How to convert .xls file to pdf through python scripting - python

I have created .xls using xlwt module.
Now i want to convert this newly created xls file to pdf. Can anyone please tell me how can i do this through python scripting. Am using python 2.6 version.

There are at least two possibilities here: either you read the .xls back in as cells and generate a PDF, or maybe you want to print the .xls to .pdf from the program that just created the .xls.
In the first case you might want to consider writing the .pdf directly (you have the data to make the .xls in the program at some point). I have a grid class that can be written out in HTML format, or to .xls' (usingxlwt),.xlsm(usingopenpyxl) and to.pdf(usingreportlab`).
You will need to use the second option if you write formula and that kind of stuff in your .xls and want to have the calculated results in your .pdf. In that case use subprocess to call Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice/LibreOffice Calc with the right commandline parameters for printing/converting the file to PDF.
E.g. for LibreOffice 4.0 the commandline would be:
scalc --convert-to pdf yourfile.xls
which will result in a yourfile.pdf


How to parse cell format data from a .xlsx file using xlrd

I am relatively new to python and I am trying to read information from an excel sheet to generate a graph. So far I am using the most current version of the xlrd library (0.9.4) in a nested for loop to grab the value from each cell. However, I am unsure how to access the formatting information for each cell
For example, if a cell were formatted to display as currency in the excel file, using the standard sheet.cell(row, column).value from xlrd would only return 5.0 instead of $5.00
I found here that you can set the formatting_info parameter to true when opening the workbook in order to see some of the format information, however I am primarily using excel 2013 and my excel sheets are being saved by default as .xlsx files. According to this issue on GitHub, support for formatting_info has not yet been implemented for .xlsx files.
Is there any way around using the formatting_info flag, or any other way that I can detect when a format, currency specifically, has been used in order to reflect that in my graphs? I am aware that it is possible to convert .xlsx files to .xls files such as shown here, but I am concerned about information/formatting loss.

How to copy from Excel and paste as image in Word using Python?

How do I copy a set of cells from Excel and paste them as image in Word using Python ?
I am trying to automate some reports (in docx format). The excels are auto generated and then I have to manually copy cells from Excel and paste as image in Word.
I have done some research and found there are some libraries like python-docx (for word) and openpyxl (for excel). What I am not able to figure out is the copy and paste as image from excel to word.
I don't think this is an easy task. Because conversion Excel to image probably means the Python package/codes need to know how to render the excel content, which is a big step beyond read/write excel format. I don't know any Python package can do that.
Assume you're running Python codes in Windows, you may try to call COM to copy/paste directly from Excel to Word. I guess that would behave just like you manually Ctrl+C/V. Reference
If you prefer to convert to an image, may try a VBA script. Reference

export font from spreadsheet to python

I have spreadsheet data in OpenOffice Calc that I would like to send to a python file.
The spreadsheet contains strings that use some odd fonts, and OpenOffice displays them properly. I can't find a way to get the font information into a .csv export; I would be just as happy to find a python method of extracting data from a spreadsheet file.
Any ideas?
CSV files don't store font meta data. Instead, you should try to convert the stored spreadsheet into an XLS format (Or another format of your choice).
Then, you can use python libraries that support the format such as:

Save open excel file using python

How do I save an open excel file using python= I currently read the excel workbook using XLRD but I need to save the excel file so any changes the user inputs are read.
I have done this using a VBA script from within excel which saves the workbook every x seconds, but this is not ideal.
How about using xlwt?
for Python 2 --
for Python 3 --
It looks like XLRD is used for reading the data, not interfacing with excel. So no, unless you use a different library using python is not the best way to do this, what is wrong with the VBA script?

Python - Reading a spreadsheet

What I need to know is, can I get Python to read a spreadsheet (preferably Microsoft Excel), then parse the information and input it into an equation?
It's for a horse-racing program, where the information for several horses will be in one excel spreadsheet, in different rows or columns. I need to know if I can run a calculation for each of those horses separately and then calculate a score for the given horse.
My suggestion is:
Save the Excel file as a csv comma separated value file, which is a plain text format and much easier to work with.
Use Python's built-in csv module to work with the data in csv format.
You can work with Excel files directly in Python (Excel 2003 format supported via the third party modules xlwt, xlrd) but this is much harder than working with CSV.
OpenPyXL ("A Python library to read/write Excel 2007 xlsx/xlsm files") has a very nice and Pythonic API.
Use xlrd package. It's on PyPI, so you can just easy_install xlrd
You can export the spreadsheet as a .csv and read it in as a text file, then process it. I have a niggling feeling there might even a CSV parsing python library.
AFAIK there isn't a .xls parser, although I might be wrong.
EDIT: I was wrong:
