=("#{}32{}".format(h, h)))
start_number += 1
root.after(200, do_something, start_number, end_number)
do_something(86, 126)
Note that the color change is mild and hard to see. If you increase the `end_number thought it will become more obvious.

python appjar function doesn't thread

having issues trying to get threading working in python using the awesome Appjar package.
The following program needs to count through a list, and update a progress bar simultaneously. I've followed the appjar documentation for threading, but it's returning NameError: name 'percent_complete' is not defined in the app.thread (line 35), in which you're meant to insert function params - my code is below:
from appJar import gui
import time
# define method the counts through a list of numbers, and updates the progress meter
def press(btn):
objects = [1,3,6]
total = len(objects)
current_object = 0
for i in objects:
current_object += 1
current_percent_complete = (current_object / total) * 100
def updateMeter(percent_complete):
app.queueFunction(app.setMeter, "progress", percent_complete)
# create a GUI variable called app
app = gui("Login Window")
# add GUI elements : a label, a meter, & a button
app.addLabel("title", "COUNTER")
app.setLabelBg("title", "blue")
app.setLabelFg("title", "orange")
app.setMeterFill("progress", "green")
app.addButton("START COUNTING", press)
# put the updateMeter function in its own thread
app.thread(updateMeter, percent_complete)
# start the GUI
I can get rid of the error by defining percent_complete like so:
from appJar import gui
import time
# define method the counts through a list of numbers, and updates the progress meter
percent_complete = 0
def press(btn):
However, when GUI loads and button is pressed it doesn't thread. Instead it iterates through the list, then updates the progress bar afterwards.
Has anyone come across the same issue? any insight would be awesomely appreciated!
There are a couple of issues here:
First, I'm not sure your maths result in good percentages to update the meter with, so you might not see much change - should you be using i?
Second, the GUI won't be updated until the loop (and the sleeps inside it) all complete. Instead, you should try counting how many items to process, and iterating through them with an after() function, see here:
Third, the call to app.thread() at the end doesn't achieve much - it calls the update_meter() function with a parameter that doesn't exist, it can be removed.
Fourth, the actual update_meter() function isn't necessary, as you're not really using a thread - that can be removed as well...
Give this a try, once you've had a look at the maths:
current_object = 0
def press(btn):
global current_object
current_object = 0
def processList():
global current_object
objects = [1,3,6]
total = len(objects)
if current_object < total:
i = objects[current_object]
current_object += 1
current_percent_complete = (current_object / total) * 100
app.setMeter("progress", current_percent_complete)
app.after(1000, processList)
UPDATE: just to clarify on the maths issue, you're dividing one integer by another: 0/3, 1/3, 2/3, 3/3 and so on. In python2 this will result in 0, in python3 you'll get fractions.

Need to restart loop

Still a NOOB in Python. Get stuck many times.
Script runs 3 sequencies, one after the other, each for 20 seconds.
Each sequence has a while loop. and a time out statement.
Then it starts the next loop, and so on till the end of end of the
3rd loop. Then it quits. I would like to start again from the top.
I probably have too many while loops.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Import required libraries
import time
# More setup
# Choose a matrix to use
mat = mat1
t_end = time.time() + 20
#Start loop
while time.time() < t_end:
# code
# loop timeout
# 2 more loops follow just like first one, except matrix becomes
mat = mat2
mat = mat3
As others have already commented, you should do any repetitive tasks within a function. In Python, functions are defined using the "def" keyword. Using a function, it could be done as follows:
import time
# Replace these dummy assignments with real code
mat1 = "blah"
mat2 = "rhubarb"
mat3 = "custard"
def processMatrix(matrix, seconds=20):
t_end = time.time() + seconds
while time.time() < t_end:
pass # 'pass' does nothing - replace with your real code
Note that I've also included the time/seconds as a parameter in the function. This gives you more flexibility, in case you wanted to run for different times for testing or different times for each matrix, etc. However, I've done it with a default value of 20 so that you don't need to include it in the function call. If you do want to override the default you could call, eg,
processMatrix(mat1, 5)
instead of,

Separating Progress Tracking and Loop Logic

Suppose i want to track the progress of a loop using the progress bar printer ProgressMeter (as described in this recipe).
def bigIteration(collection):
for element in collection:
I would like to be able to switch the progress bar on and off. I also want to update it only every x steps for performance reasons. My naive way to do this is
def bigIteration(collection, progressbar=True):
if progressBar:
pm = progress.ProgressMeter(total=len(collection))
pc = 0
for element in collection:
if progressBar:
pc += 1
if pc % 100 = 0:
However, I am not satisfied. From an "aesthetic" point of view, the functional code of the loop is now "contaminated" with generic progress-tracking code.
Can you think of a way to cleanly separate progress-tracking code and functional code? (Can there be a progress-tracking decorator or something?)
It seems like this code would benefit from the null object pattern.
# a progress bar that uses ProgressMeter
class RealProgressBar:
pm = Nothing
def setMaximum(self, max):
pm = progress.ProgressMeter(total=max)
pc = 0
def progress(self):
pc += 1
if pc % 100 = 0:
# a fake progress bar that does nothing
class NoProgressBar:
def setMaximum(self, max):
def progress(self):
# Iterate with a given progress bar
def bigIteration(collection, progressBar=NoProgressBar()):
for element in collection:
bigIteration(collection, RealProgressBar())
(Pardon my French, er, Python, it's not my native language ;) Hope you get the idea, though.)
This lets you move the progress update logic from the loop, but you still have some progress related calls in there.
You can remove this part if you create a generator from the collection that automatically tracks progress as you iterate it.
# turn a collection into one that shows progress when iterated
def withProgress(collection, progressBar=NoProgressBar()):
for element in collection:
yield element
# simple iteration function
def bigIteration(collection):
for element in collection:
# let's iterate with progress reports
bigIteration(withProgress(collection, RealProgressBar()))
This approach leaves your bigIteration function as is and is highly composable. For example, let's say you also want to add cancellation this big iteration of yours. Just create another generator that happens to be cancellable.
# highly simplified cancellation token
# probably needs synchronization
class CancellationToken:
cancelled = False
def isCancelled(self):
return cancelled
def cancel(self):
cancelled = True
# iterates a collection with cancellation support
def withCancellation(collection, cancelToken):
for element in collection:
if cancelToken.isCancelled():
yield element
progressCollection = withProgress(collection, RealProgressBar())
cancellableCollection = withCancellation(progressCollection, cancelToken)
# meanwhile, on another thread...
You could rewrite bigIteration as a generator function as follows:
def bigIteration(collection):
for element in collection:
yield element
Then, you could do a great deal outside of this:
def mycollection = [1,2,3]
if progressBar:
pm = progress.ProgressMeter(total=len(collection))
pc = 0
for item in bigIteration(mycollection):
pc += 1
if pc % 100 = 0:
for item in bigIteration(mycollection):
My approach would be like that:
The looping code yields the progress percentage whenever it changes (or whenever it wants to report it). The progress-tracking code then reads from the generator until it's empty; updating the progress bar after every read.
However, this also has some disadvantages:
You need a function to call it without a progress bar as you still need to read from the generator until it's empty.
You cannot easily return a value at the end. A solution would be wrapping the return value though so the progress method can determine if the function yielded a progress update or a return value. Actually, it might be nicer to wrap the progress update so the regular return value can be yielded unwrapped - but that'd require much more wrapping since it would need to be done for every progress update instead just once.
