Python: embed images in kmz - python

I have a series of kmz files (1000+) within one folder that I have generated of each polygon of a feature class and a corresponding image (all images are in a separate folder). These kmz's are automatically generated from the attribute tables of my shapefiles from arcGIS. Within each kmz file I have a link to an image that corresponds to that feature as such:
At the moment each image is but a tabular text referencing an image in the directory /Temp/Figures. What id like is to convert all those texts into links something along the lines of
<img src="file:///G:/Temp/Figures/Ovr0.png" width = 750 height=500/>
Given the large volume of files it would be ideal if this could be done within python, simplekml? On another note - at some stage I would like to share a few of these kmz files and therefore I was wondering if the best solution was to subdivide each kmz and image pair into their own respective directories and rezip the kmz file somehow?

I have managed to solve my problem by iterating each kmz and image and using the zipfile module to read the contents, rewrite the doc.kml and rezipping the files into a kmz. At the moment the images are placed after the < body >in the kmz but a more complex argument could be written with re I presume.
If there is a more efficient method please let me know...
def edit_kmz(kmz,output,image):
##Read the doc.kml file in the kmz and rewrite the doc.kml file
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(kmz)
temp = r'tempfolder\doc.kml'
for line in"doc.kml").split("\n"):
with open(temp,'a') as wf: #Create the doc.kml
if "</body>" in line:
wf.write("</body>\n<img src='files/Ovr0.png' width = 750 height=500</img>\n")
##Rezip the file
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(output,'a')
zf.write(image,arcname='files/Ovr0.png') ##Relative Path to the Image
zf.write(temp,arcname='doc.kml') ##Add revised doc.kml file


Can python load all files in all subfolders without the complete names?

Please Help me.
I'm new to python and I want to load all jpg images in 500 folders (each folder has up to 100 jpg images).
I also have a CSV file that contains labels for folders, I want to tell python to consider every folder label for all jpg images in that folder.
example file name: folder_name[.....].jpg
Each file has the same folder name, except the [], which is different for each file.
How can I tell python no matter what it is []??
I would appreciate any help.
train = pd.read_csv("COAD_CMS_label_train.csv")`
train_image = []
for i in tqdm(range(train.shape[0])):
img = image.load_img('tiles/'+train['folder_name'][i]+' [*]'.astype('str')+'.jpg', target_size=(256,256,3),
example for labels:
You could do something like this which will result in an array of all files with the jpg extension, where parent_dir is the parent directory which contains all the subdirectories with the images.
images_files = glob.iglob(f'{parent_dir}/*.jpg', recursive=True)
Hope that helps.
Good luck

Errno 20: Not a directory when saving into zip file

When I try to save a pyplot figure as a jpg, I keep getting a directory error saying that the given file name is not a directory. I am working in Colab. I have a numpy array called z_img and have opened a zip file.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from zipfile import ZipFile
zipObj = ZipFile('', 'w') # opening zip file
plt.imshow(z_img, cmap='binary')
The plotting works fine. I did a test of saving the image into Colab's regular memory like so:
And this works perfectly, except I am intending to use this code in a for loop. ii is an index to differentiate between each image, and several hundred images would be created so I want them going in the zipfile. Now when I try adding the path to the zipfile:
I get: NotADirectoryError: [Errno 20] Not a directory: '/content/'
I assume it's because the {}.jpg string is a filename, and not a directory per se. But I am quite new to Python, and don't know how to get the plot into the zip file. That's all I want. Would love any advice!
First off, for anything that's not photographic content (ie. nice and soft), JPEG is the wrong format. You'll have a better time using a different file format. PNG is nice for pixels, SVG for vector graphics (in case you embed this in a website later!), PDF for vector, too.
The error message is quite on point: you cannot just save to a zip file as if it was a directory.
Multiple ways around:
use the tempfile module's mkdtemp to make a temporary directory, save into that, and zip the result
save not into a filename, but into a buffer (BytesIO I guess) and append that to the compressed stream (I'm not too familiar with ZipFile)
use PDF as output and simply generate a multipage PDF; it's not hard, and probably much nicer in the long term. You can still convert that vector graphic result to PNG (or any other pixel format9 as desired, but for the time being, it's space efficient, arbitrarily scaleable and keeps all your pages in one place. It's easy to import selected pages into LaTeX (matter of fact, \includegraphics does it directly) or into websites (pdf.js).
From the docs, matplotlib.pyplot.savefig accepts a binary file-like object. creates binary file like objects. These two have to get todgether!
with'um_slice.jpg', 'w') as fp:

Combine multiple images into one image

I am looking for help trying to combine multiple images belonging to one user into a single image file using python script. For example,User 12568 has 7 images which i am trying to combine it into one file which will have 1-7 pages in it vertically. Same needs to be applied for over 100K + users
A nice way would be to use imageio.
import imageio
import os
path = "C:/path_to_folder/"
image_path_list = os.listdir(path)
with imageio.get_writer("new_image.tif") as new_image:
for image_path in image_path_list:
image = imageio.imread(path+image_path)
This will create a tif file with a page per image.
Note that with this code folders should only contain images.

save multi directory images in a single file after preprocessing

I am working on DICOM images, I have 5 scans(folders) each scan contain multiple images, after working some preprocessing on the images, I want to save the processed images in a single file using "", I have the code below that save each folder in a separate file:
data_path = 'E:/jupyter/test/LIDC-IDRI/'
patients_data = os.listdir(data_path)
for pd in range(len(patients_data)):
full_path = load_scan(data_path + patients_data[pd])
after_pixel_hu = get_pixels_hu(full_path)
after_resample, spacing = resample(after_pixel_hu, full_path, [1,1,1]) + "images_of_%s_patient.npy" % (patients_data[pd]), after_resample)
load_scan is a function for loading(reading) DICOM files, what I want to do with this code is to save all processed images in a single file, not in five files, can anyone tell me how to do that, please?
The first thing to notice is that you are using %s with patients_data[pd]. I assume patients_data is a list of the names of the patients, which means you are constructing a different output path for each patient - you are asking numpy to save each of your processed images to a new location.
Secondly, .npy is probably not the file type you want to use for your purposes, as it does not handle appending data. You probably want to pick a different file type, and then to the same file path each time.
Edit: Regarding file type, a pdf may be your best option, where you can make each of your images a separate page.

How to load multiple images from folder. PyQt4

I want to be able to load large number of images one by one from the given folder. And also without knowing the names of the each image (only the name of the folder where all images are located). Currently I can load only one image using it's name (pic.jpg):
pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap("pic.jpg")
item = QtGui.QGraphicsPixmapItem(pixmap)
Is there any way to do this? Thanks in advance!
The os module contains filesystem access functions.
import os
dir = "dirname"
for file in os.listdir(dir):
... = QtGui.QPixmap(os.path.join(dir, file))
Note: os.path.join is there so you are platform agnostic.
