How to back-calculate latitude and longitude from scipy.interpolate.RectSphereBivariateSpline? - python

Using THIS example from the RectSphereBivariateSpline function in the scipy.interpolate sub-package, I would like to back calculate arrays with latitude and longitude in degrees, and an array with the interpolated data value for each coordinate on the grid.
The interpolated data object RectSphereBivariateSpline creates appears to be the u and v components of the data values, with one value for each degree change of the grid (Latitude = 180 and Longitude = 360 for this example).
Is that right?
How might I back-calculate latitude, longitude, and their respective data values for plotting?
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import RectSphereBivariateSpline
def geo_interp(lats,lons,data,grid_size_deg):
'''We want to interpolate it to a global one-degree grid'''
deg2rad = np.pi/180.
new_lats = np.linspace(grid_size_deg, 180, 180) * deg2rad
new_lons = np.linspace(grid_size_deg, 360, 360) * deg2rad
new_lats, new_lons = np.meshgrid(new_lats, new_lons)
'''We need to set up the interpolator object'''
lut = RectSphereBivariateSpline(lats*deg2rad, lons*deg2rad, data)
'''Finally we interpolate the data. The RectSphereBivariateSpline
object only takes 1-D arrays as input, therefore we need to do some reshaping.'''
data_interp = lut.ev(new_lats.ravel(),
new_lons.ravel()).reshape((360, 180)).T
return data_interp
if __name__ == '__main__':
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
'''Suppose we have global data on a coarse grid'''
lats = np.linspace(10, 170, 9) # in degrees
lons = np.linspace(0, 350, 18) # in degrees
data = - np.linspace(-80., 80., 18)).T,
np.atleast_2d(180. - np.abs(np.linspace(0., 350., 9)))).T
'''Interpolate data to 1 degree grid'''
data_interp = geo_interp(lats,lons,data,1)
'''Looking at the original and the interpolated data,
one can see that the interpolant reproduces the original data very well'''
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax1.imshow(data, interpolation='nearest')
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212)
ax2.imshow(data_interp, interpolation='nearest')
I thought I might use vector addition (i.e. Pythagorean theorem), but this doesn't work as I only have one value for each degree change, not point

It seems that the latitude and longitude vectors that can be used for plotting are generated in our "geo_interp" function ("net_lats" and "new_lons"). If you require these in your main program, you should either declare these vectors outside of your function, or you should have the function return these generated vectors to be used in the main program.
Hope this helps.


What is the best way/method to digitize the data of a 3D surface into a grid of pixels with smaller resolution in Python?

I want to digitize (= average out over cells) photon count data into pixels given by a grid that tells how they are aligned. The photon count data is stored in a 2D array. I want to split that data into cells, each of which would correspond to a pixel. The idea is basically the same as changing an HD image to a smaller resolution. I'd like to achieve this in Python.
The digitizing function I've written:
import numpy as np
def digitize(function_data, grid_shape):
function_data = 2D array of function values of some 3D shape,
eg.: exp(-(x^2 + y^2 -> want to digitize this
grid_shape: an array of length 2 which contains the dimensions of the smaller resolution
l = len(function_data)
pixel_len_x = int(l/grid_shape[0])
pixel_len_y = int(l/grid_shape[1])
digitized_data = np.empty((grid_shape[0], grid_shape[1]))
for i in range(grid_shape[0]): #row-index of pixel in smaller-resolution grid
for j in range(grid_shape[1]): #column-index of pixel in smaller-resolution grid
hd_pixel = []
for k in range(pixel_len_y):
hd_pixel = np.ravel(hd_pixel) #turns 2D array into 1D to be able to compute average
pixel_avg = np.average(hd_pixel)
digitized_data[i][j] = pixel_avg
return digitized_data
In theory, this function should do what I want to achieve, but when tested it doesn't yield the expected results. Either a completed version of my function or any other method that achieves my goal would be extremely helpful.
You could also use a interpolation function, if you can use SciPy. Here we use one of the gridded data interpolating functions, RectBivariateSpline to upsample your function, but you can find numerous examples on this and other sites.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline as rbs
# Sampling coordinates
x = np.linspace(-2,2,20)
y = np.linspace(-2,2,30)
# Your function
f = np.exp(-(x[:,None]**2 + y**2))
# Interpolator
interp = rbs(x, y, f)
# Higher resolution coordinates
x_hd = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), x.size * 5)
y_hd = np.linspace(y.min(), y.max(), y.size * 5)
# New higher res function
f_hd = interp(x_hd, y_hd, grid = True)
# Some plots
fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols = 2)

Fourier Transformation of 2D Matrix in Python

So, I have a matrix with 72x72 values, each corresponding to some energy on a triangular lattice with 72x72 sites. I'm trying to Fourier transform the values, but I'm not understanding how to do that with np.fft.fftn .
To illustrate my problem I have written the following basic code with some random values. The triangular gives the lattice x,y coordinates.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def triangular(nsize):
for i in range(nsize):
for j in range(nsize):
xx = triangular(72)[0]
yy = triangular(72)[1]
plt.pcolormesh(xx, yy, np.reshape(np.random.rand(72**2),(72,72)))
I'm not using random data, but I wanted not to make the example that complicated. In fact I see everytime the same plot, when I now use the following FFT:
matrix = []
spectrum_3d = np.fft.fftn(matrix) # Fourrier transform along x, y, energy
kx = np.linspace(-4*np.pi/3,4*np.pi/3,72) #this is the range I want to plot
ky = np.linspace(-2*np.pi/np.sqrt(3),2*np.pi/np.sqrt(3),72)
Ky, Kx = np.meshgrid(ky, kx, indexing='ij') #making a grid
psd = plt.pcolormesh(Kx, Ky, abs(spectrum_3d[2])**2)
cbar = plt.colorbar(psd)
My result looks always the same and I don't know what went wrong. Also for my correlated values, which have a large symmetry the plot looks the same.
You can't 'see' the spectrum because of the DC dominance.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as p
%matplotlib inline
X,Y= np.meshgrid(x,y)
data_wo_DC= data- np.mean(data)
spectrum = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(data))
spectrum_wo_DC = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(data_wo_DC))
freqx=np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(72,1)) #q(n, d=1.0)
fX,fY= np.meshgrid(freqx,freqy)
p.pcolormesh(X,Y, data)
p.title('most data is in the DC')
p.title('wo DC we can see the structure');

Basemap interpolation alternative - regridding data

I'm moving from basemap to cartopy given basemap is going to be phased out. I've previously used the basemap.interp functionality to interpolate data, e.g. say I have data at 1 degree resolution (180x360), I would run the following to interpolate to 0.5 degrees.
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits import basemap
Old_Lon = np.linspace(-180,180,360)
Old_Lat = np.linspace(-90,90,180)
New_Lon = np.linspace(-180,180,720)
New_Lat = np.linspace(-90,90,360)
New_Lon,New_Lat = np.meshgrid(New_Lon,New_Lat)
New_Data = basemap.interp(Old_Data,Old_Lon,Old_Lat,New_Lon,New_Lat,order=0)
order gives me options to choose from nearest neighbour, bi-linear etc. Is there an alternative that does this in as simple way? I've seen scipy has interpolation but I'm not sure how to apply it. Any help would be appreciated!
I eventually decided to take the raw code from Basemap and make it into a standalone function - I'll be recommending it to the cartopy guys to implement it as its a useful feature. Posting here as could be useful to someone else:
def Interp(datain,xin,yin,xout,yout,interpolation='NearestNeighbour'):
Interpolates a 2D array onto a new grid (only works for linear grids),
with the Lat/Lon inputs of the old and new grid. Can perfom nearest
neighbour interpolation or bilinear interpolation (of order 1)'
This is an extract from the basemap module (truncated)
# Mesh Coordinates so that they are both 2D arrays
xout,yout = np.meshgrid(xout,yout)
# compute grid coordinates of output grid.
delx = xin[1:]-xin[0:-1]
dely = yin[1:]-yin[0:-1]
xcoords = (len(xin)-1)*(xout-xin[0])/(xin[-1]-xin[0])
ycoords = (len(yin)-1)*(yout-yin[0])/(yin[-1]-yin[0])
xcoords = np.clip(xcoords,0,len(xin)-1)
ycoords = np.clip(ycoords,0,len(yin)-1)
# Interpolate to output grid using nearest neighbour
if interpolation == 'NearestNeighbour':
xcoordsi = np.around(xcoords).astype(np.int32)
ycoordsi = np.around(ycoords).astype(np.int32)
dataout = datain[ycoordsi,xcoordsi]
# Interpolate to output grid using bilinear interpolation.
elif interpolation == 'Bilinear':
xi = xcoords.astype(np.int32)
yi = ycoords.astype(np.int32)
xip1 = xi+1
yip1 = yi+1
xip1 = np.clip(xip1,0,len(xin)-1)
yip1 = np.clip(yip1,0,len(yin)-1)
delx = xcoords-xi.astype(np.float32)
dely = ycoords-yi.astype(np.float32)
dataout = (1.-delx)*(1.-dely)*datain[yi,xi] + \
delx*dely*datain[yip1,xip1] + \
(1.-delx)*dely*datain[yip1,xi] + \
return dataout
The SciPy interpolation routines return a function that you can call to perform an interpolation. For nearest neighbour interpolation on a regular grid, you can use scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator:
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
nearest_function = RegularGridInterpolator(
(old_lon, old_lat), old_data, method="nearest", bounds_error=False
new_data = np.array(
[[nearest_function([i, j]) for j in new_lat] for i in new_lon]
That isn't perfect, though, because lon=175 are all fill values. (If I hadn't set bounds_error=False then you'd get an error there.) In that case, you need to ask how you want to wrap around the dateline. A straightforward solution would be to copy the lon=0 line to the end of the array and call it lon=180.
Should you want linear or higher order interpolation one day, which I'd recommend if your data are points rather than cells, you can use scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline:
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
old_step = 10
old_lon = np.arange(-180, 180, old_step)
old_lat = np.arange(-90, 90, old_step)
old_data = np.random.random((len(old_lon), len(old_lat)))
interp_function = RectBivariateSpline(old_lon, old_lat, old_data, kx=1, ky=1)
new_lon = np.arange(-180, 180, new_step)
new_lat = np.arange(-90, 90, new_step)
new_data = interp_function(new_lon, new_lat)

Plancks Formula for Blackbody spectrum

I am trying to write a simple python code for a plot of intensity vs wavelength for a given temperature, T=200K.
So far I have this...
import scipy as sp
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
pi = np.pi
h = 6.626e-34
c = 3.0e+8
k = 1.38e-23
def planck(wav, T):
a = 2.0*h*pi*c**2
b = h*c/(wav*k*T)
intensity = a/ ( (wav**5)*(math.e**b - 1.0) )
return intensity
I don't know how to define wavelength(wav) and thus produce the plot of Plancks Formula. Any help would be appreciated.
Here's a basic plot. To plot using plt.plot(x, y, fmt) you need two arrays x and y of the same size, where x is the x coordinate of each point to plot and y is the y coordinate, and fmt is a string describing how to plot the numbers.
So all you need to do is create an evenly spaced array of wavelengths (an np.array which I named wavelengths). This can be done with arange(start, end, spacing) which will create an array from start to end (not inclusive) spaced at spacing apart.
Then compute the intensity using your function at each of those points in the array (which will be stored in another np.array), and then call plt.plot to plot them. Note numpy let's you do mathematical operations on arrays quickly in a vectorized form which will be computationally efficient.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
h = 6.626e-34
c = 3.0e+8
k = 1.38e-23
def planck(wav, T):
a = 2.0*h*c**2
b = h*c/(wav*k*T)
intensity = a/ ( (wav**5) * (np.exp(b) - 1.0) )
return intensity
# generate x-axis in increments from 1nm to 3 micrometer in 1 nm increments
# starting at 1 nm to avoid wav = 0, which would result in division by zero.
wavelengths = np.arange(1e-9, 3e-6, 1e-9)
# intensity at 4000K, 5000K, 6000K, 7000K
intensity4000 = planck(wavelengths, 4000.)
intensity5000 = planck(wavelengths, 5000.)
intensity6000 = planck(wavelengths, 6000.)
intensity7000 = planck(wavelengths, 7000.)
plt.plot(wavelengths*1e9, intensity4000, 'r-')
# plot intensity4000 versus wavelength in nm as a red line
plt.plot(wavelengths*1e9, intensity5000, 'g-') # 5000K green line
plt.plot(wavelengths*1e9, intensity6000, 'b-') # 6000K blue line
plt.plot(wavelengths*1e9, intensity7000, 'k-') # 7000K black line
# show the plot
And you see:
You probably will want to clean up the axes labels, add a legend, plot the intensity at multiple temperatures on the same plot, among other things. Consult the relevant matplotlib documentation.
You may also want to use the RADIS library, which allows you to plot the Planck function against wavelengths, or against frequency / wavenumber, if needed !
from radis import sPlanck
sPlanck(wavelength_min=135, wavelength_max=3000, T=4000).plot()
sPlanck(wavelength_min=135, wavelength_max=3000, T=5000).plot(nfig='same')
sPlanck(wavelength_min=135, wavelength_max=3000, T=6000).plot(nfig='same')
sPlanck(wavelength_min=135, wavelength_max=3000, T=7000).plot(nfig='same')
Just want to point out that there seems to be an equivalent of what OP wants to do in astropy:
Unfortunately, it is not very clear to me yet how to get wavelength vs frequency based expression.

Plotting Contours of Lat/Lon Based Values

I am attempting to plot weather variables on a map of Oklahoma using mpl_toolkits.basemap, but am having issues figuring out how to interpolate the data to plot on top of the map.
Here is a general idea of the current code I have:
lons = [-97.9547, -97.9747, -97.4256]
lats = [35.5322, 35.864, 35.4111]
data = [2,2,2]
map = Basemap(llcrnrlon = -103.068237, llcrnrlat = 33.610045, urcrnrlon = -94.359076, urcrnrlat = 37.040928, resolution = 'i')
CS = map.contour(X, Y, data)
What I am attempting to accomplish is to plot the data values on the map based on the related reference index in the lons/lats lists, and then contour the values of the data variable.
Now this obviously won't work, because I need to interpolate the data. Is there a way that I could accomplish this using the griddata function? I am very confused on how I would establish the boundaries of the grid given that latitude and longitude values are not linearly spaced.
Is there an easier way to do this that I am missing?
Any help and/or hints would be greatly appreciated, this is holding me back from moving on to the next major portion of the research project!
I don't have python installed on this machine, so can't test this. But something like this should get you the required inputs for the countour plot...
import numpy as np
lons = [-97.9547, -97.9747, -97.4256]
lats = [35.5322, 35.864, 35.4111]
data = [2,2,2]
xs, ys = np.meshgrid(lons, lats)
dataMesh = np.empty_like(xs)
for i, j, d in zip(lons, lats, data):
dataMesh[lons.index(i), lats.index(j)] = d
map = Basemap(llcrnrlon = -103.068237, llcrnrlat = 33.610045, urcrnrlon = -94.359076, urcrnrlat = 37.040928, resolution = 'i')
CS = map.contour(xs, ys, dataMesh)
Like i said though, i haven't tested this. I don't know what happens if you try to plot unititialised values. you might need to use a different numpy array initialisation.
