Python, if statement and float - python

I have a function in Python that reads a ds18b20 temp sensor. The sensor gives me a faulty value (-0.062) about 5% of the time that I read it. This is not a problem but I do not want to log the value since it looks ugly in my graphs.
I can't manage to "catch" the value in an if-statement to replace it with "#error". The code below runs nicely but it appears that the if-statement is faulty and does not work - it just runs everything under the else.
I have tried everything, even "catching" all values between 1000 and 1500 (present temperature reading before dividing by 1000) to check if it would work with any temperature, but it does not.
Does anyone have any idea why my if-statement does not work?
def readtwo():
tfile = open("/sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0000040de8fc/w1_slave")
text =
secondline = text.split("\n")[1]
temperaturedata = secondline.split(" ")[9]
temperature = float(temperaturedata[2:])
temperature = temperature / 1000
if temperature == -0.062:

Testing base 10 floats for (in)equality is almost always the wrong thing to do, because they almost always cannot be exactly represented in a binary system.
From what I see of your snippet, you should compare against the string, then convert to float if it is not the dreaded -0.062:
def readtwo():
tfile = open("/sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0000040de8fc/w1_slave")
text =
secondline = text.split("\n")[1]
temperaturedata = secondline.split(" ")[9]
temperature = temperaturedata[2:]
if temperature == '-0062':
temperature = float(temperature) / 1000

You might also be able to clean up the rest of the code a little:
def readtwo():
with open("/sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0000040de8fc/w1_slave", 'r') as f:
secondline = f.readlines()[1]
temp = secondline.split(' ')[9][2:]
if '-62' in temp:
return '#error'
return float(temp)/1000

Regardless to my comment about the decimal module, floating point arithemitc has it's problems (in python as well). The foremost of which is that due to representation errors, two numbers that are equal on paper, will not be equal when compared by the program.
The way around it, is to look at the relative error between two numbers, rather than simply compare them.
in pseudo:
if abs(num1 - num2)/ abs(num2) < epsilon:
print "They are close enough"
And in your case:
if abs(temparture + 0.062)/0.062 < 10**-3:
Basically, we check that the numbers are "close enough" to be considered the same.


Value of string to be a trigger

I'm trying to get my code to get a string of data from a sensor, and then do something when it reads a specific value.
The following code is how I'm receiving the data now (this is just a test) the function is called earlier in the code at the time where I want it to be called.
def gettemperature(self)
temp = self.board.temp_sensor
print("Temperature is " + str(round(temp)) + " degrees.")
This code works, and returns the temperature value rounded to the terminal, but how could I, instead of printing the value to the terminal, make it so when that string of rounded value is say, 200 degrees, then it prints the temperature value? instead of printing it every 2 seconds (the frequency of the data being received, as per another part of the code)
Using something like
if temp = 200
then print(blahblah)
in short, the above code is what I'm trying to do. If the temp equals a certain value, then something else will happen.
That last code doesn't work. I'm pretty new to coding, so I'm assuming I'm either not going about this the right way, or the syntax of how I'm going about trying to get that value to do something isn't correct (obviously)
Thanks for any help! I'm surprised I got this far, haha.
It would be better if your function gettemperature would return something and then print the result in the condition:
def gettemperature()
temp = board.temp_sensor
return temp
temp = gettemperature()
if temp == 200:
print("Temperature is " + str(round(temp)) + " degrees.")
Before using stackoverflow, I'd recommend learning all this stuff from some basic course, as you'll get to learn the stuff yourself rather then get the answer from someone else.
Try learning conditional statements.
what you want is, to put a conditional statement which triggers if temperature is greater than 200.
If the temp is always a number in string data type, you can use the below code.
def gettemperature(self):
temp = self.board.temp_sensor
print("Temperature is " + str(round(temp)) + " degrees.")
temp=int(temp) #typecasting string datatype to integer
if temp == 200:
print("Temperature is high")

How do I make sure all of my values are computed in my loop?

I am working on a 'keep the change assignment' where I round the purchases to the whole dollar and add the change to the savings account. However, the loop is not going through all of the values in my external text file. It only computes the last value. I tried splitting the file but it gives me an error. What might be the issue? my external text file is as so:
(each on different lines)
def main():
account1 = BankAccount()
file1 = open("data.txt","r+") # reading the file, + indicated read and write
s = 0 # to keep track of the new savings
for n in file1:
n = float(n) #lets python know that the values are floats and not a string
z= math.ceil(n) #rounds up to the whole digit
amount = float(z-n) # subtract the rounded sum with actaul total to get change
print(" Saved $",round(amount,2), "on this purchase",file = file1)
s = amount + s
x = (account1.makeSavings(s))
I'm fairly sure the reason for this is because you are printing the amount of money you have saved to the file. In general, you don't want to alter the length of an object you are iterating over because it can cause problems.
account1 = BankAccount()
file1 = open("data.txt","r+") # reading the file, + indicated read and write
s = 0 # to keep track of the new savings
amount_saved = []
for n in file1:
n = float(n) #lets python know that the values are floats and not a string
z= math.ceil(n) #rounds up to the whole digit
amount = float(z-n) # subtract the rounded sum with actaul total to get change
s = amount + s
x = (account1.makeSavings(s))
for n in amount_saved:
print(" Saved $",round(amount,2), "on this purchase",file = file1)
This will print the amounts you have saved at the end of the file after you are finished iterating through it.

Python: Printing data only when number enters or leaves interval

Currently I'm making a script that, given a set of celestial coordinates, will tell you on the next days when that point will be visible for a specific telescope. The criteria is simple, in the Horizontal Coordinate system, altitude of the object must be between 30 and 65 degrees(Variable "crit" here represents that, but in radians).
So I have a set of parameters for the telescope called "Ant" and then, using Pyephem:
#imported ephem as ep
obj= ep.FixedBody()
obj._ra= E.ra
obj._dec= E.dec
obj._epoch = E.epoch =
for d in range(days):
for i in range(24):
for j in range (60): += ep.minute
crit= float(obj.alt)
if crit>=0.523599 and crit <=1.13446:
print "Visible at %s"
Which results in printing a lot of "Visible at 2016/7/11 19:41:21", 1 for every minute.
I Just want it to print something like "Enters visibility at 2016/7/11 19:41:21, leaves at 2016/7/11 23:41:00", for example.
Any Ideas will be appreciated.
Disclaimer: Sorry, not a native english speaker.
You need to keep track of whether it is already in range. So, for instance, at the beginning you'd initialize it:
is_visible = False
and your if statement might look like:
if crit>=0.523599 and crit <=1.13446:
if not is_visible:
print "Visible at %s"
is_visible = True
if is_visible:
print "No longer visible at %s" %
is_visible = False

python code to generate password list [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post.
Closed 8 years ago.
Improve this question
I am researching wireless security and trying to write a python script to generate passwords, not random, but a dictionary of hex numbers. The letters need to be capital, and it has to go from 12 characters to 20 characters. I went from 11 f's to 20 f's, this seems like it would meet the requirements. I then tried to place them in a text file. After I made the file, I chmod'ed it to 777 and then clicked run. It has been a few minutes, but I cannot tell if it is working or not. I am running it in kali right now, on a 64 bit core i3 with 8gb of ram. I'm not sure how long it would be expected to take, but this is my code, let me know if it looks right please:
# generate 10 to 32 character password list using hex numbers, 0-9 A-F
def gen_pwd(x):
x = range(17592186044415 -295147905179352830000)
def toHex(dec):
x = (dec % 16)
digits = "0123456789ABCDEF"
rest = dec / 16
if (rest == 0):
return digits[x]
return toHex(rest) + digits[x]
for x in range(x):
print toHex(x)
f = open(/root/Home/sdnlnk_pwd.txt)
print f
value = x
string = str(value)
how bout just
password = hex(random.randint(1000000,100000000))[2:]
pw_len = 12
my_alphabet = "1234567890ABCDEF"
password = "".join(random.choice(my_alphabet) for _ in range(pw_len))
or what maybe closer to what you are trying to do
basically you are overcomplicating a very simple task
to do exactly what you are asking you can simplify it
import itertools, struct
def int_to_chars(d):
step 1: break into bytes
while d > 0: # while we have not consumed
yield struct.pack("B",d&0xFF) # decode char
d>>=8 # shift right one byte
yield "" # a terminator just in case its empty
def to_password(d):
# this will convert an arbitrarily large number to a password
return "".join(int_to_chars(d)).encode("hex").upper()
# you could probably just get away with `return hex(d)[2:]`
def all_the_passwords(minimum,maximum):
#: since our numbers are so big we need to resort to some trickery
all_pw = itertools.takewhile(lambda x:x<maximum,
for pw in all_pw:
yield to_password(pw)
all_passwords = all_the_passwords( 0xfffffffffff ,0xffffffffffffffffffff)
#this next bit is gonna take a while ... go get some coffee or something
for pw in all_passwords:
print pw
#you will be waiting for it to finish for a very long time ... but it will get there
You can use time.time() to get the execution time. and if you are using python 2 use xrange() instead range because xrange return an iterator :
import time
def gen_pwd(x):
def toHex(dec):
x = (dec % 16)
digits = "0123456789ABCDEF"
rest = dec / 16
if (rest == 0):
return digits[x]
return toHex(rest) + digits[x]
for x in range(x):
print toHex(x)
f = open("/root/Home/sdnlnk_pwd.txt")
print f
value = x
string = str(value)
start= time.time()
print last
Note : you need () to call your function and "" in your open() function. also i think your first range is an extra command , as its wrong , you need to remove it.
I'd like to comment on the OP question but I need to show some code and also the output that said code produces, so that I eventually decided to present my comment in the format of an answer.
OTOH, I hope that this comment persuades the OP that her/his undertaking, while conceptually simple (see my previous answer, 6 lines of Python code), is not feasible with available resources (I mean, available on Planet Earth).
import locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8')
pg = lambda n: locale.format("%d", n, grouping=True)
def count_bytes(low, hi):
count = low+1
for i in range(low+1,hi+1):
nn = 15*16**(i-1)
nc = i+1
count = count + nn*nc
return count
n_b = count_bytes(10,20)
n_d = n_b/4/10**12
dollars = 139.99*n_d
print "Total number of bytes to write on disk:", pg(n_b)
print """
Considering the use of
WD Green WD40EZRX 4TB IntelliPower 64MB Cache SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5\" Internal Hard Drives,
that you can shop at $139.99 each
(see <>,
retrieved on December 29th, 2014)."""
print "\nNumber of 4TB hard disk drives necessary:", pg(n_d)
print "\nCost of said hard disks: $" + pg(dollars)
Total number of bytes to write on disk: 25,306,847,157,254,216,063,385,611
Considering the use of
WD Green WD40EZRX 4TB IntelliPower 64MB Cache SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drives,
that you can shop at $139.99 each
(see <>,
retrieved on December 29th, 2014).
Number of 4TB hard disk drives necessary: 6,326,711,789,313
Cost of said hard disks: $885,676,383,385,926
My comment on what the OP wants to do
Quite a bit of disk storage (and money) is needed to accomplish your undertaking.
Projected US Federal debt at the end of fiscal year 2014 is $18.23 trillion, my estimated cost, not considering racks, power supplies and energy bills, is $886 trillion.
Recommended reading
There is hope
If you are still convinced to pursue your research project on wireless security in the direction you've described, it is possible that you can get a substantial volume discount on the drives'purchase.
for x,y in zip(range(5),characters):
print (hex(x)+y)
You see, its actually doing that with a short way. It is not possible if you use a range like that, keep it small and try to add another things to your result.
Also for file process, here is a better way:
with open("filepath/name","a+") as f:
I was working with password generators, well better if you define a dict with complicated characters and compile them like:
x=input("Wanna make some passwords? Enter a sentence or word: ")
for i in x:
print (passw[i],end="")
with open("passwords.txt","a+") as f:
Wanna make some passwords? Enter a sentence or word: hey
So, just define a dict with keys=alphabet and values=complicated characters, and you can make very strong passwords with simple words-sentences.I just wrote it for an example, of course you can add them to dict later, you dont have to write. But basic way is for that is better I think.
I don't want to comment on what you want to do.
Code MkI
Your code can be trimmed (quite a bit) to the following
with open("myfile", "w") as f:
for x in xrange(0xff,0xff*2+1): f.write("%X\n"%x)
Comments on my code
Please note that
You can write hex numbers in source code as, ehm, hex numbers and you can mix hex and decimal notation as well
The to_hex function is redundant as python has (surprise!) a number of different ways to format your output as you please (here I've used so called string interpolation).
Of course you have to change the filename in the open statement and
adjust the extremes of the interval generated by xrange (it seems
you're using python 2.x) to your content.
Code MkII
Joran Beasley remarked that (at least in Python 2.7) xrange internally uses a C long and as such it cannot step up to the task of representing
0XFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. This alternative code may be a possibility:
f = open("myfile", "w")
while cursor <= end:
cursor += 1
all of this is well and good, however, none of it accomplishes my purpose. if python cannot handle such large numbers, i will have to use something else. as i stated, i do not want to generate random anything, i need a list of sequential hex characters which are anywhere from 12 characters to 20 characters long. it is to make a dictionary of passwords which are nothing more than a hex number that should be about 16 characters long.
does anyone have any suggestions on what i can use for this purpose? i think some type of c language should do the trick, but i know less about c or c++ than python. sounds like this will take a while, but that's ok, it is just a research project.
i have come up with another possibility, counting in hex starting from 11 f's and going until i reach 20 f's. this would produce about 4.3 billion numbes, which should fit in a 79 million page word document. sounds like it is a little large, but if i go from 14 f's to 18 f's, that should be manageable. here is the code i am proposing now:
x = 0xffffffffffffff
def gen_pwd(x):
while x <= 0xffffffffffffffffff:
return x
string = str(x)
f = open("root/Home/sdnlnk_pwd.txt")
print f.upper(string, 'a')
x = x + 0x1

Update: Python average income reading and writing files

I was writing a code to find the average household income, and how many families are below poverty line.
this is my code so far
def povertyLevel():
inFile = open('program10.txt', 'r')
outFile = open('program10-out.txt', 'w')
outFile.write(str("%12s %12s %15s\n" % ("Account #", "Income", "Members")))
lineRead = inFile.readline() # Read first record
while lineRead != '': # While there are more records
words = lineRead.split() # Split the records into substrings
acctNum = int(words[0]) # Convert first substring to integer
annualIncome = float(words[1]) # Convert second substring to float
members = int(words[2]) # Convert third substring to integer
outFile.write(str("%10d %15.2f %10d\n" % (acctNum, annualIncome, members)))
lineRead = inFile.readline() # Read next record
# Close the file.
inFile.close() # Close file
Call the main function.
I am trying to find the average of annualIncome and what i tried to do was
avgIncome = (sum(annualIncome)/len(annualIncome))
i did this inside the while lineRead. however it gave me an error saying
avgIncome = (sum(annualIncome)/len(annualIncome))
TypeError: 'float' object is not iterable
currently i am trying to find which household that exceeds the average income.
avgIncome expects a sequence (such as a list) (Thanks for the correction, Magenta Nova.), but its argument annualIncome is a float:
annualIncome = float(words[1])
It seems to me you want to build up a list:
allIncomes = []
while lineRead != '':
averageInc = avgIncome(allIncomes)
(Note that I have one less indentation level for the avgIncome call.)
Also, once you get this working, I highly recommend a trip over to You could get a lot of feedback on ways to improve this.
In light of your edits, my advice still stands. You need to first compute the average before you can do comparisons. Once you have the average, you will need to loop over the data again to compare each income. Note: I advise saving the data somehow for the second loop, instead of reparsing the file. (You may even wish to separate reading the data from computing the average entirely.) That might best be accomplished with a new object or a namedtuple or a dict.
sum() and len() both take as their arguments an iterable. read the python documentation for more on iterables. you are passing a float into them as an argument. what would it mean to get the sum, or the length, of a floating point number? even thinking outside the world of coding, it's hard to make sense of that.
it seems like you need to review the basics of python types.
