loop for to print a dictionary of dictionaries - python

I'd like to find a way to print a list of dictionnaries line by line, so that the result be clear and easy to read
the list is like this.
myList = {'1':{'name':'x',age:'18'},'2':{'name':'y',age:'19'},'3':{'name':'z',age:'20'}...}
and the result should be like this:
>>> '1':{'name':'x',age:'18'}
'3':{'name':'z',age:'20'} ...

Using your example:
>>> myList = {'1':{'name':'x','age':'18'},'2':{'name':'y','age':'19'},'3':{'name':'z','age':'20'}}
>>> for k, d in myList.items():
print k, d
1 {'age': '18', 'name': 'x'}
3 {'age': '20', 'name': 'z'}
2 {'age': '19', 'name': 'y'}
More examples:
A list of dictionaries:
>>> l = [{'a':'1'},{'b':'2'},{'c':'3'}]
>>> for d in l:
print d
{'a': '1'}
{'b': '2'}
{'c': '3'}
A dictionary of dictionaries:
>>> D = {'d1': {'a':'1'}, 'd2': {'b':'2'}, 'd3': {'c':'3'}}
>>> for k, d in D.items():
print d
{'b': '2'}
{'c': '3'}
{'a': '1'}
If you want the key of the dicts:
>>> D = {'d1': {'a':'1'}, 'd2': {'b':'2'}, 'd3': {'c':'3'}}
>>> for k, d in D.items():
print k, d
d2 {'b': '2'}
d3 {'c': '3'}
d1 {'a': '1'}

>>> import json
>>> dicts = {1: {'a': 1, 'b': 2}, 2: {'c': 3}, 3: {'d': 4, 'e': 5, 'f':6}}
>>> print(json.dumps(dicts, indent=4))
"1": {
"a": 1,
"b": 2
"2": {
"c": 3
"3": {
"d": 4,
"e": 5,
"f": 6

One more option - pprint, made for pretty-printing.
The pprint module provides a capability to “pretty-print” arbitrary Python data structures in a form which can be used as input to the interpreter.
List of dictionaries:
from pprint import pprint
l = [{'a':'1'},{'b':'2'},{'c':'3'}]
pprint(l, width=1)
[{'a': '1'},
{'b': '2'},
{'c': '3'}]
Dictionary with dictionaries in values:
from pprint import pprint
d = {'a':{'b':'c'}},{'d':{'e':'f'}}
pprint(d, width=1)
({'a': {'b': 'c'}},
{'d': {'e': 'f'}})

myList = {'1':{'name':'x','age':'18'},
for item in myList:
3 : {'age': '20', 'name': 'z'}
2 : {'age': '19', 'name': 'y'}
1 : {'age': '18', 'name': 'x'}
item is used to iterate keys in the dict, and myList[item] is the value corresponding to the current key.


from a dictionary of dictionaries, return a list of the inner dictionaries, updated with the key

Easier shown than explained.
This is what I have:
dict_of_dict = {'a': {'i': 1, 's': 'aa'}, 'b': {'i': 2, 's': 'bb'}}
This is what I want, i.e. I want add master dict's key to each inner dictionary and return them as a list.
[{'i': 1, 's': 'aa', 'key': 'a'}, {'i': 2, 's': 'bb', 'key': 'b'}]
Now, I already know how to do this without list comprehension.
li = []
for key, di in dict_of_dict.items():
I can also do it using a list comprehension to update the inner dicts with the keys. But I need a separate command to get the list of updated inner dictionaries.
[di.update(key=key) for key, di in dict_of_dict.items()]
li = list(dict_of_dict.values())
But I can't see how to do this in one pass with a list comprehension because dict.update() returns None, rather than the dict itself.
dict_of_dict = {'a': {'i': 1, 's': 'aa'}, 'b': {'i': 2, 's': 'bb'}}
out = [dict(**v, key=k) for k, v in dict_of_dict.items()]
[{'i': 1, 's': 'aa', 'key': 'a'}, {'i': 2, 's': 'bb', 'key': 'b'}]
Another solution using dict.update(), as asked in the question:
dict_of_dict = {'a': {'i': 1, 's': 'aa'}, 'b': {'i': 2, 's': 'bb'}}
d = [ {'key': key} for key in dict_of_dict ]
l = [ d[i] if d[i].update(ddd) is None else 0 for i,ddd in enumerate(list(dict_of_dict.values())) ]

Swap keys of nested dictionaries

I have a dictionary as follows:
Each key has a dictionary associated with it.
dict_sample = {'a': {'d0': '1', 'd1': '2', 'd2': '3'}, 'b': {'d0': '1'}, 'c': {'d1': '1'}}
I need the output as follows:
output_dict = {'d0': {'a': 1, 'b': 1}, 'd1': {'a': 2, 'c': 1}, 'd2': {'a': 3}}
I'd appreciate any help on the pythonic way to achieve this. Thank You !
I believe this produces the desired output
>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> d = defaultdict(dict)
>>> dict_sample = {'a': {'d0': '1', 'd1': '2', 'd2': '3'}, 'b': {'d0': '1'}, 'c': {'d1': '1'}}
>>> for key, value in dict_sample.items():
... for k, v in value.items():
... d[k][key] = v
>>> d
defaultdict(<class 'dict'>, {'d0': {'a': '1', 'b': '1'}, 'd1': {'a': '2', 'c': '1'}, 'd2': {'a': '3'}})
You can use dict.setdefault on a new dict with a nested loop:
d = {}
# for each key and sub-dict in the main dict
for k1, s in dict_sample.items():
# for each key and value in the sub-dict
for k2, v in s.items():
# this is equivalent to d[k2][k1] = int(v), except that when k2 is not yet in d,
# setdefault will initialize d[k2] with {} (a new dict)
d.setdefault(k2, {})[k1] = int(v)
d would become:
{'d0': {'a': 1, 'b': 1}, 'd1': {'a': 2, 'c': 1}, 'd2': {'a': 3}}

Python - Flatten the list of dictionaries

List of dictionaries:
data = [{
}, ...
I need to join all nested dictionaries to reach at the expected output:
[{'d': 'Meatball', 'b': 'Milk', 'l': 'Apple', 'dislike': 'juice', 'favourite': 'coke'},
{'d': 'Meatball2', 'b': 'Milk1', 'l': 'Apple1', 'dislike': 'juice3', 'favourite': 'coke2'}]
I try nested list comprehension, but cannot join dict together:
L = [y for x in data for y in x.values()]
print (L)
[{'d': 'Meatball', 'b': 'Milk', 'l': 'Apple'},
{'dislike': 'juice', 'favourite': 'coke'},
{'d': 'Meatball2', 'b': 'Milk1', 'l': 'Apple1'},
{'dislike': 'juice3', 'favourite': 'coke2'}]
I am looking for the fastest solution.
You can do the following, using itertools.chain:
>>> from itertools import chain
# timeit: ~3.40
>>> [dict(chain(*map(dict.items, d.values()))) for d in data]
[{'l': 'Apple',
'b': 'Milk',
'd': 'Meatball',
'favourite': 'coke',
'dislike': 'juice'},
{'l': 'Apple1',
'b': 'Milk1',
'dislike': 'juice3',
'favourite': 'coke2',
'd': 'Meatball2'}]
The usage of chain, map, * make this expression a shorthand for the following doubly nested comprehension which actually performs better on my system (Python 3.5.2) and isn't that much longer:
# timeit: ~2.04
[{k: v for x in d.values() for k, v in x.items()} for d in data]
# Or, not using items, but lookup by key
# timeit: ~1.67
[{k: x[k] for x in d.values() for k in x} for d in data]
RoadRunner's loop-and-update approach outperforms both these one-liners at timeit: ~1.37
You can do this with 2 nested loops, and dict.update() to add inner dictionaries to a temporary dictionary and add it at the end:
L = []
for d in data:
temp = {}
for key in d:
# timeit ~1.4
Which Outputs:
[{'l': 'Apple', 'b': 'Milk', 'd': 'Meatball', 'favourite': 'coke', 'dislike': 'juice'}, {'l': 'Apple1', 'b': 'Milk1', 'd': 'Meatball2', 'favourite': 'coke2', 'dislike': 'juice3'}]
You can use functools.reduce along with a simple list comprehension to flatten out the list the of dicts
>>> from functools import reduce
>>> data = [{'b': {'dislike': 'juice', 'favourite': 'coke'}, 'a': {'l': 'Apple', 'b': 'Milk', 'd': 'Meatball'}}, {'b': {'dislike': 'juice3', 'favourite': 'coke2'}, 'a': {'l': 'Apple1', 'b': 'Milk1', 'd': 'Meatball2'}}]
>>> [reduce(lambda x,y: {**x,**y},d.values()) for d in data]
>>> [{'dislike': 'juice', 'l': 'Apple', 'd': 'Meatball', 'b': 'Milk', 'favourite': 'coke'}, {'dislike': 'juice3', 'l': 'Apple1', 'd': 'Meatball2', 'b': 'Milk1', 'favourite': 'coke2'}]
Time benchmark is as follows:
>>> import timeit
>>> setup = """
from functools import reduce
data = [{'b': {'dislike': 'juice', 'favourite': 'coke'}, 'a': {'l': 'Apple', 'b': 'Milk', 'd': 'Meatball'}}, {'b': {'dislike': 'juice3', 'favourite': 'coke2'}, 'a': {'l': 'Apple1', 'b': 'Milk1', 'd': 'Meatball2'}}]
>>> min(timeit.Timer("[reduce(lambda x,y: {**x,**y},d.values()) for d in data]",setup=setup).repeat(3,1000000))
>>> 1.525032774952706
Time benchmark of other answers on my machine
>>> setup = """
data = [{'b': {'dislike': 'juice', 'favourite': 'coke'}, 'a': {'l': 'Apple', 'b': 'Milk', 'd': 'Meatball'}}, {'b': {'dislike': 'juice3', 'favourite': 'coke2'}, 'a': {'l': 'Apple1', 'b': 'Milk1', 'd': 'Meatball2'}}]
>>> min(timeit.Timer("[{k: v for x in d.values() for k, v in x.items()} for d in data]",setup=setup).repeat(3,1000000))
>>> 2.2488374650129117
>>> min(timeit.Timer("[{k: x[k] for x in d.values() for k in x} for d in data]",setup=setup).repeat(3,1000000))
>>> 1.8990078769857064
>>> code = """
L = []
for d in data:
temp = {}
for key in d:
>>> min(timeit.Timer(code,setup=setup).repeat(3,1000000))
>>> 1.4258553800173104
>>> setup = """
from itertools import chain
data = [{'b': {'dislike': 'juice', 'favourite': 'coke'}, 'a': {'l': 'Apple', 'b': 'Milk', 'd': 'Meatball'}}, {'b': {'dislike': 'juice3', 'favourite': 'coke2'}, 'a': {'l': 'Apple1', 'b': 'Milk1', 'd': 'Meatball2'}}]
>>> min(timeit.Timer("[dict(chain(*map(dict.items, d.values()))) for d in data]",setup=setup).repeat(3,1000000))
>>> 3.774383604992181
If you have nested dictionaries with only 'a' and 'b' keys, then I suggest the following solution I find fast and very easy to understand (for readability purpose):
L = [x['a'] for x in data]
b = [x['b'] for x in data]
for i in range(len(L)):
# timeit ~1.4

How do I loop over dictionary and check for values passed by a variable in Python

I've got the below dictionary and list - how do I loop over the dictionary checking if b == '1' while passing '1' as variable from a list?
dic = {'info': [{'a':0, 'b':'1'},{'a':0, 'b':'3'},{'a':0, 'b':'3'},{'a':0, 'b':'1'}]}
lst = ['1']
I want to return {'a':0, 'b':'1'}, {'a':0, 'b':'1'}.
This is a general solution using filter; the built-in method, you will have to adopt it to your needs:
>>> list(filter(lambda d: d['b'] in lst, dic['info']))
[{'b': '1', 'a': 0}, {'b': '1', 'a': 0}]
Converting the filter object into a list using list constructor is necessary only in Python3, whereas in Python2, it is not required:
>>> filter(lambda d: d['b'] in lst, dic['info'])
[{'b': '1', 'a': 0}, {'b': '1', 'a': 0}]
EDIT: To make the solution more general in case multiple items in lst, then consider the following:
>>> dic
{'info': [{'b': '1', 'a': 0}, {'b': '3', 'a': 0}, {'b': '3', 'a': 0}, {'b': '1', 'a': 0}, {'b': '2', 'a': '1'}]}
>>> lst
['1', '2']
>>> def filter_dict(dic_lst, lst):
lst_out = []
for sub_d in dic_lst:
if any(x == sub_d['b'] for x in lst):
return lst_out
>>> filter_dict(dic['info'], lst)
[{'b': '1', 'a': 0}, {'b': '1', 'a': 0}, {'b': '2', 'a': '1'}]
>>> list(map(lambda x: list(filter(lambda d: d['b'] in x, dic['info'])),lst))
[[{'b': '1', 'a': 0}, {'b': '1', 'a': 0}], [{'b': '2', 'a': '1'}]]
Just a simple list comprehension:
In [22]: dic = {'info': [{'a':0, 'b':'1'},{'a':0, 'b':'3'},{'a':0, 'b':'3'},{'a':0, 'b':'1'}]}
In [23]: lst = ['1']
In [25]: [sub_dict for sub_dict in dic['info'] if sub_dict['b'] == lst[0]]
Out[25]: [{'a': 0, 'b': '1'}, {'a': 0, 'b': '1'}]
You could use a filter approach:
filter(lambda x:x['b'] in list, dic['info'])
It will create a generator which you can materialize in a list:
result = list(filter(lambda x:x['b'] in list, dic['info']))
Mind I would however rename your list variable since you here override a reference to the list type.
from collections import defaultdict
dic = {'info': [{'a':0, 'b':'1'},{'a':0, 'b':'3'},{'a':0, 'b':'3'},{'a':0, 'b':'1'}]}
d = defaultdict(list)
for each in dic['info']:
{'1': [{'a': 0, 'b': '1'}, {'a': 0, 'b': '1'}],
'3': [{'a': 0, 'b': '3'}, {'a': 0, 'b': '3'}]})
[{'a': 0, 'b': '1'}, {'a': 0, 'b': '1'}]
Build an index dict to avoid iterate again.
First go my simple loop and iteration way
>>> dic
{'info': [{'a': 0, 'b': '1'}, {'a': 0, 'b': '3'}, {'a': 0, 'b': '3'}, {'a': 0, 'b': '1'}]}
>>> l
New List variable for result.
>>> result = []
Iterate diction by iteritems method of dictionary.
Value of main dictionary is list data type. so again iterate list by for loop.
Check b key is present in sub dictionary and check its value is present in given list l.
If yes, then append to result list.
>>> for k,v in dic.iteritems():
... for i in v:
... if "b" in i and i["b"] in l:
... result.append(i)
>>> result
[{'a': 0, 'b': '1'}, {'a': 0, 'b': '1'}]
Do not use list as variable name because list is reversed keyword for Python
Read basic things of dictionary and list which has properties.
Try to write code first.
You can make use of a list comprehension, or just do it using filter.
list comprehension
dict = {'info': [{'a':0, 'b':'1'},{'a':0, 'b':'3'},{'a':0, 'b':'3'},{'a':0, 'b':'1'}]}
lst = ['1']
result = [i for i in dict['info'] if i['b'] == lst[0]]
print result # [{'a': 0, 'b': '1'}, {'a': 0, 'b': '1'}]
dict = {'info': [{'a':0, 'b':'1'},{'a':0, 'b':'3'},{'a':0, 'b':'3'},{'a':0, 'b':'1'}]}
list(filter(lambda i: i['b'] in lst, dic['info']))
# [{'b': '1', 'a': 0}, {'b': '1', 'a': 0}]

python: Convert a Counter object to a json object with added key names

I have a Counter object in Python, which contains the following data:
{'a': 4, 'b': 1, 'e': 1}
I'd like to convert this to a JSON object with the following form:
[{'name':'a', 'value': 4} , {'name':'b', 'value': 1}, {'name':'e', 'value': 1}]
Is there any efficient way to do so?
You can use a list comprehension to convert the dictionary to a list of dictionaries. Example -
data = {'a': 4, 'b': 1, 'e': 1}
result = [{'name':key, 'value':value} for key,value in data.items()]
Demo -
>>> data = {'a': 4, 'b': 1, 'e': 1}
>>> result = [{'name':key, 'value':value} for key,value in data.items()]
>>> result
[{'name': 'a', 'value': 4}, {'name': 'b', 'value': 1}, {'name': 'e', 'value': 1}]
