I have a python script where i import coordinates of triangular elements, and element definitions from two seperate text files. I first define unique nodes for each triangluar element and then define a new rectangular element in between the triangular elements (this python scripts writes an input file for an FEM-calculation).
The coordinate file looks like the following:
1, 0, 0
2, 0, 1
3, 0, 2
4, 1, 0
5, 1, 1
6, 1, 2
7, 2, 0
8, 2, 1
9, 2, 2
The element file looks like this:
id, n1, n2, n3
1, 1, 2, 4
2, 1, 2, 5
3, 2, 3, 5
4, 3, 5, 6
5, 5, 6, 8
6, 6, 8, 9
7, 5, 7, 8
8, 4, 5, 7
What i want to happend is that the coordinates of the nodes of the triangular elements are moved towarts the centre of mass of the triangular element, on this way the rectangular element in between the triangular elements will get a fysical thickness.
However i do something wrong in my python script (see below).
The part in the script between the horizontal lines should change the coordinates.
But for my script extra coordinates are added, instead of the (for the example here) 9 initial coordinates.
And the coordinates are also not moved in the correct direction.
Why does this happen and how can i solve this?
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Inlezen coordinaten
open("D://Documents//SkyDrive//afstuderen//99 EEM - Abaqus 6.11.2//scripting//_COORDINATEN.txt", "r")
import csv
import itertools
with open("_COORDINATEN.txt") as file:
data = csv.reader(file)
coords = []
coords = ([[float(x) for x in line[1:]] for line in data])
#inlezen elementen
open("D://Documents//SkyDrive//afstuderen//99 EEM - Abaqus 6.11.2//scripting//_ELEMENTEN.txt", "r")
import csv
import itertools
with open("_ELEMENTEN.txt") as file:
data2 = csv.reader(file)
elems = []
elems = ([[int(x)-1 for x in line[1:]] for line in data2])
#Flip the original elements if required
for i,elem in enumerate(elems):
ecoords = [coords[e] for e in elem]
a = [x2-x1 for x1,x2 in zip(ecoords[0],ecoords[1])]
b = [x2-x1 for x1,x2 in zip(ecoords[1],ecoords[2])]
n = a[0]*b[1]-a[1]*b[0]
if n < 0:
elems[i] = [ elem[0], elem[2], elem[1] ]
#bewerking elementen
newcoords = []
newelems = []
for elem in elems:
ecoords = [coords[e] for e in elem]
newelem = range( len(newcoords), len(newcoords)+len(ecoords) )
newcoords += ecoords
newelems.append( newelem )
cohelems = []
for e,elem in enumerate(elems):
for edge in [[0,1],[1,2],[2,0]]:
eedge = [elem[i] for i in edge]
for e2,elem2 in enumerate(elems[e+1:]):
e2 += e+1
for edge2 in [[0,1],[1,2],[2,0]]:
eedge2 = [elem2[i] for i in edge2]
if all([i in eedge2 for i in eedge]):
newedge = [newelems[e][i] for i in edge ]
newedge += [newelems[e2][i] for i in edge2]
cohelems.append( newedge[-1::-1] )
def add_vectors(*points):
new_x = 0.0
new_y = 0.0
for point in points:
new_x += point[0]
new_y += point[1]
return [new_x, new_y]
def subtract_vectors(a, b):
new_x = a[0] - b[0]
new_y = a[1] - b[1]
return [new_x, new_y]
def mul_by_scalar(vector, scalar):
new_x = vector[0] * scalar
new_y = vector[1] * scalar
return [new_x, new_y]
new_triangles = []
for elem in elems:
new_triangles += [coords[e] for e in elem]
print 'new_triangles =', new_triangles
CM = mul_by_scalar(add_vectors(*new_triangles), 1.0/3)
point_to_CM_vectors = []
for point in new_triangles:
point_to_CM_vectors.append(subtract_vectors(CM, point))
new_triangle2 = []
#for e,elem in enumerate(elems):
for elem in elems:
for point, motion in zip(new_triangles, point_to_CM_vectors):
new_triangle2.append(add_vectors(point, mul_by_scalar(motion, 0.01)))
# new_triangle2 += [add_vectors(point, mul_by_scalar(motion, 0.01))]
print 'new_triangle2 =', new_triangle2
Thank you all in advance for the help!
I have a small Python class to create a cost matrix. I want to highlight a path between its nodes with weighted arrows. Does a library like matplotlib have anything that can do this? This is my code:
from random import randint
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class CostMatrix:
def __init__(self, vertices):
self.vertices = vertices
all_nodes = range(1, vertices + 1)
matrix = {}
for i in all_nodes:
for j in all_nodes:
matrix[i, j] = 0 if i == j else randint(1, 10)
self.matrix = matrix
def plot(self, path):
print("I'm Stuck!")
c = CostMatrix(10)
path = [5, 2, 4, 6, 9, 3, 1, 7, 8, 10]
I want to do this in Python, not an external software.
I implemented Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path from the source vertex to all other vertices, and I also wanted to store what vertices make up each shortest path. I did this by keeping track of each vertex's predecessor. It is able to output the distances correctly, but as seen in the output below (ignore the candy stuff), two of the paths got switched (the path from the src to vertex 3 and the path from the src to vertex 4. I'm not sure why it is not outputting correctly? I must've done something wrong when storing the predecessors.
This is what the graph looks like.
The code in python...
from queue import PriorityQueue
class Graph:
def __init__(self, num_of_vertices):
self.v = num_of_vertices
self.edges = [[-1 for i in range(num_of_vertices)] for j in range(num_of_vertices)]
self.visited = []
def add_edge(self, u, v, weight):
self.edges[u][v] = weight
self.edges[v][u] = weight
def dijkstra(self, start_vertex):
D = {v:float('inf') for v in range(self.v)}
V = {v:None for v in range(self.v)}
D[start_vertex] = 0
pq = PriorityQueue()
pq.put((0, start_vertex))
AllPathsList = []
while not pq.empty():
(dist, current_vertex) = pq.get()
for neighbor in range(self.v):
if self.edges[current_vertex][neighbor] != -1:
distance = self.edges[current_vertex][neighbor]
if neighbor not in self.visited:
old_cost = D[neighbor]
new_cost = D[current_vertex] + distance
if new_cost < old_cost:
pq.put((new_cost, neighbor))
D[neighbor] = new_cost
V[neighbor] = current_vertex
S = []
u = current_vertex
while V[u] != None:
S.insert(0, u)
u = V[u]
S.insert(0, start_vertex)
return D, AllPathsList
def main():
g = Graph(6)
g.add_edge(0, 1, 4)
g.add_edge(0, 2, 7)
g.add_edge(1, 2, 11)
g.add_edge(1, 3, 20)
g.add_edge(3, 4, 5)
g.add_edge(3, 5, 6)
g.add_edge(2, 3, 3)
g.add_edge(2, 4 ,2)
# 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
CandyPerVertexList = [0, 5, 4, 7, 8, 2]
D, AllPathsList = g.dijkstra(0)
for vertex in range(len(D)):
print("Distance from my house to house #", vertex, "is:", D[vertex], "min")
print("Particular path is:", AllPathsList[vertex])
CandySum = 0
for num in range(len(AllPathsList[vertex])):
CandySum = CandySum + CandyPerVertexList[AllPathsList[vertex][num]]
print("Candy amount for this path: ", CandySum)
And the output
Distance from my house to house # 0 is: 0 min
Particular path is: [0]
Candy amount for this path: 0
Distance from my house to house # 1 is: 4 min
Particular path is: [0, 1]
Candy amount for this path: 5
Distance from my house to house # 2 is: 7 min
Particular path is: [0, 2]
Candy amount for this path: 4
Distance from my house to house # 3 is: 10 min
Particular path is: [0, 2, 4]
Candy amount for this path: 12
Distance from my house to house # 4 is: 9 min
Particular path is: [0, 2, 3]
Candy amount for this path: 11
Distance from my house to house # 5 is: 16 min
Particular path is: [0, 2, 3, 5]
Candy amount for this path: 13
I have a graph degree list degrees size of 10000 (e.g.: [1, 14, 4, 14, 6, 1 ...]. I am trying to calculate entropy of this list by this way:
Firstly, I am finding probability of each unique value in list:
uniqueDegreeList = list(set(degrees))
a = 0
for i in uniqueDegreeList:
p = degrees.count(i) / len(degrees)
a += p
>> 1.0
This part is working. Then I am trying to find entropy of list:
S = 0
for i in uniqueDegreeList:
p = degrees.count(i) / len(degrees)
S -= p * math.log(p, 2)
And when I print S I get 1.99. Entropy should not be more than 1, why I get 1.99?
I am trying to obtain a variance for a value I obtained by processing a 2x150 array into a discrete correlation function. In order to do this I need to randomly sample 80% of the original data N times, which will allow me to calculate a variance over these values.
have so far been able to create one randomly sampled set of data using this:
rand_indices = []
running_var = (len(find_length)*0.8)
while x<running_var:
rand_inx = randint(0, (len(find_length)-1))
which creates an array 80% of the length of my original with randomly selected indices to be picked out and processed.
My problem is that I am not sure how to iterate this in order to get N sets of these random numbers, I think ideally in a Nx120 sized array. My whole code so far is:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import stats
from random import randint
useless, just_to, find_length = np.loadtxt("w2_mjy_final.dat").T
w2_dat = np.loadtxt("w2_mjy_final.dat")
w2_rel = np.delete(w2_dat, 2, axis = 1)
w2_array = np.asarray(w2_rel)
w1_dat = np.loadtxt("w1_mjy_final.dat")
w1_rel = np.delete(w1_dat, 2, axis=1)
w1_array = np.asarray(w1_rel)
peaks = []
N = 0
x = 0
z = 0
rand_indices = []
rand_indices2d = []
running_var = (len(find_length)*0.8)
while z<N:
while x<running_var:
rand_inx = randint(0, (len(find_length)-1))
while y<N:
w1_sampled = w1_array[rand_indices, :]
w2_sampled = w2_array[rand_indices, :]
w1s_t, w1s_dat = zip(*w1_sampled)
w2s_t, w2s_dat = zip(*w2_sampled)
w2s_mean = np.mean(w2s_dat)
w2s_stdev = np.std(w2s_dat)
w1s_mean = np.mean(w1s_dat)
w1s_stdev = np.std(w1s_dat)
taus = []
dcfs = []
bins = 40
for i in w2s_t:
for j in w1s_t:
tau_datpoint = i-j
for k in w2s_dat:
for l in w1s_dat:
dcf_datpoint = ((k - w2s_mean)*(l - w1s_mean))/((w2s_stdev*w1s_stdev))
plotdat = np.vstack((taus, dcfs)).T
sort_plotdat = sorted(plotdat, key=lambda x:x[0])
np.savetxt("w1sw2sarray.txt", sort_plotdat)
taus_sort, dcfs_sort = np.loadtxt("w1w2array.txt").T
dcfs_means, taubins_edges, taubins_number = stats.binned_statistic(taus_sort, dcfs_sort, statistic='mean', bins=bins)
taubin_edge = np.delete(taubins_edges, 0)
import operator
indexs, values = max(enumerate(dcfs_means), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
percents = values*0.8
dcf_lists = dcfs_means.tolist()
centarr_negs, centarr_poss = np.split(dcfs_means, [indexs])
centind_negs = np.argmin(np.abs(centarr_negs - percents))
centind_poss = np.argmin(np.abs(centarr_poss - percents))
lagcent_negs = taubins_edges[centind_negs]
lagcent_poss = taubins_edges[int((bins/2)+centind_poss)]
sampled_peak = (np.abs(lagcent_poss - lagcent_negs)/2)+lagcent_negs
print peaks
Seeing as you're using numpy already, why not use np.random.randint
In your case:
np.random.randint(len(find_length)-1, size=(N, running_var))
Would give you an N*running_var sized matrix, with random integer entries from 0 to len(find_length)-2 inclusive.
Example Usage:
>>> N=4
>>> running_var=6
>>> find_length = [1,2,3]
>>> np.random.randint(len(find_length)-1, size=(N, running_var))
array([[1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1],
[1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0],
[1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0],
[1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]])
It's a program of import multiple images and extract feature using dct and histogram.
1) Import multiple images from folder
2) Make image size 256*256
3) Use image of 64*64 block unit with stride = 32
4) Do dct(8*8 size)
5) make histogram of dct
6) Extract features from dct coefficient histogram
The problem is that it's too slow.
I think it's because there's so many "for loop".
This is my full-code in python.
How can I change my code to speed up?
I am not familiar with python.
Please help me
import numpy as np
from scipy.fftpack import dct
from PIL import Image
import glob
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def find_index(x,key):
for i in range(0,len(x)):
if x[i] == key :
return i
i = i+1
def image_open(path):
image_list = []
#for filename in glob.glob('path/*.jpg'):
for filename in glob.glob(path+'/*.jpg'):
return image_list
def dct_2(img):
#Get 2D Cosine Transform of Image
return dct(dct(np.asarray(img).T, norm='ortho').T, norm='ortho')
def return_array(array):
zero = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
range = int((max(array)) - min(array))
x, bins, patch = plt.hist(array, bins=range)
x = list(zero) + list(x) + list(zero)
return x
path = 'C:\\Users\\LG\\PycharmProjects\\photo' #folder that contains many images
images = image_open(path)
row = 0
array_matrix = []
label_matrix = []
for i in range(0, len(images)): #access image
box3 = (0,0,256,256)
a = images[i].crop(box3)
(y,cb,cr) = a.split() #ycbcr
width , height = y.size
for q in range(0, height-32 , 32): #use image 64*64 block unit
for w in range(0 , width-32 ,32):
box1 =(q,w,q+64,w+64)
block = y.crop(box1)
array1 , array2 , array3 , array4 , array5 , array6 , array7 , array8 ,array9 = [],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]
for j in range(0,64,8): #dct
for n in range(0,64,8):
box2 = (j,n,j+8,n+8)
temp = block.crop(box2)
dct_temp = dct_2(temp)
x1 = return_array(array1) #extract feature from dct histogram
index = find_index(x1, max(x1))
u = [index - 5, index + 5, 1]
array_matrix.append(x1[u[0]:u[1] + 1:u[2]])
x2 = return_array(array2)
index = find_index(x2, max(x2))
u = [index - 5, index + 5, 1]
array_matrix[row].extend(x2[u[0]:u[1] + 1:u[2]])
x3 = return_array(array3)
index = find_index(x3, max(x3))
u = [index - 5, index + 5, 1]
array_matrix[row].extend(x3[u[0]:u[1] + 1:u[2]])
x4 = return_array(array4)
index = find_index(x4, max(x4))
u = [index - 5, index + 5, 1]
array_matrix[row].extend(x4[u[0]:u[1] + 1:u[2]])
x5 = return_array(array5)
index = find_index(x5, max(x5))
u = [index - 5, index + 5, 1]
array_matrix[row].extend(x5[u[0]:u[1] + 1:u[2]])
x6 = return_array(array6)
index = find_index(x6, max(x6))
u = [index - 5, index + 5, 1]
array_matrix[row].extend(x6[u[0]:u[1] + 1:u[2]])
x7 = return_array(array7)
index = find_index(x7, max(x7))
u = [index - 5, index + 5, 1]
array_matrix[row].extend(x7[u[0]:u[1] + 1:u[2]])
x8 = return_array(array8)
index = find_index(x8, max(x8))
u = [index - 5, index + 5, 1]
array_matrix[row].extend(x8[u[0]:u[1] + 1:u[2]])
x9 = return_array(array9)
index = find_index(x9, max(x9))
u = [index - 5, index + 5, 1]
array_matrix[row].extend(x9[u[0]:u[1] + 1:u[2]])
row = row+1
Rather than assuming that a specific section is taking longer than others, I'd recommend profiling your script. A profiler will collect metrics on how long certain parts of your program takes, and also allow you to better see how much any changes affect the code (makes it better, worse, etc).
Once you know where your problem lies, then you can take a more targeted approach at making it faster.
Have a look at the profiling module: https://docs.python.org/2/library/profile.html
Also have a look at some tutorials: