Using yield with multiple ndb.get_multi_async - python

I am trying to improve efficiency of my current query from appengine datastore. Currently, I am using a synchronous method:
class Hospital(ndb.Model):
name = ndb.StringProperty()
buildings= ndb.KeyProperty(kind=Building,repeated=True)
class Building(ndb.Model):
name = ndb.StringProperty()
rooms= ndb.KeyProperty(kind=Room,repeated=True)
class Room(ndb.Model):
name = ndb.StringProperty()
beds = ndb.KeyProperty(kind=Bed,repeated=True)
class Bed(ndb.Model):
name = ndb.StringProperty()
Currently I go through stupidly:
currhosp = ndb.Key(urlsafe=valid_hosp_key).get()
nbuilds = ndb.get_multi(currhosp.buildings)
for b in nbuilds:
rms = ndb.get_multi(b.rooms)
for r in rms:
bds = ndb.get_multi(r.beds)
for b in bds:
do something with b object
I would like to transform this into a much faster query using get_multi_async
My difficulty is in how I can do this?
Any ideas?

using the given structures above, it is possible, and was confirmed that you can solve this with a set of tasklets. It is a SIGNIFICANT speed up over the iterative method.
def get_bed_info(bed_key):
bed_info = {}
bed = yield bed_key.get_async()
format and store bed information into bed_info
raise ndb.Return(bed_info)
def get_room_info(room_key):
room_info = {}
room = yield room_key.get_async()
beds = yield map(get_bed_info,room.beds)
store room info in room_info
room_info["beds"] = beds
raise ndb.Return(room_info)
def get_building_info(build_key):
build_info = {}
building = yield build_key.get_async()
rooms = yield map(get_room_info,building.rooms)
store building info in build_info
build_info["rooms"] = rooms
raise ndb.Return(build_info)
def get_hospital_buildings(hospital_object):
buildings = yield map(get_building_info,hospital_object.buildings)
raise ndb.Return(buildings)
Now comes the main call from the hospital function where you have the hospital object (hosp).
hosp_info = {}
buildings = get_hospital_buildings(hospital_obj)
store hospital info in hosp_info
hosp_info["buildings"] = buildings
return hosp_info
There you go! It is incredibly efficient and lets the schedule complete all the information in the fastest possible manner within the GAE backbone.

You can do something with See and

Its impossible.
Your 2nd query (ndb.get_multi(b.rooms)) depends on the result of your first query.
So pulling it async dosnt work, as at this point the (first) result of the first query has to be avaiable anyway.
NDB does something like that in the background (it allready buffers the next items of ndb.get_multi(currhosp.buildings) while you process the first result).
However, you could use denormalization, i.e. keeping a big table with one entry per Building-Room-Bed pair, and pull your results from that table.
If you have more reads than writes to this table, this will get you a massive speed improvement (1 DB read, instead of 3).


How to build a Django QuerySet to check conditions on two manyToMany fields

I have the following models (simplified):
class Resource(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=64, unique=True)
class ResourceFlow(models.Model):
resource = models.ForeignKey(Resource, related_name="flow")
amount = models.IntegerField()
class Workflow(models.Model):
inputs = models.ManyToManyField(ResourceFlow, related_name="workflow")
class Stock(models):
resource = models.ForeignKey(Resource, related_name="stock")
amount = models.IntegerField()
class Producer(models.Model):
workflow = models.ForeignKey(Workflow, related_name="location")
stocks = models.ManyToManyField(Stock, related_name="location")
I would like to test with computation done by the the DB engine if I can start a production.
A production can start if I have enough stock: for my Producer's workflow, all inputs ResourcesFlow amount have to be present in the Producer'stocks
So the queryset might be one those result:
for a given producer return all stocked resources that do not fulfill Workflow inputs amounts conditions
for a given producer return inputs resources needed for the workflow that are not in sufficient quantity in its stocks
It is possible to do that in Django? And if yes how to do it?
Not sure if you've found the answer but anyways, hope I understand your question correctly.
Let's assume we have the following resources:
head = Resource.objects.create(name="head")
neck = Resource.objects.create(name="neck")
body = Resource.objects.create(name="body")
arm = Resource.objects.create(name="arm")
leg = Resource.objects.create(name="leg")
And we have a build_a_robot workflow:
build_a_robot = Workflow.objects.create()
build_a_robot.inputs.add(ResourceFlow.objects.create(resource=head, amount=1))
build_a_robot.inputs.add(ResourceFlow.objects.create(resource=neck, amount=1))
build_a_robot.inputs.add(ResourceFlow.objects.create(resource=body, amount=1))
build_a_robot.inputs.add(ResourceFlow.objects.create(resource=arm, amount=2))
build_a_robot.inputs.add(ResourceFlow.objects.create(resource=leg, amount=2))
And finally, we have a producer:
producer = Producer.objects.create(workflow=build_a_robot)
producer.stocks.add(Stock.objects.create(resource=head, amount=0))
producer.stocks.add(Stock.objects.create(resource=neck, amount=3))
producer.stocks.add(Stock.objects.create(resource=body, amount=1))
producer.stocks.add(Stock.objects.create(resource=arm, amount=10))
producer.stocks.add(Stock.objects.create(resource=leg, amount=1))
We want to find the list of resources that we have run out of to build a robot given producer.
I think here's one way to do it:
from django.db.models import OuterRef, Subquery
required_resources = ResourceFlow.objects.filter(pk__in=producer.workflow.inputs.values("pk")).values("resource")
required_amount = producer.workflow.inputs.filter(resource=OuterRef("resource")).values("amount")[:1]
missing_stocks = Stock.objects.filter(resource_id__in=required_resources).filter(amount__lt=required_amount)
In this example, missing_stocks will be equal to:
<QuerySet [<Stock: Stock [Resource [head], 0]>, <Stock: Stock [Resource [leg], 1]>]>
So, we need more head and leg to build a robot.

How to Handle When Request Returns None

I have a list of IDs which corresponds to a set of records (opportunities) in a database. I then pass this list as a parameter in a RESTful API request where I am filtering the results (tickets) by ID. For each match, the query returns JSON data pertaining to the individual record. However, I want to handle when the query does not find a match. I would like to assign some value for this case such as the string "None", because not every opportunity has a ticket. How can I make sure there exists some value in presales_tickets for every ID in opportunity_list? Could I provide a default value in the request for this case?
opportunities = cwObj.get_opportunities()
temp = []
opportunity_list = []
cw_presales_engineers = []
for opportunity in opportunities:
opportunity_list = ','.join(temp)
presales_tickets = cwObj.get_tickets_by_opportunity(opportunity_list)
for opportunity in opportunities:
if opportunity['id'] == presales_tickets[0]['opportunity']['id']:
for presales_ticket in presales_tickets:
cw_engineer = presales_ticket['owner']['name']
cw_engineer = 'None'
except AttributeError:
cw_engineer = ''
So, lets say you have a Ticket model and Opportunity model. Connected via a foreign key.
class Opportunity(models.Model):
... some fields here ...
class Ticket(models.Model):
opportunity = models.ForeignKey(Opportunity)
and in your view, you get a list of opportunity ids
def some_view(request):
ids = request.GET['ids']
It sounds, like what you want is to fetch all the tickets for the supplied opportunities and add some default processing for the opportunities that do not have tickets. If that is the case, why not do something like
def some_view(request):
ids = request.GET['ids']
tickets = Ticket.objects.filter(opportunity__id__in=ids)
results = []
for ticket in tickets:
result = ... do your thing here ...
# now handle missing opportunities
good_ids = tickets.values_list('opportunity__id', flat=True).distinct()
for id in ids:
if id not in good_ids:
result = ... do your default processing ...
Is that what you are trying to do?

How can I cut down the number of queries?

This code is currently executing about 50 SQL queries:
c = Category.objects.all()
categories_w_rand_books = []
for category in c:
r = Book.objects.filter(author__category=category).order_by('?')[:5]
categories_w_rand_books.append((category, r))
I need to cut down the number of used queries to the minimum to speed up things and do not cause server load.
Basically, I have three models: Category, Author, Book. The Author belong to the Category (not books) and I need to get a list of all categories with 5 random books under each one.
If you prefer single query and are using MySQL, check the excellent link provided by #Crazyshezy in his comment.
For PostgreSQL backends, a possible query is (assuming there are non-nullable FK relationships from Book to Author and from Author to Category):
SELECT book_table.*, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY category_id ORDER BY RANDOM()) AS rn
FROM book_table INNER JOIN author_table ON book_table.author_id =
) AS sq
WHERE rn <= 5
You could then wrap it inside a RawQuerySet to get Book instances
from collections import defaultdict
qs = Book.objects.raw("""The above sql suited for your tables...""")
collection = defaultdict(list)
for obj in qs:
categories_w_rand_books = []
for category in c:
categories_w_rand_books.append((category, collection[]))
You may not want to run this query for each request directly w/o some caching.
Furthermore, your code generates at most 50*5=250 Books, randomly, I just wonder why because it seems too many for a single page. Are items displayed as tabs or something else? Perhaps you could reduce the counts of SQLs by doing Ajax, or simplify the requirement?
To use w/o triggering more than another query, try prefetch_related_objects
from django.db.models.query import prefetch_related_objects
qs = list(qs) # have to evaluate at first
prefetch_related_objects(qs, ['author'])
# now instances inside qs already contain cached author instances, and
qs[0].author # will not trigger an extra query
The above code prefetches authors in batch and fills them into the qs. This just adds another query.
I'm not sure if this will help you because I don't know the details and context of your problem, but using order_by('?') is very inefficient, specially with some DB back-ends.
For displaying entities with a bit of randomness I use this approach, using a custom filter:
def random_iterator(list, k):
import random
class MyIterator:
def __init__(self, obj, order):
self.order = order
def __iter__(self):
return self
def next(self):
return result
except IndexError:
raise StopIteration
if list is None:
list = []
n = len(list)
k = min(n, k)
return MyIterator(list, random.sample(range(n), k))
The code in my Django view is something like this:
categories = Category.objects.filter(......)[RAND_BOUND]
And, I use it in my template in this way:
{% for cat in categories|random_iterator:5 %}
<li>{{ cat }}</li>
{% endfor %}
This code will pick 5 random categories of a (reduced) set of RAND_BOUND.
This is not THE perfect solution, but hope it helps.

Do I need to use transactions in google appengine

update 0
My def post() code has changed dramatically because originally it was base on a digital form which included both checkboxes and text entry fields, not just text entry fields, which is the current design to be more paper-like. However, as a result I have other problems which may be solved by one of the proposed solutions, but I cannot exactly follow that proposed solution, so let me try to explain new design and the problems.
The smaller problem is the inefficiency of my implementation because in the def post() I create a distinct name for each input timeslot which is a long string <courtname><timeslotstarthour><timeslotstartminute>. In my code this name is read in a nested for loop with the following snippet [very inefficient, I imagine].
name = self.request.get('tempreservation',None)
The more serious immediate problem is that my def post() code is never read and I cannot figure out why (and maybe it wasn't being read before, either, but I had not tested that far). I wonder if the problem is that for now I want both the post and the get to "finish" the same way. The first line below is for the post() and the second is for the get().
return webapp2.redirect("/read/%s" % location_id)
self.render_template('read.html', {'courts': courts,'location': location, ... etc ...}
My new post() is as follows. Notice I have left in the code the to see if I ever get there.
class MainPageCourt(BaseHandler):
def post(self, location_id):"in MainPageCourt post ")
startTime = self.request.get('startTime')
endTime = self.request.get('endTime')
day = self.request.get('day')
weekday = self.request.get('weekday')
nowweekday = self.request.get('nowweekday')
year = self.request.get('year')
month = self.request.get('month')
nowmonth = self.request.get('nowmonth')
courtnames = self.request.get_all('court')
for c in courtnames:"courtname: %s " % c)
for courtname in courtnames:
for time in times:
name = self.request.get('tempreservation',None)
if name:
iden = courtname
court = db.Key.from_path('Locations',location_id,'Courts', iden)
reservation = Reservations(parent=court) = name
reservation.starttime = time
reservation.year = year
reservation.nowmonth = int(nowmonth) = int(day)
reservation.nowweekday = int(nowweekday)
return webapp2.redirect("/read/%s" % location_id)
Eventually I want to add checking/validating to the above get() code by comparing the existing Reservations data in the datastore with the implied new reservations, and kick out to an alert which tells the user of any potential problems which she can address.
I would also appreciate any comments on these two problems.
end of update 0
My app is for a community tennis court. I want to replace the paper sign up sheet with an online digital sheet that mimics a paper sheet. As unlikely as it seems there may be "transactional" conflicts where two tennis appointments collide. So how do I give the second appointment maker a heads up to the conflict but also give the successful party the opportunity to alter her appointment like she would on paper (with an eraser).
Each half hour is a time slot on the form. People normally sign up for multiple half hours at one time before "submitting".
So in my code within a loop I do a get_all. If any get succeeds I want to give the user control over whether to accept the put() or not. I am still thinking the put() would be an all or nothing, not selective.
So my question is, do I need to make part of the code use an explicit "transaction"?
class MainPageCourt(BaseHandler):
def post(self, location_id):
reservations = self.request.get_all('reservations')
day = self.request.get('day')
weekday = self.request.get('weekday')
nowweekday = self.request.get('nowweekday')
year = self.request.get('year')
month = self.request.get('month')
nowmonth = self.request.get('nowmonth')
if not reservations:
for r in reservations:
iden = r[0]
temp = iden+' '+r[1]+' '+r[2]
court = db.Key.from_path('Locations',location_id,'Courts', iden)
reservation = Reservations(parent=court)
reservation.starttime = [int(r[1]),int(r[2])]
reservation.year = int(r[3])
reservation.nowmonth = int(r[4]) = int(r[5])
reservation.nowweekday = int(nowweekday) = self.request.get(temp)
return webapp2.redirect("/read/%s" % location_id)
... this important code is not written, pending ...
return webapp2.redirect("/adjust/%s" % location_id)
Have a look at optimistic concurrency control:
You can check for the availability of the time slots in a given Court, and write the corresponding Reservations child entities only if their stat_time don't conflict.
Here is how you would do it for 1 single reservation using a ancestor Query:
def make_reservation(court_id, start_time):
court = Court(id=court_id)
existing = Reservation.query(Reservation.start_time == start_time,
ancestor=court.key).fetch(2, keys_only=True)
if len(existing):
return False, existing[0]
return True, Reservation(start_time=start_time, parent=court.key).put()
Alternativly, if you make the slot part of the Reservation id, you can remove the query and construct the Reservation entity keys to check if they already exists:
def make_reservations(court_id, slots):
court = Court(id=court_id)
rs = [Reservation(id=s, parent=court.key) for s in slots]
existing = ndb.get_multi(r.key for r in rs)
if any(existing):
return False, existing
return True, ndb.put_multi(rs)
I think you should always use transactions, but I don't think your concerns are best addressed by transactions.
I think you should implement a two-stage reservation system - which is what you see on most shopping bags and ticketing companies.
Posting the form creates a "reservation request" , which blocks out the time(s) as "in someone else's shopping bag" for 5-15 minutes
Users must submit again on an approval screen to confirm the times. You can give them the ability to update the conflicts on that screen too, and reset the 'reservation lock' on the timeslots as long as possible.
A cronjob - or a faked one that is triggered by a request coming in at a certain window - clears out expired reservation locks and returns the times back to the pool of available slots.

Buying many products at once from a webshop

It's quite simple to program just one product to get sold via my payment system ( but buying many products at the same time in various amounts posed trouble for me since it was not implemented and I didn't have a good idea how to do it. Now I have a solution that I just put together which works but the modelling and control flow is kind of very quick and dirty and I wonder whether this is even acceptable or should need a rewrite. The system now behaves so that I can enter the shop (step 1) and enter the amounts for the products I want to buy
Then if I press Buy ("Köp") my Python calculates the sum correctly and this works whatever combination of amounts and products I have saying which the total is and this page could also list the specification but that is not implemented yet:
The total sum is Swedish currency is correct and it has written an order to my datastore with status "unpaid" and containing which products are ordered and what amount for every product in the datastore:
The user can then either cancel the purchase or go on and actually pay through the payment system
So all I need to do is listen to the response from Payson and update the status of the orders that get paid. But my solution does not look very clean and I wonder if I can go on with code like that, the data model is two stringlists, one with the amounts and one with which product (Item ID) since that was the easiest way I could solve it but it is then not directly accessible and only from the lists. Is there a better data model I can use?
The code that does the handling is slightly messy and could use a better data model and a better algorithm than just strings and lists:
class ShopHandler(NewBaseHandler):
def get(self):
user = \
self.render_jinja('shop.htm', items=Item.recent(), user=user)
return ''
def post(self, command):
user = \
]))'in shophandler http post item id'+self.request.get('item'))
items = [ self.request.get('items[1]'),self.request.get('items[2]'),self.request.get('items[3]'),self.request.get('items[4]'),self.request.get('items[5]'),self.request.get('items[6]'),self.request.get('items[7]'),self.request.get('items[8]') ]
amounts = [ self.request.get('amounts[1]'),self.request.get('amounts[2]'),self.request.get('amounts[3]'),self.request.get('amounts[4]'),self.request.get('amounts[5]'),self.request.get('amounts[6]'),self.request.get('amounts[7]'),self.request.get('amounts[8]') ]
total = 0
total = int(self.request.get('amounts[1]'))* long(Item.get_by_id(long(self.request.get('items[1]'))).price_fraction()) if self.request.get('amounts[1]') else total
total = total + int(self.request.get('amounts[2]'))* long(Item.get_by_id(long(self.request.get('items[2]'))).price_fraction()) if self.request.get('amounts[2]') else total
total = total + int(self.request.get('amounts[3]'))* long(Item.get_by_id(long(self.request.get('items[3]'))).price_fraction()) if self.request.get('amounts[3]') else total
total = total + int(self.request.get('amounts[4]'))* long(Item.get_by_id(long(self.request.get('items[4]'))).price_fraction()) if self.request.get('amounts[4]') else total
total = total + int(self.request.get('amounts[5]'))* long(Item.get_by_id(long(self.request.get('items[5]'))).price_fraction()) if self.request.get('amounts[5]') else total
total = total + int(self.request.get('amounts[6]'))* long(Item.get_by_id(long(self.request.get('items[6]'))).price_fraction()) if self.request.get('amounts[6]') else total
total = total + int(self.request.get('amounts[7]'))* long(Item.get_by_id(long(self.request.get('items[7]'))).price_fraction()) if self.request.get('amounts[7]') else total
total = total + int(self.request.get('amounts[8]'))* long(Item.get_by_id(long(self.request.get('items[8]'))).price_fraction()) if self.request.get('amounts[8]') else total'total:'+str(total))
trimmed = str(total)+',00'
order = model.Order(status='UNPAID')
order.items = items
order.amounts = amounts
order.put()'order was written')
ExtraCost = 0
GuaranteeOffered = 2
OkUrl = 'http://' + + r'/paysonreceive/'
Key = '3110fb33-6122-4032-b25a-329b430de6b6'
text = '' + ':' + str(trimmed) + ':' + str(ExtraCost) \
+ ':' + OkUrl + ':' + str(GuaranteeOffered) + Key
m = hashlib.md5()
BuyerEmail =
AgentID = 11366
self.render_jinja('order.htm', order=order, user=user, total=total, Generated_MD5_Hash_Value = hashlib.md5(text).hexdigest(),, Description='Bnano Webshop', trimmed=trimmed, OkUrl=OkUrl, BuyerFirstName=user.firstname, BuyerLastName=user.lastname)
My model for the order, where not all fields are used, is
class Order(db.Model):
'''a transaction'''
item = db.ReferenceProperty(Item)
items = db.StringListProperty()
amounts = db.StringListProperty()
owner = db.UserProperty()
purchaser = db.UserProperty()
created = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
status = db.StringProperty( choices=( 'NEW', 'CREATED', 'ERROR', 'CANCELLED', 'RETURNED', 'COMPLETED', 'UNPAID', 'PAID' ) )
status_detail = db.StringProperty()
reference = db.StringProperty()
secret = db.StringProperty() # to verify return_url
debug_request = db.TextProperty()
debug_response = db.TextProperty()
paykey = db.StringProperty()
shipping = db.TextProperty()
And the model for a product ie an item is
class Item(db.Model):
'''an item for sale'''
owner = db.UserProperty() #optional
created = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
title = db.StringProperty(required=True)
price = db.IntegerProperty() # cents / fractions, use price_decimal to get price in dollar / wholes
image = db.BlobProperty()
enabled = db.BooleanProperty(default=True)
silver = db.IntegerProperty() #number of silver
def price_dollars( self ):
return self.price / 100.0
def price_fraction( self ):
return self.price / 100.0
def price_silver( self ): #number of silvers an item "is worth"
return self.silver / 1000.000
def price_decimal( self ):
return decimal.Decimal( str( self.price / 100.0 ) )
def price_display( self ):
return str(self.price_fraction()).replace('.',',')
def recent():
return Item.all().filter( "enabled =", True ).order('-created').fetch(10)
I think you now have an idea what's going on and that this kind of works towards the user but the code is not looking good. Do you think I can leave the code like this and go on and keep this "solution" or must I do a rewrite to make it more proper? There are only 8 products in the store and with this solution it becomes difficult to add a new Item for sale since then I must reprogram the script which is not perfect.
Could you comment or answer, I'd be very glad to get some feedback about this quick and dirty solution to my use case.
Thank you
I did a rewrite to allow for adding new products and the following seems better than the previous:
class ShopHandler(NewBaseHandler):
def get(self):
user = \
self.render_jinja('shop.htm', items=Item.recent(), user=user)
return ''
def post(self, command):
user = \
]))'in shophandler http post')
total = 0
order = model.Order(status='UNPAID')
for item in self.request.POST:
amount = self.request.POST[item]'item:'+str(item))
purchase = Item.get_by_id(long(item))
price = purchase.price_fraction()'amount:'+str(amount))'product price:'+str(price))
total = total + price*int(amount)'total:'+str(total)) = str(total)
trimmed = str(total).replace('.',',') + '0'
ExtraCost = 0
GuaranteeOffered = 2
OkUrl = 'http://' + + r'/paysonreceive/'
Key = '6230fb54-7842-3456-b43a-349b340de3b8'
text = '' + ':' + str(trimmed) + ':' \
+ str(ExtraCost) + ':' + OkUrl + ':' \
+ str(GuaranteeOffered) + Key
m = hashlib.md5()
BuyerEmail = # if else user.auth_id[0]
AgentID = 11366
Description='Bnano Webshop',
Man, this is a really strange code. If you will want to add new items in you shop you must rewrite you shop's script.
At the first unlink your items from interface, you must send POST request to controller with your items ids and quantity, i don know how work gae request object, but it must be like that:
from your order page make POST request with dict of items which really need {"item_id":"qnt"}.
When in the controller you can fetch all objects like:
for item, qnt in request.POST:
{do something with each item, for example where you can sum total}
and etc
Don't link controllers with your interfaces directly. You must write more abstraction code, if you want make really flexible app.
I'm going to try to focus on one very obvious problem with your code, but there are lots of problems with it that I'm not going to get into. My advice is to stop right now. You're implementing a web-based payment system. You really should leave that to people with more skills and experience. "Web-based" is a pretty difficult thing to get right whilst ensuring security, but an online payment system is the sort of thing that well-paid consultants with decades of experience are well-paid for, and they still manage to get it wrong pretty often. You're opening yourself up to a lot of legal liability.
If you're still dead set on it, please read The Python Tutorial cover to cover, possibly several times. Python is a very different language to whatever classical OOP language you're mentally cramming into it. After that, at least leaf through the other documentation. If you're having trouble with these, pick up an O'Reilly book on Python; approaching it from another angle should help. After you done all this (and maybe at the same time), write as much code as you can that is not going to get you sued into oblivion if you do it wrong. Then maybe you can write an order/payment system.
I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but the world doesn't need any more shoddy web stores; 1999 took care of that for us.
Anyway, on to your code :D When you write something repetitive and copy-pasted like this:
items = [ self.request.get('items[1]'),self.request.get('items[2]'),self.request.get('items[3]'),self.request.get('items[4]'),self.request.get('items[5]'),self.request.get('items[6]'),self.request.get('items[7]'),self.request.get('items[8]') ]
You should be thinking to yourself, "Wait a second! Repetitive task are exactly what computers are designed to do." You could get your text editor to do it (see Vim Macros), but concise (but not too concise ;) code is always better than long code, since you make it faster to maintain, less prone to programmer error, and easier to debug, not to mention the amount of time you save not copying and pasting, so let's improve the code.
Here's how I would revise this in Python (advanced programmers do this in their heads, or just skip to the end):
#1. with a for loop
items = []
for i in range(MAX_ITEMS):
items.append(self.request.get('items[{}]'.format(i + 1))
#2. with a list comprehension
items = [self.request.get('items[{}]'.format(i + 1)) for i in range(MAX_ITEMS)]
Actually, having a limit to the number of items is rather amateurish and will only frustrate your users. You can fix it like this:
items = []
i = 0
while True:
items.append(self.request[i + 1]) #attempt to get the next item
except IndexError as exc: #but if it fails...
break #we must be at the last one
i += 1
I think this is the way you should leave it for now because it's clear but not repetitive. However, you could shorten it even further using functions from the itertools module.
A few quick tips:
Avoid string concatenation, especially where user-supplied strings and especially especially when user-supplied string from over the web are concerned. Use str.format and "%d" % (5,) modulus string formatting. BONUS: You don't have to convert everything to strings!
Get those constants (e.g., ExtraCost = 2) out of the middle and put them somewhere safe (at the top of the module, or in a special file in the package)
You trust the user way too much: At for item in self.request.POST:, you're assuming everything in the request is going to be an item, and you do zero validation.
Please, please, please. Never turn off autocomplete. I really don't know why that attribute exists, except to annoy.
