I have a tkinter python 2.x program. I have several windows appearing on the screen. I use buttons to navigate from one to another, but I'm struggling to close a window and refocus on a currently opened window. I can open new windows just fine!
#code for main window
def frmMain():
app = Tk()
app.title("TWS: XML Options")
bn1 = Button(app,text="Add", command=frmAdd)
bn1.grid(row = 2,column = 2, stick = W)
bn2 = Button(app,text="Edit", command=frmEdit)
bn2.grid(row = 2,column = 3, stick = W)
bn3 = Button(app,text="Delete", command=frmDelete)
bn3.grid(row = 2,column = 4, stick = W)
bn4 = Button(app,text="Back",command=frmMenu)
bn4.grid(row = 3,column = 2, stick = W)
#code for button on sub window
bn1 = Button(app,text="Back", command=back)
def back():
#Code to close current window and reopen frmMain
Just call destroy() on widget's parent.
bn1 = Button(app, text="Back", command=app.destroy)
I suppose you are not destroying the parent window, so once the Toplevel is destroyed, the focus is automatically returned to the previous opened window.
A TopLevel Window can be activated using its deiconify() method.
Use the basic Widget method focus_set() to set keyboard focus to a specific widget.
Good days all, I am new here, and I have stuck the problem a few days a problem currently with Tkinter, I have done some research about how to close Tkinter window when the mouse has clicked away from it but there are not much information to do so.
So, my problem is how to close the Tkinter window when the mouse clicked outside the Tkinter? I have tried the method of FocusOut to my Tkinter. However, I have tried to bind with root, it will close the window even though I clicked inside the frame widget. Then, I bind with the frame, the Tkinter will close when I clicked outside the Tkinter. Therefore, I have proved that the idea to close the Tkinter is works so far.
Then a new problem has happened, when I clicked the Combobox widget in the window, the window will close also. Is there any better solution to prove this concept?
Here is the code to indicate my problem.
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import StringVar, ttk,messagebox
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Sample Window")
info_frame = tk.LabelFrame(root, text = "Information")
info_frame.pack(padx = 5, pady = 5 , fill = "both",expand=True)
tabControl = ttk.Notebook(info_frame)
person1tab = ttk.Frame(tabControl)
tabControl.add(person1tab,text = "Person1")
person2tab = ttk.Frame(tabControl)
tabControl.add(person2tab,text = "Person2")
fname_var = tk.StringVar()
lname_var = tk.StringVar()
gender_var = tk.StringVar()
age_var = tk.IntVar()
fname_label = tk.Label(person1tab, text = "First name:").pack(padx=5,pady=3)
fname_entry = tk.Entry(person1tab, textvariable=fname_var).pack(padx=5,pady=3)
lname_label = tk.Label(person1tab, text = "Last name:").pack(padx=5,pady=3)
lname_entry = tk.Entry(person1tab, textvariable=lname_var).pack(padx=5,pady=3)
gender_label = tk.Label(person1tab, text = "Gender:").pack(padx=5,pady=3)
gender_combo = ttk.Combobox(person1tab, textvariable=gender_var,state='readonly')
gender_combo['values'] = ('Male','Female')
age_label = tk.Label(person1tab, text = "Age:").pack(padx=5,pady=3)
age_label = tk.Entry(person1tab, textvariable=age_var).pack(padx=5,pady=3)
page2label = tk.Label(person2tab,text = "This is tab 2.").pack(padx=5,pady=3)
def lossfocus(event):
tabControl.bind('<FocusOut>', lossfocus)
You can still bind <FocusOut> on root window, but you need to check:
whether the widget that trigger this event is root window
no other widget in this root window getting the focus:
def lossfocus(event):
if event.widget is root:
# check which widget getting the focus
w = root.tk.call('focus')
if not w:
# not widget in this window
I'm newbie in this site, but I have a question.
This is my code in Tkinter. My problem is that when I go to put an image inside a button, it does not display it.
Only in this program, because if I write the same things in a new clean file, it works. What's the problem ?
def newWindow():
root.destroy() #this destroy the main window
window = Tk()
window.title("Provisory title")
bt3 = Button(window)
bt3.place(x = 10, y = 10)
#image button
calc = PhotoImage(file= "icon_Calculator.png")
bt3.config(image = calc, width="100",height="100")
I am writing a python program which executes the following sequence:
1. Dialog box to open/select a directory
2. perform certain operations
3. rename the file using a tkinter dialog box
4. Perform rest of the operations
I have written the following code:
def open_directory():
directory_name = filedialog.askdirectory(title='Ordner Auswählen',parent=root)
def input_name():
def callback():
e = ttk.Entry(root)
NORM_FONT = ("Helvetica", 10)
label = ttk.Label(root,text='Enter the name of the ROI', font=NORM_FONT)
label.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10)
e.pack(side = 'top',padx = 10, pady = 10)
b = ttk.Button(root, text = "OK", width = 10, command = callback)
def close_window():
root = tk.Tk()
open_directory() #dialogue box to select directory
<perform certain operations>
input_name() #dialgue box for user input file name
close_window() #exit the mainloop of tkinter
<perform rest of the functions>
but I get the following error
Tclerror: NULL main window
I think it is realted to declaring root as the main window, but I dont seem to find where I have made the mistake.
Is there some other method, which is better, for what I am trying to do here?
As #CommonSense has mentioned, when you use withdraw to hide the main window, then you need to use the method deiconify to use the root again. Hence, change the function change_directory as follows:
def open_directory():
directory_name = filedialog.askdirectory(title='Ordner Auswählen',parent=root)
If you do not deiconify the window, you could not call the function input_name, which makes use of the root window.
I have tested this code and it works.
PS: You also have a typo in the function close_window (when destroying the window).
Your use of .destroy() and .quit() as #CommonSense truly said do not really seem well planned.
Not only that, you need to use triggers or events to control your function calls, else they just run straight the one preventing the other from running as is the case in your code.
You should also control when close_window() is called with an event:
from tkinter import filedialog
import tkinter as tk
def open_directory():
directory_name = filedialog.askdirectory(title='Ordner Auswählen',parent=root)
def input_name():
def callback():
e = tk.Entry(root, textvariable=es_variable)
NORM_FONT = ("Helvetica", 10)
label = tk.Label(root,text='Enter the name of the ROI', font=NORM_FONT)
label.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10)
e.pack(side = 'top',padx = 10, pady = 10)
b = tk.Button(root, text = "OK", width = 10, command = callback)
def close_window():
root = tk.Tk()
open_dir_button = tk.Button(root, text = "Open Dialog", width = 10, command =open_directory)
#dialogue box to select directory
#<perform certain operations>
#dialgue box for user input file name
#close_window() #exit the mainloop of tkinter
#<perform rest of the functions>
So I am trying to make a text-based game, but also want to incorporate images into it, I have a main menu, a window that is always open, and then a game window, that should have the image in, but for some reason, it appears in the menu window instead. Has anyone got any idea why?
def menu():
master = Tk()
master.configure(background = '#484a2c')
def game():
master = Tk()
master.configure(background = '#484a2c')
image = PhotoImage(file="Kitchenimage.gif")
label5 = Label(image=image)
label5.image = image
label = Label(master, text = "Zombie Mansion", background = '#484a2c',
font = ("AR CHRISTY", 30))
b = Button(master,text = "Play Game", height = 1, width = 10)
b.config(background = '#484a2c', activebackground = '#484a2c', font =
("AR CHRISTY", 14), command = get_username)
b.place(x = 120, y = 70)
"Why is my image appearing on the wrong window in Tkinter?"
Assuming you have another instance of Tk as what you refer to as main menu somewhere in your code that you're not showing us like:
main = Tk()
in addition to master = Tk() in your game method, then it's because when you instantiate widgets without passing a parent widget explicitly like in:
label5 = Label(image=image)
then the widget's parent defaults to the Tk instance whose mainloop is being run, in above case supposedly main's. By default widgets are shown under their parents, hence the reason.
Pass parent explicitly like:
label5 = Label(master=main, image=image)
label5 = Label(master, image=image)
In most cases, if not all cases, you shouldn't have multiple instances of Tk. If you require additional windows, please use Toplevel widget.
I've searched and found a few things on parent windows in python but that is not what I was looking for. I am trying make a simple program that opens a window and another window after that when the previous one is closed. I was also trying to implement some kind of loop or sleep time to destroy the window by default if the user does not. This is what I have (I'm new please don't laugh)
from tkinter import *
import time
root = Tk()
i = 0
if i < 1:
logo = PhotoImage(file="burger.gif")
w1 = Label(root, image=logo).pack()
i = i + 1
if i == 1:
photoTwo = PhotoImage(file="freedom.gif")
labelTwo = Label(root, image=photoTwo).pack()
i = i + 1
Perhaps you're looking for something like this:
from tkinter import *
import time
def openNewWindow():
secondWindow = Tk()
secondWindow.title("Second Window")
photoTwo = PhotoImage(file="freedom.gif")
labelTwo = Label(secondWindow, image=photoTwo).pack()
firstWindow = Tk()
firstWindow.title("First Window")
logo = PhotoImage(file="burger.gif")
w1 = Label(firstWindow, image=logo).pack()
closeBttn = Button(firstWindow, text="Close!", command=openNewWindow)
This creates a button in the first window, which the user clicks. This then calls the openNewWindow function, which destroys that window, and opens the second window. I'm not sure there's a way to do this using the window exit button.
To get create a more sustainable window creation, use this:
from tkinter import *
import time
def openThirdWindow(previouswindow):
thirdWindow = Tk()
thirdWindow.title("Third Window")
photoTwo = PhotoImage(file="freedom.gif")
labelTwo = Label(thirdWindow, image=photoTwo).pack()
def openSecondWindow(previouswindow):
secondWindow = Tk()
secondWindow.title("Second Window")
photoTwo = PhotoImage(file="freedom.gif")
labelTwo = Label(secondWindow, image=photoTwo).pack()
closeBttn = Button(secondWindow, text="Close!", command= lambda: openThirdWindow(secondWindow))
def openFirstWindow():
firstWindow = Tk()
firstWindow.title("First Window")
logo = PhotoImage(file="burger.gif")
w1 = Label(firstWindow, image=logo).pack()
closeBttn = Button(firstWindow, text="Close!", command= lambda: openSecondWindow(firstWindow))
This places the opening of each window in a seperate function, and passes the name of the window through the button presses into the next function. Another method would be setting the window names as global, but this is messy.
The function "lambda:" calls the function, in tkinter you must type this if you want to pass something through a command.
We initiate the whole process first first called "openFirstWindow()"