Python IMAP: Cannot mark email as seen - python

I'm trying to set an email as read using the Python IMAP library. Just like in this example:
Python, IMAP and GMail. Mark messages as SEEN
I select a GMail account's "All email" folder then obtain the UID of a specific email through the search command. Then I use that UID to try and mark it as read, but fail.
result, data = mail.uid('fetch', email_uid, '(FLAGS)')
print "RESULT: ",result,data, readonly=False)
result, data =, '+FLAGS', '\\Seen')
print "RESULT OF OPERATION FOR UID",email_uid,result,data
No matter how many times I run this piece of code I always obtain the flags not containing the \Seen flag.
Sample execution (ignore Django prints):
RESULT: OK ['31424 (UID 54264 FLAGS (NotJunk $NotJunk))']
[09/Mar/2013 17:30:37] "GET /api/mark_as_read/320/?token=8e3c057b841b75c864685786b2a9657aadf17e3bfb991b103b7c4b3ffdd2a753&refresh_mode=all&folder_mode=inbox HTTP/1.1" 200 144
RESULT: OK ['31424 (UID 54264 FLAGS (NotJunk $NotJunk))']
[09/Mar/2013 17:30:44] "GET /api/mark_as_read/320/?token=8e3c057b841b75c864685786b2a9657aadf17e3bfb991b103b7c4b3ffdd2a753&refresh_mode=all&folder_mode=inbox HTTP/1.1" 200 144
RESULT: OK ['31424 (UID 54264 FLAGS (NotJunk $NotJunk \\Seen))']
I tried multiple variations. I tried setting the flag \Seen, Seen, \Seen, SEEN, with parenthesis, without parenthesis, and have no idea what I might try apart from this.
I suspect there might be some very specific detail here - maybe the GMail "All email" folder does not allow to mark an email as read?
I also don't know if, in the (result,data) tuple returned in the command, if the data variable is supposed to have the "[None]" variable for a normal execution, or if it means that something is wrong.
If I try to set a wrong flag like \\Seen the command raises an error. So when setting the \Seen flag it is a valid IMAP flag.
I have no idea what to try next.
Any help would be very appreiated.

The IMAP specification for the STORE command does not have an option to set flags by UID. You can only set them (like in the example you linked to) by message set.
The only reason it works sometimes is that the sequences for your UID's and message set's are relatively close (31424 vs 54264).
RESULT: OK ['31424 (UID 54264 FLAGS (NotJunk $NotJunk))']
You're not actually ever setting the flags by UID, you're setting them by message set...which occasionally corresponds to a UID.
You can set flags by UID however (just not with a STORE command). You can issue an UID Command with the first argument being store to set flags:
result, data = mail.uid('store', '542648', '+FLAGS', '(\\Seen)')
If successful, the server will respond with the message set corresponding to the UID you used -eg (using your example):
OK ['31424 (FLAGS (\\Seen))']

You may use my package:
with MailBox('').login('', 'pwd', 'INBOX') as mailbox:
# SEEN: mark all messages sent at 05.03.2007 in current folder as unseen, *in bulk
mailbox.seen(mailbox.uids("SENTON 05-Mar-2007"), False)


How to delete messages with imap-tools

I use the following code to delete messages from my IMAP server
uids = []
for msg in mailbox.fetch(filter):
print(msg.uid,, msg.from_, msg.subject)
That doesn't delete the intended messages, though. If the filter returns e. g. 3 messages, only the first filtered message is deleted and then maybe two others (though I'm not sure about those two others).
I've read about MSNs that cause errors when used instead of UIDs when deleting messages. But I don't see the problem in the code above. Here is the example code from the repo which seems to work fine, but I don't understand the difference:
mailbox.delete([msg.uid for msg in mailbox.fetch()])
Can anybody point me in the right direction?
You collect message UIDs into a list (uids), and then remove only the last message (after the loop is finished).
This is probably what you intended to do (minimal changes for clarity):
uids = []
for msg in mailbox.fetch(filter):
print(msg.uid,, msg.from_, msg.subject)

How to specify ">" in redis-py

I'm looking at this in the redis stream documentation, which says:
It is time to try reading something using the consumer group:
> XREADGROUP GROUP mygroup Alice COUNT 1 STREAMS mystream >
1) 1) "mystream"
2) 1) 1) 1526569495631-0
2) 1) "message"
2) "apple"
XREADGROUP replies are just like XREAD replies. Note however the GROUP
provided above, it states that I want to
read from the stream using the consumer group mygroup and I'm the
consumer Alice. Every time a consumer performs an operation with a
consumer group, it must specify its name uniquely identifying this
consumer inside the group.
There is another very important detail in the command line above,
after the mandatory STREAMS option the ID requested for the key
mystream is the special ID >. This special ID is only valid in the
context of consumer groups, and it means: messages never delivered to
other consumers so far.
I am trying to specify the ">" parameter in redis-py.
When I look at the documentation here, I don't see any parameter in streams that seems to let me do this. Specifically, I'm trying:
>>> r.xreadgroup(mygroupname,myconsumer,{mystream : ">"},1)
[] # oh no, empty. WHY?!
# even though
>>> r.xread({mystream: '1561950326849-0'}, count=1)
What am I missing? Why can't I specify a ">" to indicate unseen messages?
You had a mistaken assumption in this question that you had /unseen/ messages. That command should work, but will not if you have already seen all the messages once.
# make sure you have not seen anything in your stream by resetting last seen to 0
>>> r.xgroup_setid(mystream,mygroupname,0) # RESET ALL
r.xreadgroup(mygroupname,myconsumer,{mystream : ">"},1)
works fine.

Maildir - open latest email and reply to sender

I've configured postfix on the email server with .forward file which saves a copy of email and invokes a python script. These emails are stored in Maildir format.
I want to use this Python script to send a reply to the sender acknowledging that the email has been received. I was wondering if there is any way I can open/access that e-mail, get the header info and sender address and send email back.
I looked at several examples of Maildir functions of Python, but they mostly add/delete e-mails. How can I open the latest e-mail received in Maildir/new and get the required information?
The program I have so far:
md = mailbox.Maildir('/home/abcd/Maildir')
message = md.iterkeys().next()
#print message
#for msg in md:
# subject = msg.get('Subject',"")
# print subject
print message
sender = message.get('From',"")
print sender
When I execute this, I do get the sender name. But It is rather the oldest email arrived in Maildir/new folder not the latest one.
Also, if I use get_date function, what if two (or more) e-mails arrive on the same day?
The MaildirMessage's method .get_date() gets you the timestamp of the
message file on disc. Depending on your filesystem, this may have anywhere between two second and nanosecond accuracy. The changes of two messages giving the same value with .get_date() are vastly smaller than when this actually returned a date only.
However if the message files were touched for some reason the return from .get_date() would not be relevant at all. Dovecot e.g. explicitly states that a files mtime should not be changed.
There are several dates associated with a MaildirMessage:
The arrival time timestamp, as encoded in the name of message (the part before the first dot, these are "whole" seconds). If the part
between the first and second dot has a segment of the form Mn than n is the microsecond arrival time, and be used to improve the resolution of the timestamp.
The timestamp of the file on disc
The 'Date:' header field as set by the sending program (or added by some
The dates added by intermediate MTA in the 'Received:' header field
The last of these might not be available e.g. if you and the sender are on the same mail server. The third can be easily faked/incorrect (ever got spam in your inbox dated many years ago?). And the second is incorrect if the file ever got touched.
That leaves selecting on the first option:
d = {}
for name in md.keys():
d.setdefault(int(name.split('.', 1)[0]), []).append(name)
result = sorted(d.items())[-1][1]
assert len(result) == 1 # might fail
msg = md.get_message(result[0])
If you are lucky result is a list with a single item. But this value has only second resolution, so you might have multiple emails and then you have to decide on how to decide which message to select based on one of the other values (e.g. by sorting using the files timestamp .get_date()) or just select the first, randomly select one. (If you have the log file, you can search for the result messages' keys in there to determine which one arrived latest).
If you wouldn't convert to int, and have old emails (i.e. before 2001-09-09 03:46:40) a string comparison would probably not give you the message with the latest arrival time.
Some hints for this:
You can open a Maildir with the mailbox.Maildir class (see the Documentation for mailbox)
You can iterate over all the mails in a Maildir via the method itervalues
Now you get all the mails in the Maildir. One of them is the most recent one.
The mails are objects of the class MaildirMessage, which is a subclass of Message. For these classes, also a documentation exists (on the same page as mailbox, currently)
With the method "get_date" on those objects, you can find out, which one is the most recent one. You still have to select it yourself.
So much as beginners help: A little bit you should also do by yourself.
You should make yourself familiar with the Python documentation - I agree, that it is not easy to find the right packages and how to use them, but you can try them directly in the Python shell.
Ok, here another code snippet:
newest = None
for message in md.itervalues():
if newest == None or message.get_date() > newest.get_date():
newest = message
# now newest should contain the newest message
Did not see your last question: get_date does not only contain the date, but also the time, because it gives the number of seconds since (normally) 1970.

python imaplib - mark email as unread or unseen

Searching here and on the internet, there are a lot of examples to how to mark a message as SEEN, even though this is automatic with imap.
But how can I mark an email as UNSEEN or UNREAD.
I have a script in python which receives UNSEEN messages, and it works great. But after reading them, imap automatically marks them as SEEN which works fine but only if the script has no errors, because if it raises an exception, I want the email to be marked again as UNSEEN, so next time the script will read that message again.
How can I achieved this?
I have also used,readonly=True), but it doesn't help because with that I cannot mark a message as SEEN which I also need. I also want this to work with Gmail.
You can easily clear the \Seen flags with this command:
tag UID STORE -FLAGS (\Seen)
but your software will probably be more robost if you only set the \Seen flag in the first place after you have successfully processed a message. That way, if anything goes wrong while you are processing a message (even if the connection to the IMAP server is broken) the flag remains unset and you can retry that message the next time the script runs. You do this by avoiding the IMAP server's automatic setting of the \Seen flag by using BODY.PEEK instead of BODY.
In Python, I think that STORE command should be issued like this but I haven't tried it.
connection.uid('STORE', '-FLAGS', '(\Seen)')
In Python, the imaplib module describes STORE as:
(typ, [data]) = <instance>.store(message_set, command, flags)
so, the following line will let you set the message to READ ('+FLAGS') or UNREAD ('-FLAGS') as required.
connection.uid('STORE', MESSAGE_ID, '+FLAGS', '\SEEN')
As you see, the secrets is on the FLAGS command ;)
`imap = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(server)
imap.login(username, password)"inbox", readonly=False)`
if readonly="True" you can't change any flags.
But,if it is false, you can do as follow,, '-FLAGS', '\Seen')
(-) means REMOVE flag and (+) means ADD flag.
ex:you can set, '+FLAGS', '\Deleted') to delete email as well.
Like this you can set,any flag in below
\Seen Message has been read
\Answered Message has been answered
\Flagged Message is "flagged" for urgent/special attention
\Deleted Message is "deleted" for removal by later EXPUNGE
\Draft Message has not completed composition (marked as a
More details :
You may use imap_tools package:
from imap_tools import MailBox, MailMessageFlags, A
with MailBox('').login('', 'pwd', 'INBOX') as mailbox:
# FLAG unseen messages in current folder as Answered and Flagged, *in bulk.
flags = (MailMessageFlags.ANSWERED, MailMessageFlags.FLAGGED)
mailbox.flag(mailbox.uids(A(seen=False)), flags, True)
# SEEN: mark all messages sent at 05.03.2007 in current folder as unseen, *in bulk
mailbox.flag(mailbox.uids("SENTON 05-Mar-2007"), MailMessageFlags.SEEN, False)
I am lib author.
I created an IMAP library, Red Box, which is quite intuitive to use for such cases.
First we configure the email box (read more about configuring):
from redbox import EmailBox
# Create email box instance
box = EmailBox(
# Select an email folder
inbox = box["INBOX"]
Search Messages
Then we search for an email (read more about querying):
from redbox.query import SUBJECT
msgs ="Example email"))
msg = msgs[0]
Set Flags
Then we set flags:
# Set \Seen flag
# Remove \Seen flag
Alternatively you can use set method:
# Set \Seen flag
# Remove \Seen flag
Read more about messages here.
Relevant links:
Source code

get email unread content, without affecting unread state [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Fetch an email with imaplib but do not mark it as SEEN
(4 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
Right now its a gmail box but sooner or later I want it to scale.
I want to sync a copy of a live personal mailbox (inbox and outbox) somewhere else, but I don't want to affect the unread state of any unread messages.
what type of access will make this easiest? I can't find any information if IMAP will affect the read state, but it appears I can manually reset a message to unread. Pop by definition doesn't affect unread state but nobody seems to use pop to access their gmail, why?
In the IMAP world, each message has flags. You can set the individual flags on each message. When you Fetch a message, it's actually possible to read the message, without applying the \Seen flag.
Most mail clients will apply the \Seen flag when the message is read. So, if the message has already been read, outside of your app, then you will need to remove the \Seen flag.
Just as is the relevant part about flags from the RFCs:
A system flag is a flag name that is pre-defined in this
specification. All system flags begin with "\". Certain system
flags (\Deleted and \Seen) have special semantics described
elsewhere. The currently-defined system flags are:
Message has been read
Message has been answered
Message is "flagged" for urgent/special attention
Message is "deleted" for removal by later EXPUNGE
Message has not completed composition (marked as a draft).
Message is "recently" arrived in this mailbox. This session
is the first session to have been notified about this
message; if the session is read-write, subsequent sessions
will not see \Recent set for this message. This flag can not
be altered by the client.
If it is not possible to determine whether or not this
session is the first session to be notified about a message,
then that message SHOULD be considered recent.
If multiple connections have the same mailbox selected
simultaneously, it is undefined which of these connections
will see newly-arrived messages with \Recent set and which
will see it without \Recent set.
There is a .PEEK option on the FETCH command in IMAP that will explicitly not set the /Seen flag.
Look at the FETCH command in RFC 3501 and scroll down a bit to page 57 or search for "BODY.PEEK".
You need to specify section when you use BODY.PEEK. Sections are explained in IMAP Fetch Command documentations under BODY[<section>]<<partial>>
import getpass, imaplib
M = imaplib.IMAP4()
M.login(getpass.getuser(), getpass.getpass())
typ, data =, 'ALL')
for num in data[0].split():
typ, data = M.fetch(num, '(BODY.PEEK[])')
print 'Message %s\n%s\n' % (num, data[0][5])
PS: I wanted to fix answer given Gene Wood but was not allowed because edit was smaller than 6 characters (BODY.PEEK -> BODY.PEEK[])
Nobody uses POP because typically they want the extra functionality of IMAP, such as tracking message state. When that functionality is only getting in your way and needs workarounds, I think using POP's your best bet!-)
if it helps anyone, GAE allows you to receive email as an HTTP request, so for now i'm just forwarding emails there.
To follow up on Dan Goldstein's answer above, in python the syntax to use the ".PEEK" option would be to call IMAP4.fetch and pass it "BODY.PEEK"
To apply this to the example in the python docs :
import getpass, imaplib
M = imaplib.IMAP4()
M.login(getpass.getuser(), getpass.getpass())
typ, data =, 'ALL')
for num in data[0].split():
typ, data = M.fetch(num, '(BODY.PEEK)')
print 'Message %s\n%s\n' % (num, data[0][5])
