Multiprocessing FTP Uploading With A Precise Number of Connections - python

So, I've been able to use multiprocessing to upload multiple files at once to a given server with the following two functions:
import ftplib,multiprocessing,subprocess
def upload(t):
server=locker.server,user=locker.user,password=locker.password,service=locker.service #These all just return strings representing the various fields I will need.
ftp.storbinary("STOR "+t.split('/')[-1], open(t,"rb"))
ftp.close() # Doesn't seem to be necessary, same thing happens whether I close this or not
def ftp_upload(t=files,server=locker.server,user=locker.user,password=locker.password,service=locker.service):
files_already_on_server=[f for f in t if f.split("/")[-1] in remote_files]
files_to_upload=[f for f in t if not f in files_already_on_server]
connections_to_make=3 #The maximum connections allowed the the server is 5, and this error will pop up even if I use 1
My problem is that I (very regularly) end up getting errors such as:
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 227, in map
return self.map_async(func, iterable, chunksize).get()
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 528, in get
raise self._value
ftplib.error_temp: 421 Too many connections (5) from this IP
Note: There's also a timeout error that occasionally occurs, but I'm waiting for it to rear it's ugly head again, at which point I'll post it.
I don't get this error when I use the command line (i.e. "ftp -inv", "open SERVER", "user USERNAME PASSWORD", "mput *.rar"), even when I have (for example) 3 instances of this running at once.
I've read through the ftplib and multiprocessing documentation, and I can't figure out what it is that is causing these errors. This is somewhat of a problem because I'm regularly backing up a large amount of data and a large number of files.
Is there some way I can avoid these errors or is there a different way of having the/a script do this?
Is there a way I can tell the script that if it has this error, it should wait for a second, and then resume it's work?
Is there a way I can have the script upload the files in the same order they are in the list (of course speed differences would mean they wouldn't all always be 4 consecutive files, but at the moment the order seems basically random)?
Can someone explain why/how more connections are being simultaneously made to this server than the script is calling for?
So, just handling the exceptions seems to be working (except for the occasional recursion error...still have no fucking idea what the hell is going on there).
As per #3, I wasn't looking for that to be 100% in order, only that the script would pick the next file in the list to upload (so differences in processes speeds could/would still cause the order not to be completely sequential, there would be less variability than in the current system, which seems to be almost unordered).

You could try to use a single ftp instance per process:
def init(*credentials):
global ftp
server, user, password, acct = credentials
ftp = ftplib.FTP(server)
ftp.login(user=user, passwd=password, acct=acct)
def upload(path):
with open(path, 'rb') as file:
ftp.storbinary("STOR " + os.path.basename(path), file)
except ftplib.error_temp as error: # handle temporary error
return path, error
return path, None
def main():
# ...
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=connections_to_make,
initializer=init, initargs=credentials)
for path, error in pool.imap_unordered(upload, files_to_upload):
if error is not None:
print("failed to upload %s" % (path,))

specifically answering (2) Is there a way I can tell the script that if it has this error, it should wait for a second, and then resume it's work?
ftplib.error_temp: 421 Too many connections (5) from this IP
This is an exception. You can catch it and handle it. While python doesn't support tail calls, so this is terrible form, it can be as simple as this:
def upload(t):
server=locker.server,user=locker.user,password=locker.password,service=locker.service #These all just return strings representing the various fields I will need.
ftp.storbinary("STOR "+t.split('/')[-1], open(t,"rb"))
ftp.close() # Doesn't seem to be necessary, same thing happens whether I close this or not
except ftplib.error_temp:
As for your question (3) if that is what you want, do the upload serially, not in parallel.
I look forward to you posting with an update with an answer to (4). The only thing which comes to my mind is some other process with ftp connection to this IP.


FTP: how to deal with hangs and resume downloads?

I am downloading a ~300 Mb file through an ftp server periodically every 6 hours or so. Most downloads go well, but sometimes the process hangs and I need to kill and restart manually. So I want a more robust download system, preferably with the following criteria.
Avoids timeouts or hangs as much as possible. And can deal with them if they happen
If the download is killed, try resuming it a few times until completed (or send error message if it didn't work for any of the times tried)
For (1), I read in this question that it would be good to use python threading with keep_alive calls until all blocks have been downloaded.
def downloadFile(…):
ftp = FTP(…)
sock = ftp.transfercmd('RETR ' + filename)
def background():
f = open(…)
while True:
block = sock.recv(1024*1024)
if not block:
t = threading.Thread(target=background)
while t.is_alive():
For (2), there could be a loop that checks if the file has been completely downloaded. And if not, it could restart from the point it left it as. Based on this question.
for i in range(3):
if "Check if file has been completely downloaded":
if os.path.exists(filename):
restarg = {'rest': str(os.path.getsize(filename))}
restarg = {}
ftp.transfercmd("RETR " + filename, **restarg)
But how to combine (1) and (2)? Can you resume a threaded download? With many blocks which we don't even know in which order were downloaded..
If these two methods cannot be combined, do you have any other idea?
Also, I am not very sure how to tell if the ftp download was completed. Should I check the file size for this? File sizes might change from one download to another.

Python : Locking text file on NFS

I have a file results.txt on a server which is accessed by multiple VMs through NFS. A process runs on each of these VMs which reads the results.txt file and modifies it. If two processes, A and B, read the file at the same time, then modification of either A or B would be present in results.txt based on the order in which the processes write to the file.
If process A has a write lock over the file then process B would have to wait till the lock is released to read the results.txt file.
I have tried implementing this using Python:
import fcntl
f = open("/path/result.txt")
It works as expected for files on the local disk.
but when I run try to lock a file on the mounted path, I get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 12, in <module>
IOError: [Errno 45] Operation not supported
I tried fcntl.fcntl and fcntl.flock but got the same error. Is this an issue with the way I am using fcntl? Is any configuration required on the server where file is stored?
This is how I am using fcntl.fcntl:
f= open("results.txt")
lockdata = struct.pack('hhllhh', fcntl.F_RDLCK,0,0,0,0,0)
rv = fcntl.fcntl(f, fcntl.F_SETLKW, lockdata)
The NFS server version is 3.
I found flufl.lock most suited for my requirement.
Quoting the author from project page:
[...] O_EXCL is broken on NFS file systems, programs which rely on
for performing locking tasks will contain a race condition. The
solution for performing atomic file locking using a lockfile is to
create a unique file on the same fs (e.g., incorporating hostname and
pid), use link(2) to make a link to the lockfile. If link() returns
0, the lock is successful. Otherwise, use stat(2) on the unique file
to check if its link count has increased to 2, in which case the lock
is also successful.
Since it is not part of the standard library I couldn't use it. Also, my requirement was only a subset of all the features offered by this module.
The following functions were written based on the modules. Please make changes based on the requirements.
def lockfile(target,link,timeout=300):
global lock_owner
while timeout > 0:
print("Lock acquired")
except OSError as err:
if err.errno == errno.EEXIST:
print("Lock unavailable. Waiting for 10 seconds...")
raise err
print("Timed out waiting for the lock.")
def releaselock(link):
if lock_owner:
print("File unlocked")
except OSError:
print("Error:didn't possess lock.")
This is a crude implementation that works for me. I have been using it and haven't faced any issues. There are many things that can be improved though. Hope this helps.

Block execution until a file is created/modified

I have a Python HTTP server, on a certain GET request a file is created which is returned as response afterwards. The file creation might take a second, respectively the modification (updating) of the file.
Hence, I cannot return immediately the file as response. How do I approach such a problem? Currently I have a solution like this:
while not os.path.isfile('myfile'):
return myfile
This seems very inconvenient, but is there a possibly better way?
A simple notification would do, but I don't have control over the process which creates/updates the files.
You could use Watchdog for a nicer way to watch the file system?
Something like this will remove the os call:
while updating:
return myfile
def updateFile():
# updating file
updating = false
Implementing blocking io operations in synchronous HTTP requests is a bad approach. If many people run the same procedure simultaneously you may soon run out of threads (if there is a limited thread pool). I'd do the following:
A client requests the file creation URI. A file generating procedure is initialized in a background process (some asynchronous task system), the user gets a file id / name in the HTTP response. Next the client makes AJAX calls every once a while (polling), to check if the file has been created/modified (seperate file serve/check-if-exists URI). When the file is finaly created, the user is redirected (js window.location) to the file serving URI.
This approach will require a bit more work, but eventually it will pay off.
You can try using os.path.getmtime, this would check the modification time of the file and return if it's less than 1 sec ago. Also I suggest you only make a limited amount of tries or you will be stuck in an infinite loop if the file doesn't get created/modified. And as #Krzysztof Rosiński pointed out you should probably think about doing it in a non-blocking way.
import os
from datetime import datetime
import time
for i in range(10):
dif =
if dif.total_seconds() < 1:
return file
except OSError:

What is ssh equivalent read_until and read_very_eager methods at telnet?

I will write a SSH communicator class on Python. I have telnet communicator class and I should use functions like at telnet. Telnet communicator have read_until and read_very_eager functions.
read_until : Read until a given string is encountered or until timeout.
read_very_eager : Read everything that's possible without blocking in I/O (eager).
I couldn't find these functions for SSH communicator. Any idea?
You didn't state it in the question, but I am assuming you are using Paramiko as per the tag.
read_until: Read until a given string is encountered or until timeout.
This seems like a very specialized function for a particular high level task. I think you will need to implement this one. You can set a timeout using paramiko.Channel.settimeout and then read in a loop until you get either the string you want or a timeout exception.
read_very_eager: Read everything that's possible without blocking in I/O (eager).
Paramiko doesn't directly provide this, but it does provide primitives for non-blocking I/O and you can easily put this in a loop to slurp in everything that's available on the channel. Have you tried something like this?
resultlist = []
while True:
chunk = channel.recv(1024)
except socket.timeout:
return ''.join(resultlist)
Hi there even i was searching solution for the same problem.
I think it might help you ....
one observation, tell me if you find solution.
I wont get output if i remove 6th line.
I was actually printing 6th line to know the status, later i found recv_exit_status() should be called for execution of this code.
import paramiko,sys
trans = paramiko.Transport((host, 22))
trans.connect(username = user, password = passwd)
session = trans.open_channel("session")
session.exec_command('grep -rE print .')
while session.recv_ready():
temp = session.recv(1024)
print temp
1.Read until > search for the data you are searching for and break the loop
2.Read_very_eager > use the above mentioned code.

Overriding basic signals (SIGINT, SIGQUIT, SIGKILL??) in Python

I'm writing a program that adds normal UNIX accounts (i.e. modifying /etc/passwd, /etc/group, and /etc/shadow) according to our corp's policy. It also does some slightly fancy stuff like sending an email to the user.
I've got all the code working, but there are three pieces of code that are very critical, which update the three files above. The code is already fairly robust because it locks those files (ex. /etc/passwd.lock), writes to to a temporary files (ex. /etc/passwd.tmp), and then, overwrites the original file with the temporary. I'm fairly pleased that it won't interefere with other running versions of my program or the system useradd, usermod, passwd, etc. programs.
The thing that I'm most worried about is a stray ctrl+c, ctrl+d, or kill command in the middle of these sections. This has led me to the signal module, which seems to do precisely what I want: ignore certain signals during the "critical" region.
I'm using an older version of Python, which doesn't have signal.SIG_IGN, so I have an awesome "pass" function:
def passer(*a):
The problem that I'm seeing is that signal handlers don't work the way that I expect.
Given the following test code:
def passer(a=None, b=None):
def signalhander(enable):
signallist = (signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGQUIT, signal.SIGABRT, signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIGALRM, signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGKILL)
if enable:
for i in signallist:
signal.signal(i, passer)
for i in signallist:
signal.signal(i, abort)
def abort(a=None, b=None):
sys.exit('\nAccount was not created.\n')
time.sleep(10) # ^C during this sleep
The problem with this code is that a ^C (SIGINT) during the time.sleep(10) call causes that function to stop, and then, my signal handler takes over as desired. However, that doesn't solve my "critical" region problem above because I can't tolerate whatever statement encounters the signal to fail.
I need some sort of signal handler that will just completely ignore SIGINT and SIGQUIT.
The Fedora/RH command "yum" is written is Python and does basically exactly what I want. If you do a ^C while it's installing anything, it will print a message like "Press ^C within two seconds to force kill." Otherwise, the ^C is ignored. I don't really care about the two second warning since my program completes in a fraction of a second.
Could someone help me implement a signal handler for CPython 2.3 that doesn't cause the current statement/function to cancel before the signal is ignored?
As always, thanks in advance.
Edit: After S.Lott's answer, I've decided to abandon the signal module.
I'm just going to go back to try: except: blocks. Looking at my code there are two things that happen for each critical region that cannot be aborted: overwriting file with file.tmp and removing the lock once finished (or other tools will be unable to modify the file, until it is manually removed). I've put each of those in their own function inside a try: block, and the except: simply calls the function again. That way the function will just re-call itself in the event of KeyBoardInterrupt or EOFError, until the critical code is completed.
I don't think that I can get into too much trouble since I'm only catching user provided exit commands, and even then, only for two to three lines of code. Theoretically, if those exceptions could be raised fast enough, I suppose I could get the "maximum reccurrsion depth exceded" error, but that would seem far out.
Any other concerns?
def criticalRemoveLock(file):
if os.path.isFile(file):
return True
except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
return criticalRemoveLock(file)
def criticalOverwrite(tmp, file):
if os.path.isFile(tmp):
shutil.copy2(tmp, file)
return True
except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
return criticalOverwrite(tmp, file)
There is no real way to make your script really save. Of course you can ignore signals and catch a keyboard interrupt using try: except: but it is up to your application to be idempotent against such interrupts and it must be able to resume operations after dealing with an interrupt at some kind of savepoint.
The only thing that you can really to is to work on temporary files (and not original files) and move them after doing the work into the final destination. I think such file operations are supposed to be "atomic" from the filesystem prospective. Otherwise in case of an interrupt: restart your processing from start with clean data.
