I have recently been trying to convert a piece of Matlab code into Python code.
I have made most of the changes that I need to however, the issue I am having is the line where it says:
y(index(m)) = 1-x(index(m));
I get the error:
"Can't assign to function call"
However I am not sure how to restructure it in order to remove this error.
I have had a look around and people mention "get item" and "set item" however I have tried to use them, but I can't get them to work (probably because I can't figure out the structure)
Here is the full code:
import numpy
N = 100;
B = N+1;
M = 5e4;
burnin = M;
Niter = 20;
p = ones(B,Niter+1)/B;
hit = zeros(B,1);
for j in range(1,Niter):
x = double(rand(1,N)>0.5);
bin_x = 1+sum(x);
index = ceil(N*rand(1,M+burnin));
acceptval = rand(1,M+burnin);
for m in range(1,M+burnin):
y = x;
y(index(m)) = 1-x(index(m));
bin_y = 1+sum(y);
alpha = min(1, p(bin_x,j)/p(bin_y,j) );
if acceptval(m)<alpha:
x = y; bin_x = bin_y;
if m > burnin: hit(bin_x) = hit(bin_x)+1; end
pnew = p[:,j];
for b in range(1,B-1):
if (hit(b+1)*hit(b) == 0):
pnew(b+1) = pnew(b)*(p(b+1,j)/p(b,j));
g(b,j) = hit(b+1)*hit(b) / (hit(b+1)+hit(b));
g_hat(b) = g(b,j)/sum(g(b,arange(1,j)));
pnew(b+1) = pnew(b)*(p(b+1,j)/p(b,j))+((hit(b+1)/hit(b))^g_hat(b));
p[:,j+1] = pnew/sum(pnew);
hit[:] = 0;
Thanks in advance
The round brackets () indicate a function. For indexing you need [] square brackets - but that is only the first of many, many errors... I am currently going through line by line, but it's taking a while.
This code at least runs... you need to figure out whether the indexing is doing what you are expecting since Python arrays are indexed from zero, and Matlab arrays start at 1. I tried to fix that in a couple of places but didn't go through line by line - that's debugging.
Some key learnings:
There is no end statement... just stop indenting
When you import a library, you need to reference it (numpy.zeros, not zeros)
Lists are indexed from zero, not one
Indexing is done with [], not ()
Creating an array of random numbers is done with [random.random() for r in xrange(N)], not random(N).
... and many other things you will find as you look through the code below.
Good luck!
import numpy
import random
N = int(100);
B = N+1;
M = 5e4;
burnin = M;
Niter = 20;
p = numpy.ones([B,Niter+1])/B;
hit = numpy.zeros([B,1]);
g = numpy.zeros([B, Niter]);
b_hat = numpy.zeros(B);
for j in range(1,Niter):
x = [float(random.randint(0,1)>0.5) for r in xrange(N)];
bin_x = 1+sum(x);
index = [random.randint(0,N-1) for r in xrange(int(M+burnin))];
#acceptval = rand(1,M+burnin);
acceptval = [random.random() for r in xrange(int(M+burnin))];
for m in range(1,int(M+burnin)):
y = x;
y[index[m]] = 1-x[index[m]];
bin_y = 1+sum(y);
alpha = min(1, p[bin_x,j]/p[bin_y,j] );
if acceptval[m]<alpha:
x = y; bin_x = bin_y;
if m > burnin:
hit[bin_x] = hit[bin_x]+1;
pnew = p[:,j];
for b in range(1,B-1):
if (hit[b+1]*hit[b] == 0):
pnew[b+1] = pnew[b]*(p[b+1,j]/p[b,j]);
g[b,j] = hit[b+1]*hit[b] / [hit[b+1]+hit[b]];
g_hat[b] = g[b,j]/sum(g[b,numpy.arange(1,j)]);
pnew[b+1] = pnew[b]*(p[b+1,j]/p[b,j])+((hit[b+1]/hit[b])^g_hat[b]);
p[:,j+1] = pnew/sum(pnew);
hit[:] = 0;
How can I change this part [AIF,j]=get_AIF_j(InterpFact) and [~,j_index] = min(InterpFact-AIF_vect) correctly? And what about the remaining code? Thanks in advance.
%Matlab code
InterpFact = (fs_h/2/2)/(fd_max);
function [AIF,j] = get_AIF_j (InterpFact)
j_vect = 1:10;
AIF_vect = floor(j_vect*InterpFact)./j_vect;
[~,j_index] = min(InterpFact-AIF_vect);
j = j_vect(j_index);
AIF = AIF_vect(j_index);
#Python code
InterpFact = (fs_h/2/2)/(fd_max)
def get_AIF_j (InterpFact):
j_vect =np.arange(1,11)
AIF_vect = np.floor(j_vect*InterpFact)/j_vect
[~,j_index] = min(InterpFact-AIF_vect)
j = j_vect[j_index]
AIF = AIF_vect[j_index];
return AIF,j
[~,j_index] = min(InterpFact-AIF_vect);
would be translated to Python as:
j_index = np.argmin(InterpFact-AIF_vect)
Also, …/(fd_max) can only be translated the way you did if fd_max is a scalar. A division with a matrix in MATLAB solves a system of linear equations.
I strongly recommend that you run the two pieces of code side by side with the same input, to verify that they do the same thing. You cannot go by guesses as to what a piece of code does.
Try this to see if it delivers what it should (I am not sure here as I am not fluent in matlab):
#Python code
import numpy as np
def get_AIF_j (InterpFact):
j_vect = np.arange(1,11)
AIF_vect = np.floor(j_vect*InterpFact)/j_vect
j_index = int( min(InterpFact-AIF_vect) )
j = j_vect[j_index]
AIF = AIF_vect[j_index];
return AIF, j
fs_h = 24; fd_max = 1
InterpFact = (fs_h/2/2)/(fd_max)
AIF, j = get_AIF_j(InterpFact)
6.0 1
I am starting to code up in Python and I come from a Matlab background. I have a problem with a for loop that I am trying to do.
So this is my for loop from Matlab,
ix = indoor(1);
idx = indoor(2)-indoor(1);
%Initialize X apply I.C
X = [ix;idx];
for k=(1:1:287)
X(:,k+1) = Abest*X(:,k) + Bbest*outdoor(k+1) + B1best* (cbest4/cbest1);
In this code Abest is a 2x2 matrix, Bbest is a 2x1 matrix, outdoor is a 288x1 vector, B1best is a 2x1 matrix. The matricies are found from a function using the matrix expodential command. c4 and c1 are terms defined before, constants.
In Python I have been able to get the matrix exponential command to work in my function but I can't get that for loop to work.
Xo = np.array([[ix],[idx]])
num1 = range(0,276)
for k in num1:
Xo[:,k+1] = Ae*Xo[:,k] + Be*outdoor[k+1] + Be1*(c4/c1)
Again Ae,Be,Be1 are matrices of the same size just like the Matlab ones. Same thing for the outdoor vector.
I have tried everything I can think of to make it work... The only thing that worked for me was,
Xo = np.zeros(())
#Initial COnditions
ix = np.array(indoor[0])
idx = np.array(indoor[1]-indoor[0])
Xo = np.array([[ix],[idx]])
#Range for the for loop
num1 = range(0,1)
for k in num1:
Xo = Ae*Xo[k] + Be*outdoor[k+1] + Be1*(c4/c1)
Now, this thing will work but only give me two points. If I change the range I get an error. I'm assuming this code works because my original Xo is just two states so k goes through those two states but that's not what I want.
If anyone could help me out that would be very helpful! If I'm making some code error, it's honestly because I'm not understanding the 'For loop' in python to well when it comes to data analysis and having it loop through the rows and increment the columns. Thank you for your time.
Upon Request here is my full code:
import scipy.io as sc
import math as m
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
from scipy.linalg import expm, sinm, cosm
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_excel('datatemp.xlsx')
outdoor = np.array(df[['Outdoor']])
indoor = np.array(df[['Indoor']])
###########################. FUNCTION DEFINE. #################################################
#Progress bar
def progress(count, total, status=''):
percents = round(100.0 * count / float(total), 1)
sys.stdout.write(' %s%s ...%s\r' % ( percents, '%', status))
#Define Matrix for Model
def Matrixbuild(c1,c2,c3):
A = np.array([[0,1],[-c3/c1,-c2/c1]])
B = np.array([[0],[1/c1]])
B1 = np.array([[1],[0]])
C = np.zeros((2,2))
D = np.zeros((2,2))
F = np.array([[0,1,0,1],[-c3/c1,-c2/c1,1/c1,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0]])
R = np.array(expm(F))
Ae = np.array([[R.item(0),R.item(1)],[R.item(4),R.item(5)]])
Be = np.array([[R.item(2)],[R.item(6)]])
Be1 = np.array([[R.item(3)],[R.item(7)]])
return Ae,Be,Be1;
###########################. Data. #################################################
# outdoor = np.array([5.8115,4.394,5.094,5.1123,5.1224])
# indoor = np.array([15.595,15.2429,15.0867,14.9982,14.8993])
###########################. Model Define. #################################################
Xo = np.zeros((2,288))
ix = np.array(indoor[0])
idx = np.array(indoor[1])
err_min = m.inf
c1spam = np.linspace(0.05,0.001,30)
c2spam = np.linspace(6.2,6.5,30)
c3spam = np.linspace(7.1,7.45,30)
totalspam = len(c1spam)*len(c2spam)*len(c3spam)
ind = 0
for c1 in c1spam:
for c2 in c2spam:
for c3 in c3spam:
c4 = 1.1
#MatrixBuild Function
result = Matrixbuild(c1,c2,c3)
Ae,Be,Be1 = result
Xo = np.array([ix,idx])
Datarange = range(0,len(outdoor)-1,1)
for k in Datarange:
Xo[:,k+1] = np.matmul(Ae,Xo[:,k]) + np.matmul(Be,outdoor[k+1]) + Be1*(c4/c1)
ind = ind + 1
err = np.linalg.norm(Xo[0,range(0,287)]-indoor.T)
if err<err_min:
err_min = err
cbest = np.array([[c1],[c2],[c3],[c4]])
# print(X)
# print(err)
# print(cbest)
###########################. Model with Cbest Values. #################################################
c1 = cbest[0]
c2 = cbest[1]
c3 = cbest[2]
result2 = Matrixbuild(c1,c2,c3)
AeBest,BeBest,Be1Best = result2
Xo = np.array([ix,idx])
Datarange = np.arange(0,len(outdoor)-1)
for k in Datarange:
Xo[:,k+1] = np.matmul(AeBestb,Xo[:,k]) + np.matmul(BeBest,outdoor[k+1]) + Be1Best*(c4/c1)
err = np.linalg.norm(Xo[0,range(0,287)]-indoor.T)
###########################. Plots. #################################################
time = np.linspace(1,2,2)
And again my error occurs in the line with the for loop of
for k in Datarange:
Xo[:,k+1] = np.matmul(Ae,Xo[k]) + np.matmul(Be,outdoor[k+1]) + Be1*(c4/c1)
I was trying to use np.matmul for matrix multiplication but even without it, it wasn't working.
If there are any other questions about my code please ask. Essentially I'm trying to find the best c1,c2,c3 coefficients that fit my data which is indoor temperature by using a basic second order constant coefficient model.
Have you tried with Xo[:,k+1] instead of Xo(:,k+1)? Python uses [] for slicing and indexing.
Xo = np.array([[ix],[idx]])
This creates a 1x1 array with 1 value: (ix, idx). I think you're looking for something like Xo = np.zeros((ix, idx)), which will give you an ixxidx array initialized to zeros. If you don't need the zeros you can use Xo = np.empty((ix, idx)).
See the docs on array creation.
So by reading into how python works a little more and allocation for arrays/matrices, I was able to find out how to do it. I needed to first allocate my 'Xo' value and then input the initial conditions in order for the For loop to work.
Xo = np.zeros((2,num2))
Xo = np.asmatrix(Xo)
Xo[0,0] = ix
Xo[1,0] = idx
Also for the 'for loop', I called the range some value like this,
num1 = range(0,4)
num2 = len(num1) + 1
This helped in order to calculate the total dimension of 'Xo', by calling it 'num2'. It was also defined like that because my 'For loop' went (k+1), this the dimension would grow larger, ex:
for k in num1:
Xo[:,k+1] = Ae*Xo[:,k] + Be*outdoor[k+1] + Be1*(c4/c1)
But there it is! I figured it by comparing Matlab printouts to Python printouts and just trying to debug one line at a time. Now I have the same exact value print out in both goods, so it is time to start using the python code!
I'm a C and MATLAB user. When I started learning Python (a week ago) I noticed that I don't use full potential of MATLAB, in particular array operations. I use for loops often, probably because I learnt programming in C.
In a previous tip, I learnt to use cumsum and other efficient array operations, for example:
alpha = [1e-4,1e-3,1e-4,1e-1,1e-2,1e-3,1e-6,1e-3];
zeta = alpha / (dz*dz)
nz = 101
wz = cumsum(l*(nz-1));
nl = lenght(l);
Is it possible simplify the following code in Python (Numpy) or MATLAB?
A = zeros(nz,nz);
for j = 2:wz(i)-1
A(j,j-1) = zeta(1,1);
A(j,j) = -2*zeta(1,1);
A(j,j+1) = zeta(1,1); % layer 1 nodes
%cicle to n-layers
for i=2:nl
for j=wz(i-1):wz(i-1)
A(j,j-1) = zeta(1,i-1);
A(j,j) = -zeta(1,i-1)-zeta(1,i);
A(j,j+1) = zeta(1,i);
for j=wz(i-1)+1:wz(i)
A(j,j-1) = zeta(1,i);
A(j,j) = -2*zeta(1,i);
A(j,j+1) = zeta(1,i);
I've modified the code below after having a chance to run it on my machine side by side yours. There are still a couple of questions (is A suppose to get larger in the final loop?, what is dz?). The problem you ran into before running this was that I forgot idx_matrix had to be logical.
alpha = [1e-4,1e-3,1e-4,1e-1,1e-2,1e-3,1e-6,1e-3];
zeta = alpha / (dz*dz);
nz = 101;
wz = cumsum(l*(nz-1));
nl = length(l);
A = zeros(nz);
%replaces 1st loop
j_start = 2;
j_end = wz(i)-1;
idx_matrix = false(size(A));
idx_matrix(j_start:j_end,j_start:j_end) = eye(j_end-j_start+1);
A(idx_matrix) = -2*zeta(1,1);
idx_matrix(idx_matrix) = false;
idx_matrix(j_start:j_end,j_start-1:j_end-1) = eye(j_end-j_start+1);
A(idx_matrix) = zeta(1,1);
idx_matrix(idx_matrix) = false;
idx_matrix(j_start:j_end,j_start+1:j_end+1) = eye(j_end-j_start+1);
A(idx_matrix) = zeta(1,1);
%cicle to n-layers
for i=2:nl
%replaces 3rd loop
j_start = wz(i-1);
A(j_start,j_start) = -zeta(1,i-1)-zeta(1,i);
A(j_start,j_start-1) = zeta(1,i-1);
A(j_start,j_start+1) = zeta(1,i);
%replaces 4th loop
j_start = wz(i-1)+1;
j_end = min(wz(i),size(A,2)-1);
idx_matrix = false(size(A));
idx_matrix(j_start:j_end,j_start:j_end) = eye(j_end-j_start+1);
A(idx_matrix) = -2*zeta(1,i);
idx_matrix(idx_matrix) = false;
idx_matrix(j_start:j_end,j_start-1:j_end-1) = eye(j_end-j_start+1);
A(idx_matrix) = zeta(1,i);
idx_matrix(idx_matrix) = false;
idx_matrix(j_start:j_end,j_start+1:j_end+1) = eye(j_end-j_start+1);
A(idx_matrix) = zeta(1,i);
To simplify your loops, you can use the function spdiags.
For instance your first loop can be written as:
A=full(spdiags(repmat([zeta(1,1),-2*zeta(1,1),zeta(1,1)],wz(i),1),[-1 0 1],wz(i),wz(i)))
There exists one very good linear interpolation method. It performs linear interpolation requiring at most one multiply per output sample. I found its description in a third edition of Understanding DSP by Lyons. This method involves a special hold buffer. Given a number of samples to be inserted between any two input samples, it produces output points using linear interpolation. Here, I have rewritten this algorithm using Python:
temp1, temp2 = 0, 0
iL = 1.0 / L
for i in x:
hold = [i-temp1] * L
temp1 = i
for j in hold:
temp2 += j
y.append(temp2 *iL)
where x contains input samples, L is a number of points to be inserted, y will contain output samples.
My question is how to implement such algorithm in ANSI C in a most effective way, e.g. is it possible to avoid the second loop?
NOTE: presented Python code is just to understand how this algorithm works.
UPDATE: here is an example how it works in Python:
points_inbetween = 2
for i in range(num_points):
x.append( sin(i*2.0*pi * 0.1) )
L = points_inbetween
iL = 1.0/L
for i in x:
hold = [i-temp1] * L
temp1 = i
for j in hold:
temp2 += j
y.append(temp2 * iL)
Let's say x=[.... 10, 20, 30 ....]. Then, if L=1, it will produce [... 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 ...]
Interpolation in the sense of "signal sample rate increase"
... or i call it, "upsampling" (wrong term, probably. disclaimer: i have not read Lyons'). I just had to understand what the code does and then re-write it for readability. As given it has couple of problems:
a) it is inefficient - two loops is ok but it does multiplication for every single output item; also it uses intermediary lists(hold), generates result with append (small beer)
b) it interpolates wrong the first interval; it generates fake data in front of the first element. Say we have multiplier=5 and seq=[20,30] - it will generate [0,4,8,12,16,20,22,24,28,30] instead of [20,22,24,26,28,30].
So here is the algorithm in form of a generator:
def upsampler(seq, multiplier):
if seq:
step = 1.0 / multiplier
y0 = seq[0];
yield y0
for y in seq[1:]:
dY = (y-y0) * step
for i in range(multiplier-1):
y0 += dY;
yield y0
y0 = y;
yield y0
Ok and now for some tests:
>>> list(upsampler([], 3)) # this is just the same as [Y for Y in upsampler([], 3)]
>>> list(upsampler([1], 3))
>>> list(upsampler([1,2], 3))
[1, 1.3333333333333333, 1.6666666666666665, 2]
>>> from math import sin, pi
>>> seq = [sin(2.0*pi * i/10) for i in range(20)]
>>> seq
[0.0, 0.58778525229247314, 0.95105651629515353, 0.95105651629515364, 0.58778525229247325, 1.2246063538223773e-016, -0.58778525229247303, -0.95105651629515353, -0.95105651629515364, -0.58778525229247336, -2.4492127076447545e-016, 0.58778525229247214, 0.95105651629515353, 0.95105651629515364, 0.58778525229247336, 3.6738190614671318e-016, -0.5877852522924728, -0.95105651629515342, -0.95105651629515375, -0.58778525229247347]
>>> list(upsampler(seq, 2))
[0.0, 0.29389262614623657, 0.58778525229247314, 0.76942088429381328, 0.95105651629515353, 0.95105651629515364, 0.95105651629515364, 0.7694208842938135, 0.58778525229247325, 0.29389262614623668, 1.2246063538223773e-016, -0.29389262614623646, -0.58778525229247303, -0.76942088429381328, -0.95105651629515353, -0.95105651629515364, -0.95105651629515364, -0.7694208842938135, -0.58778525229247336, -0.29389262614623679, -2.4492127076447545e-016, 0.29389262614623596, 0.58778525229247214, 0.76942088429381283, 0.95105651629515353, 0.95105651629515364, 0.95105651629515364, 0.7694208842938135, 0.58778525229247336, 0.29389262614623685, 3.6738190614671318e-016, -0.29389262614623618, -0.5877852522924728, -0.76942088429381306, -0.95105651629515342, -0.95105651629515364, -0.95105651629515375, -0.76942088429381361, -0.58778525229247347]
And here is my translation to C, fit into Kratz's fn template:
* #param src caller supplied array with data
* #param src_len len of src
* #param steps to interpolate
* #param dst output param will be filled with (src_len - 1) * steps + 1 samples
float* linearInterpolation(float* src, int src_len, int steps, float* dst)
float step, y0, dy;
float *src_end;
if (src_len > 0) {
step = 1.0 / steps;
for (src_end = src+src_len; *dst++ = y0 = *src++, src < src_end; ) {
dY = (*src - y0) * step;
for (int i=steps; i>0; i--) {
*dst++ = y0 += dY;
Please note the C snippet is "typed but never compiled or run", so there might be syntax errors, off-by-1 errors etc. But overall the idea is there.
In that case I think you can avoid the second loop:
def interpolate2(x, L):
new_list = []
new_len = (len(x) - 1) * (L + 1)
for i in range(0, new_len):
step = i / (L + 1)
substep = i % (L + 1)
fr = x[step]
to = x[step + 1]
dy = float(to - fr) / float(L + 1)
y = fr + (dy * substep)
return new_list
print interpolate2([10, 20, 30], 3)
you just calculate the member in the position you want directly. Though - that might not be the most efficient to do it. The only way to be sure is to compile it and see which one is faster.
Well, first of all, your code is broken. L is not defined, and neither is y or x.
Once that is fixed, I run cython on the resulting code:
L = 1
temp1, temp2 = 0, 0
iL = 1.0 / L
y = []
x = range(5)
for i in x:
hold = [i-temp1] * L
temp1 = i
for j in hold:
temp2 += j
y.append(temp2 *iL)
And that seemed to work. I haven't tried to compile it, though, and you can also improve the speed a lot by adding different optimizations.
"e.g. is it possible to avoid the second loop?"
If it is, then it's possible in Python too. And I don't see how, although I don't see why you would do it the way you do. First creating a list of L length of i-temp is completely pointless. Just loop L times:
L = 1
temp1, temp2 = 0, 0
iL = 1.0 / L
y = []
x = range(5)
for i in x:
hold = i-temp1
temp1 = i
for j in range(L):
temp2 += hold
y.append(temp2 *iL)
It all seems overcomplicated for what you get out though. What are you trying to do, actually? Interpolate something? (Duh it says so in the title. Sorry about that.)
There are surely easier ways of interpolating.
Update, a much simplified interpolation function:
# A simple list, so it's easy to see that you interpolate.
indata = [float(x) for x in range(0, 110, 10)]
points_inbetween = 3
outdata = [indata[0]]
for point in indata[1:]: # All except the first
step = (point - outdata[-1]) / (points_inbetween + 1)
for i in range(points_inbetween):
outdata.append(outdata[-1] + step)
I don't see a way to get rid of the inner loop, nor a reason for wanting to do so.
Converting it to C I'll leave up to someone else, or even better, Cython, as C is a great langauge of you want to talk to hardware, but otherwise just needlessly difficult.
I think you need the two loops. You have to step over the samples in x to initialize the interpolator, not to mention copy their values into y, and you have to step over the output samples to fill in their values. I suppose you could do one loop to copy x into the appropriate places in y, followed by another loop to use all the values from y, but that will still require some stepping logic. Better to use the nested loop approach.
(And, as Lennart Regebro points out) As a side note, I don't see why you do hold = [i-temp1] * L. Instead, why not do hold = i-temp, and then loop for j in xrange(L): and temp2 += hold? This will use less memory but otherwise behave exactly the same.
Heres my try at a C implementation for your algorithm. Before trying to further optimize it id suggest you profile its performance with all compiler optimizations enabled.
* #param src caller supplied array with data
* #param src_len len of src
* #param steps to interpolate
* #param dst output param needs to be of size src_len * steps
float* linearInterpolation(float* src, size_t src_len, size_t steps, float* dst)
float* dst_ptr = dst;
float* src_ptr = src;
float stepIncrement = 1.0f / steps;
float temp1 = 0.0f;
float temp2 = 0.0f;
float hold;
size_t idx_src, idx_steps;
for(idx_src = 0; idx_src < src_len; ++idx_src)
hold = *src_ptr - temp1;
temp1 = *src_ptr;
for(idx_steps = 0; idx_steps < steps; ++idx_steps)
temp2 += hold;
*dst_ptr = temp2 * stepIncrement;
How to convert the following MATLAB code to Python? Here is my solution, but it doesn't quite produce the same results. For example, f seems to be always positive in the MATLAB code, but in my Python code, f also gets negative values.
Any ideas how to fix the program?
Mostly, I am concerned about these:
for k = 1 : nx
j = k+2;
for k in range(1,nx+1):
j = k+2
[V,D] = eig(A, B);
DD = diag(D);
keep_idxs = find( ~isinf(DD) );
D = diag( DD(keep_idxs) );
V = V(:, keep_idxs);
[lambda, idx] = min(diag(D));
f = V(:,idx);
w,vr = scipy.linalg.decomp.eig(A,B)
w = w.real
vr = vr.real
w = w[2:-1-2]
lambda_ = w.min()
idx = w.argmin()
f = vr[:,idx]
f = f(3:end-2);
[nf, nf_idx] = max(abs(f)); % L_infty norm
n2 = f(nf_idx); % normalize sign away, too
f = f ./ n2;
f = f[2:-1-1]
nf = max(np.absolute(f))
nf_idx = np.absolute(f).argmax()
nf_idx = np.ma.argmax(f)
n2 = f[nf_idx]
f = f/n2
xx = -kappa:h:kappa;
xx = np.arange(-kappa, kappa+h, h)
Are those equivalent with each other? If they are, then why don't they produce exact the same results?
I don't know about matlab, but for python the code
for k in range(1,nx+1):
j = k+2
is the same as
j = nx+2
This isn't your main problem, but it's worrying.