I apologize if this question has been asked before, but I was unable to find any record of this issue. Full disclosure: I've only been using Python for a few months and MySQL for about 1 month.
I've written a short Python script on a Raspberry Pi (running Raspbian Wheezy) that sniffs wifi packets and writes signal strength info to a MySQL database. I've also created a small PHP file that grabs the info from the database and presents it in a table (pretty basic). All components of this little system work exactly as planned, however...
When I run the Python script in the background (sudo python my_script.py &) it does not appear to update the MySQL database with new readings. Yet it also throws no errors and outputs to the console without a problem (I have a line printed each time a wifi packet is intercepted and its RSSI is added to the database). I encountered the same problem when starting the script at boot up using the /etc/rc.local file. No errors, but no updates in the database either.
Is the problem on the Python side of things? A MySQL setting that I need to change? Is there something else I'm completely missing?
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import MySQLdb as mdb
import sys
from scapy.all import *
# Create connection to MySQL database called 'DATABASE' at localhost with username 'USERNAME' and password 'PASSWORD'
HOST = "localhost"
con = mdb.connect(HOST, USER, PW, DB)
# set interface that will be used to monitor wifi
interface = "mon0"
with con:
cur = con.cursor()
# This function will be called every time a packet is intercepted. Packet is passed to function as 'p'
def sniffmgmt(p):
# These are the 3 types of management frames that are sent exclusively by clients (allows us to weed out packets sent by APs)
stamgmtstypes = (0, 2, 4)
if p.haslayer(Dot11):
# Make sure packet is a client-only type
if p.subtype in stamgmtstypes:
# Calculate RSSI
sig_str = -(256-(ord(p.notdecoded[-4:-3])))
# Update database with most recent detection
cur.execute("REPLACE INTO attendance(mac_address, rssi, timestamp) VALUES('%s', %d, NOW())" % (p.addr2, sig_str))
# Print MAC address that was detected (debugging only)
print "MAC Address (%s) has been logged" % (p.addr2)
# Tell scapy what interface to use (see above) and which function to call when a packet is intercepted. lfilter limits packets to management frames.
sniff(iface=interface, prn=sniffmgmt, store=0, lfilter=lambda x:x.type==0)
P.S. For those who are wondering: this is not intended for malicious use, it is being used to investigate product tracking techniques at our warehouse.
I expect you're not calling commit on the db transaction.
I am very new, learning Python specifically geared toward hardware (serial port and TCP/IP device) testing.
I have been trying to get PySerial based code to work and keep hitting roadblocks. Running Python 3.10.8 on Windows 10.
I worked through the 'import serial' problem (uninstalled and reinstalled Python); the serial.Serial problem (needed to add 'from serial import *). Now, it seems like all of the read syntax does not work. All I want to do at this point is open the port, read and print data - from here I will start working on which data I want).
Here is the code I am working with (this was found in a couple of places on the internet):
import serial
from serial import *
s = serial.Serial(port='COM9', baudrate=9600)
serial_string = ""
# Wait until there is data waiting in the serial buffer
if(serialPort.in_waiting > 0):
# Read data out of the buffer until a carraige return / new line is found
serial_string = serial.readline()
# Print the contents of the serial data
# Tell the device connected over the serial port that we recevied the data!
# The b at the beginning is used to indicate bytes!
#serialPort.write(b"Thank you for sending data \r\n")
Running this results in an error on serialPort.in_waiting (says serialPort not defined) if I change that to serial.in_waiting (says serial has no attribute 'in_waiting' (PySerial API site says this is correct(?). I've also tried simple commands like serial.read(), serial.readline(), ser.read(), etc. All fail for attributes.
Is the PySerial documentation online current? Does anyone know where to find basic serial port examples?
Thank you!
I have been searching for an answer for this for hours, but unfortunately the closest thing I can find is 1 unanswered question. This is a similar issue, but it unfortunately did not have a resolution.
I had a working connection to a IBM DB2 database, but the web console was erroring out, so I was forced to delete the instance and make a new one. I changed nothing regarding the code to connect other than the values used to connect. When I changed these values the ibm_db.connect function runs continuously. There are no output errors as I have left it running for 10 minutes and nothing happens at all. I do change the values to force an error and it will error out saying the values are not correct. I have no clue what the problem is as I have no information to go off of. My only thought is the SSL could have something to do with it.
dsn_driver = connection_data['dsn_driver']
dsn_database = connection_data['dsn_database']
dsn_hostname = connection_data['dsn_hostname']
dsn_port = connection_data['dsn_port']
dsn_protocol = connection_data['dsn_protocol']
dsn_uid = connection_data['dsn_uid']
dsn_pwd = connection_data['dsn_pwd']
dsn = (
"PWD={6};").format(dsn_driver, dsn_database, dsn_hostname,
dsn_port, dsn_protocol, dsn_uid, dsn_pwd)
connection = ibm_db.connect(dsn, "", "")
print("Connected to database: ", dsn_database,
"as user: ", dsn_uid, "on host: ", dsn_hostname)
return connection
print("Unable to connect: ", ibm_db.conn_errormsg())
The breakpoint is at connection = ibm_db.connect(dsn, "", "")
This data is loaded from a local JSON file with the following values (except for sensitive information).
"dsn_driver": "{IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER}",
"dsn_hostname": "hostname",
"dsn_port": "port",
"dsn_protocol": "TCPIP",
"dsn_uid": "uid",
"dsn_pwd": "pwd"
I have tried everything I can think of, but since nothing outputs I unfortunately do not know where to start. If someone has experience with this please let me know.
Thank you.
Edit: I did end up getting this error message returned from the ibm_db.connect method
Unable to connect: [IBM][CLI Driver] SQL30081N A communication error has been detected. Communication protocol being used: "TCP/IP". Communication API being used: "SOCKETS". Location where the error was detected: "xxx.xx.xxx.xxx". Communication function detecting the error: "recv". Protocol specific err SQLCODE=-30081054", "*", "0". SQLSTATE=08001
A couple of points for clarification:
When you say "the ibm_db.connect function runs continuously" do you mean you see the CPU spinning or just that the python process doesn't progress past the connect?
What type of database are you connecting to? DB2 LUW or z/OS?
Have you tried to make sure that the connectivity is still working? i.e. did you try the suggestion from the other linked post? This:
To verify that there is network connectivity between you and the database you can try telnet xxxxxx 1234 (or nc xxxxxx 1234, where xxxxxx and 1234 are the service hostname and port, respectively
From a debugging point of view I'd be looking at the logs of the intervening processes:
Db2 Connect log if you are using it
DB2 target logs
TCPIP and z/OS Connect address spaces if z/os. BAQ region ? (not sure if that would just be my site)
Firewall - I know that you had a working connection but always best to check the obvious as well
As you've pointed out, without an error message it's hard to know where to start
I have an RPi0 set up in my crawl space to measure and record Temp/Humidity over time. Simply put, a Python program runs using Chron every few minutes, collects the temp/humidity and sends them to a cloud-based database ("one and one") using a simple HTTP page that runs a simple PHP program to add a line to the MySQL database table. No feedback (at least none on purpose...) The db is updated as expected for several weeks (long enough for me to be lulled into a false sense of security....) Then it stops. The RPi0 cannot be reached with SSH.
I unplug it, bring it up to my office, plug it in and it starts working again, no problem...No disk full symptoms (total usage 19%.) Spurious python messages show up, but they just talk about type conversion warnings.
Rinse and repeat.
Ignore the INSERT setup for the local database. I've commented out the actual command execution because I no longer use the local db.
import sys
import Adafruit_DHT
import MySQLdb
import time
import urllib2
from Adafruit_BME280 import *
# BMP working, DHT not so much
sensor = BME280(address=0x76,t_mode=BME280_OSAMPLE_8, p_mode=BME280_OSAMPLE_8, h_mode=BME280_OSAMPLE_8)
# conn=MySQLdb.connect(host="",user="jim",passwd="xxxx",db="EnviroLogger")
# c=conn.cursor()
# humidity, temperaturec = Adafruit_DHT.read_retry(11, 4)
datatime=time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.localtime())
BMPtemperaturef = ((sensor.read_temperature()*9.000)/5.000)+32.000
hectopascals = sensor.read_pressure()/100.0000
BMPhumidity = sensor.read_humidity()
finalSQLstring="INSERT INTO ResDataLog(ID,Location,Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, RecDate) VALUES " + dhtvalues +","+bmpvalues
# c.execute (finalSQLstring)
# conn.commit()
#Get Weather info from DarkSky
from forecastiopy import *
fio=ForecastIO.ForecastIO(DarkSkyKey, latitude=MyLatLong[0], longitude=MyLatLong[1])
current = FIOCurrently.FIOCurrently(fio)
How can I somehow capture what happens here and save it somewhere just before it dies?
I am writing a script to shutdown Oracle database
I have the below script
import cx_Oracle
# need to connect as SYSDBA or SYSOPER
connection = cx_Oracle.connect("/", mode = cx_Oracle.SYSDBA)
# first shutdown() call must specify the mode, if DBSHUTDOWN_ABORT is used,
# there is no need for any of the other steps
connection.shutdown(mode = cx_Oracle.DBSHUTDOWN_IMMEDIATE)
# now close and dismount the database
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("alter database close immediate")
cursor.execute("alter database dismount")
# perform the final shutdown call
connection.shutdown(mode = cx_Oracle.DBSHUTDOWN_FINAL)
In this script there is a chance that "cursor.execute("alter database close immediate")" may run for a long time in unforeseen circumstances. How can make the script wait on this for 5 mins and if does not complete take an alternative action like stop this command or execute an alternate command
You can configure the Oracle Net layer used by cx_Oracle by creating a sqlnet.ora configuration file with various timeout parameters such as SQLNET.INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, SQLNET.RECV_TIMEOUT and SQLNET.SEND_TIMEOUT etc.
You can read the documentation here and there's more details in this answer.
I'm having trouble getting my Windows 7 laptop to talk to a Newport CONEX-PP motion controller. I've tried python (Spyder/Anaconda) and a serial port streaming program called Termite and in either case the results are the same: no response from the device. The end goal is to communicate with the controller using python.
The controller connects to my computer via a USB cable they sold me that is explicitly for use with this device. The connector has a pair of lights that blink when the device receives data (red) or sends data (green). There is also a packaged GUI program that comes with the device that seems to work fine. I haven't tried every button, the ones I have tried have the expected result.
The documentation for accessing this device is next to non-existant. The CD in the box has one way to connect to it and the webpage linked above has a different way. The first way (CD from the box) creates a hierarchy of modules that ends in a module it does not recognize (this is a code snippet provided by Newport):
import sys
import clr
from CommandInterfaceConexPP import *
import System
print 'Instrument Key=>', instrument
myPP = ConexPP()
ret = myPP.OpenInstrument(instrument)
print 'OpenInstrument => ', ret
result, response, errString = myPP.SR_Get(1)
That last line returns:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "< ipython-input-2-5d824f156d8f >", line 2, in
result, response, errString = myPP.SR_Get(1)
TypeError: No method matches given arguments
I'm guessing this is because the various module references are screwy in some way. But I don't know, I'm relatively new to python and the only time I have used it for serial communication the example files provided by the vendor simply worked.
The second way to communicate with the controller is via the visa module (the CONEX_SMC_common module imports the visa module):
import sys
class CONEX(CONEXSMC): def __init__(self):
super(CONEX,self).__init__() device_key = 'com5'
self.connect=self.rm.open_resource(device_key, baud_rate=57600, timeout=2000, data_bits=8, write_termination='\r\n',read_termination='\r\n')
That last mine.connect.read() command returns:
VisaIOError: VI_ERROR_TMO (-1073807339): Timeout expired before operation completed.
If, instead, I write to the port mine.connect.write('VE') the light on the connector flashes red as if it received some data and returns:
(4L, < StatusCode.success: 0 >)
If I ask for the dictionary of the "mine" object mine.__dict__, I get:
{'connect': <'SerialInstrument'(u'ASRL5::INSTR')>,
'device_key': u'ASRL5::INSTR',
'list_of_devices': (u'ASRL5::INSTR',),
'rm': )>}
The ASRL5::INSTR resource for VISA is at least related to the controller, because when I unplug the device from the laptop it disappears and the GUI program will stop working.
Maybe there is something simple I'm missing here. I have NI VISA installed and I'm not just running with the DLL that comes from the website. Oh, I found a Github question / answer with this exact problem but the end result makes no sense, the thread is closed after hgrecco tells him to use "open_resource" which is precisely what I am using.
Results with Termite are the same, I can apparently connect to the controller and get the light to flash red, but it never responds, either through Termite or by performing the requested action.
I've tried pySerial too:
import serial
ser = serial.Serial('com5')
Python just waits there forever, I assume because I haven't set a timeout limit.
So, if anyone has any experience with this particular motion controller, Newport devices or with serial port communication in general and can shed some light on this problem I'd much appreciate it. After about 7 hours on this I'm out of ideas.
After coming back at this with fresh eyes and finding this GitHub discussion I decided to give pySerial another shot because neither of the other methods in my question are yet working. The following code works:
import serial
ser = serial.Serial('com5',baudrate=115200,timeout=1.0,parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS)
and returns
The string is 9 characters long, so my arbitrarily chosen 10 character read ended up picking up one of the termination characters.
The problem is that python files that come with the device, or available on the website are at best incomplete and shouldn't be trusted for anything. The GUI manual has the baud rate required. I used Termite to figure out the stop bit settings - or at least one that works.
3.5 years later...
Here is a gist with a class that supports Conex-CC
It took me hours to solve this!
My device is Conex-CC, not PP, but it's seem to be the same idea.
For me, the serial solution didn't work because there was absolutely no response from the serial port, either through the code nor by direct TeraTerm access.
So I was trying to adapt your code to my device (because for Conex-CC, even the code you were trying was not given!).
It is important to say that import clr is based on pip install pythonnet and not pip install clr which will bring something related to colors.
After getting your error, I was looking for this Pythonnet error and have found this answer, which led me to the final solution:
import clr
# We assume Newport.CONEXCC.CommandInterface.dll is copied to our folder
from CommandInterfaceConexCC import *
print('Instrument Key=>', instrument)
myCC = ConexCC()
ret = myCC.OpenInstrument(instrument)
print('OpenInstrument => ', ret)
response = 0
errString = ''
result, response, errString = myCC.SR_Get(1, response, errString)
print('Positive SW Limit: result=%d,response=%.2f,errString=\'%s\''%(result,response,errString))
And here is the result I've got:
Instrument Key=> COM4
OpenInstrument => 0
Positive SW Limit: result=0,response=25.00,errString=''�
For Conex-CC serial connections are possible using both pyvisa
import pyvisa
rm = pyvisa.ResourceManager()
inst = rm.open_resource('ASRL6::INSTR',baud_rate=921600, write_termination='\r\n',read_termination='\r\n')
pos = inst.query('01PA?').strip()
and serial
import serial
serial = serial.Serial(port='com6',baudrate=921600,bytesize=8,parity='N',stopbits=1,xonxoff=True)
All the commands are according to the manual