Update: I have modified the Optimize and Eigen and Solve methods to reflect changes. All now return the "same" vector allowing for machine precision. I am still stumped on the Eigen method. Specifically How/Why I select slice of the eigenvector does not make sense. It was just trial and error till the normal matched the other solutions. If anyone can correct/explain what I really should do, or why what I have done works I would appreciate it..
Thanks Alexander Kramer, for explaining why I take a slice, only alowed to select one correct answer
I have a depth image. I want to calculate a crude surface normal for a pixel in the depth image. I consider the surrounding pixels, in the simplest case a 3x3 matrix, and fit a plane to these point, and calculate the normal unit vector to this plane.
Sounds easy, but thought best to verify the plane fitting algorithms first. Searching SO and various other sites I see methods using least squares, singlualar value decomposition, eigenvectors/values etc.
Although I don't fully understand the maths I have been able to get the various fragments/example to work. The problem I am having, is that I am getting different answers for each method. I was expecting the various answers would be similar (not exact), but they seem significantly different. Perhaps some methods are not suited to my data, but not sure why I am getting different results. Any ideas why?
Here is the Updated output of the code:
LTSQ: [ -8.10792259e-17 7.07106781e-01 -7.07106781e-01]
SVD: [ 0. 0.70710678 -0.70710678]
Eigen: [ 0. 0.70710678 -0.70710678]
Solve: [ 0. 0.70710678 0.70710678]
Optim: [ -1.56069661e-09 7.07106781e-01 7.07106782e-01]
The following code implements five different methods to calculate the surface normal of a plane. The algorithms/code were sourced from various forums on the internet.
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize
def fitPLaneLTSQ(XYZ):
# Fits a plane to a point cloud,
# Where Z = aX + bY + c ----Eqn #1
# Rearanging Eqn1: aX + bY -Z +c =0
# Gives normal (a,b,-1)
# Normal = (a,b,-1)
[rows,cols] = XYZ.shape
G = np.ones((rows,3))
G[:,0] = XYZ[:,0] #X
G[:,1] = XYZ[:,1] #Y
Z = XYZ[:,2]
(a,b,c),resid,rank,s = np.linalg.lstsq(G,Z)
normal = (a,b,-1)
nn = np.linalg.norm(normal)
normal = normal / nn
return normal
def fitPlaneSVD(XYZ):
[rows,cols] = XYZ.shape
# Set up constraint equations of the form AB = 0,
# where B is a column vector of the plane coefficients
# in the form b(1)*X + b(2)*Y +b(3)*Z + b(4) = 0.
p = (np.ones((rows,1)))
AB = np.hstack([XYZ,p])
[u, d, v] = np.linalg.svd(AB,0)
B = v[3,:]; # Solution is last column of v.
nn = np.linalg.norm(B[0:3])
B = B / nn
return B[0:3]
def fitPlaneEigen(XYZ):
# Works, in this case but don't understand!
covariant=np.cov(XYZ - average)
eigenvalues,eigenvectors = np.linalg.eig(covariant)
want_max = eigenvectors[:,eigenvalues.argmax()]
(c,a,b) = want_max[3:6] # Do not understand! Why 3:6? Why (c,a,b)?
normal = np.array([a,b,c])
nn = np.linalg.norm(normal)
return normal / nn
def fitPlaneSolve(XYZ):
X = XYZ[:,0]
Y = XYZ[:,1]
Z = XYZ[:,2]
npts = len(X)
A = np.array([ [sum(X*X), sum(X*Y), sum(X)],
[sum(X*Y), sum(Y*Y), sum(Y)],
[sum(X), sum(Y), npts] ])
B = np.array([ [sum(X*Z), sum(Y*Z), sum(Z)] ])
normal = np.linalg.solve(A,B.T)
nn = np.linalg.norm(normal)
normal = normal / nn
return normal.ravel()
def fitPlaneOptimize(XYZ):
def residiuals(parameter,f,x,y):
return [(f[i] - model(parameter,x[i],y[i])) for i in range(len(f))]
def model(parameter, x, y):
a, b, c = parameter
return a*x + b*y + c
X = XYZ[:,0]
Y = XYZ[:,1]
Z = XYZ[:,2]
p0 = [1., 1.,1.] # initial guess
result = scipy.optimize.leastsq(residiuals, p0, args=(Z,X,Y))[0]
normal = result[0:3]
nn = np.linalg.norm(normal)
normal = normal / nn
return normal
if __name__=="__main__":
XYZ = np.array([
print "Solve: ", fitPlaneSolve(XYZ)
print "Optim: ",fitPlaneOptimize(XYZ)
print "SVD: ",fitPlaneSVD(XYZ)
print "LTSQ: ",fitPLaneLTSQ(XYZ)
print "Eigen: ",fitPlaneEigen(XYZ)
The normal vector of a plane a*x + b*y +c*z = 0, equals (a,b,c)
The optimize method finds a values for a and b such that a*x+b*y~z (~ denotes approximates) It omits to use the value of c in the calculation at all. I don't have numpy installed on this machine but I expect that changing the model to (a*x+b*y)/c should fix this method. It will not give the same result for all data-sets. This method will always assume a plane that goes through the origin.
produce the same results. (The difference is about the size of machine precision).
The wrong eigenvector is chosen. The eigenvector corresponding to the greatest eigenvalue (lambda = 1.50) is x=[0, sqrt(2)/2, sqrt(2)/2] just as in the SVD and LTSQ.
I have no clue how this is supposed to work.
The normal vector of the plane in Eigen solution is the eigenvector for smallest eigenvalue. Some Eigen implementations sort the eigenvalues and eigenvectors some others don't. So in some implementations it's sufficient to take first (or last) eigenvector for normal. In other implementations you have to sort them first. On the other hand the majority of SVD implementations provide sorted values so it's simple first (or last) vector.
I want to fit a plane to a set of points (x, y, z) in Python. I found various answers how to perform the fitting if the error is measured with respect to the z-axis but I want to consider errors in orthogonal direction. I found the following question (Best fit plane by minimizing orthogonal distances) which addresses the same question - but it's not clear to me how to implement this in Python (likely with NumPy/SciPy). Further details regarding the mathematical derivation can also be found here: http://www.ncorr.com/download/publications/eberlyleastsquares.pdf (section 2).
The first link you gave does describe the algorithm for orthogonal distance fitting, but rather tersely. Here, in case it helps, is a more prolix description:
I suppose you have points (in your case 3d, but the dimension makes no odds to the algotithm) P[i], i=1..N
You want to find a (hyper-) plane that is of mininmal orthogonal distance from your points.
A hyper-plane can be described by a unit vector n and a scalar d. The set of points on the plane is
{ P | n.P + d = 0 }
and the (orthogonal) distance of a point P from the plane is
n.P + d
So we want to find n and d to minimise
Q(n,d) = Sum{ i | (n.P[i]+d)*(n.P[i]+d) } /N
(The division by N isn't essential, and makes no difference to the values of n and d that are found, but to my mind makes the algebra neater)
The first thing to notice is that if we knew n, the d that minimises Q will be
d = -n.Pbar where
Pbar = Sum{ i | P[i]}/N, the mean of the P[]
We may as well use this value of d, so that, after a little algebra the problem reduces to minimising Q^:
Q^(n) = Sum{ i | (n.P[i]-n.Pbar)*(n.P[i]-n.Pbar) } /N
= n' * C * n
C = Sum{ i | (P[i]-Pbar)*(P[i]-Pbar) } /N
The form of Q^ tells us that the value of n to minimise Q^ will be an eigenvector of C correseponding to a minimal eigenvalue.
So (sorry I can't give code but my python is contemptible):
a/ compute
Pbar = Sum{ i | P[i]}/N, the mean of the points
b/ compute
C = Sum{ i | (P[i]-Pbar)*(P[i]-Pbar) } /N, the covariance matrix of the points
c/ diagonalise C, and pick out a minimal eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvector n
d/ compute
d = -Pbar.n
Then n, d define the hyperplane you want.
I've also had to deal with this situation and at first the mathematical notation can be overwhelming, but in the end the solution is fairly simple.
Once you get the intuition that the vector (A,B,C) that defines the best fitting plane Ax+By+Cz+D=0 is the one that explains the minimum variance of your set of coordinates, then the solution is straightforward.
First thing to do is center your coordinates (this way D will be 0 in your plane equation)
coords -= coords.mean(axis=0)
Then you have 2 options to get the vector you are interested in: (1) use the PCA implementation from sklearn or scipy to get the vector that explains minimal variance
pca = PCA(n_components=3)
# The last component/vector is the one with minimal variance, see PCA documentation
normal_vector = pca.components_[-1]
(2) re-implement the procedure described in the Geometric Tool reference you've linked.
def get_best_fitting_plane_vector(coords):
# Calculate the covariance matrix of the coordinates
covariance_matrix = np.cov(coords, rowvar=False) # Variables = columns
# Calculate the eigenvalues & eigenvectors of the covariance matrix
e_val, e_vect = np.linalg.eig(covariance_matrix)
# The normal vector to the plane is the eigenvector associated to the minimum eigenvalue
min_eval = np.argmin(e_val)
normal_vector = e_vect[:, min_eval]
return normal_vector
In terms of speed, the re-implemented procedure is faster than using PCA, and can be a lot faster if you use numba (just decorate the function with #njit).
Based on your second refernce
Say you have n samples (x,y,z)
I'll call the 3 terms M*A=V, and define the column arrays
X=[ x_0, x_1 .. x_n ]'
Y=[ y_0, y_1 .. y_n ]'
Z=[ z_0, z_1 .. z_n ]'
Define the (n by 3) matrix XY1=[X,Y,1n]:
XY1= [x_1,y_1,1],
The matrix M can be obtained as
M = XY1' * XY1
Where apostrophe (') is the transposition operator and (*) the matrix product.
And the array V is
V = XY1'*Z
The least squares solution can be obtained through the moore-penrose pseoudoinverse: [(M'*M)^-1 * M']
~A = [(M'*M)^-1 * M'] * V
Sample code:
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#Input your values
#reserve memory
#Make random data, n ( x,y ) tuples.
n=30 #samples
#plane: A*x+B*y+C = z , the z coord is calculated from random x,y
z=xy1.dot (np.array([[A,B,C],]).transpose() )
#calculate M and V
#Least-squares Solution
ABC= Mp.dot(V)
In [24]: ABC
I'm trying to solve a system of differential equations with scipy.integrate.solve_ivp. The system depends on a real independent variable t and the dependent variables, cn(t)-s are complex in general. The catch is, the solver always gets stuck, no matter the dimension of the system (determined by n_max). Here's the setup:
# Constants
from scipy.constants import hbar as h_
n_max = 2
t_max = 1
# The derivative function
def dcdt(t, c):
return (-1.0j/h_)*((V_mat*np.exp(1.0j*w_mat*t)) # c)
# Initial conditions
c_0 = np.zeros(n_max, dtype = complex)
c_0[0] = 1.0
# Solving the deal
t = np.linspace(0, t_max, 10)
c = solve_ivp(dcdt, [0, t_max], c_0, t_eval = t)
And there it goes, doesn't ever stop running.
Here are sample matrices V_mat and w_mat:
>>> V_mat
array([[1.0000000e-09, 1.8008153e-56],
[1.8008153e-56, 1.0000000e-09]])
>>> w_mat
array([[ 0. , -156123.07053024],
[ 156123.07053024, 0. ]])
As you will notice, V_mat and w_mat are 2-D square matrices of dimension n_max.
Is the problem tied to large/very small values in the matrices? Or is it something to do with complex values?
As I had already guessed, the problem is tied to large values in the differential equations I'm trying to solve, in particular, due to -1.0j/h_ in
def dcdt(t, c):
return (-1.0j/h_)*((V_mat*np.exp(1.0j*w_mat*t)) # c)
where h_ = 1.054e-34 is the reduced Planck's constant. Rescaling the equation and removing h_ fixes the problem.
I have data that I want to fit with polynomials. I have 200,000 data points, so I want an efficient algorithm. I want to use the numpy.polynomial package so that I can try different families and degrees of polynomials. Is there some way I can formulate this as a system of equations like Ax=b? Is there a better way to solve this than with scipy.minimize?
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize as mini
x1 = np.random.random(2000)
x2 = np.random.random(2000)
y = 20 * np.sin(x1) + x2 - np.sin (30 * x1 - x2 / 10)
def fitness(x, degree=5):
poly1 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(x1, x[:degree])
poly2 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(x2, x[degree:])
return np.sum((y - (poly1 + poly2)) ** 2 )
# It seems like I should be able to solve this as a system of equations
# x = np.linalg.solve(np.concatenate([x1, x2]), y)
# minimize the sum of the squared residuals to find the optimal polynomial coefficients
x = mini(fitness, np.ones(10))
print fitness(x.x)
Your intuition is right. You can solve this as a system of equations of the form Ax = b.
The system is overdefined and you want to get the least-squares solution, so you need to use np.linalg.lstsq instead of np.linalg.solve.
You can't use polyval because you need to separate the coefficients and powers of the independent variable.
This is how to construct the system of equations and solve it:
A = np.stack([x1**0, x1**1, x1**2, x1**3, x1**4, x2**0, x2**1, x2**2, x2**3, x2**4]).T
xx = np.linalg.lstsq(A, y)[0]
print(fitness(xx)) # test the result with original fitness function
Of course you can generalize over the degree:
A = np.stack([x1**p for p in range(degree)] + [x2**p for p in range(degree)]).T
With the example data, the least squares solution runs much faster than the minimize solution (800µs vs 35ms on my laptop). However, A can become quite large, so if memory is an issue minimize might still be an option.
Without any knowledge about the internals of the polynomial function things become tricky, but it is possible to separate terms and coefficients. Here is a somewhat ugly way to construct the system matrix A from a function like polyval:
def construct_A(valfunc, degree):
columns1 = []
columns2 = []
for p in range(degree):
c = np.zeros(degree)
c[p] = 1
columns1.append(valfunc(x1, c))
columns2.append(valfunc(x2, c))
return np.stack(columns1 + columns2).T
A = construct_A(np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval, 5)
xx = np.linalg.lstsq(A, y)[0]
print(fitness(xx)) # test the result with original fitness function
I've seen several posts on this subject, but I need a pure Python (no Numpy or any other imports) solution that accepts a list of points (x,y,z coordinates) and calculates a normal for the closest plane that to those points.
I'm following one of the working Numpy examples from here: Fit points to a plane algorithms, how to iterpret results?
def fitPLaneLTSQ(XYZ):
# Fits a plane to a point cloud,
# Where Z = aX + bY + c ----Eqn #1
# Rearanging Eqn1: aX + bY -Z +c =0
# Gives normal (a,b,-1)
# Normal = (a,b,-1)
[rows,cols] = XYZ.shape
G = np.ones((rows,3))
G[:,0] = XYZ[:,0] #X
G[:,1] = XYZ[:,1] #Y
Z = XYZ[:,2]
(a,b,c),resid,rank,s = np.linalg.lstsq(G,Z)
normal = (a,b,-1)
nn = np.linalg.norm(normal)
normal = normal / nn
return normal
XYZ = np.array([
print fitPLaneLTSQ(XYZ)
[ -8.10792259e-17 7.07106781e-01 -7.07106781e-01]
I'm trying to adapt this code: Basic ordinary least squares calculation to replace np.linalg.lstsq
Here is what I have so far without using Numpy using the same coords as above:
xvals = [0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2]
yvals = [0,1,2,0,1,2,0,1,2]
zvals = [1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3]
""" Basic ordinary least squares calculation. """
sumx, sumy = map(sum, [xvals, yvals])
sumxy = sum(map(lambda x, y: x*y, xvals, yvals))
sumxsq = sum(map(lambda x: x**2, xvals))
Nsamp = len(xvals)
# y = a*x + b
# a (slope)
slope = (Nsamp*sumxy - sumx*sumy) / ((Nsamp*sumxsq - sumx**2))
# b (intercept)
intercept = (sumy - slope*sumx) / (Nsamp)
a = slope
b = intercept
normal = (a,b,-1)
mag = lambda x : math.sqrt(sum(i**2 for i in x))
nn = mag(normal)
normal = [i/nn for i in normal]
print normal
[0.0, 0.7071067811865475, -0.7071067811865475]
As you can see, the answers come out the same, but that is only because of this particular example. In other examples, they don't match. If you look closely you'll see that in the Numpy example the 'z' values are fed into 'np.linalg.lstsq', but in the non-Numpy version the 'z' values are ignored. How do I work in the 'z' values to the least-squares code?
I do not think you can get away without implementing some basic matrix operations. As this is a multivariate linear regression problem, you will definitely need dot product, transpose and norm. These are easy. The difficult part is that you also need matrix inverse or QR decomposition or something similar. People usually use BLAS for these for good reasons, implementing them is not easy - but not impossible either.
With QR decomposition
I would start by creating a Matrix class that has the following methods
dot(m1, m2) (or __matmul__(m1, m2) if you have python 3.5): it is just the sum of products, should be straightforward
transpose(self): swapping matrix elements, should be easy
norm(self): square root of sum of squares (should be only used on vectors)
qr_decomp(self): this one is tricky. For an almost pure python implementation see this rosetta code solution (disclaimer: I have not thoroughly checked this code). It uses some numpy functions, but these are basic functions you can implement for your matrix class (shape, eye, dot, copysign, norm).
leastsqr_ut(R, A): solve the equation Rx = A if R is an upper triangular matrix. Not trivial, but should be easy enough as you can solve it equation by equation from the bottom.
With these, the solution is easy:
Generate the matrix G as detailed in your numpy example
Find the QR decomposition of G
Solve Rb = Q'z for b using that R is an upper triangular matrix
Then the normal vector you are looking for is (b[0], b[1], -1) (or the norm of it if you want a unit length normal vector).
With matrix inverse
The inverse of a 3x3 matrix is relatively easy to calculate, but this method is much less numerically stable than doing QR decomposition. If it is not an important concern, then you can do the following: implement
dot(m1, m2) (or __matmul__(m1, m2) if you have python 3.5): it is just the sum of products, should be straightforward
transpose(self): swapping matrix elements, should be easy
norm(self): square root of sum of squares (should be only used on vectors)
det(self): determinant, but it is enough if it works on 2x2 and 3x3 matrices, and for those simple formulas are available
inv(self): matrix inverse. It is enough if it works on 3x3 matrices, there is a simple formula for example here
Then the formula for b is b = inv(G'G) * (G'z) and your normal vector is again (b[0], b[1], -1).
As you can see, none of these are simple, and most of it is replicating some numpy functionality while making it a lot slower lot slower. So make sure you have absolutely no other choice.
I generated a code with a similar purpose (see "tangentplane_3D" function in the linked code).
In my case I had a scatter cloud of points that define a 3D ellipsoid. For each point I wanted to determine the tangent plane to the ellipsoid containing such point --> Goal: Determination of a 3D plane.
The problem can be seen in the following way: A plane is defined by its normal and the normal can be seen as the eigenvector associated to the minimum of the eigenvalues of a n set of points.
What I did, and you can check it on the code I posted, is to select k points close to the point of interest at which I wanted to calculate the tangent plane. Then, I performed a 3D Single Value Decomposition to these k points. Finally, from these SVD I selected the minimum eigenvalue and its associated eigenvector which is, in fact, the normal of the plane best fitting my set of points, and thus in my case, tangent to the ellipsoid plane. With the normal vector and the point you can subsequently calculate the complete plane equation.
I hope it helps!!
Best wishes.
I have used numpy's polyfit and obtained a very good fit (using a 7th order polynomial) for two arrays, x and y. My relationship is thus;
y(x) = p[0]* x^7 + p[1]*x^6 + p[2]*x^5 + p[3]*x^4 + p[4]*x^3 + p[5]*x^2 + p[6]*x^1 + p[7]
where p is the polynomial array output by polyfit.
Is there a way to reverse this method easily, so I have a solution in the form of,
x(y) = p[0]*y^n + p[1]*y^n-1 + .... + p[n]*y^0
No there is no easy way in general. Closed form-solutions for arbitrary polynomials are not available for polynomials of the seventh order.
Doing the fit in the reverse direction is possible, but only on monotonically varying regions of the original polynomial. If the original polynomial has minima or maxima on the domain you are interested in, then even though y is a function of x, x cannot be a function of y because there is no 1-to-1 relation between them.
If you are (i) OK with redoing the fitting procedure, and (ii) OK with working piecewise on single monotonic regions of your fit at a time, then you could do something like this:
import numpy as np
# generate a random coefficient vector a
degree = 1
a = 2 * np.random.random(degree+1) - 1
# an assumed true polynomial y(x)
def y_of_x(x, coeff_vector):
Evaluate a polynomial with coeff_vector and degree len(coeff_vector)-1 using Horner's method.
Coefficients are ordered by increasing degree, from the constant term at coeff_vector[0],
to the linear term at coeff_vector[1], to the n-th degree term at coeff_vector[n]
coeff_rev = coeff_vector[::-1]
b = 0
for a in coeff_rev:
b = b * x + a
return b
# generate some data
my_x = np.arange(-1, 1, 0.01)
my_y = y_of_x(my_x, a)
# verify that polyfit in the "traditional" direction gives the correct result
# [::-1] b/c polyfit returns coeffs in backwards order rel. to y_of_x()
p_test = np.polyfit(my_x, my_y, deg=degree)[::-1]
print p_test, a
# fit the data using polyfit but with y as the independent var, x as the dependent var
p = np.polyfit(my_y, my_x, deg=degree)[::-1]
# define x as a function of y
def x_of_y(yy, a):
return y_of_x(yy, a)
# compare results
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.plot(my_x, my_y, '-b', x_of_y(my_y, p), my_y, '-r')
Note: this code does not check for monotonicity but simply assumes it.
By playing around with the value of degree, you should see that see the code only works well for all random values of a when degree=1. It occasionally does OK for other degrees, but not when there are lots of minima / maxima. It never does perfectly for degree > 1 because approximating parabolas with square-root functions doesn't always work, etc.