I have some issue with too many Threads unfinished.
I think that queue command .join() just close queue and not the threads using it.
In my script I need to check 280k domains and for each domain get list of his MX records and obtain an IPv6 address of servers if it has it.
I used threads and thanks for them the script its many times faster. But there is a problem, although there is join() for the queue, number of alive threads is growing till an error occur that informs that cant create any new thread (limitation of OS?).
How can I terminate/close/stop/reset threads after each For loop when I am retrieving new domain from database?
Thread Class definition...
class MX_getAAAA_thread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self,queue,id_domain):
self.queue = queue
self.id_domain = id_domain
def run(self):
while True:
self.mx = self.queue.get()
res = dns.resolver.Resolver()
res.lifetime = 1.5
res.timeout = 0.5
answers = res.query(self.mx,'AAAA')
ip_mx = str(answers[0])
ip_mx = "N/A"
sql = "INSERT INTO mx (id_domain,mx,ip_mx) VALUES (" + str(id_domain) + ",'" + str(self.mx) + "','" + str(ip_mx) + "')"
print "MX" , '>>' , ip_mx, ' :: ', str(self.mx)
Thread class in use...
(The main For-loop is not here, this is just part of his body)
answers = resolver.query(domain, 'MX')
qMX = Queue.Queue()
for i in range(len(answers)):
t = MX_getAAAA_thread(qMX,id_domain)
for mx in answers:
except NoAnswer as e:
print "MX - Error: No Answer"
except Timeout as etime:
print "MX - Error: dns.exception.Timeout"
print "end of script"
I tried to:
for thread in threads:
after the queue was done, but thread.join() never stops waiting, despite fact that there is no need to wait, because when queue.join() executes there is nothing to do for threads.
What I often do when my thread involves an infinite loop like this, is to change the condition to something I can control from the outside. For example like this:
def run(self):
self.keepRunning = True
while self.keepRunning:
# do stuff
That way, I can change the keepRunning property from the outside and set it to false to gracefully terminate the thread the next time it checks the loop condition.
Btw. as you seem to spawn exactly one thread for each item you put into the queue, you don’t even need to have the threads loop at all, although I would argue that you should always enforce a maximum limit of threads that can be created in this way (i.e. for i in range(min(len(answers), MAX_THREAD_COUNT)):)
In your case, instead of terminating the threads in each for-loop iteration, you could just reuse the threads. From what I gather from your thread’s source, all that makes a thread unique to an iteration is the id_domain property you set on its creation. You could however just provide that as well with your queue, so the threads are completely independent and you can reuse them.
This could look like this:
qMX = Queue.Queue()
threads = []
for i in range(MAX_THREAD_COUNT):
t = MX_getAAAA_thread(qMX)
t.daemon = True
for id_domain in enumerateIdDomains():
answers = resolver.query(id_domain, 'MX')
for mx in answers:
qMX.put((id_domain, mx.exchange)) # insert a tuple
for thread in threads:
thread.keepRunning = False
Of course, you would need to change your thread a bit then:
class MX_getAAAA_thread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, queue):
self.queue = queue
def run(self):
self.keepRunning = True
while self.keepRunning:
id_domain, mx = self.queue.get()
# do stuff
I do not see why you need a Queue in the first place.
After all in your design every thread just processes one task.
You should be able to pass that task to the thread on creation.
This way you do not need a Queue and you get rid of the while-loop:
class MX_getAAAA_thread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, id_domain, mx):
self.id_domain = id_domain
self.mx = mx
Then you can rid of the while-loop inside the run-method:
def run(self):
res = dns.resolver.Resolver()
res.lifetime = 1.5
res.timeout = 0.5
answers = res.query(self.mx,'AAAA')
ip_mx = str(answers[0])
ip_mx = "N/A"
with lock:
sql = "INSERT INTO mx (id_domain,mx,ip_mx) VALUES (" + str(id_domain) + ",'" + str(self.mx) + "','" + str(ip_mx) + "')"
print "MX" , '>>' , ip_mx, ' :: ', str(self.mx)
Create one thread for each task
for mx in answers:
t = MX_getAAAA_thread(qMX, id_domain, mx)
and join them
for thread in threads:
Joining the threads will do the trick, but the joins in your case are blocking indefinitely because your threads aren't ever exiting your run loop. You need to exit the run method so that the threads can be joined.
Given the following class:
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from time import sleep
import threading
from threading import active_count, Thread
class ScraperPool(metaclass=ABCMeta):
Queue = []
ResultList = []
def __init__(self, Queue, MaxNumWorkers=0, ItemsPerWorker=50):
# Initialize attributes
self.MaxNumWorkers = MaxNumWorkers
self.ItemsPerWorker = ItemsPerWorker
self.Queue = Queue # For testing purposes.
def initWorkerPool(self, PrintIDs=True):
for w in range(self.NumWorkers()):
Thread(target=self.worker, args=(w + 1, PrintIDs,)).start()
sleep(1) # Explicitly wait one second for this worker to start.
def run(self):
# Wait until all workers (i.e. threads) are done.
while active_count() > 1:
print("Active threads: " + str(active_count()))
def worker(self, id, printID):
if printID:
print("Starting worker " + str(id) + ".")
while (len(self.Queue) > 0):
if printID:
print("Worker " + str(id) + " is quiting.")
# Todo Kill is this Thread.
def NumWorkers(self):
return 1 # Simplified for testing purposes.
def scraperMethod(self):
class TestScraper(ScraperPool):
def scraperMethod(self):
# print("I am scraping.")
# print("Scraping. Threads#: " + str(active_count()))
temp_item = self.Queue[-1]
def HandleResults(self):
scraper = TestScraper(Queue=["Jaap", "Piet"])
# print(scraper.ResultList)
When all the threads are done, there's still one active thread - threading.active_count() on the last line gets me that number.
The active thread is <_MainThread(MainThread, started 12960)> - as printed with threading.enumerate().
Can I assume that all my threads are done when active_count() == 1?
Or can, for instance, imported modules start additional threads so that my threads are actually done when active_count() > 1 - also the condition for the loop I'm using in the run method.
You can assume that your threads are done when active_count() reaches 1. The problem is, if any other module creates a thread, you'll never get to 1. You should manage your threads explicitly.
Example: You can put the threads in a list and join them one at a time. The relevant changes to your code are:
def __init__(self, Queue, MaxNumWorkers=0, ItemsPerWorker=50):
# Initialize attributes
self.MaxNumWorkers = MaxNumWorkers
self.ItemsPerWorker = ItemsPerWorker
self.Queue = Queue # For testing purposes.
self.WorkerThreads = []
def initWorkerPool(self, PrintIDs=True):
for w in range(self.NumWorkers()):
thread = Thread(target=self.worker, args=(w + 1, PrintIDs,))
sleep(1) # Explicitly wait one second for this worker to start.
def run(self):
# Wait until all workers (i.e. threads) are done. Waiting in order
# so some threads further in the list may finish first, but we
# will get to all of them eventually
while self.WorkerThreads:
according to docs active_count() includes the main thread, so if you're at 1 then you're most likely done, but if you have another source of new threads in your program then you may be done before active_count() hits 1.
I would recommend implementing explicit join method on your ScraperPool and keeping track of your workers and explicitly joining them to main thread when needed instead of checking that you're done with active_count() calls.
Also remember about GIL...
I need to use 3 threads to print array items sequentially using Python.
Each Thread will print one array item.
I need the threads to sleep for a random number of seconds and then print the item.
This function will be executed N times. This N value is given by the user.
The items must be printed on a specific order, which means I have to somehow block the other threads to execute while the previous one is not done.
I've been trying a lot of different solutions but I can't figure out how to make it work.
I've tried to use Semaphores, Lock and Events but without success on the synchronization. In all cases it would print the sequence randomly, according to the time.sleep and not with the sequence itself. How can I block the thread from executing the function and check if the previous thread was finished in order to allow the sequence to work?
Which tool should I use to make it work? Any help is appreciated.
class myThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, group=None, target=None, name=None,
args=(), kwargs=None, verbose=None):
self.target = target
self.name = name
def run(self):
while True:
if not q.empty():
time_sleep = random.randrange(0,10)
print "thread " + self.name + ". Dormir por " + str(time_sleep) + " segundos"
print cores[int(self.name)]
if int(self.name) == len(cores) - 1:
item = q.get()
print 'Executou sequencia ' + str(item + 1) + ' vezes. Ainda irá executar ' + str(q.qsize()) + ' vezes'
if int(self.name) != len(cores) - 1:
if __name__ == '__main__':
for i in range(2):
for i in range(3):
t = myThread(name=i)
There are many, many approaches to this. A simple one is to use a shared Queue of numbers.
Each thread can sleep for however long it wants to, take a number from the queue when it wakes up, and print it. They will come out in the order they were pushed to the queue.
If your numbers are sequential, or can generated dynamically, you can also do it in constant-memory using a shared counter, as described in this answer.
If you didn't care about order you could just use a lock to synchronize access. In this case, though, how about a list of events. Each thread gets its own event slot and hands it to the next event in the list when done. This scheme could be fancied up by returning a context manager so that you don't need to release explicitly.
import threading
class EventSlots(object):
def __init__(self, num_slots):
self.num_slots = num_slots
self.events = [threading.Event() for _ in range(num_slots)]
def wait_slot(self, slot_num):
def release_slot(self, slot_num):
self.events[(slot_num + 1) % self.num_slots].set()
def worker(event_slots, slot_num):
for i in range(5):
print('slot', slot_num, 'iteration', i)
NUM = 3
slots = EventSlots(NUM)
threads = []
for slot in range(NUM):
t = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(slots, slot))
for t in threads:
My multi-threading script raising this error :
thread.error : can't start new thread
when it reached 460 threads :
threading.active_count() = 460
I assume the old threads keeps stack up, since the script didn't kill them. This is my code:
import threading
import Queue
import time
import os
import csv
def main(worker):
#Do Work
print worker
def threader():
while True:
worker = q.get()
def main_threader(workers):
global q
global city
q = Queue.Queue()
for x in range(20):
t = threading.Thread(target=threader)
t.daemon = True
print "\n\nthreading.active_count() = " + str(threading.active_count()) + "\n\n"
for worker in workers:
How do I kill the old threads when their job is done? (Is return not enough?)
Your threader function never exits, so your threads never die. Since you're just processing one fixed set of work and never adding items after you start working, you could set the threads up to exit when the queue is empty.
See the following altered version of your code and the comments I added:
def threader(q):
# let the thread die when all work is done
while not q.empty():
worker = q.get()
def main_threader(workers):
# you don't want global variables
#global q
#global city
q = Queue.Queue()
# make sure you fill the queue *before* starting the worker threads
for worker in workers:
for x in range(20):
t = threading.Thread(target=threader, args=[q])
t.daemon = True
print "\n\nthreading.active_count() = " + str(threading.active_count()) + "\n\n"
Notice that I removed global q, and instead I pass q to the thread function. You don't want threads created by a previous call to end up sharing a q with new threads (edit although q.join() prevents this anyway, it's still better to avoid globals).
I am using Threads from the threading class for the first time and they don't seem to be freeing themselves up after the function runs. I am attempting to have a max of 5 threads running at once. Since one thread creates the next there will be some overlap but I'm seeing 2000+ threads running at once before I get the exception "can't start new thread".
from threading import Thread
import string
currentThread = 0
threads = [None] * (LASTTHREAD + 1)
def getURL(threadName, currentThread):
print('Thread Name = ' + threadName)
print('URL = ' + str(URLS[currentThread]))
if currentThread < LASTTHREAD:
currentThread = currentThread + 1
thisThread = currentThread
threads[thisThread] = Thread(target = getURL, args = ('thread' + str(thisThread), currentThread, ))
except Exception,e:
print "Error: unable to start thread"
print str(e)
for i in range(0, MAXTHREADS):
currentThread = currentThread + 1
threads[i] = Thread(target = getURL, args = ('thread' + str(i), currentThread, ))
except Exception,e:
print "Error: unable to start thread"
print str(e)
I'm open to any other cleaning up I can do here as well since I'm pretty new to python and entirely new to threading. I'm just trying to get the threading set up properly at this point. Eventually this will scrape the URLS.
I'd suggest looking into a thread pool, and having the threads take tasks from a suitable shared data structure (e.g. a queue) rather than starting new threads all the time.
Depending on what it is you actually want to do, if you're using CPython (if you don't know what I mean by CPython, you will be) you might not actually get any performance improvement from using threads (due to global interpreter lock). So you might be better off looking into the multiprocessing module.
from Queue import Queue
from threading import Thread
def worker():
while True:
item = q.get()
def do_work(url):
print "Processing URL:" + url
q = Queue()
for i in range(5):
t = Thread(target=worker)
t.daemon = True
for item in ['url_' + str(i) for i in range(2000)]:
q.join() # block until all tasks are done
I'm about to put this design into use in an application, but I'm fairly new to threading and Queue stuff in python. Obviously the actual application is not for saying hello, but the design is the same - i.e. there is a process which takes some time to set-up and tear down, but I can do multiple tasks in one hit. Tasks will arrive at random times, and often in bursts.
Is this a sensible and thread safe design?
class HelloThing(object):
def __init__(self):
self.queue = self._create_worker()
def _create_worker(self):
import threading, Queue
def worker():
while True:
things = [q.get()]
while True:
except Queue.Empty:
[q.task_done() for task in xrange(len(things))]
q = Queue.Queue()
n_worker_threads = 1
for i in xrange(n_worker_threads):
t = threading.Thread(target=worker)
t.daemon = True
return q
def _say_hello(self, greeting_list):
import time, sys
# setup stuff
# do some things
sys.stdout.write('hello {0}!\n'.format(', '.join(greeting_list)))
# tear down stuff
if __name__ == '__main__':
print 'enter __main__'
import time
hello = HelloThing()
hello.queue.put('cruel world')
hello.queue.put('stack overflow')
for i in xrange(20):
print 'finish __main__'
The thread safety is handled by Queue implementation (also you must handle in your _say_hello implementation if it is required).
Burst handler problem: A burst should be handled by a single thread only.(ex: let's say your process setup/teardown takes 10 seconds; at second 1 all threads will be busy with burst from sec 0, on second 5 a new task(or burst) but no thread available to handle them/it). So a burst should be defined by max number of tasks (or maybe "infinite") for a specific time-window. An entry in queue should be a list of tasks.
How can you group burst tasks list?
I provide a solution as code, more easy to explain ...
producer_q = Queue()
def _burst_thread():
while True:
available_tasks = [producer_q.get()]
available_tasks.extend(producer_q.get() # I'm the single consumer, so will be at least qsize elements
for i in range(producer_q.qsize()))
If you want to have a maximum of messages in a burst, you just need to slice the available_tasks in multiple lists.