I have an external package I want to install into my python virtualenv from a tar file.
What is the best way to install the package?
I've discovered 2 ways that can do it:
Extract the tar file, then run python setup.py install inside of the extracted directory.
pip install packagename.tar.gz from example # 7 in https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/#examples
Is if there is any difference doing them in these 2 ways.
On the surface, both do the same thing: doing either python setup.py install or pip install <PACKAGE-NAME> will install your python package for you, with a minimum amount of fuss.
However, using pip offers some additional advantages that make it much nicer to use.
pip will automatically download all dependencies for a package for you. In contrast, if you use setup.py, you often have to manually search out and download dependencies, which is tedious and can become frustrating.
pip keeps track of various metadata that lets you easily uninstall and update packages with a single command: pip uninstall <PACKAGE-NAME> and pip install --upgrade <PACKAGE-NAME>. In contrast, if you install a package using setup.py, you have to manually delete and maintain a package by hand if you want to get rid of it, which could be potentially error-prone.
You no longer have to manually download your files. If you use setup.py, you have to visit the library's website, figure out where to download it, extract the file, run setup.py... In contrast, pip will automatically search the Python Package Index (PyPi) to see if the package exists there, and will automatically download, extract, and install the package for you. With a few exceptions, almost every single genuinely useful Python library can be found on PyPi.
pip will let you easily install wheels, which is the new standard of Python distribution. More info about wheels.
pip offers additional benefits that integrate well with using virtualenv, which is a program that lets you run multiple projects that require conflicting libraries and Python versions on your computer. More info.
pip is bundled by default with Python as of Python 2.7.9 on the Python 2.x series, and as of Python 3.4.0 on the Python 3.x series, making it even easier to use.
So basically, use pip. It only offers improvements over using python setup.py install.
If you're using an older version of Python, can't upgrade, and don't have pip installed, you can find more information about installing pip at the following links:
Official instructions on installing pip for all operating systems
Instructions on installing pip on Windows (including solutions to common problems)
Instructions on installing pip for Mac OX
pip, by itself, doesn't really require a tutorial. 90% of the time, the only command you really need is pip install <PACKAGE-NAME>. That said, if you're interested in learning more about the details of what exactly you can do with pip, see:
Quickstart guide
Official documentation.
It is also commonly recommended that you use pip and virtualenv together. If you're a beginner to Python, I personally think it'd be fine to start of with just using pip and install packages globally, but eventually I do think you should transition to using virtualenv as you tackle more serious projects.
If you'd like to learn more about using pip and virtualenv together, see:
Why you should be using pip and virtualenv
A non-magical introduction to Pip and Virtualenv for Python beginners
Virtual Environments
python setup.py install is the analog of make install: it’s a limited way to compile and copy files to destination directories. This doesn’t mean that it’s the best way to really install software on your system.
pip is a package manager, which can install, upgrade, list and uninstall packages, like familiar package managers including: dpkg, apt, yum, urpmi, ports etc. Under the hood, it will run python setup.py install, but with specific options to control how and where things end up installed.
In summary: use pip.
The question is about the preferred method to install a local tarball containing a python package, NOT about the advantage of uploading package to an indexing service like PyPi.
As lest I know some software distributor does not upload their package to PyPi, instead asking developers to download package from their website and install.
python setup.py install
This can work but not recommended. It's not necessary to unwrap the tarball file and go into it to run setup.py file.
pip install ../path/to/packagename.tar.gz
This is the way designed and preferred. Concise and align with PyPi-style packages.
More information about pip install can be found here: https://pip.readthedocs.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/
I am relatively new to Python and I was told to use Anaconda and create a virtual environment (as I am mainly using pytorch for neural networks). But I start losing track about all my libraries.
First of all, I am sometimes not sure, how to install a library - should I use conda install (if so, I have difficulties finding the exact command) or should I use pip install. Also there is a difference between pip3 install and pip install, but for some applications it matters and for others it doesn't. I also start getting conflicts between packages and I don't know how to fix it.
In short: Do you guys have ideas for efficiently organizing your libraries with or without Anaconda? I am happy for any advice.
if you want to see what library and modules you are using you can check it with pip3 if you are using python3 and pip if you are using python2. so pip3 freeze gives you a list of installed libraries and also pip3 list. is giving you installed modules.
but for organize your library and modules. i recommend you install virtualenv on desktop and then you can install Django near that folder in desktop so you will control all your modules easily and when you will upload it on sever you will upload with all modules what you need.
Whenever I want to install a python package, I find the pip install <package> instructions on most of the sites / README.md documentation in github etc.
A colleague told me recently to try first a conda install <package> and if this fails (because the package is not available) to use the pip install process afterwards.
Is the try with the conda installation step really necessary / beneficial or can I just do the pip install directly?
It depends on your use case. Conda does more than pip does. Conda was developed after pip because the Conda folks did not think pip did enough. It aims to handle library dependencies outside of the realm of python such as C libraries, R packages, or really anything with a wheel. as well as handling the python packages themselves. This is important because these packages do not have the standard setup.py in their source code, so python will not install them into the site-packages directory which is useful for easy importing.
It is important to note that you can't use pip and conda interchangeably, as conda has a different packaging format.
To answer your question succinctly: If you use one, I would stick to it for the entirety of whatever you are doing, and not use conda "until it doesn't work for something" and then just switch to pip for installations that conda can't handle. That is a super good way to get into trouble you can't explain.
My advice: if you are sticking to python and python only, use pip. If you are considering outside libraries that have value to your project, conda is a good option.
Two options in setup.py develop and install are confusing me. According to this site, using develop creates a special link to site-packages directory.
People have suggested that I use python setup.py install for a fresh installation and python setup.py develop after any changes have been made to the setup file.
Can anyone shed some light on the usage of these commands?
python setup.py install is used to install (typically third party) packages that you're not going to develop/modify/debug yourself.
For your own stuff, you want to first install your package and then be able to frequently edit the code without having to re-install the package every time — and that is exactly what python setup.py develop does: it installs the package (typically just a source folder) in a way that allows you to conveniently edit your code after it’s installed to the (virtual) environment, and have the changes take effect immediately.
Note: It is highly recommended to use pip install . (regular install) and pip install -e . (developer install) to install packages, as invoking setup.py directly will do the wrong things for many dependencies, such as pull prereleases and incompatible package versions, or make the package hard to uninstall with pip.
The develop counterpart for the latest python -m build approach is as follows (as per):
From the documentation. The develop will not install the package but it will create a .egg-link in the deployment directory back to the project source code directory.
So it's like installing but instead of copying to the site-packages it adds a symbolic link (the .egg-link acts as a multiplatform symbolic link).
That way you can edit the source code and see the changes directly without having to reinstall every time that you make a little change. This is useful when you are the developer of that project hence the name develop. If you are just installing someone else's package you should use install
Another thing that people may find useful when using the develop method is the --user option to install without sudo. Ex:
python setup.py develop --user
instead of
sudo python setup.py develop
When I install some python packages in Fedora, there're two ways:
use dnf install python-package
use pip install package
I notice even I use dnf update to make my Fedora the newest,
when I use pip, it still tell me something like
pip is a old version, please use pip update
I guess the dnf package management is different with python-pip package management.
So which one is more recommended to install python packages ?
Quoted from Gentoo Wiki:
It is important to understand that packages installed using pip will not be tracked by Portage. This is the case for installing any package through means other than the emerge command. Possible conflicts can be created when installing a Python package that is available in the Portage tree, then installing the same package using pip.
Decide which package manager will work best for the use case: either use emerge or pip for Python packages, but not both. Sometimes a certain Python packages will not be available in the Portage tree, in these cases the only option is to use pip. Be wise and make good choices!
This is true for almost any nowadays package managers. If you are using packages or certain package versions that only exists in pip, use it but don't try to install that from dnf. Doing this will not only cause file collisions but also will (most possibly) break the package manager's knowledge of the system, which usually leads to major package management issues.
Other solution would be using pip in user mode, without root permissions, which will install relevant things into your home directory.
So again, it's both okay to use pip or dnf, but just don't mix these two package managers together.
I am still relatively new to python packaging, each time I think I find "the" solution, I am thrown another curve ball, here is my problem followed by what I've tried:
I have CentOS and Ubuntu systems with Python 2.7.3 installed that is partitioned from the net so I have to create an "all in one package"
The target system does NOT have setuptools, easy_install, pip, virtualenv installed (this is the problem I'm trying to solve here)
The requirements.txt (or setup.py install_dependencies) is fairly heavy (Flask, etc...) for the application (though really, this isn't the problem)
My packaging sophistication has progressed slowly:
For connected systems, I had a really nice process going with
packaging: python2.7 setup.py sdist
installation: create a virtualenv, untar the distribution, python setup.py install
For the disconnected system, I've tried a few things. Wheels seem to be appropriate but I can't get to the "final" installation that includes setuptools, easy_install, pip. I am new to wheels so perhaps I am missing something obvious.
I started with these references:
Python on Wheels, this was super helpful but I could not get my .sh scripts, test data, etc... installed so I am actually using a wheel/sdist hybrid right now
Wheel, the Docs, again, very helpful but I am stuck on "the final mile of a disconnected system"
I then figured out I could package virtualenv as a wheel :-) Yay
I then figured out I could package easy_install as a python program :-) Yay, but it depends on setuptools, boo, I can't find how to get these packaged / installed
Is there a reference around for bootstrapping a system that has Python, is disconnected, but does not have setuptools, pip, wheels, virtualenv? My list of things a person must do to install this simple agent is becoming just way too long :/ I suppose if I can finish the dependency chain there must be a way to latch in a custom script to setup.py to shrink the custom steps back down ...
Your process will likely vary according to what platform you are targeting, but in general, a typical way to get what you are trying to achieve is to download packages on an online machine, copy them over to the offline one, and then install them from a file rather than from a URL or repository).
A possible workflow for RPM-based distros may be:
Install python-pip through binary packages (use rpm or yum-downloadonly, to download the package on an online machine, then copy it over and install it on the offline one with rpm -i python-pip.<whatever-version-and-architecture-you-downloaded>).
On your online machine, use pip install --download <pkgname> to download the packages you need.
scp or rsync the packages to a given directory X onto your offline machine
Use pip install --find-links=<your-dir-here> <pkgname> to install packages on your offline machine.
If you have to replicate the process on many servers, I'd suggest you set up your own repositories behind a firewall. In case of pip, it is very easy, as it's just a matter of telling pip to use a directory as its own index:
$ pip install --no-index --find-links=file:///local/dir/ SomePackage
For RPM or DEB repos is a bit more complicated (but not rocket science!), but possibly also not that necessary, as you really only ought to install python-pip once.
The pip install --download option that #mac mentioned has been deprecated and removed. Instead the documentation states that the pip download method should be used instead. So the workflow should be:
Download the python package or installer using your online machine.
Install python using the offline method used by your package manager or the python installer for windows on the offline machine.
On the online machine use pip download -r requirements.txt where "requirments.txt" contains the packages you will be needing the proper format
Use pip install --find-links=<your-dir-here> <pkgname> to install packages on your offline machine.