I am having some trouble understanding json dictionary and array. I have a script that is scraping information from a website.
models.txt is just a list of model numbers such as
and json_descriptions.txt is a list of the keys I want
The code is:
import urllib
import re
import json
modelslist = open("models.txt").read()
modelslist = modelslist.split("\n")
descriptionlist = open("json_descriptions.txt").read()
descriptionlist = descriptionlist.split("\n")
for model in modelslist:
htmltext = urllib.urlopen("http://dx.com/p/GetProductInfoRealTime?skus="+model)
htmltext = json.load(htmltext)
if htmltext['success'] == True:
def get_data(dict_index, key):
return htmltext[u"data"][dict_index][key]
for description in descriptionlist:
info = description, (get_data(0,description))
print info
print "product does not exist"
If I print out info I get:
sku 30373
price 9.10
listprice 17.62
issoldout False
so that means info[0] is:
and info[1] is:
I would like to know if there is a way that I can have this:
loop 1 = ['sku','30373','price','4.90','listprice','0','issoldout','False']
loop 2 = ['sku','30374','price','10.50','listprice','0','issoldout','False']
info[0] = sku info[1] = 30373 info[2] = price info[3] = 4.90 info[4] = listprice info[5] = 0 info[6] = issoldout info[7] = False and then repeat that with a new list for the next loop through.
I have tried using info = json.dumps(info) but that just gives info[0] = [[[[ and info[1] = """" info[2] = spli and so on
Like this?
info = []
for model in modelslist:
htmltext = urllib.urlopen("http://dx.com/p/GetProductInfoRealTime?skus="+model)
htmltext = json.load(htmltext)
if htmltext['success'] == True:
def get_data(dict_index, key):
return htmltext[u"data"][dict_index][key]
for description in descriptionlist:
print info
I am trying to scrape all the possible data from this webpage Gstaad 2017
Here is my code:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
import re
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import Select
#Starts the driver and goes to our starting webpage
driver = webdriver.Chrome( "C:/Users/aldi/Downloads/chromedriver.exe")
#Imports HTML into python
page = requests.get('http://www.bvbinfo.com/Tournament.asp?ID=3294&Process=Matches')
soup = BeautifulSoup(driver.page_source, 'lxml')
stages = soup.find_all('div')
stages = driver.find_elements_by_class_name('clsTournBracketHeader')[-1].text
#TODO the first row (country quota matches) has no p tag and therefore it is not included in the data
rows = []
paragraphs = []
empty_paragraphs = []
for x in soup.find_all('p'):
if len(x.get_text(strip=True)) != 0:
paragraph = x.extract()
if len(x.get_text(strip=True)) == 0:
empty_paragraph = x.extract()
# players
home_team_player_1 = ''
home_team_player_2 = ''
away_team_player_1 = ''
away_team_player_2 = ''
for i in range(0, len(paragraphs)):
#round and satege of the competition
round_n= paragraphs[i].find('u').text
paragraph_rows = paragraphs[i].text.split('\n')[1:-1]
counter = 0
for j in range(0,len(paragraph_rows)):
#TODO tournament info, these can vary from tournament to tournament
tournament_info = soup.find('td', class_ = 'clsTournHeader').text.strip().split()
tournament_category = [' '.join(tournament_info[0 : 2])][0]
tournament_prize_money = tournament_info[2]
#TODO tournament city can also have two elements, not just one
tournament_city = tournament_info[3]
tournament_year = tournament_info[-1]
tournament_days = tournament_info[-2][:-1].split("-")
tournament_starting_day = tournament_days[0]
tournament_ending_day = tournament_days[-1]
tournament_month = tournament_info[-3]
tournament_stars = [' '.join(tournament_info[5 : 7])][0]
players = paragraphs[i].find_all('a', {'href':re.compile('.*player.*')})
home_team_player_1 = players[counter+0].text
home_team_player_2 = players[counter+1].text
away_team_player_1 = players[counter+2].text
away_team_player_2 = players[counter+3].text
match= paragraph_rows[j].split(":")[0].split()[-1].strip()
nationalities = ["United", "States"]
if paragraph_rows[j].split("def.")[0].split("/")[1].split("(")[0].split(" ")[3] in nationalities:
home_team_country = "United States"
home_team_country = paragraph_rows[j].split("def.")[0].split("/")[1].split("(")[0].split(" ")[-2]
if paragraph_rows[j].split("def.")[1].split("/")[1].split(" ")[3] in nationalities:
away_team_country = "United States"
away_team_country = paragraph_rows[j].split("def.")[1].split("/")[1].split("(")[0].split(" ")[-2]
parentheses = re.findall(r'\(.*?\)', paragraph_rows[j])
if "," in parentheses[0]:
home_team_ranking = parentheses[0].split(",")[0]
home_team_ranking = home_team_ranking[1:-1]
home_team_qualification_round = parentheses[0].split(",")[1]
home_team_qualification_round = home_team_qualification_round[1:-1]
home_team_ranking = parentheses[0].split(",")[0]
home_team_ranking = home_team_ranking[1:-1]
home_team_qualification_round = None
if "," in parentheses[1]:
away_team_ranking = parentheses[1].split(",")[0]
away_team_ranking = away_team_ranking[1:-1]
away_team_qualification_round = parentheses[1].split(",")[1]
away_team_qualification_round = away_team_qualification_round[1:-1]
away_team_ranking = parentheses[1].split(",")[0]
away_team_ranking = away_team_ranking[1:-1]
match_duration = parentheses[2]
match_duration = match_duration[1:-1]
away_team_qualification_round = None
# sets
sets = re.findall(r'\).*?\(', paragraph_rows[j])
sets = sets[1][1:-1]
if len(sets.split(",")) == 2:
score_set1 = sets.split(",")[0]
score_set2 = sets.split(",")[1]
score_set3 = None
if len(sets.split(",")) == 3:
score_set1 = sets.split(",")[0]
score_set2 = sets.split(",")[1]
score_set3 = sets.split(",")[2]
row = { " home_team_player_1 ": home_team_player_1 ,
" home_team_player_2": home_team_player_2,
"away_team_player_1": away_team_player_1,
"match": match,
"away_team_country": away_team_country,
"home_team_ranking": home_team_ranking,
"away_team_ranking": away_team_ranking,
"match_duration": match_duration,
"home_team_qualification_round": home_team_qualification_round,
"away_team_qualification_round": away_team_qualification_round,
"tournament_category": tournament_category,
"tournament_prize_money": tournament_prize_money,
"tournament_city": tournament_city,
"tournament_year": tournament_year,
"tournament_starting_day": tournament_starting_day,
"round_n": round_n
counter += 4
data = pd.DataFrame(rows)
data.to_csv("beachvb.csv", index = False)
I am not really experienced in web scraping. I have just started as a self-taught and find the HTML source code quite messy and poorly structured.
I want to improve my code in two ways:
Include all the missing matches (country quota matches, semifinals, bronze medal, and gold medal) and the respective category for each match (country quota matches, pool, winner's bracket, semifinals, bronze medal, and gold medal)
iterate the code for more years and tournaments from the dropdown menu at the top of the webpage
I have tried to iterate through different years but my code does not work
tournament_years = {"FIVB 2015", "FIVB 2016"}
dfs = []
for year in tournament_years:
# select desired tournament
box_year = Select(driver.find_element_by_xpath("/html/body/table[3]/tbody/tr/td/table[1]/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/select"))
box_matches = Select(driver.find_element_by_xpath("/html/body/table[3]/tbody/tr/td/table[1]/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/select"))
The main idea was to create a list of dataframes for each year and each tournament by adding a new loop at the beginning of the code.
If someone has a better idea and technique to do so, it is really appreciated!
I'm just a few hours into learning Python so please go easy with me! I'm just wanting to scrape scores and scorers off a website, I've been able to do that, however, I'm only getting one scorer (if there is one!), when there are multiple goal scorers I am only getting the first. I think I'm trying to look for multiple scorers under '# Home Scorers'.
My code:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import pandas as pd
url = "https://www.skysports.com/football-results"
match_results = {}
match_details = {}
match_no = 0
response = requests.get(url)
data = response.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(data,'html.parser')
matches = soup.find_all('div',{'class':'fixres__item'})
for match in matches:
match_url_get = match.find('a',{'class':'matches__item matches__link'}).get('href')
match_url = match_url_get if match_url_get else "unknown"
event_id = match_url[-6:]
match_response = requests.get(match_url)
match_data = match_response.text
match_soup = BeautifulSoup(match_data,'html.parser')
# Match Details
match_date = match_soup.find('time',{'class':'sdc-site-match-header__detail-time'}).text
match_location = match_soup.find('span',{'class':'sdc-site-match-header__detail-venue'}).text
match_info = match_soup.find('p',{'class':'sdc-site-match-header__detail-fixture'}).text
# Home Scores & Team
home_details = match_soup.find_all('span',{'class':'sdc-site-match-header__team-name sdc-site-match-header__team-name--home'})
for home_detail in home_details:
home_team = home_detail.find('span',{'class':'sdc-site-match-header__team-name-block-target'}).text
home_score_get = match_soup.find('span',{'class':'sdc-site-match-header__team-score-block','data-update':'score-home'})
home_score = home_score_get.text if home_score_get else "none"
# Home Scorers
home_scorer_details = match_soup.find_all('ul',{'class':'sdc-site-match-header__team-synopsis','data-update':'synopsis-home'})
for home_scorer_detail in home_scorer_details:
goal_scorer_get = home_scorer_detail.find('li',{'class':'sdc-site-match-header__team-synopsis-line'})
goal_scorer = goal_scorer_get.text if goal_scorer_get else "none"
goal_score_minute_get = home_scorer_detail.find('span',{'class':'sdc-site-match-header__event-time'})
goal_score_minute = goal_score_minute_get.text if goal_score_minute_get else "none"
# Away Scores & Team
away_details = match_soup.find_all('span',{'class':'sdc-site-match-header__team-name sdc-site-match-header__team-name--away'})
for away_detail in away_details:
away_team = away_detail.find('span',{'class':'sdc-site-match-header__team-name-block-target'}).text
away_score_get = match_soup.find('span',{'class':'sdc-site-match-header__team-score-block','data-update':'score-away'})
away_score = away_score_get.text if away_score_get else "none"
# Home Scorers
away_scorer_details = match_soup.find_all('ul',{'class':'sdc-site-match-header__team-synopsis','data-update':'synopsis-away'})
for away_scorer_detail in away_scorer_details:
away_goal_scorer_get = away_scorer_detail.find('li',{'class':'sdc-site-match-header__team-synopsis-line'})
away_goal_scorer = away_goal_scorer_get.text if away_goal_scorer_get else "none"
away_goal_score_minute_get = away_scorer_detail.find('span',{'class':'sdc-site-match-header__event-time'})
away_goal_score_minute = away_goal_score_minute_get.text if away_goal_score_minute_get else "none"
print("Match: ",event_id , "Match Date:", match_date, "Match Location:", match_location, "Match Info:", match_info, "\nResult: ", home_team, home_score, away_team, away_score)
print("Home Scorer:", goal_scorer, "Minute:",goal_score_minute, "\nAway Scorer:", away_goal_scorer, "Minute:",away_goal_score_minute)
match_results[match_no] = [event_id, home_team, home_score, away_team, away_score, match_url, match_date, match_location, match_info]
match_details[match_no] = [event_id, goal_scorer, goal_score_minute, away_goal_scorer, away_goal_score_minute]
Period = "2021-22"
print("Total Matches: ", match_no)
match_results = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(match_results, orient='index', columns = ['Event_ID:', 'Home Team:','Home Score:','Away Team:','Away Score:','Link:','Match Date:','Match Location:','Match Info:'])
match_results.to_csv("Python/FL/Premier League Results (SkySports.com) " + Period + ".csv")
match_details = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(match_details, orient='index', columns = ['Event_ID:', 'Home Goal:','Home Goal Minute:','Away Goal:','Away Goal Minute:'])
match_details.to_csv("Python/FL/Premier League Details (SkySports.com) " + Period + ".csv")
So the bit that's not working correctly is:
# Home Scorers
home_scorer_details = match_soup.find_all('ul',{'class':'sdc-site-match-header__team-synopsis','data-update':'synopsis-home'})
for home_scorer_detail in home_scorer_details:
goal_scorer_get = home_scorer_detail.find('li',{'class':'sdc-site-match-header__team-synopsis-line'})
goal_scorer = goal_scorer_get.text if goal_scorer_get else "none"
goal_score_minute_get = home_scorer_detail.find('span',{'class':'sdc-site-match-header__event-time'})
goal_score_minute = goal_score_minute_get.text if goal_score_minute_get else "none"
Any ideas how I can return multiple rows for that bit?!
Thanks in advance :)
home_scorer_details only has 1 item, the unordered list itself.
To get all the scorers you need to get the items in that list.
The following code, which is pretty rough, will create a list of dictionaries where each dictionary has the name of the scorer and the minute(s) they scored.
You could use similar code to get all the away scorers.
Like I said, this code is rough and needs refined but it should give you a start.
# Home Scorers
home_scorer_details = match_soup.find_all('ul',{'class':'sdc-site-match-header__team-synopsis','data-update':'synopsis-home'})
home_scorers = []
for home_scorer_detail in home_scorer_details[0].find_all('li'):
goal_scorer = home_scorer_detail.text
goal_score_minute_get = home_scorer_detail.find('span',{'class':'sdc-site-match-header__event-time'})
goal_score_minute = goal_score_minute_get.text if goal_score_minute_get else "none"
home_scorers.append({'scorer': goal_scorer, 'minute': goal_score_minute})
i'm trying to request in snapchat ads api the result of a campaign by date (for example yesterday) and sorted by the country.
I find the request for the date
And the request for the country
this is my code i'm just requesting by country
r = requests.get("https://adsapi.snapchat.com/v1/organizations/" + organization_id + "/adaccounts", headers = data)
#get all the add accounts
ad_list = json.loads(r.text)
ad_list = ad_list["adaccounts"]
account_list = {}
for obj in ad_list:
test = obj["adaccount"]
account_list[test["name"]] = {}
account_list[test["name"]]["id"] = test["id"]
account_list[test["name"]]["timezone"] = test["timezone"]
#get all the add accounts campaign's
for key in account_list:
r = requests.get("https://adsapi.snapchat.com/v1/adaccounts/" + account_list[key]["id"] + "/campaigns", headers = data)
ad_id = json.loads(r.text)
ad_id = ad_id["campaigns"]
for obj in ad_id:
test = obj["campaign"]
account_list[key][test["name"]] = {}
account_list[key][test["name"]]["type"] = "campaign"
account_list[key][test["name"]]["id"] = test["id"]
#get campaign stats by country
if (req == "1"):
r = requests.get("https://adsapi.snapchat.com/v1/campaigns/" + test["id"] + "/stats?granularity=LIFETIME&dimension=GEO&pivots=country&fields=impressions,swipes,spend", headers = data)
stat = json.loads(r.text)
stat = stat["lifetime_stats"]
stat = stat[0]["lifetime_stat"]
dic = stat["dimension_stats"]
for country in dic:
account_list[key][test["name"]][country["country"]] = {}
for key2 in country:
account_list[key][test["name"]][country["country"]][key2] = country[key2]
But whatever i'm trying i can't find a way to request the country's result between two date. Is there a solution for this problem? Thanks in Advance.
The max number of records in my input json is 100 however there is a paging-next link that provides the next 100 records. Below is what I have but it returns a dict with only 100 entries- I know there are more- How should I modify this function to get all the records?
def process_comment_json(comment_json):
post_comment_dict = dict()
next_links = list()
if 'comments' in comment_json.keys():
for y in comment_json['comments']['data']:
post_id = comment_json['id']
commentor_name = y['from']['name']
commentor_id = y['from']['id']
created_time = y['created_time']
message = remove_non_ascii(y['message'])
sentiment = return_sentiment_score(message)
post_comment_dict[commentor_id] = {'commentor_name':commentor_name,\
'created_time':created_time, 'message':message,\
print("malformed data, skipping this comment in round1")
if 'next' in comment_json['comments']['paging']:
print('found_next appending')
return post_comment_dict
while next_links:
print("processing next_links")
print("current len of post_comment_dict is:", len(post_comment_dict))
for next_link in next_links:
t = requests.get(next_link)
nl_json = t.json()
if "data" in list(nl_json.keys()):
for record in nl_json['data']:
for y in comment_json['comments']['data']:
post_id = comment_json['id']
commentor_name = y['from']['name']
commentor_id = y['from']['id']
created_time = y['created_time']
message = remove_non_ascii(y['message'])
sentiment = return_sentiment_score(message)
post_comment_dict[commentor_id] = {'commentor_name':commentor_name,\
'created_time':created_time, 'message':message,\
print("malformed data, skipping this comment from the next_links list")
if 'next' in comment_json['comments']['paging']:
print('found_next appending')
return post_comment_dict
I am trying to parse data from a website by inserting the data into a list, but the list comes back empty.
url =("http://www.releasechimps.org/resources/publication/whos-there-md- anderson")
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
r = http.request('Get',url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.data,"html.parser")
loop = re.findall(r'<td>(.*?)</td>',str(r.data))
newLoop = str(loop)
for x in range(1229):
if "\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t" in loop[x]:
loop[x] = loop[x].replace("\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t","")
Edit: Didn't really have anything else going on, so I made your data format into a nice list of dictionaries. There's a weird <td height="26"> on monkey 111, so I had to change the regex slightly.
Hope this helps you, I did it cause I care about the monkeys man.
import html
import re
import urllib.request
list0_v2 = []
final_list = []
url = "http://www.releasechimps.org/resources/publication/whos-there-md-anderson"
data = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
loop = re.findall(r'<td.*?>(.*?)</td>', str(data))
for item in loop:
if "\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t" or "em>" in item:
item = item.replace("\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t", "").replace("<em>", "")\
.replace("</em>", "")
if " " == item:
n = 1
while len(list0_v2) != 0:
form = {"n":0, "name":"", "id":"", "gender":"", "birthdate":"", "notes":""}
if list0_v2[5][-1] == '.':
numb, name, ids, gender, birthdate, notes = list0_v2[0:6]
form["notes"] = notes
raise Exception('foo')
numb, name, ids, gender, birthdate = list0_v2[0:5]
form["n"] = int(numb)
form["name"] = html.unescape(name)
form["id"] = ids
form["gender"] = gender
form["birthdate"] = birthdate
n += 1
for li in final_list:
print("{:3} {:10} {:10} {:3} {:10} {}".format(li["n"], li["name"], li["id"],\
li["gender"], li["birthdate"], li["notes"]))