tweepy/ twitter api error type - python

I am using tweepy to make a twitter application.
When users tweet/update profile, etc, they will get some errors. I want to classify error and give user more information.
tweet/update profile/ follow....
except tweepy.TweepError, e:
if tweepy.TweepError is "Account update failed: Description is too long (maximum is 160 characters)"
Do something
if tweepy.TweepError is "Failed to send request: Invalid request URL:"
Do something
if tweepy.TweepError is "[{u'message': u'Over capacity', u'code': 130}]"
Do something
Is the only way to classify error is to compare e with string, for example, Account update failed: Description is too long (maximum is 160 characters)?

Right, it is the only way now. There is only one TweepError exception defined. It's raised throughout the app with different text.
Here's the relevant open issue on github. So there is a chance that it'll be improved in the future.


Can't catch an exception, system just closes

I've implemented an orchestrator in python that makes some requisitions to an API. My problem is that sometimes it gets stucked in a request. To solve that I used the timeout parameter. Now I want to implement something so I can retry doing the requisition, but first I need to take care of the exception. For that I tried this:
uri = MS_MONITOR + "/api/monitor/advise/lawsuit/total/withProgressDaily"
response = requests.get(uri, headers={"Correlation-Id": CORRELATION_ID}, timeout = 10)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:"[{}] [{}] {}".format("ERROR de Timeout", response.status_code, uri))
print("Deu timeout")
I put the timeout as 10 just to force it to happen, the problem is that it doesn't go into the exception part below, the cmd just closes. I've tried using this one too but it didn't work either:
except requests.exceptions.Timeout
If there's lack of information in my post please let me know so I'll provide it. Thank you!

How to change Prometheus error message if token is invalid?

I have a python file called and I am trying to make a Prometheus connection with a specific token. However, if the token is expired, instead of the error message printing out prometheus_api_client.exceptions.PrometheusApiClientException, how can I get the error message to print our like status_code: 500, reason: Invalid token using a try and except block.
#token="V0aksn-as9ckcnblqc6bi3ans9cj1nsk" #example, expired token
token ="c0ams7bnskd9dk1ndk7aKNYTVOVRBajs" #example, valid token
pc = PrometheusConnect(url = url, headers={"Authorization": "bearer {}".format(token)}, disable_ssl=True)
#Not entirely sure what to put here and the except block
I've tested out a couple code in the try and except blocks and could not get rid of the long error from Prometheus. Any suggestions?
How about putting your pc variable in try and PrometheusApiClientException for the exception. If that doesn't work, go to the source file and use whatever exception developers used while making authorization.
This is how you catch that exception in a try/except block
# Interact with prometheus here
except prometheus_api_client.exceptions.PrometheusApiClientException as e:
print('status_code: 500, reason: Invalid token')

Flask-restful - During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred

As part a Flask-restful API I have a login Resource:
class LoginApi(Resource):
def post(self):
body = request.get_json()
user = User.objects.get(email=body.get('email'))
authorized = user.check_password(body.get('password'))
if not authorized:
raise UnauthorizedError
expires = datetime.timedelta(days=7)
access_token = create_access_token(identity=str(, expires_delta=expires)
return {'token': access_token}, 200
except DoesNotExist:
raise UnauthorizedError
except Exception as e:
raise InternalServerError
There are 4 scenarios for login route:
Email and Password are correct
Email does not exist in the database - in this case the UnauthorizedError is raised correctly.
Email exists but password is incorrect - in this case I have an issue (described below)
Some other Error - InternalServerError is raised correctly.
So for number 3 - instead of getting an UnauthorizedError, I am getting an InternalServerError.
The if not authorized: statement is working correctly (If i put a print in there I can see it work). However for some reason I am getting the following when trying to raise the error:
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
I came across this PEP article which seems to suggest changing to raise UnauthorizedError from None but the issue persists. Does anyone know how I can implement this successfully? Ideally I would like the same error to be raised from scenarios 2 and 3, otherwise there is a potential for someone to know whether or not an email exists in the database, from the errors they get back.
The if statement is raising UnAuthorized, but that happens in the excepts, you have to raise DoesNotExist to make it so that UnAuthorized can be raised in the except.

Using OpenStack Nova Exceptions

When I'm using nova.keypairs.create() and I pass it an invalid public key, I get the following:
BadRequest: Keypair data is invalid: failed to generate fingerprint (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-12bc6440-f042-4687-9ee9-d89e7edc260d)
I tried doing the following and for obvious reasons (it's a unique exception to OpenStack) it didn't work:
nova.keypairs.create(name=keyname, public_key=key)
except BadRequest:
raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, "Invalid public key")
How can I use OpenStack specific exceptions such as BadRequest within my own try and except statements?
You will need to import the exceptions for nova package. Going through github for the package, it looks like you will need to do:
from nova.exception import *
Note that the exception you are seeing is actually InvalidKeypair exception, which itself subclasses from exception class Invalid, the BadRequest message is just the template text for it.
So, your complete code would look something like:
from nova.exception import *
# You can import specific ones if you are confident about them
nova.keypairs.create(name=keyname, public_key=key)
except InvalidKeypair:
raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, "Invalid public key")

Python twitter package : get error code

I'm not yet very familiar with error handling in Python. I'd like to know how to retrieve the error code when I get an error using the python-twitter package :
import twitter
twitter_connexion.friendships.create(screen_name = "someone_who_blocked_me", follow = True)
except twitter.TwitterHTTPError as twittererror:
Twitter sent status 403 for URL: 1.1/friendships/create.json using parameters: (follow=True&oauth_consumer_key=XXX&oauth_nonce=XXX&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=XXX&oauth_token=XXX&oauth_version=1.0&screen_name=someone_who_blocked_me&oauth_signature=XXX)
details: {'errors': [{'message': 'You have been blocked from following this account at the request of the user.', 'code': 162}]}
In this case, I'd like to retrieve the 'code': 162 part, or just the 162.
twittererror.args is a tuple with one element in it, which is a string, print(twittererror.args[0][0:10]) outputs Twitter se
How can I get the 162 ?
(Obviously, twittererror.args[0][582:585] is not the answer I'm looking for, as any other error message will be of a different length and the error code won't be at [582:585])
Looking at how the TwitterHTTPError is defined in this GitHub repo, you should obtain the dict with twittererror.response_data.
Therefore you can do something like that:
import twitter
twitter_connexion.friendships.create(screen_name = "someone_who_blocked_me", follow = True)
except twitter.TwitterHTTPError as twittererror:
for error in twittererror.response_data.get("errors", []):
print(error.get("code", None))
