GIT/Heroku sensitive info - python

I have a django project deployed in Heroku. It uses python-instragram.
I have a 'client secret' from an instragram client that I have.
I use git/github for version control.
This client_secret is imported from an untracked file because I don't want to have it on my public github repo. I do something like this:
from core_keys import core_client_secret
'client_id': '83d1b794dfc24f5588378f88be67c586',
'client_secret': core_client_secret,
'redirect_uri': 'http://localhost:8515/oauth_callback'
api = client.InstagramAPI(**CONFIG)
I have added to .gitignore:
When I deploy to heroku the app doesn't work obviously because the file that contains the client_secret was not pushed to heroku since it's in .gitignore.
How can I have this file on heroku without the need for a private repo, what approach should I use?

You should store the secrets as config vars in the environment.

Just as a reference, ended up doing this:
On the terminal at my development machine:
heroku config:set INSTAGRAMSECRET=00000FFFFF
On the file where I need the environment var inside of Heroku:
import os
insta_secret = os.environ['INSTAGRAMSECRET']


How to load a static file in Flask app when deploying to Heroku?

I have a Flask JSON API application that would read a file in the code repository and display the data in that file. My application file is as follows:
from flask import Flask, jsonify
from utils import load_data
data = load_data(os.environ.get('DATA_FILE_PATH')) # This would be in data/data.txt for example
app = Flask(__name__)
#app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
def home():
return jsonify(data=data)
When I deploy to Heroku, how can I set the environment variable to point to that particular data file? Locally, I would do
$ export DATA_FILE_PATH=/path/to/repo/data/data.txt
I know I can use the Heroku CLI heroku config:set DATA_FILE_PATH=<path> but I'm not sure how to place that path variable since I don't really know the directory structure on the Heroku deployment.
You can add them in the settings tab config vars
Okay, turns out you can go into the Heroku Dyno's bash using the following command (assuming you've already pushed to Heroku):
$ heroku run bash
and figure out what the file system structure looks like. In my particular case, my repo was served under the /app directory. So all I needed to pass into the value of the DATA_FILE_PATH environment variable is /app/data/data.txt.

How to deploy Visual Studio Flask app to Elastic Beanstalk

I am using the Visual Studio 2019 Flask Web Project template. It runs in my local Python environment and is a good start (very much like the standard template. I created a Python Elastic Beanstalk Application to host this. I am attempting to deploy this on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. I created a repository at:
I think one of these files (or a missing file) needs to be named may also need some special content). I included a
directory listing.
It appears that I need to zip this and upload it
through the portal/cli. I am not sure what zip should look like, but
I suspect requirements.txt needs to be at the root.). If AWS Toolkit
Extension cannot handle this job, it should be easy to script.
Is there a better template or sample project in GitHub ?
Is the fix something simple ?
Your application works on Python 3.7 running on 64bit Amazon Linux 2/3.0.3 EB environment.
Just change into Also you can slightly modify (port and name) its content, unless you want to customize EB environment to match your application' settings.
This script runs the FlaskWebProject1 application using a development server.
from os import environ
from FlaskWebProject1 import app as application
if __name__ == '__main__':
HOST = environ.get('SERVER_HOST', 'localhost')
PORT = int(environ.get('SERVER_PORT', '8000'))
except ValueError:
PORT = 8000, PORT)
Zip it into (example name) with content:
Deploy the
With thanks to Marcin.
AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio will not support deployment or environment creation. It only applies to .Net environments.
I have updated to reflect these notes
Create AWS Elastic Beanstalk Environment. Use the portal or CLI.
Environments > Create environment (Web server environment) > Select
Platform: Python
Platform Branch: Python 3.7
Platform Version: 3.0.3
Add with content (the port 8000 seems to be a key ingredient):
This script runs the FlaskWebProject1 application using a development server.
from os import environ
from FlaskWebProject1 import app as application
if __name__ == '__main__':
HOST = environ.get('SERVER_HOST', 'localhost')
PORT = int(environ.get('SERVER_PORT', '8000'))
except ValueError:
PORT = 8000, PORT)
Create a zip with the following root directory. Zip file name does not matter:
Deploy zip using the portal (or cli)
Elastic Beanstalk > Environments > Flaskwebproject1-env
click Upload and deploy

Changing a file on Google App Engine

I have a Google App Engine Python project that I haven't touched since 2014, when you worked with a desktop app to upload and deploy it. Google App engine changed a lot in the meantime. According to the information the deploying guide I copy
the file(s) like this:
gsutil cp gs://
I converted my app.yaml file to a json file using their utility. When I initially deployed the app using this page it failed because there was no deployment information, so I added this:
"deployment": {
"files": {
"main": {
"sourceUrl": ""
However when I deployed again I got an error because it couldn't find the file with that URL. The gsutil has to use a bucket with gs://something and the file has to exist at https:// something. How can I upload the file to the project and specify the location in the app.json file?
You were probably using what is now called App Engine Standard environment. Deploys are handled with the gcloud app deploy command.
gcloud app deploy --version [YOUR_VERSION_ID] --no-promote --project [YOUR_PROJECT_ID]
Here is more info for Deploying a Python App
The deploy command uses app.yaml file for configuration info.

How to deploy structured Flask app on AWS elastic beanstalk

After successfully deploying a test app using the steps outlined here:
I tried to deploy my actual flask application which has the following structure:
Where contains my url mappings.
I have tried initializing the eb instance in the root directory as well as within the myApp module and git aws.push but I get the following error on the AWS dashboard:
ERROR Your WSGIPath refers to a file that does not exist. and the application does not work (404 for any path).
How can I deploy the above Flask application to elastic beanstalk?
I encountered a similar problem deploying a Flask application to EB, with a similar directory structure, and had to do 2 things:
Update my to create an object of name application, not app
import os
from application import create_app, db
from flask.ext.script import Manager, Shell
application = create_app(os.getenv('FLASK_CONFIG') or 'default')
manager = Manager(application)
Create .ebextensions/myapp.config, and define the following block to point to
"/static/": "application/static/"
This let Elastic Beanstalk find the application callable correctly.
This is described briefly at the official docs, and is described in more detail in this blog post
EDIT - see project structure below
etc, etc
Add the following to .ebextensions/<env-name>.config:
WSGIPath: myApp/handlers/
If you don't have .ebextensions directory, please create one for the project. You can find more information of what can be done regarding the container configuration in Customizing and Configuring AWS Elastic Beanstalk Environments guide.
Your WSGIPath refers to a file that does not exist.
This error appears because Beanstalk, by default, looks for Check at Beanstalk web UI, Configuration > Software Configuration, WSGIPath is mapped to
Update the WSGIPath as shown in the previous replies or rename to file.
As of awsebcli 3.0, you can actually edit your configuration settings to represent your WSGI path via eb config. The config command will then pull (and open it in your default command line text editor, i.e nano) an editable config based on your current configuration settings. You'll then search for WSGI and update it's path that way. After saving the file and exiting, your WSGI path will be updated automatically.
WSGI configuration was painful for me. I did changed WSCI settings using eb config command but it did not work. Below you can fix this in 5 easy steps.
1- Moved function to the root of the directory (where I runned eb init command.
2- Also renamed as and in that initilized application as application = Flask(__name__) not app = Flask(__name__)
3- eb deploy did not worked after this (in the same project) I tried to fix config by using eb config but it was too hairy to sort it out. Delete all .extensions, .gitignore etc from your project.
4- re initialize your project on EB with eb init and follow the prompts. when deployment is done, eb open would launch your webapp (hopefully!)
When I encountered this problem it was because I was using the GUI to upload a zip of my project files. Initially I was zipping the project level directory and uploading that zip to EB.
Then I switched to simply uploading a zip of the project files themselves-ie select all files and send those to a zip-and then the GUI upload utility was able to find my file without a problem because the file was not in a subfolder.
Well, In my case I followed the entire process and conventions but was still getting 404. The problem was my virtual environment. I was ignoring all environment config related folders/files in my .gitignore but not in .ebignore. After creating .ebignore and ignoring all the folders/files which were not related to project code, fixed the issue.

Heroku Neo4j Issue

I have my neo4j python application using py2neo.
It is working corretly on local but when i deploy it to heroku it is giving error
SocketError: gaierror(-2, 'Name or service not known')
I am not sure what is the issue.
what should be the correct issue I am using url for db service as
graph_db = neo4j.GraphDatabaseService("")
Configure the authentication as indicated here:
Use heroku config to note the username and password in the URL.
For example (obviously modified):
$ heroku config
=== secure-caverns-9214 Config Vars
PATH: bin:node_modules/.bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
