Using Processes as Threads with Networking in Python - python

Basically, my idea was to write some sort of basic server where I could connect to my computer and then run a command remotely. This didn't seem to be much of a problem; but then I had the bright idea that the next step would logically be to add some sort of threading so I could spawn multiple connections.
I read that, because of the GIL, multiprocessing.Process would be the best to try to do this. I don't completely understand threading and it's hard to find good documentation on it; so I'm kind of just throwing stuff and trying to figure out how it works.
Well, it seems like I might be close to doing this right; but I have a feeling I'm just as likely to be no where near doing this correctly. My program now does allow multiple connections, which it didn't when I first started working with threading; but once a connection is established, and then another is established, the first connection is no longer able to send a command to the server. I would appreciate it if someone could give me any help, or point me in the right direction on what I need to learn and understand.
Here's my code:
class server:
def __init__(self):
self.s = socket.socket()
except socket.error,(value,message):
if self.s:
def connection(self):
while True:
client , address = self.s.accept()
data = client.recv(5)
password = 'hello'
while 1:
if data == password:'firefox')
client.send('wrong password')
data = client.recv(5)
p = Process(target=x.connection())
x = server()
if __name__ == '__main':

Well, this answer only applies if you're on a unix or unix-like operating system(windows does not have os.fork() which we use).
One of the most common approaches for doing these things on unix platforms is to fork a new process to handle the client connection while the master process continues to listen for requests.
Below is code for a simple echo server that can handle multiple simultaneous connections. You just need to modify handle_client_connection() to fit your needs
import socket
import os
class ForkingServer:
def serve_forever(self):
self.s = socket.socket()
self.s.bind(("", 9000))
except socket.error, (value,message):
print "error:", message
if self.s:
while True:
client,address = self.s.accept()
pid = os.fork()
# You should read the documentation for how fork() works if you don't
# know it already
# The short version is that at this point in the code, there are 2 processes
# completely identical to each other which are simulatenously executing
# The only difference is that the parent process gets the pid of the child
# returned from fork() and the child process gets a value of 0 returned
if pid == 0:
# only the newly spawned process will execute this
self.handle_client_connection(client, address)
# In the meantime the parent process will continue on to here
# thus it will go back to the beginning of the loop and accept a new connection
def handle_client_connection(self, client,address):
#simple echo server
print "Got a connection from:", address
while True:
data = client.recv(5)
if not data:
# client closed the connection
print "Connection from", address, "closed"
server = ForkingServer()


I need the server to send messages to all clients (Python, sockets)

This is my server program, how can it send the data received from each client to every other client?
import socket
import os
from threading import Thread
import thread
def listener(client, address):
print "Accepted connection from: ", address
while True:
data = client.recv(1024)
if not data:
print repr(data)
host = socket.gethostname()
port = 10016
s = socket.socket()
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
th = []
while True:
print "Server is listening for connections..."
client, address = s.accept()
th.append(Thread(target=listener, args = (client,address)).start())
If you need to send a message to all clients, you need to keep a collection of all clients in some way. For example:
clients = set()
clients_lock = threading.Lock()
def listener(client, address):
print "Accepted connection from: ", address
with clients_lock:
while True:
data = client.recv(1024)
if not data:
print repr(data)
with clients_lock:
for c in clients:
with clients_lock:
It would probably be clearer to factor parts of this out into separate functions, like a broadcast function that did all the sends.
Anyway, this is the simplest way to do it, but it has problems:
If one client has a slow connection, everyone else could bog down writing to it. And while they're blocking on their turn to write, they're not reading anything, so you could overflow the buffers and start disconnecting everyone.
If one client has an error, the client whose thread is writing to that client could get the exception, meaning you'll end up disconnecting the wrong user.
So, a better solution is to give each client a queue, and a writer thread servicing that queue, alongside the reader thread. (You can then extend this in all kinds of ways—put limits on the queue so that people stop trying to talk to someone who's too far behind, etc.)
As Anzel points out, there's a different way to design servers besides using a thread (or two) per client: using a reactor that multiplexes all of the clients' events.
Python 3.x has some great libraries for this built in, but 2.7 only has the clunky and out-of-date asyncore/asynchat and the low-level select.
As Anzel says, Python SocketServer: sending to multiple clients has an answer using asyncore, which is worth reading. But I wouldn't actually use that. If you want to write a reactor-based server in Python 2.x, I'd either use a better third-party framework like Twisted, or find or write a very simple one that sits directly on select.

Python: How to interrupt raw_input() in other thread

I am writing a simple client-server program in python. In the client program, I am creating two threads (using Python's threading module), one for receiving, one for sending. The receiving thread continuously receives strings from the server side; while the sending thread continuously listens to the user input (using raw_input()) and send it to the server side. The two threads communicate using a Queue (which is natively synchronized, LIKE!).
The basic logic is like following:
Receiving thread:
global queue = Queue.Queue(0)
def run(self):
while 1:
receive a string from the server side
if the string is QUIT signal:
put it into the global queue
Sending thread:
def run(self):
while 1:
str = raw_input()
send str to the server side
fetch an element from the global queue
deal with the element
As you can see, in the receiving thread, I have a if condition to test whether the server has sent a "QUIT signal" to the client. If it has, then I want the whole program to stop.
The problem here is that for most of its time, the sending thread is blocked by "raw_input()" and waiting for the user input. When it is blocked, calling "sys.exit()" from the other thread (receiving thread) will not terminate the sending thread immediately. The sending thread has to wait for the user to type something and hit the enter button.
Could anybody inspire me how to get around with this? I do not mind using alternatives of "raw_input()". Actually I do not even mind changing the whole structure.
I am running this on a linux machine, and my Python version is 2.7.5
You could just make the sending thread daemonic:
send_thread = SendThread() # Assuming this inherits from threading.Thread
send_thread.daemon = True # This must be called before you call start()
The Python interpreter won't be blocked from exiting if the only threads left running are daemons. So, if the only thread left is send_thread, your program will exit, even if you're blocked on raw_input.
Note that this will terminate the sending thread abruptly, no matter what its doing. This could be dangerous if it accesses external resources that need to be cleaned up properly or shouldn't be interrupted (like writing to a file, for example). If you're doing anything like that, protect it with a threading.Lock, and only call sys.exit() from the receiving thread if you can acquire that same Lock.
The short answer is you can't. input() like a lot of such input commands is blocking and it's blocking whether everything about the thread has been killed. You can sometimes call sys.exit() and get it to work depending on the OS, but it's not going to be consistent. Sometimes you can kill the program by deferring out to the local OS. But, then you're not going to be widely cross platform.
What you might want to consider if you have this is to funnel the functionality through the sockets. Because unlike input() we can do timeouts, and threads and kill things rather easily. It also gives you the ability to do multiple connections and maybe accept connections more broadly.
import socket
import time
from threading import Thread
def process(command, connection):
print("Command Entered: %s" % command)
# Any responses are written to connection.
connection.send(bytes('>', 'utf-8'))
class ConsoleSocket:
def __init__(self):
self.keep_running_the_listening_thread = True
self.data_buffer = ''
def stop(self):
self.keep_running_the_listening_thread = False
def handle_tcp_connection_in_another_thread(self, connection, addr):
def handle():
while self.keep_running_the_listening_thread:
data_from_socket = connection.recv(1024)
if len(data_from_socket) != 0:
self.data_buffer += data_from_socket.decode('utf-8')
while '\n' in self.data_buffer:
pos = self.data_buffer.find('\n')
command = self.data_buffer[0:pos].strip('\r')
self.data_buffer = self.data_buffer[pos + 1:]
process(command, connection)
except socket.timeout:
except socket.error:
if connection is not None:
connection.send(bytes('>', 'utf-8'))
def tcp_listen_handle(self, port=23, connects=5, timeout=2):
"""This is running in its own thread."""
sock = socket.socket()
sock.bind(('', port))
sock.listen(connects) # We accept more than one connection.
while self.keep_running_the_listening_thread:
connection = None
connection, addr = sock.accept()
address, port = addr
if address != '': # Only permit localhost.
# makes a thread deals with that stuff. We only do listening.
self.handle_tcp_connection_in_another_thread(connection, addr)
except socket.timeout:
except OSError:
# Some other error.
if connection is not None:
c = ConsoleSocket()
def killsocket():
This launches a listener thread for the connections set on port 23 (telnet), and you connect and it passes that connection off to another thread. And it starts a killsocket thread that disables the various threads and lets them die peacefully (for demonstration purposes). You cannot however connect localhost within this code, because you'd need input() to know what to send to the server, which recreates the problem.

Gevent.monkey.patch_all breaks code that relies on socket.shutdown()

I'm currently working to add support for gevent-socketio to an existing django project. I'm finding that gevent.monkey.patch_all() call is breaking the cancellation mechanism of a thread which is responsible for receiving data from a socket, we'll call the class SocketReadThread for now.
SocketReadThread is pretty simple, it calls recv() on a blocking socket. When it receives data is processes it and calls recv() again. The thread stops when an exception occurs or when recv() returns 0 bytes as occurs when socket.shutdown(SHUT_RDWR) is called in SocketReadThread.stop_reading()
The problem occurs when the gevent.monkey.patch_all() replaces the default socket implementation. Instead of shutting down nicely I get the following exception:
error: [Errno 9] File descriptor was closed in another greenlet
I'm assuming this is occurring because gevent makes my socket non-blocking in order to work its magic. This means that when I call socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) the greenlet that was doing the work for the monkey patched socket.recv call tried to read from the closed file descriptor.
I coded an example to isolate this issue:
from gevent import monkey
import socket
import sys
import threading
import time
class SocketReadThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, socket):
super(SocketReadThread, self).__init__()
self._socket = socket
def run(self):
connected = True
while connected:
print "calling socket.recv"
data = self._socket.recv(1024)
if (len(data) < 1):
print "received nothing, assuming socket shutdown"
connected = False
else :
print "Recieved something: {}".format(data)
except socket.timeout as e:
print "Socket timeout: {}".format(e)
connected = false
except :
ex = sys.exc_info()[1]
print "Unexpected exception occurrred: {}".format(str(ex))
raise ex
def stop_reading(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
sock = socket.socket()
sock.connect(('', 4242))
st = SocketReadThread(sock)
If you open a terminal an run nc -lp 4242 & (to give this program something to connect to) and then run this program you will see the exception mentioned above. If you remove the call to monkey.patch_all() you will see that it works just fine.
My question is: How can support cancellation of the SocketReadThread in a way that works with or without gevent monkey patching and doesn't require the use of an arbitrary timeout that would make cancellation slow (i.e. calling recv() with a timeout and checking a conditional)?
I found that there were two different workarounds for this. The first was to simply catch and suppress the exception. This appears to work fine since it is common practice for one thread to close a socket in order to cause another thread to exit from a blocking read. I don't know or understand why greenlets would complain about this other than a debugging aid. It is really just an annoyance.
The second option was to use the self-pipe trick (a quick search yields many explanations) as a mechanism to wake up a blocked thread. Essentially we create a second file descriptor (a socket is like a type of file descriptor to the OS) for signaling cancellation. We then use select as our blocking to wait for either incoming data on the socket or a cancellation request to come in on the cancellation file descriptor. See the example code below.
from gevent import monkey
import os
import select
import socket
import sys
import threading
import time
class SocketReadThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, socket):
super(SocketReadThread, self).__init__()
self._socket = socket
r, w = os.pipe()
self._cancelpipe_r = os.fdopen(r, 'r')
self._cancelpipe_w = os.fdopen(w, 'w')
def run(self):
connected = True
read_fds = [self._socket, self._cancelpipe_r]
while connected:
print "Calling select"
read_list, write_list, x_list =, [], [])
print "Select returned"
if self._cancelpipe_r in read_list :
print "exiting"
connected = False
elif self._socket in read_list:
print "calling socket.recv"
data = self._socket.recv(1024)
if (len(data) < 1):
print "received nothing, assuming socket shutdown"
connected = False
else :
print "Recieved something: {}".format(data)
def stop_reading(self):
print "writing to pipe"
print "joining"
print "joined"
def _cleanup(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
sock = socket.socket()
sock.connect(('', 4242))
st = SocketReadThread(sock)
Again, before running the above program run netcat -lp 4242 & to give it a listening socket to connect to.

Thread synchronization in Python

I am currently working on a school project where the assignment, among other things, is to set up a threaded server/client system. Each client in the system is supposed to be assigned its own thread on the server when connecting to it. In addition i would like the server to run other threads, one concerning input from the command line and another concerning broadcasting messages to all clients. However, I can't get this to run as i want to. It seems like the threads are blocking each other. I would like my program to take inputs from the command line, at the "same time" as the server listens to connected clients, and so on.
I am new to python programming and multithreading, and allthough I think my idea is good, I'm not suprised my code doesn't work. Thing is I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to implement the message passing between the different threads. Nor am I sure exactly how to implement the resource lock commands properly. I'm going to post the code for my server file and my client file here, and I hope someone could help me with this. I think this actually should be two relative simple scripts. I have tried to comment on my code as good as possible to some extend.
import select
import socket
import sys
import threading
import client
class Server:
#initializing server socket
def __init__(self, event): = 'localhost'
self.port = 50000
self.backlog = 5
self.size = 1024
self.server = None
self.server_running = False
self.listen_threads = []
self.local_threads = []
self.clients = []
self.serverSocketLock = None
self.cmdLock = None
#here i have also declared some events for the command line input
#and the receive function respectively, not sure if correct
self.cmd_event = event
self.socket_event = event
def openSocket(self):
#binding server to port
self.server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.server.bind((, self.port))
print "Listening to port " + str(self.port) + "..."
except socket.error, (value,message):
if self.server:
print "Could not open socket: " + message
def run(self):
#making Rlocks for the socket and for the command line input
self.serverSocketLock = threading.RLock()
self.cmdLock = threading.RLock()
#set blocking to non-blocking
#making two threads always running on the server,
#one for the command line input, and one for broadcasting (sending)
cmd_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.server_cmd)
broadcast_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.broadcast,args=[self.clients])
cmd_thread.daemon = True
broadcast_thread.daemon = True
#append the threads to thread list
self.server_running = True
while self.server_running:
#connecting to "knocking" clients
c = client.Client(self.server.accept())
print "Client " + str(c.address) + " connected"
#making a thread for each clientn and appending it to client list
listen_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.listenToClient,args=[c])
listen_thread.daemon = True
#setting event "client has connected"
except socket.error, (value, message):
#close threads
print "Closing client threads"
for c in self.listen_threads:
def listenToClient(self, c):
while self.server_running:
#the idea here is to wait until the thread gets the message "client
#has connected"
#then clear the event immidiately...
#and aquire the socket resource
#the below is the receive thingy
recvd_data = c.client.recv(self.size)
if recvd_data == "" or recvd_data == "close\n":
print "Client " + str(c.address) + (" disconnected...")
print recvd_data
#I put these here to avoid locking the resource if no message
#has been received
except socket.error, (value, message):
def server_cmd(self):
#this is a simple command line utility
while self.server_running:
#got to have a smart way to make this work
cmd = sys.stdin.readline()
if cmd == "":
if cmd == "close\n":
print "Server shutting down..."
self.server_running = False
def broadcast(self, clients):
while self.server_running:
#this function will broadcast a message received from one
#client, to all other clients, but i guess any thread
#aspects applied to the above, will work here also
send_data = sys.stdin.readline()
if send_data == "":
for c in clients:
except socket.error, (value, message):
if __name__ == "__main__":
e = threading.Event()
s = Server(e)
And then the client file
import select
import socket
import sys
import server
import threading
class Client(threading.Thread):
#initializing client socket
def __init__(self,(client,address)):
self.client = client
self.address = address
self.size = 1024
self.client_running = False
self.running_threads = []
self.ClientSocketLock = None
def run(self):
#connect to server
#making a lock for the socket resource
self.clientSocketLock = threading.Lock()
self.client_running = True
#making two threads, one for receiving messages from server...
listen = threading.Thread(target=self.listenToServer)
#...and one for sending messages to server
speak = threading.Thread(target=self.speakToServer)
#not actually sure wat daemon means
listen.daemon = True
speak.daemon = True
#appending the threads to the thread-list
#this while-loop is just for avoiding the script terminating
while self.client_running:
dummy = 1
#closing the threads if the client goes down
print "Client operating on its own"
#close threads
for t in self.running_threads:
#defining "listen"-function
def listenToServer(self):
while self.client_running:
#here i acquire the socket to this function, but i realize I also
#should have a message passing wait()-function or something
data_recvd = self.client.recv(self.size)
print data_recvd
except socket.error, (value,message):
#releasing the socket resource
#defining "speak"-function, doing much the same as for the above function
def speakToServer(self):
while self.client_running:
send_data = sys.stdin.readline()
if send_data == "close\n":
print "Disconnecting..."
self.client_running = False
except socket.error, (value,message):
if __name__ == "__main__":
c = Client((socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM),'localhost'))
I realize this is quite a few code lines for you to read through, but as I said, I think the concept and the script in it self should be quite simple to understand. It would be very much appriciated if someone could help me synchronize my threads in a proper way =)
Thanks in advance
OK. So I now have simplified my code to just containing send and receive functions in both the server and the client modules. The clients connecting to the server gets their own threads, and the send and receive functions in both modules operetes in their own separate threads. This works like a charm, with the broadcast function in the server module echoing strings it gets from one client to all clients. So far so good!
The next thing i want my script to do, is taking specific commands, i.e. "close", in the client module to shut down the client, and join all running threads in the thread list. Im using an event flag to notify the listenToServer and the main thread that the speakToServer thread has read the input "close". It seems like the main thread jumps out of its while loop and starts the for loop that is supposed to join the other threads. But here it hangs. It seems like the while loop in the listenToServer thread never stops even though server_running should be set to False when the event flag is set.
I'm posting only the client module here, because I guess an answer to get these two threads to synchronize will relate to synchronizing more threads in both the client and the server module also.
import select
import socket
import sys
import server_bygg0203
import threading
from time import sleep
class Client(threading.Thread):
#initializing client socket
def __init__(self,(client,address)):
self.client = client
self.address = address
self.size = 1024
self.client_running = False
self.running_threads = []
self.ClientSocketLock = None
self.disconnected = threading.Event()
def run(self):
#connect to server
self.client_running = True
#making two threads, one for receiving messages from server...
listen = threading.Thread(target=self.listenToServer)
#...and one for sending messages to server
speak = threading.Thread(target=self.speakToServer)
#not actually sure what daemon means
listen.daemon = True
speak.daemon = True
#appending the threads to the thread-list
self.running_threads.append((speak, "speak"))
while self.client_running:
#check if event is set, and if it is
#set while statement to false
if self.disconnected.isSet():
self.client_running = False
#closing the threads if the client goes down
print "Client operating on its own"
#close threads
#the script hangs at the for-loop below, and
#refuses to close the listen-thread (and possibly
#also the speak thread, but it never gets that far)
for t in self.running_threads:
print "Waiting for " + t[1] + " to close..."
#defining "speak"-function
def speakToServer(self):
#sends strings to server
while self.client_running:
send_data = sys.stdin.readline()
#I want the "close" command
#to set an event flag, which is being read by all other threads,
#and, at the same time set the while statement to false
if send_data == "close\n":
print "Disconnecting..."
self.client_running = False
except socket.error, (value,message):
#defining "listen"-function
def listenToServer(self):
#receives strings from server
while self.client_running:
#check if event is set, and if it is
#set while statement to false
if self.disconnected.isSet():
self.client_running = False
data_recvd = self.client.recv(self.size)
print data_recvd
except socket.error, (value,message):
if __name__ == "__main__":
c = Client((socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM),'localhost'))
Later on, when I get this server/client system up and running, I will use this system on some elevator models we have here on the lab, with each client receiving floor orders or "up" and "down" calls. The server will be running an distribution algorithm and updating the elevator queues on the clients that are most appropriate for the requested order. I realize it's a long way to go, but I guess one should just take one step at the time =)
Hope someone has the time to look into this. Thanks in advance.
The biggest problem I see with this code is that you have far too much going on right away to easily debug your problem. Threading can get extremely complicated because of how non-linear the logic becomes. Especially when you have to worry about synchronizing with locks.
The reason you are seeing clients blocking on each other is because of the way you are using your serverSocketLock in your listenToClient() loop in the server. To be honest this isn't exactly your problem right now with your code, but it became the problem when I started to debug it and turned the sockets into blocking sockets. If you are putting each connection into its own thread and reading from them, then there is no reason to use a global server lock here. They can all read from their own sockets at the same time, which is the purpose of the thread.
Here is my recommendation to you:
Get rid of all the locks and extra threads that you don't need, and start from the beginning
Have the clients connect as you do, and put them in their thread as you do. And simply have them send data every second. Verify that you can get more than one client connecting and sending, and that your server is looping and receiving. Once you have this part working, you can move on to the next part.
Right now you have your sockets set to non-blocking. This is causing them all to spin really fast over their loops when data is not ready. Since you are threading, you should set them to block. Then the reader threads will simply sit and wait for data and respond immediately.
Locks are used when threads will be accessing shared resources. You obviously need to for any time a thread will try and modify a server attribute like a list or a value. But not when they are working on their own private sockets.
The event you are using to trigger your readers doesn't seem necessary here. You have received the client, and you start the thread afterwards. So it is ready to go.
In a nutshell...simplify and test one bit at a time. When its working, add more. There are too many threads and locks right now.
Here is a simplified example of your listenToClient method:
def listenToClient(self, c):
while self.server_running:
recvd_data = c.client.recv(self.size)
print "received:", c, recvd_data
if recvd_data == "" or recvd_data == "close\n":
print "Client " + str(c.address) + (" disconnected...")
print recvd_data
except socket.error, (value, message):
if value == 35:
print "Error:", value, message
Backup your work, then toss it - partially.
You need to implement your program in pieces, and test each piece as you go. First, tackle the input part of your program. Don't worry about how to broadcast the input you received. Instead worry that you are able to successfully and repeatedly receive input over your socket. So far - so good.
Now, I assume you would like to react to this input by broadcasting to the other attached clients. Well too bad, you can't do that yet! Because, I left one minor detail out of the paragraph above. You have to design a PROTOCOL.
What is a protocol? It's a set of rules for communication. How does your server know when the client had finished sending it's data? Is it terminated by some special character? Or perhaps you encode the size of the message to be sent as the first byte or two of the message.
This is turning out to be a lot of work, isn't it? :-)
What's a simple protocol. A line-oriented protocol is simple. Read 1 character at a time until you get to the end of record terminator - '\n'. So, clients would send records like this to your server --
MSG DAVE Where Are Your Kids?\n
So, assuming you have this simple protocol designed, implement it. For now, DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE MULTITHREADING STUFF! Just worry about making it work.
Your current protocol is to read 1024 bytes. Which may not be bad, just make sure you send 1024 byte messages from the client.
Once you have the protocol stuff setup, move on to reacting to the input. But for now you need something that will read input. Once that is done, we can worry about doing something with it.
jdi is right, you have too much program to work with. Pieces are easier to fix.

Python : How to close a UDP socket while is waiting for data in recv?

let's consider this code in python:
import socket
import threading
import sys
import select
class UDPServer:
def __init__(self):
def start(self,port=8888):
if not self.s:
self.s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
def stop(self):
if self.s:
def run(self):
while True:
#receive data
def onPacket(self,addr,data):
print addr,data
while True:
sys.stdout.write("UDP server> ")
if cmd=="start\n":
print "starting server..."
print "done"
elif cmd=="stop\n":
print "stopping server..."
print "done"
elif cmd=="quit\n":
print "Quitting ..."
print "bye bye"
It runs an interactive shell with which I can start and stop an UDP server.
The server is implemented through a class which launches a thread in which there's a infinite loop of recv/onPacket callback inside a try/except block which should detect the error and the exits from the loop.
What I expect is that when I type "stop" on the shell the socket is closed and an exception is raised by the recvfrom function because of the invalidation of the file descriptor.
Instead, it seems that recvfrom still to block the thread waiting for data even after the close call.
Why this strange behavior ?
I've always used this patter to implements an UDP server in C++ and JAVA and it always worked.
I've tried also with a "select" passing a list with the socket to the xread argument, in order to get an event of file descriptor disruption from select instead that from recvfrom, but select seems to be "insensible" to the close too.
I need to have a unique code which maintain the same behavior on Linux and Windows with python 2.5 - 2.6.
The usual solution is to have a pipe tell the worker thread when to die.
Create a pipe using os.pipe. This gives you a socket with both the reading and writing ends in the same program. It returns raw file descriptors, which you can use as-is ( and os.write) or turn into Python file objects using os.fdopen.
The worker thread waits on both the network socket and the read end of the pipe using When the pipe becomes readable, the worker thread cleans up and exits. Don't read the data, ignore it: its arrival is the message.
When the master thread wants to kill the worker, it writes a byte (any value) to the write end of the pipe. The master thread then joins the worker thread, then closes the pipe (remember to close both ends).
P.S. Closing an in-use socket is a bad idea in a multi-threaded program. The Linux close(2) manpage says:
It is probably unwise to close file descriptors while they may be in use by system calls in other threads in the same process. Since a file descriptor may be re-used, there are some obscure race conditions that may cause unintended side effects.
So it's lucky your first approach did not work!
This is not java. Good hints:
Don't use threads. Use asynchronous IO.
Use a higher level networking framework
Here's an example using twisted:
from twisted.internet.protocol import DatagramProtocol
from twisted.internet import reactor, stdio
from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver
class UDPLogger(DatagramProtocol):
def datagramReceived(self, data, (host, port)):
print "received %r from %s:%d" % (data, host, port)
class ConsoleCommands(LineReceiver):
delimiter = '\n'
prompt_string = 'myserver> '
def connectionMade(self):
self.sendLine('My Server Admin Console!')
def lineReceived(self, line):
line = line.strip()
if line:
if line == 'quit':
elif line == 'start':
reactor.listenUDP(8888, UDPLogger())
self.sendLine('listening on udp 8888')
self.sendLine('Unknown command: %r' % (line,))
Example session:
My Server Admin Console!
myserver> foo
Unknown command: 'foo'
myserver> start
listening on udp 8888
myserver> quit
